Jenkins - Make pass/fail dependent on results from script command - jenkins

I'm admittedly very new to using Jenkins, so I apologize if this is something simple I'm overlooking. In my Jenkins job, I have a bash command to run a Python script. Everything runs correctly at the moment, and the Python script works. However, the script can give a pass or fail result after running (to clarify, a fail doesn't mean the script crashed, just that it ran through and, with the variables given, gave the result that with those variables it is wrong). I need to make it so the job fails when the "fail" result is given, but I can't figure out a way to make the Jenkins pass/fail dependent on anything other than whether everything runs properly. How can I set it in such a way that whether the job passes or fails depends on the python script output? Thanks in advance for your help!

So from what I could figure out, the easiest way to do this is to modify the Python script so that it exits with a non-zero value when it returns the undesirable value, and with zero otherwise, so the success of the job will mimic the success of the script.


Jenkins execute command only if previous one failed

I have the following problem. I have a command that unfortunately only works from time to time in powershell. Sometimes an error comes sometimes it runs through.
Now I am looking for an option in the declarative Jenkins pipeline to execute a step, if this step fails it should execute another command.
However, if the first command runs through, skip the second command, because it is then no longer necessary.
Unfortunately I don't know at all how to implement this.
I have thought about catch error.
I have thought about if else .
Maybe what you need it's already resolved here. I've been working with try/catch because I had same issues of unstable executions and works like a charm.
Try-catch block in Jenkins pipeline script

How to run a single protractor testsuite in jenkins

I am trying to run my protractor tests in Jenkins and its working. The problem is, running the tests on a docker container and use multiple headless browsers doesnt work, because my test is using actions like hovering an element. My idea was to use multiple test suites:
local: not headless, for presentations
external: headless (test cases without actions like hovering an element), Jenkins
I added the suites in the protractor.conf.js file.
protractor protractor.conf.js --suite local using the terminal works fine and as expected, but in my Jenkinsfile.feature it says
npm run e2e..., which runs also the testsuite I dont want to be executed.
So my Jenkins tests fail, just because the wrong testsuite is executed.
Replacing npm run e2e... with
protractor protractor.conf.js --suite local in the Jenkinsfile.feature doesnt work neither. I hope there is a way to tell Jenkins what suite to run. Thank you
Even though your question sounds like 'how can one develop a website' I'll try to walk you through the steps. But your question it too broad especially given that you didn't provide your error stack and the content of package.json, config file, docker file and jenkins job you're running
You gotta break your task into multiple layers (and this relates to any parameter you want, headless or multiple suites) and resolve them one by one
Make sure your protractor can take this parameter, by passing from the CLI. For example
protractor protractor.conf.js --suite local
But don't forget to add default value if nothing is passed
Once 1 is tested and works, go to the next layer, which should be docker in your case. Open Dockerfile where you declare the image, and add environment variables that you will be passing to protractor. Define the command to run your script once a container is spun up from your image
When you have your docker image working as expected, find out how to pass variables to that image when spinning up a container. Normally it should be like following
docker run -e SUITE=“regression” protractor_image
When you have the image in Jenkins master or slave, and you can run tests from CLI, you can work on your job. Again, depends on what you're doing pipeline job or regular freelance job, your steps maybe different. But the logic remains the same. You need to add a job, and make it run tests by hardcoding parameters
When the job works, add input parameters and ensure that can be used
I'm sure you'll have questions about each item or the list, so I'd suggest to open a new question for each and provide more details for them. Good luck

How to view Jenkins console output during a build from the terminal after invoking build using curl from the terminal?

I have built a Jenkins job to run automated ZAP-Proxy scans.
I used curl -X POST -u YOUR_USER:YOUR_USER_PASSWORD http://YOUR_JENKINS_URL/job/YOUR_JOB to build the job from the terminal. Is there a way to display the console output in the terminal while the job is building?
It is possible, but it's a little more complicated for two reasons:
When you trigger a new build via curl, then the build will not start immediately. The build will enter the build queue, and it will only start executing once Jenkins found a suitable executor. Before that time, there is no build URL at all.
Technically, the (continuous) console output is delivered in multiple fragments that must be retrieved individually via HTTP.
So, once you triggered the build, you need to find its URL after if left the build queue. It can be done nicely in Groovy -- as a simpler heuristic, you could just wait for certain time and then use the lastBuild reference.
For fetching the console log fragments, you'll use the <buildUrl>/logText/progressiveText end point. Create a loop fetching that URL and checking the X_More_Data and X_Text_Size HTTP headers for information on whether (and what) console output is available. You can do that in bash with curl in a loop; I found this Groovy example on the Web.
In the end, the most elegant solution is probably to
trigger a new build by submitting a Groovy script that will trigger the build and then waits for the build to leave the build queue, returning the build URL.
Then use another script that will poll/fetch/display that build's console output.
If you use the CLI interface for submitting the script, then you can do all those steps in a single script. If you use the REST API, then second part ("continuous output") probably won't work due to output buffering on REST API side.

Use IDE to generate pipline script for jenkins

I need to overload jenkins functions to debug pipeline script in IDE.
I'm new to java/groovy etc. I'm going to write a several hundred lines scripted pipeline. Groovy is based on java. As I'm new I prefer the function name completion/suggestion and a debugging feature would be awesome where I can walk through the lines step by step and see what is in the vars.
I set up a eclipse Luna with the groovy-plugin. Which is actually working =)! (for newest eclipse the plugin is not yet ready). Also debugging is quiet cool!
But special jenkins expressions will still throw errors.
node(MasterName){ ... }
Is there a chance to overload those functions?
Just killing the error, not performing any actions. Maybe converting it to a print like "I'm executing script XYZ" or "Switching to node BLUBB"?
The outcome should be a copy paste script, for checking in and running with jenkins without major changes.
Is there any better way?
In the end it turned out, that even if you omit the pipeline specific expressions, you will still have trouble. In some more complex situations e.g. calling a constructor with super in a extended class and executing a function afterwards, it does not behave the same then in my local python interpreter.
So what I did was an error to assume, my Ubuntu system default groovy interpreter would work the same like the jenkins interpreter. It would be nice to run a debugger inside the jenkins environment, or going step by step through the pipeline script and see how it is actually working without a print in every second line.

In jenkins, execute shell command based on test result

I want to execute a shell command using
based on test result. that means,
if the test result is successfull, i will execute the shell script and if not, i quit.
which plugin i have to use???
please save my searching time by giving ur suggestion.
