Heroku and Rich Editor - Clearing uploaded images - ruby-on-rails

I'm using Rich Editor for my Ruby on Rails app. And I'm have a problem when I'm deploying my code to Heroku. When I'm deploy new code to Heroku, all old assets removes. Also, all uploaded images by Rich Editor too removes. Maybe, I'm forgot to set some settings?

There are multiple reasons for this kind of issue. Typically it is either has to do with the way Heroku precompiles the assets or that the CSS is not pointing to the proper file if the asset is stored on S3.
One such being this:
Another being this:
Can't get CSS working on Heroku using Rails 4 with bootstrap-sass gem
Okay. It looks like you need to change the way you are managing your assets.
One solution is to use S3. A good explanation on how to do that: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/s3
I haven't used this gem but it looks promising:
Another solution is to keep your local asset file in synch with production. You could do this by pulling down a copy of your asset directory from heroku each time you do development.


Rails 4 Heroku Assets not loading, though in heroku asset pipeline

I have a problem with certain assets on heroku. (local environment is working fine)
The assets are in the pipeline. If I execute in the heroku rails console:
I get the following response:
So I assume that the assets are in the heroku asset pipeline. As well by opening the url directly with the digest in it, I receive the file.
However if I try to reference the files in css or javascript like this:
The file does not load. As well opening /assets/backgrounds/1.jpg directly does not work. Referencing assets from .rb or .erb files works.
Please can someone tell me, what kind of config I have to change, so the URLs for assets work as well without the digest?
Thank you!
Assuming you are using a fairly standard asset pipeline setup, this passage from the Rails Guides should help:
If you add an erb extension to a JavaScript asset, making it something such as application.js.erb, you can then use the asset_path helper in your JavaScript code:
-- http://guides.rubyonrails.org/asset_pipeline.html (section 2.3.3)
In your example, add the erb extension to your JS file and then change the line to
$('.top-content').backstretch(<%= asset_path("backgrounds/1.jpg") %>);
The problem is that Rails 4 does not support non-digested assets at all.(For whatever reason)
Here is a more thorough explanation on the issue: Non Digested Asset Names in Rails 4
My personal workaround was to add a public asset folder to my app:
and upload the assets required there. Since it was only about fonts and background images, which do not change often, it does not seem to be a problem. In the link above there are several other solutions proposed.

CKEditor won't link files (backed by rails, mongoid, paperclip, s3)

I'm having issues with CKEditor. I can upload and insert pictures without issues, but when I try to do the same with files, the link to my file is set to something like javascript:void(0)/*130*/, with the number changing. This is happening on FF/Safari/Chrome.
My app runs on rails 3.1.3, using MongoDB/Mongoid as database/ODM, with paperclip for handling attachments and using S3 for hosting assets. When I explore my bucket I can see that the files are uploaded correctly, so the problem (probably) come from somewhere else. I'm using this gem, and both the rc2 & the master branch doesn't fix that.
Thanks for your time.
Well it's been a while. I solved it by forking the gem (cf ksol/ckeditor), but the diff is too obfuscated to remember what was wrong. Hopefully the original gem is working now.

Rails 3 automatic asset deployment to Amazon CloudFront?

Is there a gem or method available in Rails 3.1 that can upload assets to amazon cloud front automatically and use those instead of serving locally hosted ones? I guess it's easy to upload compiled assets manually and then change the rails app config to use that asset host, but when an asset is modified, the uploads to cloud front would need to be done manually again. Any good ways out there for this?
Definitely check out asset_sync on github. Or our Heroku dev centre article on Using a CDN asset Host with Rails 3.1 on Heroku.
There is quite a big performance improvement in using asset_sync vs a CDN custom origin, letting your application lazily compile assets in production or serving them precompiled directly off your app servers. However I would say that. I wrote it.
With asset_sync and S3 you can precompile assets meaning all the assets are there ready to be served on the asset host / CDN immediately
You can only require the :assets bundle in application.rb on precompile, saving memory in production
Your app servers are NEVER hit for asset requests. You can spend expensive compute time on, you know. Computing.
Best practice HTTP cache headers are all set by default
You can enable automatic gzip compression with one extra config
If you use Cloudfronts “Custom origin” option you do not need to upload anything, Cloudfront will fetch the assets from your server when needed. For details of setting this up see:
Take a look at https://github.com/rumblelabs/asset_sync - we're using it just to S3 but I guess the CloudFront part is pretty easy once the assets are on S3.
It's ends up being a rake task that you just add to execute in your deployment process.
another option would be https://github.com/moocode/asset_id, the readme has an example to use it with cloudfront.
It should work with rails 3.1 but I have only used it on 3.0.x.
Ss John said all solutions would end up being a rake task + a bit of logic to change the asset path in rails.

Rails 3.1 Assets are being fingerprinted in production but rendered HTML is not

Everything works great in Development. And app deploys as normal with Capistrano. Assets (javascript & css) appear to be fully pre-compiled and each, along with images, are given a "fingerprint". Problem is when using image_tag("image-name.png") in my view the html it creates in production doesn't include the 'fingerprint'.
The rendered HTML we get in production:
<img alt="Image-name" src="/assets/image-name.png" />
instead of, what I would expect, should be:
<img alt="Image-name" src="/assets/image-name-b89cae2830c2901f844c353b3f3942fe.png" />
So which of Rails 3.1's myriad config options did we botch?
The troublesome images appear to be those included in a 3rd-party Colorbox image viewing tool we use. Rails 3.1 is fingerprinting its assets (border.png, etc.) but, clearly, the source code for this javascript library doesn't use helpers like image_tag. So in production it is still looking for images named /assets/colorbox/border.png. Currently images are in /vendor/assets/images and work fine in Development. Is there a way to prevent just these images from being "fingerprinted"?
Well, here's how I hacked the 3rd-party files to make things work:
The offending images were in files like vendor/assets/stylesheets/colorbox.css. I first changed the extension of the files to .scss then I changed each url(colorbox/image.png) to image_url("color box/image.png") and now everything is peachy. Assets are served normally in development and fingerprinted in production.
Still like to see the "proper" way to add 3rd-party (vendor) javascript libraries & css to a Rails 3.1 app. Rails team must have anticipate a drop-in solution that doesn't require editing?!? So, please, feel free to offer up other solutions.
Aside: where I previously had manually configured my Capistrano recipe with:
run "cd #{release_path}; RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile"
…and its accompanying after deploy:update_code …. I have now removed those lines and instead added load 'deploy/assets to my Capfile. I don't think this makes any difference in the above problem but I wanted to document it anyway as adding your own recipe for pipeline precompiling is no longer necessary in Capistrano 2.8 as it was in the 3.1rc days.

Heroku Rails 3 all.css / all.js dynamic generation?

I'm currently wrestling with a lot of all.js / all.css missing hits on a rails 2 upgraded to 3 app on Heroku. I'd prefer not to have a dozen or so stylesheet links per request, and also don't want to statically bundle -> s3 the files as part of the deploy.
This seems like a familiar problem, preparing some content specific to a url and sending it back to the browser.
Rather than using an external bundling app as part of a deploy script etc, has anyone considered having rails generate these files on-the-fly and use varnish to cache them (since it's cleared on redeploy, which is when the css/js files would change)?
My question is whether this has been done already & I just failed to google it, or if it sounds like a dumb idea, why?
Even better: Rails 3.1 asset pipeline does exactly this, and Heroku handles precompilation and caching for you.
