Which admin module use for rails application - ruby-on-rails

I want add to my rails application admin module, but I don't know which chose. I saw that most popular is activeadmin and rails_admin. I need some admin in which I can create my pages with other handlers. Can this admin modules help me create admin panel or not? Maybe I can use something else?

Both, active_admin and rails_admin provide convenient ways to access and manage your database from a GUI interface. How you present that data is totally upto you. If by admin panel, you mean an admin dashboard like this, neither of them does that:
Admin dashboards are very application specific and depends on what type of data you want to display. active_admin and rails_admin will help you get data from your application but it's then upto you to display that data in whatever format/interface you want.


Admin Panel System Design using Ruby on Rails

I'm trying to make an admin panel for a website that is already running. I've never deployed an admin panel feature, so I want to ask you what the best and most common approach to creating one, and what I need to look out for when I launch it using a subdomain admin.mydomain.com. This website already has users and sessions controller, and I also would like to know how to differentiate two different authentication systems.
you can use Active admin gem.
see the complete documentation from this link https://activeadmin.info/0-installation.html

Creating a User control panel for multiple user_types in Rails

I am developing a job portal website as part of a project for university and not exactly sure how to approach this problem, I am using Devise for my authentication system allowing users to sign, The system will have many user_types (job_seeker, company).
At the moment I am using “Rails_admin” for the admin interface, but I am looking to create an interface where a company can manage their jobs, applications, etc, and for job_seekers to view their previous job applications, and job status etc.
My plan was to develop it so in the controller it checked the user_type and then redirected it to a control panel, which would hopefully allow all users go sign in using one login page, but my question is, how do I go about developing a “job_seeker” and “Company” control panels where they can manage their details.
I am looking for information on how to approach this problem, or the best method to achieve a solution.
Did you try using a gem that allow you or simplified role user management like cancan?
A good approach is as Maxence said, have a namespace for every role and a dashboard controller to show what you need. This will help you to keep things spited and will be more easy to maintenance. You can check it here how use namespaces. You can do it as well with a resource but I dont like it.
Other thing that you can do is having a single dashboard controller and redirect depending of the user role.

Should I use rails admin for end user?

I'm building an API management apps where every user able to find their own token for making an API request. Every end user will have to manage their own API access, they should also have access to many other custom endpoint.
At the moment, the Rails Admin is being used for the internal administration. Such as CRUD of "AdminUser", "Payment", and other internal system management.
The question is: Should I use Rails Admin's feature for this functionality (as in exposing admin control to every regular user)? Or should I just create a separate admin section for the general user with a standard form?
I'm not very experienced in Rails Admin implementation. So, I wonder if I should use it too for the end user.
Thanks for your time & help!
Some of my basic concern about using Rails Admin to me is that: Rails Admin is for developer or internal adminstration. There will be some risk of giving a wrong permission to the end user
Rails Admin is a quick and easy way to access all the data in your app. It can be customised to restrict access to certain models or fields, however you will have to use the Rails Admin DSL for that, and it kind of defeats the purpose of using Rails Admin if you need to do lots of customising.
A danger is also that if you did not set it up properly, the default is to expose all data to the users.
Since the functions you want to expose to the user doesn't sound too complex, it wouldn't be too much effort to write your own.

Using ActiveAdmin in Rails to create user specific admin pages

To explain it in a sentence, I am asking if it is possible to use the ActiveAdmin gem to create admin pages specific to admin users, i.e. each admin user only gets to see models and associating models specific to him. If so, how would I implement this?
To further explain my situation, I have a model called Sponsor(who would essentially be the admin users), and they put up different offers(another model that belongs to Sponsor) for users to redeem. So what I am trying to do is create an admin page where each sponsor gets his own admin credentials, and the admin page only shows the information that relates to this sponsor, i.e. the information regarding the offers this sponsor put up, and all relating models and its details. Is this possible to implement using the ActiveAdmin gem or any other gems for that matter?
I would rather not implement this from scratch if there are gems out there that I could use. Any suggestions?
I haven't tried this myself but it should be easily achievable in ActiveAdmin
either by changing the default scope on per controller basis or by using AuthorizationAdapter.

Preventing Certain Users from Deleting Records in Rails Admin

I have Rails Admin installed which is working great. However I have a problem. Only admins can sign into Rails Admin and there are two types of admins. The first type of admin can have access to everything, delete anything they want, etc. The second type should only have access to certain tables.
I don't see any configuration with Rails Admin to get what I want so I was thinking of using a callback in my models. But then I would have to somehow pass through the user's credentials to verify what type of admin they are, and even then there would have to be a lot of hacking. My question is, can this be done, and if so, whats the best way to do this?
I have used CanCan in the past to accomplish exactly what you're looking for. It worked well with Rails Admin.
As an aside: I would recommend using a single role per user as that seems to make things easier.
