Changing the alpha of a view over a region - ios

I have a view that takes a pan gesture. So that view can translate. I gradually want to change the alpha of the view taking the pan gesture from 1.0 to 0.0 as it is moving close to another view so that there is no abrupt overlapping of the frames of two views. How can i achieve this?

I do not think there is a method for assigning different alpha value to different region of a single view.
As a workaround, you can have an overlay view with same color as the background, or set an image on the view which has gradually increasing alpha and allow the target view to slide under this overlay view.

You have to do some work in a CALayer, Check the answer by #robmayoff from below SO question, I think it could help:
How to apply partial fade in-out in IOS?


Slide view from bottom in and blur rest

I want to have a view sliding in from the bottom, but the height of this view-element is just about the half of the screen height. The upper part of the screen should blur out.
I am very new to building ios-Apps and I wonder what is the best approach to do this.
Should I use viewElements in the same ViewController and just let them slide in etc. or is there some build-in functionality which I can use?
You can do two things:
define a custom interactive viewcontroller transition, that way you can add a blur view in the background and bind the offset of the scroll up to the blur effect to animate the change.
(I think this is a lot easier to implement, but less reusable) embed a container view in your viewcontroller, add a pan gesture recognized on the view and as you pull your finger up, animate e.g. the bottom constraint's constant to move the view up and do the same with the background as described in step 1

How do I add an overlay that does not move with the map to a GMSMapView?

I'm trying add a crosshair in the middle of a GMSMapView. The crosshair will not move with the map as the user pans it. It will move with the camera.
I looked at the google maps guide but it doesn't seem to talk about the kind of overlays I'm interested in. What it says is just adding overlays and shapes that moves with the map.
Therefore, I tried to come up with something on my own. I tried to add an UIImageView on top of the map view he storyboard. (Note that both the image view and the map view is in the storyboard and they are both direct subviews of the view that the VC controls)
When I run the app, I did not see the crosshair anywhere on the map. I looked at the UI hierarchy and saw this:
The little view is the image view with the crosshair, and as you can see there are 3 more views in front of it. I think this is why the crosshair did not show. The three views are, from right to left: GMSVectorMapView, GMSUISettingsPaddingView and GMSUISettingsView.
I have not idea how to bring the image view to front. I tried bring it to front by calling bringSubview(toFront:). I tried to call this in both viewDidLoad and viewDidAppear but it did nothing in both times.
How can I make such an overlay work?
You can use zPosition to achieve this
YourView.layer.zPosition = 1
by doing this you will put your view's layer to the frontmost position, but not the view itself. So position of the view won't change.
self.view.bringSubview(toFront: YourView)
Should also work, it's probably juat a timing problem.

Creating a custom Transition that zooms into circle view

I am trying to create a custom iOS 7 Transition. At present I have a simple circle view like this:
I have a gesture recogniser on the custom view. When clicked the custom transition delegate is called
`-[CCZTTransitionDelegate animationControllerForPresentedController:presentingController:sourceController:]`
Which in turn calls the two methods on the transition animating class:
-[CCZTAnimatedTransitioning transitionDuration:]
-[CCZTAnimatedTransitioning animateTransition:]
At present I have just made the second controller zoom in and that is all working fine...
Desired Effect
What I would like to do when the circle is tapped is
1. have the circle increase in size until the screen is completed covered with its color.
2. Fade the second controller in
What is the best way to complete step 1? Can this be completed in the transition delegate/transition animating methods?
In this method - (void)animateTransition:(id<UIViewControllerContextTransitioning>)transitionContext it looks like I have access to the view controllers but not the subview. Should the animation be done before somehow if so how?
Note: In time there will eventually be a group of the circles not just one.
It is also important to note that I am actually trying to zoom in from the center of the circle. So if the circle is positioned elsewhere (i.e. when there are more) the circle should zoom in/increase in size from its own center point.
Try using a CGAffineTransformScale animation on the circle view and expand it to fill the entire view. Once that is done scaling up (either through the UIView animation completion block or by using UIViewKeyFrameAnimation), present your next view controller behind the filled in view. Once presented, fade out the view to reveal the newly presented view controller by alpha-ing down the view in an animation block.

Touch sensor for a line drawn in IOS

I have a requirement to draw a line on a UIView in IOS with OpenGL ES. But the line that is drawn could be able to move anywhere on the view when it is touched and dragged. Simply the user can re-position the line on the screen. I have no idea how this can be implemented. The line will be drawn with OpenGL ES.
I request all your helps and suggestions regarding this.
The solution is to use a second transparent view positioned over the OpenGL view, which acts as a proxy to your line.
Create a clear view (or a view with 0.0001 opacity) and add gesture recognizers to it. Initially place that view (say sized to 44 x 320), and centered over your line (I'm assuming its horizontal). When the user drags the clear view around, post the new position you want your line to appear in within the OpenGL view then tell it to refresh.
I seem to recall (but am unsure) if you can use gesture recognizers with completely clear views - you may need to make the view slightly opaque (but no visibly so) to get touches, but again just not sure.

How to delay flipping a UIView containing an updating UIButton having a gradient background

I have two views that flip based on a button press within the view. The view has two CAGradientLayers as sublayers. If I flip immediately after the action method fires, the button is in the process of changing the opacity of the gradients and so you see stuttering (the UIVIew flip animation is having to accommodate the button that is itself changing.)
I can hack a solution by doing a performWithSelection:withObject:afterDelay:0.1f, but it feels like such a hack. I tried setting the layer's needsDisplay property and testing for when it was clears, but probably this is insufficient to tell me the screen itself has redrawn.
In the end this has no solution. I have since found that when animating a view there are severe performance implication if you also try to animate the super views. You can see this in many iOS apps where the app animates an image in a scrolling list - the scrolling stumbles.
So what I learned is either animate something, or it's view, but not both!
