how to get .mobileprovision to build phonegap iphone app at windows? - ios

I'm using windows 8 to building applications with phonegap,
every thing is good except building apple application at:
this appears:
phonegap build "no key selected"
how to get the key or .mobileprovision file?

You have to create them on, as AJD mentioned.
Go to your Apple developer portal
Click Devices to register your iOS device. You need to connect your device to iTunes to obtain your UUID
Click Certificate
Create a certificate for Production (to use PhoneGap Build, otherwise Development)
Download the certificate
Convert the certificate to a p12 file (See the screenshots below) - Double-click the .cer file to open it in Key Chain Access. Then click My Certificates under the category, Ctrl-click the certificate and export. When you save the .p12 file, you are asked to create a password that you will need later.
Create a provision file on Apple developer portal, then download. Again, to make this work on PhoneGap Build, you need one for Distribution, otherwise Development.
Actually, I blogged about it because using PhoneGap Build is not as easy as it should to develop iOS apps.
I know this question is made a year ago, but I hope this helps to everybody who has the same question.

You create and download the provisioning profile and an associated certificate on the Apple developer site.
Go member center > manage certificates and profiles...
A valid provisioning profile is connected to a valid distribution certificate. You will need both active.

Building for iOS
We're now able to offer support for building to iOS devices through Adobe® PhoneGap™ Build. The process for completing iOS builds is slightly different than that for other platforms: all iOS builds need to be signed by a developer certificate and a provisioning profile, that is tied to your Apple developer account and the device you wish to test on. This document covers how to set this up.
Note: Since PhoneGap Build uses Apple's standard development process to build applications, you will need to sign up for their developer program to build iOS applications on PhoneGap Build. You will also need a Mac to configure your certificate and provisioning profile.
When you upload a new application to PhoneGap Build, if you don't have a default certificate-profile pair attached to your account, you will be alerted that the iOS build can not be completed:
iOS Key Required
Your key will actually consist of two files: a certificate and a provisioning profile. Apple has extensive documentation for setting up your environment locally: the best approach is to ensure you can build an iOS application to your iOS device locally, to be sure that both your certificate and your provisioning profile are set up correctly for code signing.
Once you have these set up, you can export them for upload to PhoneGap Build. For the provisioning profile, you will need a file with the mobileprovision extension, which looks like this:
Provisioning Profile in Finder
Ensure that this provisioning profile is correctly paired with the device(s) you wish to test on.
Note that when you create your profile, you will specify the App IDs that are linked to the profile. This is important when using PhoneGap Build: the package name you specify for your app, in your config.xml (the id attribute of the widget element) or through the Edit App page, will have to match the ID for the provisioning profile. If they fail to match, your app will not be built correctly.
Apple appends a "Bundle Seed ID," or "App ID Prefix," to the provisioning profile when you generate it through the iOS Developer Center. Note that you do not to include this App ID Prefix in your config.xml for PhoneGap Build to build successfully. You just need the reverse-domain style Bundle Identifier - com.domainname.appname. This will also be best compatible with building for other platforms.
To prepare your certificate, you will need to open the Keychain Access utility on your Mac, and identify the certificate that you use for iOS development. Right click on that certificate and select Export ...
Export from Keychain Access
Save the certificate in a location you can remember, and enter a password. Remember the password: you will need to give it to PhoneGap Build, otherwise we cannot use your certificate.
Enter Certificate Password
Now back to the website. On the app detail page, simply select the "new key..." option from the signing key dropdown for the app in question, and then, from the list of platforms with signing available, hit add a key for iOS. Fill out the form: add your p12 certificate file and your mobileprovision file, and enter the password associated with your certificate.
Add Certificate to PhoneGap Build
Once your key is added, we'll attempt to rebuild the application for iOS. If all goes well, you should see a link for the built ipa file available.
You can then download the ipa file and use iTunes to install it directly on your provisioned iOS device.
Happy building!


Signing iOS App: App ID Cannot be Registered to Your Development Team

I need to replace a deployed iOS native app with a new Ionic3 / Cordova hybrid app. The new hybrid app builds successfully (on macOS Sierra 10.12.6) but I can't sign the app (so that it can be uploaded to the app store).
As a first step, I'm focused on getting the new app on the app store (as alpha to test with TestFlight). I've removed all "development" certificates/profiles from
There's a lot of information/questions/answers on the web about signing apps. I've spent a couple of days on this issue and cannot get it to work no matter what I read or what I try.
The current iOS app code (deployed)
In /bbh.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj, PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "NSP.BBH-Mobile";
Re-create development provision
Open Keychain. Delete all developer/iPhone certificates. Delete all keys.
On, delete development certificate and development provisioning profiles.
Confirm my iPhone device is registered with the correct UDID.
In Keychain, generate a certificate signing request file.
In, create a development certificate, upload the certificate signing request generated in the previous step, download the certificate .cer file.
Double click on the .cer file. Keychain opens. Choose to add to "log in".
In Keychain > certificates, choose export, specify the strong password. Certificates.p12 file will be generated.
In, create a development provisioning profile. Choose "iOS App Development". Choose an App ID ... but which one?
App IDs in
BBH Mobile = com.bbh.*
BBH Mobile = NSP.BBH-Mobile
Xcode iOS Wildcard App ID = *
Notice on-screen reads:
"If you plan to use services such as Game Center, In-App Purchase, and Push Notifications, or want a Bundle ID unique to a single app, use an explicit App ID.
If you want to create one provisioning profile for multiple apps or don't need a specific Bundle ID, select a wildcard App ID. Wildcard App IDs use an asterisk (*) as the last digit in the Bundle ID field.
Please note that iOS App IDs and Mac App IDs cannot be used interchangeably."
We need push notifications so choose an explicit App ID = AYW4J8P7X3.NSP.BBH-Mobile
app id = team id (generated by apple) + bundle id (supplied by the user)
It makes sense to choose this App ID which includes the bundle id of the iOS currently deployed.
Choose a development certificate (just created), choose all devices.
Download the development profile and double click to install (in Xcode).
Double-clicking doesn't seem to do anything? How do I know it's installed in Xcode correctly?
Do I need the .mobileprovision file on my iPhone? The mac server is in the cloud so I don't have my iPhone connected via USB to the mac.
Open Xcode. Confirm my apple account added in Xcode > Preferences > Accounts. In the project, targets, signing, click "Automatically manage to sign".
Choose my personal team. The following errors are displayed:
Error 1: The app ID "NSP.BBH-Mobile" cannot be registered to your development team. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again.
Why does it prompt to change bundle id? Isn't it standard to have one app id and to generate both a debug/development and release?
Error 2: No profiles for 'NSP.BBH-Mobile' were found Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'NSP.BBH-Mobile'.
But we just created a new development provision and selected App ID = NSP.BBH-Mobile. Why doesn't Xcode recognize this?
you may try unselect Automatically manage signing and import provisioning profile manually.
These are the steps I took to finally resolve this issue. It may not be optimal but it at least worked.
1. In Xcode, turn off automatically manage signing.
2. For signing (debug), select my development provision profile.
3. For signing (release), create a production provision profile, then select the new production profile.
Even though I only wanted to create a signed debug for testing it seems I still had to provide valid signed release provision too.
Even after deleting all keys/certificates etc. and starting from scratch it seems Xcode has created a certificate too. Annoying - it's difficult to tell who created what now.
There was no need to change the bundle ID from the original iOS native app being replaced.
Creating a new production provision did not affect the existing production provision (which I could not use because I don't have the key).

Export .ipa in XCode 7.2 with external .p12 and .mobileprivision

Basically, I want to do exactly what is already stated in this question – just in XCode 7.2.
The setup: I am developing an iOS app (using Ionic) for a client and they want to publish it to app store in their name under their account. They however don't want to give me their account login and details. I have received a distribution certificate and a provisioning profile in stead.
I have installed the .p12 distribution certificate and have received a .mobileprovision profile for App Store Distribution using this certificate. I am however completely unable to select this provisioning profile anywhere.
My only choice in the export of the archive happens when XCode asks me which developer account I want to archive with. And here I can only choose my own account (of course). That's obviously not what I want though.
"Once" (in XCode 5, according the linked question) I should have been able to select the external provisioning profile under "Code Signing", but this doesn't seem to exist anymore.
Can this be done without getting their account details? I know that I don't need to know their password, they can just export it to me. Right?
I don't think you can do exactly what you are saying without code signing it with their account (which you don't have access to). I see two possible solutions for you to achieve your goal:
Send them the Xcode project and explain to them how to sign in to Xcode, archive the app and send it up to the store
Upload the app to your personal store account and then transfer it to their account. See this link for details on how to do that:

Coverting html javascript into iOS app through PhoneGap

I did the following step to convert my html and javascript to make it compatible for iOS app using phonegap:
I uploaded the zipped file of my java script on and gave the relevant .p12 certificate along with the provising profile.
Now I downloaded the ipa file from there.
I tried to install this app through iTunes which did not installed desppite of waiting for couple of hours.
What can be the issue can anyone please tell me?
Is it something like that the provising profile used here should be for that particular device?
i think you have not added device in provising profile
1 Go to your Apple developer portal Click Devices to register your iOS device.
You need to connect your device to iTunes to obtain your UUID Click Certificate
2-Create a certificate for Production (to use PhoneGap Build, otherwise Development) Download the certificate
3- Convert the certificate to a p12 file . - Double-click the .cer file to open it in Key Chain Access.
Then click My Certificates under the category, Ctrl-click the certificate and export.
When you save the .p12 file, you are asked to create a password that you will need later.
4- Create a provision file on Apple developer portal, then download. Again, to make this work on PhoneGap Build, you need one for Distribution, otherwise Development. -
See more at: link

iOS app Certificaction and ad hoc testing

I work for a company developing their iPad app. None in the company is a technological geek to handle Xcode app deployment themselves. So for now, we do this:
I develop the app.
Create an ad hoc testing version and share the .ipa file with them.
They test and then I make a distribution version for further release.
What I want to establish as a permanent solution is
I develop and share the Xcode archive
They make all different versions for testing and release.
However I have been largely unsuccessful in doing so: for creating the archive, I have to sign/certify with my development profile. They could deploy it further from Xcode archive to an .ipa file, using their distribution certificate. However, they can not install it on their devices. I believe mainly because the development version requires my certificate/profile to be enabled on their devices :(.
Is there a way out? I need to provide them an archive which they could further sign and do whatever they want to do (either test on whatever devices they want to or release).
If you don't want to manage the device identifiers where you are deploying the device, you could use:
1) (although I don't know what the current status of their offerings are -- since they've been acquired by Apple -- but they still have a "Sign Up" link on the top of their home page).
2) Apple's Enterprise Developer Program, which allows you to "Distribute In-house Apps".
You can sign application using their distribution certificate.
To do so c'est have to send you a p12 export of the certificate, the p12 contains the private key of the one creating the certificate and the certificate.
To export a certificate :
Go to the keychain access
Right click on the certificate
click export

Building an iOS app for a client with his own developer account for App Store submission

I made an app with xCode 4.3 for a client with his own developer account.
Now i need to send him my compiled/binary app (no source code) so he can submit it under his account.
I dont know his bundle ID and neither i have his developer certificate.
Edit: And he will not supply me his developer certificate.
Can it be done?
I searched how this can be done but didn't find an answer.
Build the IPA as normal, then send it to him along with a copy of the Info.plist. He must then:
Edit the Info.plist file to include his bundle ID.
Unzip the IPA.
Replace the Info.plist file.
Re-sign the application using codesign.
Re-zip the IPA.
Submit it to iTunes Connect manually.
The way I have done this before was to log in as the client, and submit from your machine. But I guess this depends on the trust level between you
You need to have his distribution certificate (with private and public keys) and distribution profile. When you have those, you can create a compiled app for submission to Apple.
Basically, he needs to create the App ID, certificate, and profile and give them to you. If he cannot do this, you need to sign in to his account for him.
Once he has the compiled app, he can easily submit it using Xcode or Application Loader.
Build and archive the iOS app with your own certificates, then send the customer the resulting app archive (zipping up the app's archive directory, if needed). Look here for Xcode's archive files: ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/
In the archive, they can find and edit the app's Info.plist file.
Then the customer can submit the app archive from Xcode's Organizer and using their own developer account. Xcode should ask them to re-codesign the app with their own Distribution certificates as part of its upload process.
