unable to find App_start folder - asp.net-mvc

I was unable to find App_Start folder in my MVC4 application. I was already tried "show all files" option in solution explorer. Even though I didn't got the folder. so, anyone give me a solution to find the folder.

This folder is automatically added by the Wizard when you create a new ASP.NET MVC 4 application in Visual Studio. If you cannot find it that's probably because somebody deleted it. You could always add it manually if necessary.


All the project files showing as Miscellaneous Files. Visual Studio 2017

I moved my Asp.net-mvc project from desktop to F drive and all the files are showing as miscellaneous files.
I've tried running the visual studio installer and modify to make sure that "Nuget targets and build tasks" are ticked.
I've also tried :
excluding the file
add existing member(adding the file again)
but nothing's working.
Same thing happened with my asp.net core web api when I moved it, it's working fine tho, getting data from server.
Hope you will solve your problem
Solution 1:
Create new project then paste all project contents in new created project.Restore Nuget packages then Build it.
Solution 2 :
Go to the file which are Miscellaneous inside Solution Explorer.
Right click those file'(s) and select Exclude from project.
Add Existing Item to project, you just excluded.
Probably your file property configuration is wrong.
Try this:
Right click over the File that has this problem
Click on Properties
Under Advanced -> Build Action, check if other than "Compile" is selected.
If so, change it to "Compile".
Properties Window

relocated MVC solution folder in ASP.NET

When I create a MVC project in Visual Studio, it will automatically generate a solution folder with the same name alone with .sln file, packages folder.
For example:
and when I run the application in server:
I hate the address. I want to the address looks like:
I tried to move the solution folder to upper level directory, however, the MVC project can still run but show errors and many warnings.
Is there any way I can create a MVC and I can specify the solution folder? or I can relocate the MVC solution folder nicely?
You can relocate sln file.
Just close solution, move sln file to project folder, and then open sln file in VS.
Project will not load. Delete unloaded project in Solution Explorer, then right click on solution (in Solution Explorer) Add => existing project...
and select .csproj file of the project.
Rebuild application, nuget will restore packeges.
But I don't know why You hate path.
You can name solution folder with diffrent name then Your project. when You add more projects every project folder will be in one solution folder and path will looks like:
And one last thing: You probobly don't want whole solution in application server, you can just deploy project as web deploy packege.

How to organize CSS,JS and other files into ASP MVC 4

I am totally new to ASP.NET MVC 4 as I was developing into PHP (Laravel) and the way to organize things is usually something like a "public" folder which would then be separated into css, img, js, lib, and so on.... which is the way I prefer to organize my files...Trying to follow this into ASP MVC 4, and I found and read this question that is similar to what I want achieve. organizing custom javascripts in asp.net mvc 4I did it the way they said and added my custom JS files and added them in the Bundle, it compile and also run fine but the problem I have is that inside the Solution Explorer all the files that I moved are showing with an exclamation mark and also my newly created folders (directly in file explorer, not doing it through VS) are not showing by default, they are for some reason hidden, which I can see with Show All Files. I made sure that they exist inside the Bundle but then my Solution Explorer does not get refreshed. I am trying to make a structure that looks the following:
I am not crazy about dumping everything inside the same folders (Content & Scripts), including my custom files in between some official libraries. I know using directly the File Explorer is probably not the best way to go, but then what would be the official way of configuring these... and actually does my structure make sense into ASP MVC4?
EDITMy question is more related to why after creating and moving the files like jquery and others into a Scripts/lib folder, my Solution Explorer is still showin these files under Scripts but with an exclamation marks as saying file not found (of course since I moved them). Why it doesn't reflect exactly what I see in File Explorer? Apart from editing the Bundles is there anything else I'm suppose to do so that my Solution Explorer is up to date with reality??? and why are my created folders not showing in Solution Explorer, why do I have to click on Show All Files to see them? The commmand Create New Folder is not even enable as an available command, that's why I have done these folders directly in File Explorer...but why?
Frankly, you can organize your MVC project however you see fit. If there's anything close to an "official" way to organize your web files, it would be how the default Visual Studio MVC4 template organizes them:
Content (CSS files and related image files)
Images (general image files)
Scripts (JavaScript files)
If you're more familiar with another sort of organization or are part of a team that would prefer another organization, then go for it. (Though in that team scenario, make sure all the team members follow the same organization rules!).
To alter the folder structure that the MVC template provides using the Solution Explorer, right-click on the folder in which you want to add a subfolder (this includes the project name, for project-level folders), and then select Add and then Add Folder from the pop-up menu that appears.
If you want to move around files that are already in your solution to another location within the solution, you should move them around using the Solution Explorer, not Windows Explorer, as you'll otherwise get the behavior you are experiencing, where Visual Studio does not know where you moved them. You can click and drag files around, right-click and copy and paste, etc.
If you need to add pre-existing files to your solution (say, to include a set of custom scripts), you can copy the files to the appropriate project folder using Windows Explorer. Then, in Visual Studio, highlight the project that corresponds to where you moved them, and press the Show All Files button in the Solution Explorer toolbar - this will show the files you copied in Windows Explorer, which otherwise won't be listed in Solution Explorer tab. Lastly, highlight the new files, right-click, and select the Include in Project option from the pop-up menu.
One final pointer: if you need to add a specific JavaScript library to your project, the easiest way to do so would be to use the NuGet package manager, rather than to download and add the files in Windows Explorer. This option is found in Visual Studio in the Tools menu, under Library Project Manager --> Manage NuGet Packages for Solution. Not all JavaScript libraries will be available this way, but the most popular ones are.

Cannot re-add view in a MVC4 razor project

I am unable to re-add a partial view after removing it. VS says the file already exists. I checked the .csproj and the .sln file for a reference but could not find any. I also did a clean get of all the source from TFS and still cannot add. Anyone know where to remove the old references or whatever blocks the addition?
VS is complaining that the file exists on disk, not in the project.
Delete it in Windows Explorer (or after clicking Show All Files) and try again.

Missing MVC templates in existing web project

In an existing VS2008 SP1 web project I'm introducing an MVC page. I was able to manually create a view and get it working just fine but I'm unable to get the "Add View" and "Add Controller" to work from the Solutions Explorer. Also, the MVC templates don't show up when I try and Add a New Item.
I know my VS2008 is setup properly because on a new project everything works fine (MVC templates show up in Web Items) and the "Add View" and "Add Controller" work fine as well. Is there a trick to get my legacy project to see these options.
I tried look around the csproj files. Nothing obvious there.
I see the template zip files in my folder ...Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\Web\MVC
My guess is that the project type is probably set wrong. I know it did change after one of the betas.
Try this: First, check in your existing files to source control, in case you accidentally mess up the project file. Open both of the *.csproj files (the one that "works" and the one that "doesn't") as text. You will have to unload the projects in the IDE in order to do this. Copy the <ProjectTypeGuids> value from the one that "works" to the one that "doesn't". Now reload the projects. See if that fixes the problem.
