iOS Branding design - ios

I am having a View Based Application with StoryBoard. but I did not embed the UINavigationController to the Story Board.
For the root UIViewContrller.m I have add a UIImageView property and under ViewDidLoad I have added the following command.
self.logoView=[[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,140,172)];
self.logoView.image=[UIImage imageNamed:#"logo.png"];
So that I can display the logo in my first View of the Story Board.
I need to add the same button with same cordinate to all the other ViewControlles in the StoryBoard.
How I can store the cordinates like handling CSS in Web application. Also how I can add the image to all views with proper way. In case if logo sizes get change then I should be able to do few modifciation to change all.
If someone can give me some clue, based on that I can do search and study.

1) You can make a custom view by subclassing UIView and implement that view in such a way that suits your need.
2) You can also make a container controller class and then add view controllers in that class.


How can I link an outlet from a view controller to an other?

I am working on an app that uses parse so I used the "starter project" as a base and worked from there.
The issue I am facing is that the ViewController is controlling the login screen a well as others such as the tableView and mapView witch I added later.
As this is the case if it would be possible I would link the map outlet by simply dragging from the code to the map but obviously this is not possible, How could I solve this problem (I understand I may be looking at the problem the wrong way but any help would be appreciated)
here is the code with the map outlet
here is what the layout looks like
The MVC model, Model-View-Controller model, isn't intended to have an action in one view touch the controller of another view. In InterfaceBuilder, you should only ever be able to attach actions to the controller for that specific view.
In general, if you set the file owner to ViewController, then you can only link IBoutlets to that view controller not make to another one.
your map is available in your MapViewController not ViewController, so you need to give the reference/IBoutlet of map need to assign the MapViewController, if you want to implement in ViewController, you need to create new one map
No you have to create different file for each controller.
you cant add outlet of all in one controller

IBOutlets/actions and custom subview

Apologies if this seems a straightforward question! I'm using AVFoundation to build a custom camera app that allows the user to draw on the image after it's taken (similar to snapchat).
I have the camera functionality working. Currently, after the shutter button is pressed I add (as a subview) a standard UIImageView to display the photo taken. Seeing as I want there to be custom options at this stage (including drawing on the image), I proceeded to create my own subclass of UIImageView. I am designing this view in Interface Builder (xib file).
Say for instance I have a button on this custom view, that when pressed, simply deletes the image and takes me back to the camera view to take another image. Can I handle the IBActions for this custom view within the ViewController for my camera view? Is this bad practice?
Any guidance on how best to implement this would be really appreciated! Thanks.
I would not suggest putting the button on your custom view.
I would have the UIViewController display the custom view and also give display a button for your action. Most likely the UIViewController will want to display a UIToolBar at the bottom of the screen which will allow for multiple buttons/actions, but that's up to you.
But why do I say this? Compartmentalization. Your custom view has no need or use for the button. It's meaningless to what your doing... displaying the image. Your custom view will also probably be used in many locations, several of which won't want this button displayed. Even if your custom view had the button it wouldn't know what to do if someone tapped it. It would then have to pass that interaction off the view controller which cares about the action and and handle it. Your custom view will mostly likely have public methods allowing other code to give it directions (like clear or undo).
Depending on the say things go, you may decide you want a custom UIViewController which handles interactions on your custom view. Then any other view controllers could just add it in as a containerized view controller and you could have the same functionality with no code duplication at several places in your applications.

UIView vs Container View

So here is the problem I am trying to solve.
In each viewController I am trying to insert ads and the actual control elements. I finished couple of tutorial on to understand that how people professionally put ads in their app. They used UIViews to have two views under mainview of view controller. So I completely understood that one subview hold the ads and another is holding actual app contents. if Ad is loaded take up the screen or else let other view have all available area.
After I came back to xcode I started coding the way I learned there. but when I was dropping UIView on storyboard, I saw containerView, which I think was not present when the tutorial was written.
So I am here to ask about the both approach and their pros and cons.
So basically its UIView vs ContainerView. Which way I should do, and why ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You use UIView when you already have a view and you do not need to have a dedicated view controller to build and handle interactions within it.
From the UIView help page:
UIView object claims a rectangular region of its enclosing superview (its parent in the view hierarchy) and is responsible for all drawing in that region ...
Simplified structure:
YourViewController ---(has)---> UIView
You use UIContainerView when you need to embed another view controller in the one that you already have. The embedded view controller is in charge of returning a view for the region that the UIViewContainer occupies. Therefore, your UIContainerView knows which view controller to use to render UIView inside the region it occupies.
From the UIContainerView help page:
Container View defines a region within a view controller's view subgraph that can include a child view controller.
Simplified structure:
YourViewController ---(has)---> SubViewController ---(has)---> UIView
That SubViewController returns a view and handles its events.
As an alternative answer, you can also consider the use case instead of the technical differences. For example: Why use a container view?
A common use for container views is to reuse (share) a view, directly in the storyboard. Previously, reusing a view required creating a separate "xib" file, and programmatically adding that view when the view controller was loaded.
The above image is from this extremely simple, easy to follow guide that walks you through how to setup a container view that is shared between 2+ view controllers.
A few other thoughts on when to use it:
A navigation bar is part of a UINavigationController, which is a container view controller. So, if you wanted to build a custom alternative, you'd probably use a container view.
A container might help anytime that you want to temporarily show a complex view on top of your current VC but can't/don't want to present another VC modally. This approach still allows you to build that temporary view in interface builder, to setup auto layout constraints for it, etc
I also found a guide explaining that there's a way to switch out different container views based on the situation, allowing your VC to have sub-sections which are very dynamic, yet without having to build those sub-sections programmatically. A picture, from that guide, exhibiting what I'm referring to:
Hopefully this helps people who are trying to figure out when a container view applies to them. If you have other example use cases, please edit/add them or leave them in the comments!
If you see in detail these container view of UIView class type. To get the insights of why we need containerView you should see below portion
In most ways, a container view controller is just like a content view controller. It manages views and content, coordinates with other objects in your app, and responds to events in the responder chain. Before designing a container controller, you should already be familiar with designing content view controllers. The design questions in “Creating Custom Content View Controllers” also apply when creating containers.
for more detail about container view goto link
But before you begin you should have an understanding of
and also you can check this tutorial for how to use container view.
Thus you can go for both the approaches.
Hope this will help you. happy coding :)

Do I need a View or a ViewController?

I'm building a custom view with an xib file that contains various subcontrols. I've got some container control that needs to hold my custom view. I'm kind of unclear on whether I need to make a View that somehow loads itself from the xib file, or a ViewController that does this.
However it's done, I'd like my custom view to be reusable, and something that appears in the toolbox in Xcode, along side buttons and textboxes and such, so I can visually design other views containing my custom view.
What is the right way to do this?
Does your component manages other view controllers (like UITabBarViewController does for example)? If yes, make it a subclass of view controller, if not, and it's just a control, like a switch or a fancy button, scroll wheel etc, then make it a subclass of UIView.

set "default" UIViewController background image?

Basically I've got the same background image throughout my entire iphone application.
I don't use XIBs (nasty things :p).
So I was wondering if there was any way to add a "default" background image to all of my UIViewControllers?
I tried subclassing UIViewController and created the class UIViewControllerWithDefaultBackground, but changing over all my uiviewcontrollers to subclass UIViewControllerWithDefaultBackground just crashes my app. Plus half of my views are UITableViewControllers... but I'd be happy just having to change 2 classes... :p
Is there any way of doing this? I just don't want to have to copy and paste the same 3 or 4 lines of code into every single class I'm initiating. Plus, if I want to edit it at any point (take out the navigation bar and extend the view lets say) then I would have to change all my different classes.
Is there no easy way to do this programatically?
If you add a UIImageView to your UIWindow in your app delegate (make sure it's below the root view), then make sure all your VC's are opaque, that should solve your problem.
This would be easier to do in IB, especially if you have a MainWindow .xib already created (albeit blank)--you just drag and drop the image into the UIWindow.
