save text to default Notes app - ios

I am working on app in which there is a textview with save button. On the click of save button I suppose to open the Notes app and save the text on notes. Same as we done to post the sms.
I also go through this given pdf file iPhoneURLScheme_Reference
But didn't find out the way to save the text/open the notes app from the app. If someone has ever done this type of functionality or having some idea please help me out.
Thanks in advance.

I don't expect there to be an URL scheme if it is not present in the PDF you linked to.
I wold expect it to be on this list however.
Looks like you can't do that.
If you consider the URL schemes in Apple's document you will notice that all of the schemes refer to an application the user is expected to interact with immediately (navigating with Maps, making a call,...). All these applications provide something you can't do your own. What would be the benefit of your app if it just allowed the user to write a note once?


How to automatically bring the url (share-link of share api) of the corresponding app page to the clipboard when a screenshot is detected

literally, I need to know how to automatically bring the url (share-link of share api) of the corresponding app page to the clipboard when a screenshot is detected..
I'm not sure the store allow my app.. but I really want to know it is technically possible
I tried this using Android broadcast receive, and talked with many senior programmer.
But everytime I asked, they were so pessimistic.
I just know how it works in technically.

How to change iOS share feature text for my App?

I am looking for a way to dictate how my app is displayed in the iOS share feature window.
Currently opening the share feature from a different app (like Notes) will display my app with text that reads "Copy to ". I'm looking to change this to something like "Open with " or "Import to ".
The developer API pages do not seem very good though, and I have not been able to find a great answer. I imagine its some property in the info.plist, established upon installation, but I can't find out what that property might be.
Has anyone here done something like this before?
Attached image just grabbed off Google to show the text I'm talking about:
image of text
You need create a Share Extension for you App, the sharing extension allow you to share text, urls, images and videos to you app
This post can help you to get the solution that you need

How to store my app each interaction in database in IOS?

I want to push my app each activity into server.
If any button is pressed, it should be save as user pressed that
If any alert came also, it should save the activity.
When any error came inside the app, we should be able to save.
This question is raised because, if user struck on any activity I want to track how the user is using the app step by step.
Can any one please help me to reach the need.
Sounds like you want something like Flurry? They are now owned by Yahoo but you can probably find some competitors that provide what you need. Or, use Yahoo's stuff.
You can use some open source library. XCGLogger is your friend.
Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog or println, but with additional information, such as the date, function name, filename and line number.
You can use Google Analytics it is free and easy to implement.
Here is iOS document: Document & Guides

Possible to open mail app with search results displayed from app?

I don't want to write my own email app. All I want is to be able redirect to mail with a preconfigured search string to display relevant emails. There doesn't appear to be a way to read or list emails from from within another app. Am I overlooking something? Is there a workaround for this?
I am fully aware of and able to use message UI in my app. What I want is to read, not send, email that has already been downloaded and exists in
The only way that you can use to connect apps with other apps in iOS is thought url scheme.
You can take a look at Url Scheme reference
but it seems like you can't make this action.
you can take a look the extra functionalities at Wikipedia

Putting a url in an email that opens an application on iPhone or iPad

I know what code is needed to cause my iOS app to open a link in Safari. But I am looking at how I might accomplish something more in the reverse direction.
I can send email from my app. I would like to include a link in the email, that, when clicked on within the email on my iPhone or iPad, will open my app and perform an action based on the property values passed in the link. (The link would refer to a record in the database of my app, so the app can provide a view content based on that record.)
Another example I have seen is the special purpose URL used in the manifest file that loads ad hoc distributions over the air.
I see something like this when places and dates are automatically converted to links that open the map or calendar applications.
Does anyone have an idea how I can do this?
You need to implement a custom URL scheme.
