How to remove browser name from titlebar - titlebar

I need to remove Mozilla Firefox / Google Chrome which comes at the end of title of my website.For Example : website in which browser name is not available after title name. I tried
So I want only ABC in my title bar. But, currently it shows
ABC -Google Chrome
and in firefox

This is not possible for a page to change. Browsers add this text after whatever title the page sets.

The universal solution is to use your OS to change the titles of windows. On Linux (Debian) I remove the browser name from the window title using wmctrl and a simple script that goes over all window titles every second and modifies them.
This is the script:
function remove_chrome_suffix {
WINDOWS=$(wmctrl -l | grep " - Google Chrome$")
for W in $WINDOWS; do
CMD="wmctrl -i -r "$(echo "$W" | grep -o "^[^ ]\+")" "
CMD=$(printf "%s-T %q" $CMD $(echo "$W" | grep -oP "^[^ ]+ +[^ ]+ +[^ ]+ +\\K.*(?= - Google Chrome$)"))
eval "$CMD"
unset IFS
while true; do
sleep 1
I launch it as follows:
nohup <script file> &>/dev/null &


MediaInfo output to stdout

I have used MediaInfo before to extract information in a shell script in CygWin.
IFS=$'\n'; for file in $(ls *.mp3 /.mp3 ); do count="C:/Program Files/MediaInfo/MediaInfo.exe" $file | grep "Bit rate mode" | grep "Variable" | wc -l; if [ $count -gt 0 ]; then echo $file VBR; fi done
For some reason, it no longer outputs to stdout. It displays the data in a window. Is there some command line flag tp force stdout?
You use the Graphical Interface (GUI) version of MediaInfo, you need to use the Command Line Interface (CLI) version of MediaInfo.
See the different download options in the MediaInfo Windows download page.

using grep command to get spectfic word [LINUX]

I have a test.txt file with links for example:
and this code
xargs -0 -n1 -a FUZZvul.txt -d '\n' -P 20 -I % curl -ks1L '%/?=DarkLotus' | grep -a 'DarkLotus'
When I type a specific word, such as DarkLotus, in the terminal, it checks the links in the file and it brings me the word which is reflected in the links i provided in the test file
There is no problem here, the problem is that I have many links, and when the result appears in the terminal, I do not know which site reflected the DarkLotus word.
How can i do it?
Try -n option. It shows the line number of file with the matched line.
Best Regards,
I'm not sure what you are up to there, but can you invert it? grep by default prints matching lines. The problem here is you are piping the input from the stdout of the previous commands into grep, and that can lack context at grep. Since you have a file to work with:
$ grep 'DarkLotus' FUZZvul.txt
If your intention is to also follow the link then it might be easier to write a bash script:
for line in `grep 'DarkLotus FUZZvul.txt`
link=# extract link from line
echo ${link}
curl -ks1L ${link}
Then you could make your script accept user input:
for line in `grep ${word} FUZZvul.txt`
and then
$ my_link_getter "DarkLotus"
And then you could make the txt file a parameter.

show filename with matching word from grep only

I am trying to find which words happened in logfiles plus show the logfilename for anything that matches following pattern:
so if file dummylogfile.log contains BA10002 I would like to get a result such as:
it is totally fine if the logfile shows up twice for duplicate matches.
the closest I got is:
for f in $(find . -name '*.err' -exec grep -l 'BA10\|BA20\|BA21\|BA30\|BA31\|BA00' {} \+);do printf $f;printf ':';grep -o 'BA10\|BA20\|BA21\|BA30\|BA31\|BA00' $f;done
but this gives things like:
1) there are empty lines with only the second match and
2) the full match (e.g., BA10004) is not shown.
thanks for the help
There are a couple of options you can pass to grep:
-H: This will report the filename and the match
-o: only show the match, not the full line
-w: The match must represent a full word (string build from [A-Za-z0-9_])
If we look at your regex, you use BA01, this will match only BA01 which can appear anywhere in the text, also mid word. If you want the regex to match a full word, it should read BA01[[:alnum:]_]* which adds any sequence of word-constituent characters (equivalent to [A-Za-z0-9_]). You can test this with
$ echo "foo BA01234 barBA012" | grep -Ho "BA01"
(standard input):BA01
(standard input):BA01
$ echo "foo BA01234 barBA012" | grep -How "BA01"
$ echo "foo BA01234 barBA012" | grep -How "BA01[[:alnum:]_]*"
(standard input):BA01234
So your grep should look like
grep -How "\('BA10\|BA20\|BA21\|BA30\|BA31\|BA00'\)[[:alnum:]_]*" *.err
From your example it seems that all files are in one directory. So the following works right away:
grep -l 'BA10\|BA20\|BA21\|BA30\|BA31\|BA00' *.err
If the files are in different directories:
find . -name '*.err' -print | xargs -I {} grep 'BA10\|BA20\|BA21\|BA30\|BA31\|BA00' {} /dev/null
Explanation: the addition of /dev/null to the filename {} forces grep to report the matching filename

Formatting nmap output

I have an nmap output looking like this
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.16s latency).
80/tcp open http
|_http-title: Did not follow redirect to
I would like the output to be like http-title: Did not follow redirect to
How can it be done using grep or any other means?
You can use the following script like that:
<nmap_command> | ./
#!/usr/bin/env sh
var="$(cat /dev/stdin)"
echo "$var" > "$file"
ip_address=$(head -1 "$file" | rev | cut -d ' ' -f1 | rev)
last_line=$(tail -1 "$file" | sed -E "s,^\|_, ,")
printf "%s%s\n" "$ip_address" "$last_line"
rm "$file"
If you do not mind using a programming language, check out this code snippet with Python:
import nmapthon as nm
scanner = nm.NmapScanner('', ports=[80], arguments='-sS -sV --script http-title')
if '' in scanner.scanned_hosts(): # Check if host responded
serv = scanner.service('', 'tcp', 80)
if serv is not None: # Check if service was identified
Do not forget to execute pip3 install nmapthon.
I am the author of the library, feel free to have a look here
Looks like you want an [nmap scan] output to be edited and displayed as you wish. Try bash scripting, code a bash script and run it.
Here's an link to a video where you might find an answer to your problem:
Watch the video from the Time Stamp 1:27:17 where the creator briefly describes how to cut-short an output and display it as we wish.
If you require, I could code an bash script to execute an cut-shorted version of the output given by an nmap scan.

Grep: Capture just number

I am trying to use grep to just capture a number in a string but I am having difficulty.
echo "There are <strong>54</strong> cities | grep -o "([0-9]+)"
How am I suppose to just have it return "54"? I have tried the above grep command and it doesn't work.
echo "You have <strong>54</strong>" | grep -o '[0-9]' seems to sort of work but it prints
instead of 54
Don't parse HTML with regex, use a proper parser :
$ echo "There are <strong>54</strong> cities " |
xmllint --html --xpath '//strong/text()' -
Check RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags
You need to use the "E" option for extended regex support (or use egrep). On my Mac OSX:
$ echo "There are <strong>54</strong> cities" | grep -Eo "[0-9]+"
You also need to think if there are going to be more than one occurrence of numbers in the line. What should be the behavior then?
EDIT 1: since you have now specified the requirement to be a number between <strong> tags, I would recommend using sed. On my platform, grep does not have the "P" option for perl style regexes. On my other box, the version of grep specifies that this is an experimental feature so I would go with sed in this case.
$ echo "There are <strong>54</strong> 12 cities" | sed -rn 's/^.*<strong>\s*([0-9]+)\s*<\/strong>.*$/\1/p'
Here "r" is for extended regex.
EDIT 2: If you have the "PCRE" option in your version of grep, you could also utilize the following with positive lookbehinds and lookaheads.
$ echo "There are <strong>54 </strong> 12 cities" | grep -o -P "(?<=<strong>)\s*([0-9]+)\s*(?=<\/strong>)"
RegEx Demo
