Single Responsibility Principle- when to stop extracting code into separate classes - ruby-on-rails

I'm reading "Rails AntiPatterns" at the moment, and one of the first patterns mentioned is the Single Responsibility Principle. At this point I've encountered SRP enough times to realize that it's a fundamental concept for beginners like me to understand, which is why it's so frustrating that it's not clicking yet.
The book gives an example of an Order class:
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.find_purchase
def self.find_waiting_For_review
def self.find_waiting_for_sign_off
def self.advanced_search(fields, option = {})
def self.simple_search
def self.advanced_search
def to_xml
def to_json
def to_csv
def to_pdf
To illustrate SRP, the book recommends extracting out the 4 instance methods into a separate OrderConverter class. This makes sense to me. But at the same time, this OrderConverter class could still have multiple reasons to change:
If the application no longer requires one of the 4 formats mentioned,
the corresponding method would have to be deleted.
If the application
needed to convert to other formats, more methods would need to be
If the method used to convert Order instances to different formats is
changed (assuming they all use the same method with a different parameter
which corresponds to the format required).
Wouldn't it be even more "correct" to separate each of these methods into a separate converter class (i.e. PdfConverter, CsvConverter, XmlConverter, etc.)? That way, the only reason for each converter class to change would be if the conversion method itself changed. If a new format was needed, a new class could be created. And if an old format is no longer needed, the class could simply be deleted. And should the original Order model really be responsible for finding instances of itself? Couldn't you separate the 'find' methods into a separate 'OrderFinder' class?
I've read the SRP chapter of Sandi Metz's "Practical Object-Oriented Design In Ruby", and she recommends the following test to see if a class has a single responsibility:
How can you determine if the Gear class contains behavior that belongs somewhere
else? One way is to pretend that it's sentient and to interrogate it. If you
rephrase every one of its methods as a question, asking the question out to make
sense. For example, "Please Mr. Gear, what is your ratio?" seems perfectly
reasonable, while "Please Mr. Gear, what are your gear_inches?" is on shaky
ground, and "Please Mr. Gear, what is your tire(size)?" is just downright
But taken to an extreme, if a model has more than one attribute (i.e. a car has a # of doors and a color) with corresponding attr_accessors, isn't this already a violation of SRP? Doesn't each new attribute add another possible reason for the class to change? Clearly the answer is not to separate each of these attributes into separate classes. So then where does one draw the line?

You write about the OrderConverter class but you didn't show the source of that class. I assume that this class contains methods to_xml, to_json, to_csv and to_pdf.
Wouldn't it be even more "correct" to separate each of these methods into a separate converter class (i.e. PdfConverter, CsvConverter, XmlConverter, etc.)?
Yes, it's propably a good idea to separate these methods to converter classes: each converter class will be responsible for only one format (one responsibility).
... if a model has more than one attribute (i.e. a car has a # of doors and a color) with corresponding attr_accessors, isn't this already a violation of SRP?
Nope, these attributes (like color, no of doors, ...) are not a set of responsibilities! The responsibility of Car class is describing a Car (holding an information about a car). Each instance of car will describe one car. If a car for example is a model class (let's say you want to store a cars in DB and one instance of car is one row in DB) then you have to change the Car class if you want to change a way of describing a car in your system.
But if a car will have defined for example a producer, and a producer will be described by name and address then I would extract the details of producer to other classes because this is a responsibility of describing a producer of a car and not a Car itself.
One more thing. The SRP is not a pattern. This is a Principle (first in SOLID). This term was introduced by Robert Cecil Martin. Here you can find more information.

You seem to decide that extracting colour and number of doors into seperate classes is too far, which I'd disagree with. Indeed, if car is a very simple car class, maybe it is somewhat over the top. However, there are only a certain number of valid colours, only certain numbers of doors are valid. What if I want to be able to identify my car colour by any of a series of aliases?
CarColor seems like a perfectly valid class to me. It can store all the logic of what is and is not a valid color, provide aliases etc.
Consider an example I've dealt with recently concerning names in a series of places in different forms:
Database 1: Joan Smith
Right, I'll take the name, stick it in a String and put it in my person. No point making a fuss and wrapping one thing in it's own class.
Database 2: Smith, Joan
Ok, so I'll override the setter, check for this format and flip it if it's right.
Database 3: person: { title: Mrs, first: Joan, last: Smith }
Right, we'll just stick the title on the beginning, concatenate the last 2 together and then glue the whole thing into our damned string.
Database 4: foreign name that doesn't follow your structure and the whole concept of first, middle, last takes on a completely different meaning.
...turns out names are complicated.
This can all be nicely avoided by taking your supposedly simple structures and delegating to another class to handle what a name means, when are two names the same, how do we print them etc.
Prematurely wrapping all singleton values in their own classes can be somewhat overkill - but I've found that a bias towards wrapping when in doubt tends to serve me well later even if it feels silly at the time, especially when the value permeates through the rest of the code and so changing it later affects everything.


What's the convention in decoupling components in Rails

Using rails generate model, I created two models/tables, policeman and policewoman. They are lists of officers with many attributes (age, time in the field, case solved, etc.). If I wanted to do a computation that determines who should get the next promotion to Sargent what is the conventional way to do it in rails?
I would want to create a new class just to deal with this situation, and hide all the complex computation (compare attributes between both lists) away from the caller. So maybe in a controller, say Captain, under the method show I would do
class Captain < ApplicationController
def show
promotion =
#ideal_sargent = promotion.sargent(Policeman.find(:all),Policewoman.find(:all))
Where do I create this Promotion class? Do I use rails generate controller to make it? Or maybe make a gem for it? Or even put it all in a model (I hear thin controllers fat models)?
Maybe this? If so, how do I create a model without a migration file being automatically made?
Your general idea of decoupling it from models and from controllers is a good one. Although you confuse it a bit with controllers, generators and gems...
What you want to do is:
introduce a service object which is plain ruby object
put the logic for calculating promotion order inside it
have it completely decoupled from controller and loosely coupled to police officers models
The interface to use it would be basically as you have already described:
# prepare some officers to choose from
officers = [PoliceWoman.find(1)] + PoliceMan.all
# returns the first ranking officer for promotion
to_be_promoted =*officers)
Where to put this service model? I suppose it contains application specific logic, that isn't really useful outside of application. Therefore we put it in the app folder. But where in the app?
A good practice is to setup the app/domain folder. There you can put all the app specific domain models (service, policy, value objects, etc...). All you need to setup this folder is add it to the autoload paths inside the config/application.rb:
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/app/domain)
This way you have a clear separation of rails models (take care of persistence) and domain models - where you should put most of the application specific code. If your app is really simple and small you could also skip the app/domain folder and just use the app/models. And if you follow the approach to use plain ruby objects with loose coupling, you will get easily testable, maintainable, flexible and reusable code. =)
For this purpose, I wouldn't create two tables to modeling the data. I would use a single table named polices, and keep a column as gender and another one as rank to differ policeman and policewoman, and different rank. Then I would put promote function as a class method inside the Police modal.
class Police < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.promote(param1, param2)
In this way you can incapsulate the business logic inside the promote function, the caller can invoke it without knowing any complex computation in it. Police.promote(a,b)

Polymorphic inline model forms in django

I have a Person model which has many Animal models as pets. Dog is an Animal with a "favorite bone" field, and Cat is an Animal with a "likes catnip?" field and a "favorite fish" field.
class Person(db.model):
class Animal(db.model):
models.ForeignKey(Person) #owner
name = CharField()
class Dog(Animal):
favorite_bone = CharField()
class Cat(Animal):
favorite_fish = CharField()
likes_catnip = BooleanField()
I would like to inline edit all of a Persons pets, in the Person admin form however, I've read that Django inline admin forms don't support polymorphic inline forms[1], in that, you will only get the parent class fields (e.g. not the favorite_bone or favorite_fish and likes_catnip fields.
Where does this problem come from?
What changes could be made to the framework to accommodate this?
If these changes should not be made, why not?
(This is an old question, but I thought I'd add an answer in case it is still useful. I've been working on a similar question recently.)
I believe it would be challenging to change Django form-generation to do what you want. The reason is that the inline formset uses a single class/form for all rows of the inline -- there are no configuration options that are evaluated per-row of the inline form. I have convinced myself of this by reading the code itself --- look for "inline" and "formset" in, especially lines 1039-1047 (version 1.5.1). This is also the reason why you can't have some fields read-only in existing items and changeable in new items (see this SO question, for example).
The workarounds found for the readonly case have involved a custom widget that produces the desired behavior such as this one. That still won't directly support polymorphism, however. I think you would need to end up mapping your divergent types back to a common ancestor (e.g. have all pet classes able to return a dict of their unique attributes and values), and then create a single custom widget that renders out the polymorphic part for you. You'd then have to map the values back on save.
This might be more challenging than it is worth, and may lead back to the suggestion in the other answer to not use admin for this :-)
may have a look here.
but i think the modeladmin is currently not able todo such things.
you are able to create a custom edit view for your model...
there is almost everything possible.
It may be possible to do this with Generic Relations.

Abstracting ActiveRecord Attributes

What is the best way to abstract an ActiveRecord attribute without further normalizing the database?
For example, let's assume a database table named addresses with a column zip_code and a method to determine if the zip code is valid:
class Address < ActiveRecord::Base
def zip_code_valid?
I would prefer to have:
class Address < ActiveRecord::Base
class ZipCode
def valid?
and when I execute Address.find(1).zip_code, it returns a ZipCode vs. a string. I would prefer not to normalize the database by creating a table called zip_codes. The example is hypothetical, and I currently do not have a real world example of this; I simply want to know how I could potentially do this.
Thank you.
I'm not sure why you'd want to do this for ZipCode as you discussed, but to answer your question, you should consider using Rails Aggregations.
Here's the documentation :
If you have specific questions about things you want to accomplish, let me know and I can try to answer those specific questions.
I don't think abstracting the zip code out into a class makes sense if you're not going to do the same with the street, house number, city, etc. You already have it as a separate column in the Address table, so it doesn't make sense to store it in its own class (from an ActiveRecord point of view). Alternatively, if you store zip codes in their own table (and hence class), what are you gaining? In my opinion it's going too far to keep a single attribute in a separate class/table if it makes sense as to be part of the aggregate that it's currently in.

Is it bad practice to have two controllers for one model in Ruby on Rails?

I have a model that gets treated differently by a parameter it holds, for example its like a character table, which also is used for non player characters, since they share all the same attributes. So it would have a Boolean or integer that would indicate if it was a player character or a non-player character. And non-player characters will be generated automatically with random status parameters and names.
Since the methods used for the two are radically different, I though it would be logical to have a different controller class for them, but that would make a single model have two different controllers, and feels somewhat odd.
Is this bad practice? Should I do all the coding in one controller?
It actually sounds to me like you should have two different models. If the way you interact with the objects is radically different, as you explained, then they really shouldn't be the same class. Ruby has a great way to deal with this case: Modules. You can use modules to create shared behaviors for objects. You can even store the non-player characters and characters in the same database table by overriding the ActiveRecord table name. For example:
module Character
def decrease_hitpoints x
# other shared functionality can go here
class PlayerCharacter < ActiveRecord::Base
set_table_name 'characters'
include Character
class NonPlayerCharacter < ActiveRecord::Base
set_table_name 'characters'
include Character
In this example both PlayerCharacter and NonPlayerCharacter share the same table name and functionality defined in Character, but they are different objects.
Finally, it's totally fine to use two or more controllers for a single model, just as it's fine to build a controller that doesn't depend on a model at all.
This is completely OK. What you are describing is a task-based user interface, where you are more interested in capturing a work flow or process, as opposed to a simple CRUD or resource operation. Remember, the default setups in Rails are meant to be very basic. Feel free to expand on the basics.

Should rails models be concerned with other models for the sake of skinny controllers?

I read everywhere that business logic belongs in the models and not in controller but where is the limit?
I am toying with a personnal accounting application.
When creating an operation it is only valid if the corresponding entries are created and linked to accounts so that the operation is balanced for exemple buy a 6-pack :{:description=>"b33r", :user=>current_user, :date=>"2008/09/15"}){:account_id=>1, :amount=>15})
o.valid? #=>false{:account_id=>2, :amount=>-15})
o.valid? #=>true
Now the form shown to the user in the case of basic operations is simplified to hide away the entries details, the accounts are selected among 5 default by the kind of operation requested by the user (intialise account -> equity to accout, spend assets->expenses, earn revenues->assets, borrow liabilities->assets, pay debt assets->liabilities ...) I want the entries created from default values.
I also want to be able to create more complex operations (more than 2 entries). For this second use case I will have a different form where the additional complexity is exposed.This second use case prevents me from including a debit and credit field on the Operation and getting rid of the Entry link.
Which is the best form ? Using the above code in a SimpleOperationController as I do for the moment, or defining a new method on the Operation class so I can call Operation.new_simple_operation(params[:operation])
Isn't it breaking the separation of concerns to actually create and manipulate Entry objects from the Operation class ?
I am not looking for advice on my twisted accounting principles :)
edit -- It seems I didn't express myself too clearly.
I am not so concerned about the validation. I am more concerned about where the creation logic code should go :
assuming the operation on the controller is called spend, when using spend, the params hash would contain : amount, date, description. Debit and credit accounts would be derived from the action which is called, but then I have to create all the objects. Would it be better to have
#error and transaction handling is left out for the sake of clarity
def spend
amount=params[:operation].delete(:amount)#remove non existent Operation attribute[:operation])
#select accounts in some way
#build entries
or to create a method on Operation that would make the above look like
def spend
this definitely give a much thinner controller and a fatter model, but then the model will create and store instances of other models which is where my problem is.
but then the model will create and store instances of other models which is where my problem is.
What is wrong with this?
If your 'business logic' states that an Operation must have a valid set of Entries, then surely there is nothing wrong for the Operation class to know about, and deal with your Entry objects.
You'll only get problems if you take this too far, and have your models manipulating things they don't need to know about, like an EntryHtmlFormBuilder or whatever :-)
Virtual Attributes (more info here and here) will help with this greatly. Passing the whole params back to the model keeps things simple in the controller. This will allow you to dynamically build your form and easily build the entries objects.
class Operation
has_many :entries
def entry_attributes=(entry_attributes)
entry_attributes.each do |entry|
class OperationController < ApplicationController
def create
#operation =[:opertaion])
flash[:notice] = "Successfully saved operation."
redirect_to operations_path
render :action => 'new'
The save will fail if everything isn't valid. Which brings us to validation. Because each Entry stands alone and you need to check all entries at "creation" you should probably override validate in Operation:
class Operation
# methods from above
def validate
total = 0
entries.each { |e| t += e.amount }
errors.add("entries", "unbalanced transfers") unless total == 0
Now you will get an error message telling the user that the amounts are off and they should fix the problem. You can get really fancy here and add a lot of value by being specific about the problem, like tell them how much they are off.
It's easier to think in terms of each entity validating itself, and entities which depend on one another delegating their state to the state of their associated entries. In your case, for instance:
class Operation < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :entries
validates_associated :entries
validates_associated will check whether each associated entity is valid (in this case, all entries should if the operation is to be valid).
It is very tempting to try to validate entire hierarchies of models as a whole, but as you said, the place where that would be most easily done is the controller, which should act more as a router of requests and responses than in dealing with business logic.
The way I look at it is that the controller should reflect the end-user view and translate requests into model operations and reponses while also doing formatting. In your case there are 2 kinds of operations that represent simple operations with a default account/entry, and more complex operations that have user selected entries and accounts. The forms should reflect the user view (2 forms with different fields), and there should be 2 actions in the controller to match. The controller however should have no logic relating to how the data is manipulated, only how to receive and respond. I would have class methods on the Operation class that take in the proper data from the forms and creates one or more object as needed, or place those class methods on a support class that is not an AR model, but has business logic that crosses model boundaries. The advantage of the separate utility class is that it keeps each model focused on one purpose, the down side is that the utility classes have no defined place to live. I put them in lib/ but Rails does not specify a place for model helpers as such.
If you are concerned about embedding this logic into any particular model, why not put them into an observer class, that will keep the logic for your creation of the associated items separate from the classes being observed.
