Ruby on Rails: Capturing JSON data from webhook? - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to understand how webhook works. My understanding is that its the ability to connect two different applications. If I submit a webhook with url
to one application, and I have my application with a method
def receiver
I was wondering if I don't know what the callback is from the webhook would be, how would I capture data? How do I save any JSON data thats communicating with my application? I was thinking maybe save some file to see what the objects are, but I'm still fairly new and not sure how to capture JSON data?

If you are sure that the webhook is returning a JSON, you can so something like this
data_json = JSON.parse

Sure, a webhook a is tool to sincronize two apps
You HAVE tou know the structure of the incoming json, because you need to get the info inside
By definition a webhook is sent by POST method, so you can capture it just inspecting the body of the petition, i.e.
webHook = JSON.parse(params[:something])
Your would try with github web hooks and publish your app in heroku, the api is very well documented and there are many examples.


Using Parameters of One Request to Dynamically Change the Response of Another

I have been using response templating to give dynamic responses, given that all the request and query parameters are associated with that request itself. However, I wanted to make a POST request with several parameters, and later use those parameters in a stubbed GET method's body response by using response templating. Is this something possible to do in wiremock? Any input is greatly appreciated, thank you!
Storing state between requests is not a default feature of WireMock outside of mocking the behavior through Stateful Behaviour, which is different from being actually stateful.
Without a custom plugin being able to share information between several requests is therefor not possible. In the WireMock documentation there is a section in the documentation on how to create such a plugin yourself. With a little development experience this is certainly doable.
On GitHub there are several plugin that create a storage mechanism to store information
WireMockCsv: store and retrieve information using HSQL Database.
wiremock-redis-extension does something similar using Redis.
An alternative to these approaches is to create mappings/data just before the test starts. For example generating all the responses beforehand and then using Templated BodyFileName tag to retrieve the just-in-time created file. Another way of achieving this result is to use the Admin API to create the mappings themselves directly.

Ping/Post Form Handling with PHP?

I'm working with a company on lead delivery, and they sent me some info regarding a Ping Post form setup. I've built hundreds of HTML forms processed by PHP (ie. sending an email/etc), but never something that would Ping a url, then return a value. The value it returns is XML.
Here's the purpose of the process:
I send a lead (form data) using the form with a particular zip code
This company parses that info, decides if it wants to "buy" it
Returns XML saying "Approved" or "Denied"
If "approved", I then post the data, and if "denied", I can do whatever I want
What is a common PHP method for doing this? I can research the code and put something together, just need to know what structure or PHP methods would work?
Thanks in advance.
You should be looking into RESTful Web Services.
here's a few examples that might help you
I did not create these examples, just what I found on Google.
I used file_get_contents(url) to handle the posting. The url contains inputs from the HTML form added as a query string, and the response is in XML which gets handled with simplexml_load_file().
As far as I understand your question what you need is to make an HTTP POST request and parse the incoming XML data.
I would rather not use file_get_contents() on remote servers - there are some potential security issues and it was missing some features the last time I checked. I strongly recommend cURL for remote HTTP/HTTPS communication.
Depending on the API you are posting to you might be able to use the SOAPclient class, but from the look of the response you got all you need is XML parser or Simple XML.
Anyway if you just need to check if a certain keyword (like Approved or Denied) is present you can use a simple string matching like this

Multipart response for web service

In one web service written in Rails, I would like to answer with a file along with additional information.
For this, I consider respond with multipart data. How can I send a multipart response with a file and json?
If there is a better way to do this, please let me know. Note that is not possible add the extra data in the file I'm sending.
Extra points for the face of the problem, that is send a file and data at same time. I already accomplished that by doing a multipart request, but if is there a better way to do this, I would like to know.
I don't know exactly what kind of front end you are using and what your browser compatibility requirements are, or you need the webservice for integration with other apps only, but assuming you are communicating with server over ajax and your app is running in modern browser (or you are allowed to use flash plugin), you can return file contents as base64 encoded string as a part of json response. So in rails controller you would have something like this:
render json: {success: true, file: {name: 'invoice.pdf', data: Base64.encode64(, extra_info: 'some info'}}
on client side you can process that json, get all the metadata you need from it and also let user save the file to their computer. For that you can use flash plugin or native api implementation
This way you can return couple files with any metadata you want with them to user and on client side user can save files if needed. Also, same webservice can be consumed by other applications as long as they can parse json.
try using gem 'curb' or 'rest-client' gem.
I'm sure you have done some googling already, have you seen this already? It seems like there is a Gem for what you are trying to accomplish, the Gem however seems to be pretty old.

Posting JSON data to Web API - where do I even start?

I have zero experience with Web API and JSON. My requirements are to create a service (I'm using Web API for this) that will accept MIME Encoded JSON data. The service will take that data, insert it into a database, and return the primary key value back to the client.
My hang-up is being able to know where to even start with this. A couple of questions that I have are:
When the device sends the JSON data, how will the service "accept" it? Meaning, what's being passed to the service isn't an URL that we commonly see with MVC (/Controller/Action/ID) which then invokes the Action Method. So, how will the service know what to invoke if I'm passing raw JSON data?
How would I test this if I don't have a device that sends the JSON data yet? Would I manually invoke an AJAX call and call that particular action method and pass in the JSON data that way?
I apologize for the seemingly elementary questions.
When you call a WebAPI-method you still have to specify the endpoint:
PUT /api/people
MVC knows from that that it should call the put-method on the PeopleController.
You can send raw JSON-data to test it. A good tool for that is HttpFiddler:
As for where to start, try to create a basic WebAPI-project with visual studio, it will include some samples and you can get going from that. If you run into wall, you can come back here

Pubsubhubbub on Rails. How to extract the raw POST body contents from the POST request?

I am having trouble setting up a pubsub enabled subscriber app using rails. I have currently subscribed to the open hub and am receiving pings to my application's endpoint. (as of now i have created a counter which increments everytime the end point is pinged). But i am not able to understand as to how to extract the raw POST body contents from the POST. I am new to pubsub and am eager to experiment with it. I came across this blog post but it is not language specific.
Source: Joseph Smarr: Implementing PubSubHubbub subscriber support: A step-by-step guide.
Now you’re ready for the
pay-out–magically receiving pings from
the ether every time the blog you’ve
subscribed to has new content! You’ll
receive inbound requests to your
specified callback URL without any
additional query parameters added
(i.e. you’ll know it’s a ping and not
a verification because there won’t be
any hub.mode parameter included).
Instead, the new entries of the
subscribed feed will be included
directly in the POST body of the
request, with a request Content-Type
of application/atom+xml for ATOM feeds
and application/rss+xml for RSS
feeds. Depending on your programming
language of choice, you’ll need to
figure out how to extract the raw POST
body contents. For instance, in PHP
you would fopen the special filename
php://input to read it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You didn't say but I'm assuming you are running Rails 3.x?
To get the raw POST body you simply use request.raw_post in your controller. This will give you a long string that looks like a request parameters string: some_var=something&something_else=something_else... which you can then parse to get at what you want.
However, look at you development logs for an incoming request and see if the params hash isn't a better option for you. The service should post the data under some variable name, such as some_var above, and the params hash will hold an params[:some_var] containing only that data. No need for you to dig it out on your own in other words.
