-bash: iTMSTransporter: command not found - ios

I have install iTMSTransporter and try to run it from it is destination directory in order to fetch the metadata from iTunes Connect .
I am in lookup mode and used following command:
iTMSTransporter -m lookupMetadata -u uid -p password -vendor_id SnapLion000011 - destination /Users/Snaplion4/Desktop
and got following error :
-bash: iTMSTransporter: command not found

On my Mac the installer installed the binaries here. /usr/local/itms/bin
I cd into that folder and run
$ ./iTMSTransporter -m verify -f .....

You might not be in the same folder with iTMSTransporter. If you are in the same folder try adding ./ at the beginning of the command.
BTW you should hide your password. I can't believe superwoman has that much downloads.


Is there any way to run "pkexec" from a docker container?

I am trying to set up a Docker image (my Dockerfile is available here, sorry for the french README: https://framagit.org/Gwendal/firefox-icedtea-docker) with an old version of Firefox and an old version of Java to run an old Java applet to start a VPN. My image does work and successfully allows me to start the Java applet in Firefox.
Unfortunately, the said applet then tries to run the following command in the container (I've simply removed the --config part from the command as it does not matter here):
INFO: launching '/usr/bin/pkexec sh -c /usr/sbin/openvpn --config ...'
Then the applet exits silently with an error. While investigating, I've tried running a command with pkexec with the same Docker image, and it gives me this result:
$ sudo docker-compose run firefox pkexec /firefox/firefox-sdk/bin/firefox-bin -new-instance
ERROR:pkexec.c:719:main: assertion failed: (polkit_unix_process_get_start_time (POLKIT_UNIX_PROCESS (subject)) > 0)
But I don't know polkit at all and cannot understand this error.
EDIT: A more minimal way to reproduce the problem is with this Dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu:16.04
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y policykit-1
And then run:
$ sudo docker build -t pkexec-test .
$ sudo docker run pkexec-test pkexec echo Hello
Which leads here again to:
ERROR:pkexec.c:719:main: assertion failed: (polkit_unix_process_get_start_time (POLKIT_UNIX_PROCESS (subject)) > 0)
Should I conclude that pkexec cannot work in a docker container? Or is there any way to make this command work?
Sidenote: I have no control whatsoever on the Java applet that I try to run, it is a horrible and very dated proprietary black box that I am supposed to use at work, for which I have no access to the source code, and that I must use as is.
I have solved my own problem by replacing pkexec by sudo in the docker image, and by allowing passwordless sudo.
Given an ubuntu docker image where a user called developer was created and configured with a USER statement, add these lines:
# Install sudo and make 'developer' a passwordless sudoer
RUN apt-get install sudo
ADD ./developersudo /etc/sudoers.d/developersudo
# Replacing pkexec by sudo
RUN rm /usr/bin/pkexec
RUN ln -s /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/pkexec
with the file developersudo containing:
This replaces any call to pkexec made in a process running in the container, by a call to sudo without any password prompt, which works nicely.

'bash' : no such file or directory

I just joined the windows insider program so I could install Ubuntu and install Ruby via bash commands. Everytime I open the the ubuntu command prompt it will not allow me to run any commands without throwing errors. examples
Command 'sudo' is not availiable in '/usr/bin/sudo'
At the top of the Ubuntu command prompt it says:
/usr/bin/env: 'bash': no such file or directory
How can I resolve this issue. I need to set up ruby so I can start developing.
You can check content of PATH variable by executing command $ echo $PATH
If you do not find /usr/bin in the output than you can append /usr/bin in PATH variable by executing command
$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin

docker suspend and resume using criu

I am building docker from this version of this source code:
after cloning the code :
git clone -b cr-combined --single-branch https://github.com/boucher/docker.git
cd docker
#make build
#make binary
And then copied the resulting file #./bundles/../docker to the usr/bin directory
After reopening the terminal and starting the docker engine again.
its shows that i am using my own built version but
This version should have two main docker commands that won't show up in my built one
1- checkpoint
2- restore
could you please help me and tell me where it went wrong
Here is what I do:
$ git clone https://github.com/boucher/docker
$ cd docker
$ git checkout cr-combined
DOCKER_BUILDTAGS='exclude_graphdriver_btrfs \
exclude_graphdriver_devicemapper' ./hack/make.sh binary
$ ./bundles/1.10.0-dev/binary/docker-1.10.0-dev --help | grep checkpoint
checkpoint Checkpoint one or more running containers
restore Restore one or more checkpointed containers
Hope this helps.

format error while installing wireless adapter

i got problem here. I try to install TL-WN725N by refering to http://blog.pi3g.com/2013/05/tp-link-tl-wn725n-nano-wifi-adapter-v2-0-raspberry-pi-driver/ web
then, when doing this command
sudo modprobe 8188eu
the error is appear like this:
ERROR: could not insert '8188eu': Exec format error
anyone please advice. Thanks
1. uname -r //gives ur rp version number
2. Based on the rp version number choose ur 8188eu tar file from http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=462982#p462982
3. wget https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80256631/8188eu-201xyyzz.tar.gz
4. tar -zxvf 8188eu-201*.tar.gz
5. sudo cp rtl8188eufw.bin /lib/firmware/rtlwifi //not needed anymore if your operating system is above 3.10.33+
6. sudo install -p -m 644 8188eu.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless
7. sudo insmod /lib/modules/3.10.33+/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/8188eu.ko
8. sudo depmod -a
9. sudo reboot
Refer my blog as well

Errors installing Pow server on OS X

When attempting to install the Pow server on my mac, everything appears to be going well. I run curl get.pow.cx | sh and receive confirmation that the package was installed correctly. However, when I cd ~/.pow and create the necessary symlink: ln -s /path/to/myapp I receive the following error: ln: ./myapp: File exists Upon navigating to http://myapp.dev I receive the standard Application not found error
Troubleshooting steps taken:
Uninstalled pow: curl get.pow.cx/uninstall.sh | sh
Removed the pow folder: rm -Rf ~/.pow
Removed the link: rm -Rf ~/.myapp
Restarted mac
Reinstalled Pow
Still no luck. Any suggestions?
If ln says the file exists, the symlink may already be there?
Once pow is installed, this is what I do:
Go to the pow dir: cd ~/.pow
Create a symlink to my app's directory: ln -s ~/dev/myapp myapp
Additionally, the ~/dev/myapp folder has a "public" directory inside of it. It's required.
Browse to http://myapp.dev
Maybe be explicit with your symlink name, as I was in #2?
Got this running by first uninstalling Pow: curl get.pow.cx/uninstall.sh | sh
Then reinstalling: curl get.pow.cx | sh
Going to the Pow directory: cd ~/.pow
Issuing the following command: rm ./myapp
Recreating the symlink: ln -s /path/to/maypp
