Youtube video player customisation - ios

Are there any API in google to get the url of the video content, so that i can play it in "MPMoviePlayerController" or is it possible to customise the player to such a extent that it does not resemble the youtube player. (like hiding "info bar" that appears once the movie completes, play button, activity indicator ...)

I think you should have a look at this component:


You Tube - Disable all links to actual video in the player

I am using a light box type of player to open and play you tube videos. My people don't want the video link to be accessible or shared from within the player.
I.E they only want the video to play when the video loads in the player. So they don't want the share button visible and they don't want the YouTube icon that links directly to the video visible.
I can remove the share button and I can remove the YouTube icon but not at the same time.So there is always an easy way for the user to get the video url and share it etc...
I can also chose the videos to be private and that removes both. But then all of my users would need a google account which they dont.
It seems to me that Google wouldn't offer free use to its player without some type of reference to You Tube. Either with the share button or the You Tube icon that links to the video.
i have tried modifying the url parameters (embed?v=#v_ID#&rel=0&autohide=1&showinfo=0&wmode=transparent&modestbranding=1&controls=0") to no avail.
And I have tried using embed and watch to no avail..
Is there a way to do this?
You can append the following onto the end of the YouTube embed url, to remove the Watch on YouTube button from the playback controls which is accomplished by setting modestbranding to 1. The player controls are NOT removed. they are just auto0hidden by setting the parameter autohide to 1.
Try to change & to &amp
Here's a sample format to solves your issue:

is there a way to hide youtube logo from youtube player embedded in iOS?

I have embedded youtube using javascript api in my application and its showing the youtube logo on the bottom right , by clicking that logo it loads the youtube interface in the iframe , all I want is to disable that logo or its functionality , I have tried modestbranding in playervars but its not working
You can't remove it completelly.
you need to contact youtube and probably pay them to remove their logo or replace it with a custom one in any of their videos.
you can hide it using ?modestbranding=1 to your url. That will remove the logo temporany until mouseover on the video.
modestbranding (supported players: AS3, HTML5)
This parameter lets you use a YouTube player that does not show a YouTube logo. Set the parameter value to 1 to prevent the YouTube logo from displaying in the control bar. Note that a small YouTube text label will still display in the upper-right corner of a paused video when the user's mouse pointer hovers over the player.

mediaelement.js > Youtube API: Does the mejs play button affect the views on YT?

I searched for quiet some time… Seems like that embedded youtube videos really need the "human click" to increase the views on the YT profile. Tried some things with the API given from YT… no luck so far.
Does the mediaelement.js do the magic?
here is the answer from the YT js doc:
Note: A playback only counts toward a video's official view count if it is initiated via a native play button in the player.
You can't use your own play button or enable autoplay if you want the stats... Tried it, the best way is to use the "native" youtube player with minimal UI and let the users click the "native" play button ...

How to play video from stream link or youtube link on webview android?

I searched for it a lot but don't have a reasonable answer.How to play video from stream link or youtube link on webview android.i used tag video or iframe but occur some bugs:
-when click full screen video 'll stop and can't play again.
-when click back button for finish fragment,that contain webview,video still playing
Please see the "HTML5 Video support" section at for some methods that you must implement.
When the video continues playing after finishing the fragment, are you destroying the WebView?

How do I remove pause from controlbar of youtube videos?

I have a page with an embedded youtube video. I want to keep part of the control bar - the part that shows progress and that the user can drag back and forth. But I don't want to keep the pause/play feature of the control bar. Is there a way to do that?
If you a Youtube Javascript API if you can play and stopping and video from code at the events that you want! See the docs...
