SharedMemory between user app and services - memory

the code below was developed for shared memory. when it is used on two services or two user app, it work pretty well. but when the memory is created in service, the application can not find the memory. what is wrong with this code?
in service:
bool mutexCreated;
Mutex mutex=new Mutex(true,"ALFMutex",out mutexCreated);
BinaryWriter writer=new BinaryWriter(stream);
writer.Write("I am reza dadkhah");
in user app:
using (MemoryMappedFile mmf = MemoryMappedFile.OpenExisting("ALFMap",MemoryMappedFileRights.FullControl))
Mutex mutex=Mutex.OpenExisting("ALFMutex");
using (MemoryMappedViewStream stream=mmf.CreateViewStream(0,1000))
BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream);

Have you tried writing the content of the memory in a file using your application ? Try that first and confirm the value is in the memory or not.


Trying to use Realm Object Server Tutorial

I have created an Amazon Web Services EC2 instance and deploy one of the AMIs with a Realm Object Server as its documentation explains:
Once installed and created my admin user, I have completed the iOS tutorial:, just until point 7, enough for creating task, but when I add new task in app, nothing happens. Debugging, I notice that next sentence try, is not executing:
let items = self.items
try! items.realm?.write {
items.insert(Task(value: ["text": text]), at: items.filter("completed = false").count)
The items collection seems to be initialized properly:
In the ROS dashboard, can see the database referenced in Xcode:
In image can be see "Default permissions" property is no access, is this the reason of not creating new task? If so, how can I change that permissions? If that is not the reason, anyone could help me?
thanks in advance
The problem was that I did not follow al the complete tutorial because I do not want to use the desktop application, just mobile example, but realm init objects in desktop app, so I never got a valid realm where perform actions.
For a quick and simple start with this realm tutorial pointing to an online server, not local, you must initialize the TaskList object and add it to self.realm on setup
// Show initial tasks
func updateList() {
if self.realm.objects(TaskList.self).count == 0 {
let list = TaskList() = "000001"
list.text = "lista de prueba"
// Add to the Realm inside a transaction
try! self.realm.write {
if self.items.realm == nil, let list = self.realm.objects(TaskList.self).first {
self.items = list.items
checking if there is not a TaskList with if self.realm.objects(TaskList.self).count == 0 {, you can create one and init realm.
You probably forgot to launch Mac demo app first or login with a different user. The tutorial assumes that existing data will be synced at login. If you have never launched the Mac app or logged in a different user, it may happen that items are not managed by Realm.
The tutorial says the following:
First, please follow the Get Started instructions to get set up with the Realm Mobile Platform and to launch the macOS version of RealmTasks.
Also, you attempt to try this tutorial with ROS on AWS. The tutorial assumes running ROS on a same local machine.
So you should modify the Mac app code to connect to the AWS, then run it to synchronize the initial data. Then run the tutorial iOS app.
The default permissions here show whether all other users can access the Realm or not, which isn't the case here. We already have an internal issue around clarifying this.
The registered user who owns the Realm has individual permissions to it by default. If you wouldn't have permissions opening the synchronized Realm from the client would also fail because of insufficient permissions, so this isn't the problem here.
So going back to your code:
try! items.realm?.write { … }
My guess would be that the problem here is that the collection isn't already attached to a Realm, so that items.realm? evaluates to null. In that case the write transaction wouldn't be executed.
You can resolve this by making sure to add the items first to a Realm or executing the write directly on a synchronized Realm.

iOS Best Practice Dev vs Production

I want to figure out best practices for the following. Majority of the SDK's and API's I use offer me two APP ID's. One for live and one for testing. What is the best way to set this up so that I simply have to change one variable and the app knows the proper APP ID's to load. Example;
// When app is live
kFACEBOOK_APP_ID = #"12345_live";
// When app is in development
kFACEBOOK_APP_ID = #"12345_dev";
[FBSettings setDefaultAppID:kFACEBOOK_APP_ID];
This should send #"12345_live";
You could do this with some basic programming fundamentals.
Treat the following code as pseudocode:
APP_LIVE = true;
if (APP_LIVE) {
// Application is in LIVE mode
kFACEBOOK_APP_ID = #"12345_live";
kOTHER_APP_ID = #"43124312_live";
} else {
// Application is in DEV mode
kFACEBOOK_APP_ID = #"12345_dev";
kOTHER_APP_ID = #"43124312_dev";
// Regardless of Application state LIVE/DEV, appropriate ID is now entered
[FBSettings setDefaultAppID:kFACEBOOK_APP_ID];
This code can be used in place of where you are currently running your [FBSettings setDefaultAppID:] function call.

Azure Storage api doesn't work for asnyc uploads

I am trying to upload so many files via Azure Blob Storage .NET api and using with the current latest version 4.0.1. In ASP.NET MVC application i use async action method to upload via await blobFile.UploadFromStreamAsync but it really doesn't work and even i don't see an exception. It silently stops in that method without success.
But if i change action method to none-async and upload via blobFile.UploadFromStream method then everything to works well. I may uploaded via async way with 1% success rate that means very very low stability.
Do you experience same thing ? Is it bug in Storage Api implementation ?
Here is short example. One is async and the other one is none async action methods. There is no any problem if i upload small files but problem appears on large downloads. In this example UploadBlobSec method upload in short time but UploadBlob takes endless time.
public async Task UploadBlob()
var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AzureStorage"].ConnectionString);
var blobContainer = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient().GetContainerReference("files");
var blobFile = blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference("song.mp3");
using (var stream = new WebClient().OpenRead(""))
await blobFile.UploadFromStreamAsync(stream);
public void UploadBlobSec()
var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AzureStorage"].ConnectionString);
var blobContainer = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient().GetContainerReference("files");
var blobFile = blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference("song.mp3");
using (var stream = new WebClient().OpenRead(""))
Code snippet looks fine - although I am not sure what the application around it is doing. Have you turned on server logs to see what is happening server side? For large files you should see the async upload translated into a couple of PutBlocks and then a PutBlockList. If you don't see the PutBlockList them maybe something strange is happening in your application.
Then assuming you do see the operations in the server logs that obviously means the operations are occurring. At that point look at the E2ELatency numbers vs ServerLatency I think you will see a large difference with E2Latency being much higher as it incorporates the time spent client side - and it would be interesting to see if your client network could be contributing to the problem. For example on my connection the e2elatency on the first PutBlock was 1346 ms vs 137 for ServerLatency.
For more information on logging take a look here.

Xna Windows Phone 7 Saving Game Data

Im trying to find out how to save highscore data to the isolated storage on windows phone. I have searched numerous things and have found nothing working. Anyone know how I can do this?
The following answer was taken from this MSDN entry:
XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh does not provide access to writeable
storage on Windows Phone. To access such storage, you'll need to use
classes from the System.IO.IsolatedStorage namespace.
For Windows Phone projects, Visual Studio automatically adds the
assembly containing System.IO.IsolatedStorage to your project. There
is no need to add any additional references to your project.
Examples for writing data to the Isolated storage:
protected override void OnExiting(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
// Save the game state (in this case, the high score).
IsolatedStorageFile savegameStorage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
// open isolated storage, and write the savefile.
IsolatedStorageFileStream fs = null;
using (fs = savegameStorage.CreateFile(SAVEFILENAME))
if (fs != null)
// just overwrite the existing info for this example.
byte[] bytes = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(highScore);
fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
base.OnExiting(sender, args);

How to get a list of background processes on BlackBerry

I'm looking for something corresponding to net.rim.device.api.system.ApplicationManager.getVisibleApplications(), but including applications that might not/do not have a UI. Any ideas?
Unreasonably complicated work-around solutions welcome, I'm growing slowly more sure that there's not a simple single call to do this...
If you know the application name you can detect if it is running or not by checking the size of the array containing all AppDescriptor actually running this app.
int codeModuleHandle = CodeModuleManager.getModuleHandle(applicationPackageName);
if (codeModuleHandle != 0) {
ApplicationDescriptor[] apDes = CodeModuleManager.getApplicationDescriptors(codeModuleHandle);
You could imagine a code to get all installed application and then check
