050 + at the beginning of verified signature - ios

I am using OpenSSL in iOS app to sign a message. I use RSA_sign to sign. When I use RSA_verify to verify the signature, result is like this
050 +(f2d7846a5f495a743e470663facf7a2858d052cf
Where f2d7846a5f495a743e470663facf7a2858d052cf is the original signature. So I am getting additional 050 +( at the beginning of the signature. Can anyone please tell me the reason of this?
This is how I am signing
int sign = RSA_sign(NID_sha1,( char *)reply, strlen(reply), signature, &siglen, myRSA );
where reply contains sha1 hashed data to be signed.
Best Regards

I'm very surprised that you see anything other than the original signature in the buffer. RSA_verify is not supposed to "return" anything other than the result of the verification (in the returned integer value, 0 for failure, 1 for success. Please use the methods as defined in the SSL documentation.
In my opinion it is a bug that you can see the hash in the first place. Unfortunately OpenSSL is not very well documented.


Jasypt not able to encrypt exponential power (^) symbol in password

I am trying to encrypt the following password my^Password using below:
.\encrypt.bat input=j!p^RVKvt3LaHw37 "password=<my_salt>" "algorithm=PBEWITHSHA256AND256BITAES-CBC-BC" providerClassName=org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider
When I decrypt the encrypted string, The exponent sign ^ is gone. I've also noticed this issue with some other symbols.
.\decrypt.bat 'input=<encrypted-string>' "password=<my_salt>" "algorithm=PBEWITHSHA256AND256BITAES-CBC-BC" providerClassName=org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider
Can anyone help fix this issue? I've scorched the internet but could not find any solution.
It turns out that windows powershell has a bug where it can’t properly encode a password with special characters. I performed the exact same commands on command prompt and it worked like a charm.

How to get a certificate store from a smart card (USB Token) using CNG?

I'm using Crypto API's CryptAcquireContext function (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/Wincrypt/nf-wincrypt-cryptacquirecontexta) to get access to my Certificate Store contained on my USB Token, and this is working like a charm!
However, the CryptAcquireContext function is deprecated and the Crypto API documentation recommends the use of CNG to achieve the same results. All my problem now is how to use CNG to get a certificate context from my USB Token, and to achieve this I'm using the following code:
Reader: PByte;
ReaderSize: DWORD;
MemorySize: DWORD;
// Get a handle to the smartcard reader specific provider
Status := NCryptOpenStorageProvider(#Provider
,'SafeSign Standard RSA and AES Cryptographic Service Provider'
,0); // returns ERROR_SUCCESS
// Convert the name of the reader to a PByte
UnicodeStringToBinary('Giesecke & Devrient GmbH StarSign CUT 0',Reader,ReaderSize);
// Inform the name of the reader to the CNG
Status := NCryptSetProperty(Provider
,0); // returns ERROR_SUCCESS
MemorySize := SizeOf(HCERTSTORE);
// Try to get the size needed to a variable of type HCERTSTORE.
// This is the first step before get the certificate store
Status := NCryptGetProperty(Provider
,0); //Returns 0x80090029 (NTE_NOT_SUPPORTED)
As you can see the NCryptGetProperty function fails with error code 0x80090029 which means NTE_NOT_SUPPORTED. What I'm doing wrong? I've found an example (C++) doing the same as me, so, I guess everything is OK with my implementation, but...
My goal is to list all certificates on my smart card (actually an USB Token). I can do this using Crypto API, but the CryptAcquireContext function is deprecated, so, I need to use another one. Using CAPI I get the Certificate Store and I can list It using the default certificate dialog, so, I need, using CNG, get the Certificate Store to do the same thing, but the way I'm doing now seems wrong.
Well, some observations:
I'm not checking the returns here (Status variable) to simplify this code sample
The UnicodeStringToBinary function is strictly correct. The returned buffer (PByte) has twice the size of the original string and the bytes are all "nn 00 nn 00 nn 00", so, the Reader variable contains an Unicode String, just like the NCRYPT_READER_PROPERTY property requires. I can post the code on request.
My NCryptOpenStorageProvider signature is more close of the Windows API version, so, its first argument is a pointer to NCRYPT_PROV_HANDLE
I'm not working with delphi... but the reader name must be null-terminated.
I got this working in .NET with Microsoft Smart Card Key Storage Provider and the call:
Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(smartCardReader + '\0')

How can I use sha256 in stead of sha1 as Signature Algorithm? phpsecllib

On the samples page: http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net/x509/guide.html there is a sample "Example: CA-signed cert" I have been playing with it, but whatever I do, I only get sha1 signatures. I tried to setHash('sha256'), but no luck. How can this sample code generate sha256 signatures?
$x509->sign($issuer, $subject, 'sha256WithRSAEncryption');
The $issuer private key needs to be an instance of RSA for that to work but that's how you'd do it.
It probably ignores the setHash('sha256') thing because (1) not all the hashes you can use with RSA have OIDs that X509.php knows about and (2) options available in RSA - like PSS signatures - aren't supported by X509.php and may not have OIDs defined by any IETF RFC and may not be supported by another other X509 implementation out there.

PIN Block translation on thales HSM not working

I have encrypted a PIN block under a TPK (clear)
When I am going to translation my PIN block from encryption under TPK to encryption under ZPK given from client on real HSM then it is giving me either error code 24 or 20.
What can i do to resolve my issue ? I have tried many ways but it is not getting resolved.
Translation command I am using is CA - Translate a PIN from TPK to ZPK/BDK (3-DES DUKPT) Encryption.
Al these my operations working beautifully with thales HSM simulator.
Errors you are getting are:
Error 20:PIN block does not contain valid values
Error 24:PIN is fewer than 4 or more than 12 digits in length
You said that you have clear TPK, but you can't do anything with clear keys on HSM. You have to import key and get key under LMK for any command.
You also have to import this key as TPK key in HSM to use CA command. You can also import it as ZPK, but than you should use CC command.

SOCKS 5 - Failure behaviour?

I have read the RFC1928 several times and still couldn't understand what a compliant SOCKS 5 server is supposed to reply in case of failure. This doubt comes from the fact that the ATYP, BND.ADDR and BND.PORT fields from a SOCKS reply simply don't make sense if, for instance, a request with an invalid command is received. Must the server not send these fields or just send blanks?
I just red putty source code, and found out that, when there is an error in reply (REP != 0) ATYP is IPv4 (1) BND.ADDR and BND.PORT are all NULL bytes.
I guess this behavior helps developpers to parse requests ?
In a failure reply, only the VER and REP fields are meaningful. The other fields may be present but are not used. You don't even need to look at those bytes unless REP is zero.
