Facebook deep linking on iOS - ios

this is my first time creating a iOS application. I m required to share my iOS app url schemes to Facebook. allowing user to click on the link and open my application.
I have tried Facebook link to your native app tutorial and i seem to miss some step. Is there other tutorial on facebook deep linking or example. Thanks you

You should check out the Turnpike open source framework. It makes it easy to implement deeplinking in your iOS app.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
john # urx

just follow the steps on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/applinks/ios.
you will find https://developers.facebook.com/docs/applinks/add-to-content in that page
Read carefully.


iOS Branch.io deeplink doesn't open the installed app and always redirects to app store except for the first link shared

I'm using Branch SDK for creating deep links and sharing them. If the app is installed, the link should've open it. But the link is always redirecting to app store except for the first link. The first link opens the app perfectly but any new links always redirect to the app store even though the app is installed.
I followed all the steps from documentation, https://docs.branch.io/pages/apps/ios/
but still no luck. Can you please help me find the problem?
Jackie from Branch here:
Here's our iOS integration guide you're looking for. We have code samples both in Swift and Objective C: https://docs.branch.io/pages/apps/ios/
If you continue to experience issues after you have gone through the troubleshoot docs(https://docs.branch.io/pages/apps/ios/#troubleshoot-issues), could you please reach out to us at integrations#branch.io with the following details?
Your Branch app ID
Detailed steps to reproduce
Links where the issue can be seen

iOS Deep linking and Universal link, how to deep link in ios

I read that from iOS 9, Universal links are introduced. Please explain the different between Deep-linking and universal links.
My objective is, a link will be sent in mail to customers. Let the mail says there is an offer for item A, and a link. On clicking the link
If the app is installed then, open the app and launch specific screen showing item A
If app is not installed then, download it from App Store and open it and launch specific screen showing item A
What if there is a user login feature?
If app is installed and user is not logged in then,
open the app
Launch login screen
After login is success launch specific screen showing item A.
How can these be implemented? How the links are configured for these?
As of iOS 9.2, released December 8th, 2015, Apple has sounded the death knell for URI scheme based redirects, the standard for deep linking for the last seven years. They’ve decided that Universal Links are the future.
Earlier in order to use a URI scheme, you have to manually handle the case of the app not being installed.The problem with this is that when the app is not installed, it shows a ‘Cannot Open Page’ error. I’m sure you’ve all seen it. It’s the bane of deep linking.We were able to bypass this in iOS 7 and iOS 8, but it is not possible now from iOS 9.
Get more details form this link
To clarify, 'deep links' are simply links that, when clicked, cause your app to open directly to content. Universal Links are a type of deep link, as are URL scheme links, but neither is a perfectly bulletproof solution right now so to cover all edge cases, you'll want to implement both.
Fortunately Branch can handle all of that complexity behind the scenes so you don't have to worry about it! As mentioned in the answer above, the guide here will get you up and running with exactly the implementation you described!
I found a usable link here . It gives step by step details about deep linking using Branch.io

Not seeeing "Reply" link to app in Facebook Messenger Platform integration

I was implementing optimized integration for Facebook Messenger Platform for my iOS app using the SDK and am facing a few issues. When I share content from my app to Facebook Messenger, I always see the "Install" link alongside my app link, even though the app is installed. Also, I never see the "Reply" button on the content shared from my app, just Install.
Both the sender and receiver have Admin access to the corresponding Facebook app. (The FB integration features are currently in dev, even though the app is live).
Followed all the sequence of steps mentioned in the documentation - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger/ios
FBSDKMessengerURLHandler callbacks are implemented for FBSDKMessengerURLHandlerReplyContext and FBSDKMessengerURLHandlerOpenFromComposerContext as well.
Not sure how to proceed to test the features. Anybody else faced the same problem? Any help would be much appreciated.
I had the same issue. Find any valid iOS App Store ID and fill it in on the developers.facebook.com page (near where you enter the Bundle ID info).
Relaunching Messenger made the Reply button start to show up on new messages.
The developer community at Facebook is pretty awful.

Open my app from facebook app

I have an application on IOS, which posts photos and location on facebook.
I want my app to open once user tap on link(When viewing facebook from facebook app). Is this possible?
It's not possible using the built in iOS sharing but Facebook will open your app if you are using their SDK and posting with a Facebook app. (as in an app setup in their developer portal) You need to have deep linking turned on and your app profile setup to point back to your app store id. They also have a new app links thing they announced which is worth checking out. In any case your app will have to support custom URL schemes.
Sorry I can not get clearly but if I am not wrong then do you want to open your iOS app when user click on link on FB ?
If I am right then simple and sort answer, it is not possible because apple iOS dose not provide any such types of feature/API so it is better to stop fighting.

Good example of how to build an iphone app that integrates with facebook

I have experience building iPhone applications, however I'm new to the facebook API for iOS. Does anyone know of a good example of an iOS app that will post to user's facebook wall? I'm trying to integrate this functionality into an existing app that I'm working on. Thanks!
Check out the following open-source project:
It's an open-source library to let you post to Facebook from your own iOS app.
They have posted code for a sample ViewController here as well. Unfortunately this doesn't do an explicit wall update, but it does read the users' status and request them to log in. And underneath this you can retrieve the source for the entire demo application:
You can check our documentation for iOS SDK 3.0.8 here at
Download the SDK package here at
Then try the samples/ folder for the existing samples.
Specially you can look at Scrumptuous and Hackbook for latest examples.
