audioRecorderDidFinishRecording not called on the device - avaudiorecorder

Using Xcode 5.0 and running iOS 7.0.2 on my device.
I am using this kind of code:
AVAudioRecorder *audioRecorder;
[audioRecorder recordForDuration:(NSTimeInterval)5.0];
- (void)audioRecorderDidFinishRecording:(AVAudioRecorder *)recorder successfully:(BOOL)flag
On the simulator things are OK the method audioRecorderDidFinishRecording fires up as expected 5 seconds after a call to recordForDuration has been made.
On the device though it never fires up. Why could that happen? Any idea?
I have seen similar questions on the net, but not exactly this one and more important no answer that worked for me.

In case someone else has the same issue. Here is the solution I found:
One needs the following before calling the recordForDuration method.
[[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord error:nil];
Strangely enough this is not an issue on the simulator.

audioRecorder.stop() needs to be called as well


AVAudioSession properties after Initializing AUGraph

To start a call, our VOIP app sets up an AVAudioSession, then builds, initializes and runs an AUGraph.
During the call, we allow the user to switch back and forth between a speakerphone mode using code such as:
avSession = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions categoryOptions = [avSession categoryOptions];
categoryOptions |= AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionDefaultToSpeaker;
NSLog(#"AudioService:setSpeaker:setProperty:DefaultToSpeaker=1 categoryOptions = %lx", (unsigned long)categoryOptions);
BOOL success = [avSession setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord withOptions:categoryOptions error:&error];
Which works just fine. But if we try to certain AVAudioSession queries after the AUGraph has been initialized, for example:
AVAudioSessionDataSourceDescription *myInputDataSource = [avSession inputDataSource];
the result is null. Running the same line of code BEFORE we execute the AUGraphInitialize gives the correct non-null result. Can anyone explain what is going on here and how to properly access AVAudioSession properties/methods while using AUGraph?
This is expected behavior per the developer documentation, inputDataSource should return nil if it is not possible to switch sources. So Apple is really not letting anything bad happen via a mis-config, but a nil source can also give the wrong idea. Hope this helps.
The value of this property is nil if switching between multiple input
sources is not currently possible. This feature is supported only on
certain devices and peripherals–for example, on an iPhone equipped with
both front- and rear-facing microphones.

Erratic behavior when setting the microphone gain with AVAudioSession

I am trying to set the microphone gain with "setInputGain" in AVAudioSession to handle very weak sounds, but I am only partly successful. I am checking if "isInputGainSettable" and then I try to change the gain with a slider. I am checking if the gain actually changes, both by reading back the value and checking an actual recorded sound. The result is as follows:
The code I am using
self.audioSession = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
[self.audioSession setActive:YES error:nil];
float gain = self.gainSlider.value;
NSError* error;
BOOL gainset = [self.audioSession setInputGain:gain error:&error];
if (!gainset) NSLog(#"failed %#", error);
NSLog(#"audiosession gain: %.2f ",self.audioSession.inputGain);
I am not getting any error messages. I have been searching SO and elsewhere and people are both reporting problems, but also that they are able to set the gain on iPads and older iPhones. The only "trick" that I have seen reported is to "wait a while" before setting the gain, something I have tried without success.
So the question is if there something I have missed, and if I should be able to set the gain on iPads and older iPhones?
I was exhausted as well and searched for almost three hours.
The only thing which worked for me was calling the setGain method in viewDidAppear.

Why won't disconnect work?

I'm writing an application which is based on Apple's Temperature Sensor Application for iOS devices. I'm trying to implement a Disconnect button which will disconnect the currently connected device from the iPhone, however when the disconnect button is pressed there is a BAD_ACCESS error, I know this is memory based but I'm completely at a loss on how to fix it. Code follows.
- (IBAction)clickbutton:(id)sender
[[LEConnect sharedInstance] startScan:AccelerometerServiceUUID];
- (IBAction)disconnectButton:(id)sender
CBPeripheral *peripheral;
[[LEConnect sharedInstance] disconnectPeripheral:peripheral];
The startScan button works correctly but the disconnect button does not. The code in the button is based on the code for finding devices shown below:
if (CBPeripheralStateConnected)
[[LEConnect sharedInstance] connectPeripheral:peripheral];
[currentlyConnectedDevice setText:[peripheral name]];
earlier in this function the same CBPeripheral *peripheral; pointer is made.
Sorry if this is a dumb question or has been asked before, I'm just really struggling and in desperate need of help! Thanks
The disconnectButton method has two errors. First the peripheral variable is used without being initialized (are you ignoring compiler warnings?). Second, the if statement checks if the peripheral is disconnected and then disconnects it again (you should be checking that the peripheral is connected).

Google Analytics on iOS returning NO on dispatch, no debug output

In trying to implement the Google Analytics SDK for iOS, I've run into two brick walls.
The first one is that after executing this code in application:DidFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
[[GANTracker sharedTracker] startTrackerWithAccountID:#"UA-XXXXXXX-YY"
[[GANTracker sharedTracker] setDebug:YES];
.. and then trying to track anything or call dispatch, no debug messages are logged whatsoever. I've added NSLog lines before and after tracking calls and the code is definitely being reached.
Secondly, when I do try and do a manual dispatch, it returns NO. All the other issues I've seen online are where dispatch returns YES but it's somehow not going through properly. What does one do if dispatch actually returns NO?
I've tried adding an NSError * reference to the track methods and those actually succeed (no error, function returns YES). But the events are definitely not being periodically dispatched, since we're seeing nothing on the GA account more than 24 hours later.
EDIT: I've also got NSLog calls in both of the delegate methods (hitDispatched: and trackerDispatchDidComplete:eventsDispatched:eventsFailedDispatch:), and neither of those are being called either.
i think you should check this to delegate method of GANTracker
- (void)trackerDispatchDidComplete:(GANTracker *)tracker
//print or check number of events failed or success
//Delegate is set to 'nil' instead of class instance which implements the delegate methods.
[[GANTracker sharedTracker] startTrackerWithAccountID:#"UA-XXXXXXX-YY"
In your case, assuming that UIApplicationDelegate may be implementing GANTrackerDelegate, the message call should set delegate as ' self '.
Cheers!! Amar.
Possibly the dispatch is relying on the calling thread's run loop - Is it possible you are running this from a secondary thread, one which might not exist by the time the dispatch is suppose to call you back?
You've not enabled dryRun have you? Double check with:
[[GANTracker sharedTracker] setDryRun:NO];
Also try dispatchSynchronous, it'll block as it's sending but might help with if things aren't on the same threads:
[[GANTracker sharedTracker] dispatchSynchronous];
Just've checked it from scratch, dispatch perfectly worked meaning
a) your device is somehow different (i still have unsolved crashes on the particular iPad's 3 from Apple tester's unresolved, so it wouldn't be a huge surprise)
b) your code is somehow different - and that's much easier for you to fix.
For the a) there's no advice but to test it against all the devices you might get, for the b) i could only say what worked for me:
downloaded 1.4 SDK here
got Google sample projects with git clone
configured final/AnalyticsSample to launch, changed the source slightly
(trackEvent::::: were called from sample, app was restarted manually as there's zero time period requiring dispatch call)
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
[[GANTracker sharedTracker] startTrackerWithAccountID:kGANAccountId
NSLog(#"Dispatch%#", [[GANTracker sharedTracker] dispatch] ? #"ed Successfully": #" Failed");
[self.window addSubview:tabBarController.view];
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
return YES;
That's it, log says Dispatched Successfully, worth trying i guess.
I'd misspelled the #define to start the tracker object in my app delegate. Other files were spelled correctly, hence the logging statements showing up, but when I tried to log just before the tracker was started it didn't show.
Oops. Well, at least there's a decent troubleshooting post for Google Analytics on SO now!

Google Analytics for iOS not dispatching events

I'm using the latest SDK version, and the basic code to register and send a page view:
[[GANTracker sharedTracker] startTrackerWithAccountID:#"UA-MY_ACCOUNT_ID-1"
NSError *error;
if (![[GANTracker sharedTracker] trackPageview:#"/firstpage"
withError:&error]) {
NSLog(#"tracker failed: %#",error);
However the events are not dispatched from the device or simulator. There are no errors as well. When i turn on the debug flag, i can see the following:
dispatch called
dispatching 4 events
[after 10 seconds]
dispatch called
...dispatcher was busy
[after 10 seconds]
dispatch called
...dispatcher was busy
My delegate method never gets called:
- (void)trackerDispatchDidComplete:(GANTracker *)tracker
NSLog(#"success: %d failures: %d",eventsDispatched,eventsFailedDispatch);
I tried to create a new publisher ID but it did not help as well.
I do have internet connection from the device and simulator
I deleted the app before trying.
I played with the dispatch period - setting it to -1 and call the dispatch manually
Nothing helped.... :(
I'm struggling with this for a day now... how can i make it work?
I had the same problem with the dispatcher ("...dispatcher was busy"). In my case, it was because I had run my app normally in the background, and it was using the dispatcher. When I tried to connect the device to Xcode to run and debug the app, the console showed me that message. So the solution was easy:
Stop the app in Xcode
Close the app in background
That's it.
you can put after calling the GANTracker a manual dispatch like that:
[[GANTracker sharedTracker] dispatch];
and it work perfectly
