Call a procedure of a class from DWScript - delphi

How can I call a procedure from a class that is created in main Form. Can it be done like this pseudo code shows?
TDemo = class
procedure test;
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
Form28: TForm28;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm28.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
prog : IdwsProgram;
exec : IdwsProgramExecution;
Demo := TDemo.Create;
prog := DelphiWebScript1.Compile('Demo.Test;');
exec := prog.Execute;

There is a limited RTTI exposer and RTTI connector, which allow to access Delphi classes through RTTI.
These RTTI tools haven't been explored much however, as most of the Delphi classes are not "safe" to use for scripting. By that I mean that it's easy to crash the host or leak memory, and so "raw" Delphi classes are typically unsuitable for end-user scripting (ie. end users won't have a right to error, you won't be able to offer stable debugging, etc.).
An alternative to manual exposure and strengthening of the exposed classes in event handlers of a TdwsUnit is to expose your classes as OLE Automation objects, and then you can use the DWScript COM Connector to access them. Then benefits is that to expose the automation objects, you'll usually have had to do at least minimal strengthening vs memory leaks and dangling pointers, and your automation classes will be accessible from other COM-capable environments.
As an example of RTTI going wrong, consider a fully automatically-managed VCL classes like TComponent or TCollection, if you only have raw RTTI exposure, than a script doing something like:
item := myCollection.Add;
item.Caption := 'hello bug';
will result in a random memory overwrite in the host application, without any safe ways to notify the script user about the potential error.
The upcoming Delphi ARC compilers may offer a way to mitigate the memory overwrites for some classes (though not all, due to the way ARC is currently implemented/circumvented for TComponent and others). Also Delphi ARC compilers are currently unsupported (for a variety of reasons, the most prominent one being I currently don't have access to them).

To do this, you first have to expose your native class to the script engine. Have a look at the TdwsUnit component. It declares a script unit that interfaces with external code. You'd drop one on your form, define the class, define its methods, and hook up event handlers on the OnEval events that call the external routines.


Delphi access private function in VCL unit

How do I access private function in a VCL unit?
I need to call the function ColorToPrettyName from ExtCtrls.pas.
Now I copied this to my source but IMO nicer would be to use that function instead.
Some more details:
The function is used in TColorBox, but I only need the pretty name.
I tried to instantiate TColorBox and get the pretty name from it, but this is only possible when I have some TWinControl to assign to its Parent. But that TWinControl I don't have in the place where I want to use the pretty name and I don't want to do any hacks.
You cannot readily call this function from outside the unit since it is not exposed.
You could create an instance of the control that calls the function, and persuade it to do the dirty work. That's perfectly feasible as another another answer demonstrates.
You could use a disassembler to find the address of the function and call it using a procedural variable. The madExcept source code is a great source of examples of that technique.
On balance, copying the source to your code is, in my view, the best option. All of your available options have drawbacks and this seems the simplest.
You will find a sample how to access the ColorToPrettyName here:
// (outchy) Hook of TColorBox to have access to color's pretty names.
// Shame on me but that's the only way to access ColorToPrettyName array in the
// ExtCtrls unit. Thanks Borland.
TJvHookColorBox = class (TCustomColorBox)
function GetItemsClass: TCustomComboBoxStringsClass; override;
procedure DestroyWindowHandle; override;
constructor Create; reintroduce;
procedure CreateWnd; override;
procedure DestroyWnd; override;
This is what you asked, though this is definitely not good practice.
A better solution would be to use the same function from JEDI (JvJCLUtils.pas), although this adds a dependency.
You will find JEDI here:
It contains many more useful utilities and components.
Like David said; copying the source to your own unit will be the best.
I believe ColorToPrettyName will not be changed that often but if you are worried that it will and your copied code will be different upon an upgrade of Delphi then you can add a compiler directive to your code that checks the version and warns you about it. Then you can update your code and wait till the next time you upgrade your Delphi. Easy.

Do generic instantiations in multiple units bloat the executable?

This Embarcadero article discussing memory issues for the XE7 IDE contains the following:
Be aware of the “Growth by Generics”
Another scenario that might depend on your application code and cause an increase of the memory used by the compiler and the debugger relates with the way generic data types are used. The way the Object Pascal compiler works can cause the generation of many different types based on the same generic definition, at times even totally identical types that are compiled in different modules. While we won’t certainly suggest removing generics, quite the contrary, there are a few options to consider:
Try to avoid circular unit references for units defining core generic types
Define and use the same concrete type definitions when possible
If possible, refactor generics to share code in base classes, from which a generic class inherits
The last item I understand. The first two I am less clear on.
Do these issues affect only IDE performance, or is there an impact on the size of the compiled code?
For instance, considering the second item, if I declare TList<Integer> in two separate units, will I get two separate chunks of code in each of those units in my executable? I certainly hope not!
Point 2. This refers to instantiating same generic type where possible. For instance using TList<Integer> in all places instead of having two generic types TList<Integer> and TList<SmallInt>.
Declaring and using TList<Integer> in several units will only include single copy of TList<Integer> in exe file. Also, declaring TIntegerList = TList<Integer> will result with same.
Generic bloat people are referring to relates to having complete TList<T> copy for each specific type you use even though underlying generated code is the same.
For instance: TList<TObject> and TList<TPersistent> will include two separate copies of TList<T> even though generated code could be folded to single one.
That moves us to Point 3. where using base class for common class code and then using generic classes on top of that to get type safety, can save you memory both during compilation and in exe file.
For example, building generic class on top of non generic TObjectList will only include thin generic layer for each specific type instead of complete TObjectList functionality. Reported as QC 108966
TXObjectList<T: class, constructor> = class(TObjectList)
function GetItem(index: Integer): T;
procedure SetItem(index: Integer; const Value: T);
function Add: T;
property Items[index: Integer]: T read GetItem write SetItem; default;
function TXObjectList<T>.GetItem(index: Integer): T;
Result := T( inherited GetItem(index));
procedure TXObjectList<T>.SetItem(index: Integer; const Value: T);
inherited SetItem(index, Value);
function TXObjectList<T>.Add: T;
Result := T.Create;
inherited Add(Result);
The code bloat they are talking about in the article (as it is about the out of memory issue in the IDE) is related to the generated DCUs and all the meta information that is held in the IDE. Every DCU contains all the used generics. Only when compiling your binary the linker will remove duplicates.
That means if you have Unit1.pas and Unit2.pas and both are using TList<Integer> both Unit1.dcu and Unit2.dcu have the binary code for TList<Integer> compiled in.
If you declare TIntegerList = TList<Integer> in Unit3 and use that in Unit1 and Unit2 you might think this would only include the compiled TList<Integer> in Unit3.dcu but not in the other two. But unfortunately that is not the case.

Is it possible to use a library just for design time in delphi?

I am trying to write a component which is loading 3D objects from obj files.
I am using ToolsAPI library for GetActiveProject.FileName. I added designide.dcp to Requiers part in the bpl. I registered my object and in design when I put an instance of this object on a TViewPort3D which I put before everything is OK and I can see the object from the obj file is loaded in the scene, but when I try to compile the project I get an error that says ToolsAPI.dcu not found.
The procedure that I use for loading the obj file is (Type of Model variable is TModel3D) :
procedure TMyObject.LoadModel(fileName: string);
if(csDesigning in ComponentState)then
This procedure is used in constructor as follow (TMyObject inherited from TDummy):
constructor TMyObject.Create(AOwner:TComponent)
Is there anyway to prevent using the ToolsAPI library when the host project for the component is about to compile?
I just thinking about something like directives as follow.
uses ToolsAPI;
But is it possible to do such a thing?
It sounds as though you are trying to compile the design time code into a run time project. Either a run time package, or an executable. That's not allowed. You simply cannot compile any of the ToolsAPI units into a project that is not a design time package.
You can certainly use conditional compilation to exclude the ToolsAPI units, but you will have to define your own conditional define. There is no built-in conditional that will serve your needs.
But using conditional compilation is probably not the best solution. Typically you would separate the code that used Tools API into distinct units, and only include those units in the design time projects.
So the code for your component would be split into, say, two units. The first unit, uMyComp.pas, say, contains the bulk of the code. This unit declares the component and provides its implementation. Nothing in uMyComp.pas makes any reference to ToolsAPI. The second unit, uMyCompReg.pas say, performs the component registration and any other tasks that require the ToolsAPI. There is a dependency between these units in that uMyCompReg.pas uses uMyComp.pas. Then your design time package will include both units, and any other projects that are not design time will include only uMyComp.pas.
You could achieve the same effect using conditionals. The design time project would define a conditional to indicate that this was design time. So the project settings might include a definition of a conditional named DESIGNTIME. Then all the code for your component would reside in a unit named uMyComp.pas, say. Any code related to design time would be conditional on DESIGNTIME. And any other projects that included uMyComp.pas would not have DESIGNTIME defined and so would omit the design time only code.
Whilst this is possible it is not, in my view, the best way to solve the problem. Indeed if you look around the wealth of open source examples of component development I'd be surprised if you found any that handled the separation of design time code from run time code using conditionals.
How would you separate the ToolsAPI code into a design time unit? Here's the problem method:
procedure TMyObject.LoadModel(fileName: string);
if csDesigning in ComponentState then
First of all, let's look at the commonality of this code. The first think to observe is that the outsides of the call to LoadFromFile are the same. Only in the middle, the choice of directory, is there variation. So let's write it like this:
procedure TMyObject.LoadModel(fileName: string);
ModelDir: string;
if csDesigning in ComponentState then
ModelDir := ExtractFilePath(GetActiveProject.FileName)
ModelDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
The problem for you is how to move GetActiveProject.FileName into the design time code. You need to use dependency injection (DI) to do this. Allow some other party to supply the logic. You need to make TMyObject ignorant of this particular detail. You could use a DI framework for this, but that's perhaps a little heavyweight just for this one task. So instead let's declare a class variable that holds a function pointer:
TMyObject = class(...)
class var GetModelDir: TFunc<string>;
This function point allows other parties, external to the class, to specify how the model directory is located. Now LoadModel becomes:
procedure TMyObject.LoadModel(fileName: string);
ModelDir: string;
if Assigned(GetModelDir) then
ModelDir := GetModelDir()
ModelDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
At this point, your code can now be used outside of a design time package. The next step is to add code to specify GetModelDir at design time. This code goes in the design time only unit that also registers the component. The obvious place for the code is in the initialization section of that unit. It looks like this:
TMyObject.GetModelDir :=
function: string
Result := GetActiveProject.FileName;
I've used anonymous methods here, but you could equally use method of object, or plain old functional types, depending on your Delphi version.
Yes, but preferably not with conditional defines as this would create far more complications and restrictions than it's worth.
You need to separate your code into different units according to whether it's design-time code or run-time code.
E.g. For a single component, the bulk of the (with no ToolsAPI dependency) goes into one unit.
A second unit performs component registration and perhaps provides custom design-time editors for the component.
The second unit uses the first and you have a clean separation without conditional defines.
You then create 2 separate packages: design-time and run-time.
The design time package will have a dependency on the ToolsAPI.
Make sure that none of the run-time units use any of the design-time units.
If any design-time units use run-time units (very likely) then the design-time package will require the run-time package.
With the above package structure, your application that uses your new components should only have dependencies on the run-time units.

"Object Aware" GUI Controls

I have some business objects written in Delphi with a custom scheme of database persistence which is finally working for my needs. Ok, great. Now it's time for GUI implementations. And here begins the problems.
How to bind my object to the GUI properly?
I cannot use Data Aware controls since I isolated all data access components into the ORM layer, so I start to write some "Object Aware" controls using the RTTI unit (I'm working with Delphi 2010), but I have the feeling I'm going the wrong way...
Some ideas on how to resolve this using only the VCL controls?
You have several patterns for linking ORM with User Interface.
See for instance the Model GUI Mediator pattern. In short, you write an observer which will reflect the ORM content into the UI components, and vice versa. This has been implemented for instance in the tiOpf framework for Delphi (this link has videos).
Another approach is to map your data at runtime: you design your form just like usual, then you fill the content in the OnShow event, then the "Save" or "OK" button will validate then save the content into the ORM record. This is what is done in the main Sample application of our framework. Easy to code in this simple sample, but could lead into spaghetti code if you have a lot of fields and validation to operate.
The last approach is to let your ORM creates the form.
In our framework, you can define some UI properties about each table, in a dedicated structure. Then a single unit will create a form with all editable fields of your ORM object. Links to other records will be displayed as a combo box, booleans as checkboxes, sets as radioboxes, and so on. Then the filtering (e.g. trim a text field from spaces on left or right side) and the validation (e.g. ensure that a field value is unique or a valid IP address) is handled not in the UI part, but in the business logic itself, i.e. the ORM.
IMHO it's mandatory to keep a true multi-tier architecture. That is, the UI has to rely mostly on the business logic. For instance, data validation must be part of the ORM, not of the UI. For instance, if you decide to add a web client to your Delphi client application, you won't have to code the validation another time: it will be common to both clients, separated from the UI implementation details.
What you could do (though I have no code samples) is use a combination of
class helpers or interceptor classes
binding interfaces for single domain objects and/or domain object lists
Class helpers have the disadvantage that they are not officially supported and you cannot add any fields to the class you are helping.
Interceptor classes are simply descendant classes with the same name as their ancestor:
TButton = class(stdctrls.TButton)
You can put interceptor classes in their own unit and use that whereever you want. Just make sure these units are included AFTER the standard unit, so your descendant is used at run time.
Benefit of interceptor classes:
You can continue to design your UI using standard VCL or third party controls.
You get all the advantages of descendants.
You do not need to create or install your own controls.
No need for special mapper classes or use of RTTI.
Easily (well, relatively easily) integrated into a (DUnit-) testable user interface along the lines of Julian Bucknall's article on this in the (distinct) Delphi Magazine as referred to in this question/answer: Unit-testing mouse event handlers
Pseudo sample of interceptor control with binding interface / command interface:
ICommandAction = interface(IInterface)
function IsEnabled: Boolean;
procedure Execute;
procedure Update;
IBindSingle = interface(IInterface)
function GetValueFromControl: string;
procedure LoadValueIntoControl(const aValue: string);
TButton = class(stdctrls.TButton, ICommandAction)
function IsEnabled: Boolean;
procedure Execute;
procedure Update;
TEdit = class(stdctrls.TEdit, IBindSingle)
function GetValueFromControl: string;
procedure LoadValueIntoControl(const aValue: string);
implementation could be along the lines of:
function TButton.IsEnabled: Boolean;
Result := Self.Enabled;
procedure TButton.Execute;
procedure TButton.Update;
function TEdit.GetValueFromControl: string;
Result := Self.Text;
procedure LoadValueIntoControl(const aValue: string);
Self.Text := aValue;
My current customer have made their own "mapper" classes in the past (before I came).
Their data objects have fields (which are objects), and you can map these fields to a control. I extended the framework by using a MVC-like approach:
edtTarraCode: TAdvEdit;
procedure TframTarraTab.InitMapping;
Mapper.AddMapping(edtTarraCode, Controller.DataModel.tarID);
Per control a simple "mapping" class is created:
TMappingAdvEdit = class(TBaseEditMapping)
procedure InitControl; override;
procedure AppData2Control; override;
procedure Control2AppData; override;
No rocket sience, and maybe better solutions are available in the mean time (this worked in D6 and lower :-) ) but it works good enough for the customer.
Btw: also a data object generator is used. So if a field changes in the database (for example tarra.tarid is changed into tareID) we get a compiler error because "tarid" does not longer exist. This works much better than "fixed string" mapping (runtime errors).
There's currently no way to do this using only VCL controls. I know that Lazarus has a set of RTTI-based data-aware controls; you might want to look at them for some basic ideas. But it's more difficult than you might think at first. For example, unlike a dataset, an object has no built-in signaling mechanism when its members' values change. Which means that unless your data-binding controls own the object completely and nothing else has access to it, it's possible for some other code to change some value and then that change doesn't get reflected in the UI.
I've heard various things from the Delphi team in the last few years about extending the object model or the RTTI model to allow for better data binding, but whatever that's about is still a few years out.
Take a look at EverClassy Dataset at It may meet your needs. EverClassy Dataset is a Delphi dataset designed to be populated by objects instead records from a database system.
With this component you will have the chance to interoperate your domain objects with dataware componentes, what will give you great power to build your GUI.

Memory management for a Delphi plugin framework based on TInterfacedClass

For a server-side plugin framework I would like to implement DLLs which expose a RegisterPlugin method that returns a class reference (TInterfacedClass).
The host application then creates the instance(s) of this class, and instances will run in the context of the host thread(s). (This is different for example from the Jedi VCL plugin framework which instantiates the plugin in the DLL or BPL and returns the instance to the host.)
First tests showed no problems so far. However, are there hidden problems with memory management I should be aware of? As I am using Delphi 2009 for this project, FastMM4 is the default memory manager.
Here a sketch of the plugin DLL project:
library ExamplePlugin;
TPluginOne = class(TInterfacedObject, ...)
function RegisterPlugin: TInterfacedClass; stdcall;
Result := TPluginOne;
{ TPluginOne }
// ... plugin class implementation
No problems with memory manager, because FastMM works as a shared memory manager between the EXE and the DLL. But I'm really not comfortable with the concept of passing pure objects, or (worst) metaclasses between the DLL and the EXE. The problem is, TInterfacedObject from the EXE is not the same as TInterfacedObject from the DLL! Sure, they might look exactly the same, but they're not! And if you ever upgrade the version of Delphi for the EXE or for any of the DLL's, you'll need to rebuild everything (thus losing whatever advantage you gained from implementing a Plugin framework).
A much more portable solution would be to return a "Factory Interface", something along the lines of:
IFactoryInterface = interface
function MakeWhateverInterfaceYouNeed: IUnknownDerivate
then export a function with this signature:
function RegisterPlugin: IFactoryInterface;
Your code is incomplete but from what you have included there is one obvious flaw.
You appear to be exporting a class (TInterfacedClass) from a DLL. This is going to cause problems when clients try to consume your class with a different version of Delphi. What's more it's going to leave them helpless if they want to write plug-ins in a different language.
Personally I'd go for a COM based interface which will allow plug-in authors to create plug-ins in any language. This is in fact the very problem that COM was invented to solve.
If you are happy to be constrained to using the same compiler for plug-ins and host app, and you prefer to expose classes to COM interfaces, then you need to make sure that all deallocation is performed with the same memory manager as allocated the memory. The simplest way is to use ShareMem and then you'll be safe.
Cosmin points out in a comment another flaw with exporting classes across module boundaries. It's basically something that you shouldn't do. COM was designed for this very purpose and it still should be the first choice for you. Delphi interfaces which are COM compatible so you can get the same benefits of binary interoperability without having to create servers, register CLSID's etc.
I think your plug-in should look like this:
library ExamplePlugin;
TPluginOne = class(TInterfacedObject, IPlugin)
constructor Create(const Host: THostApp);
function RegisterPlugin(const Host: IHostApp): IPlugin; stdcall;
Result := TPluginOne.Create(Host);
