I'm using carrierwave and I have this problem:
Suppose once the project has been delivered you need to add a section where the images in the system need to be displayed with a different size. I don' t want to regenerate the new dimension for each one of the images already in the system. I want to be able to generate (and cache it) whenever a view demands. Something like: " /> . If the new size 500x150 already exists, then returns the cached url, else generate it and return the cached url
I like pretty much Carrierwave but unfortunately doesn't have any on the fly resize feature out of the box. Everyone says it should be pretty simple add this feature but I found almost nothing. The only thing which goes pretty close is this uploader https://gist.github.com/DAddYE/1541912
I had to modify it to make it work so here is my version
class ImageUploader < FileUploader
include CarrierWave::RMagick
#version :thumb do
# process :resize_to_fill => [100,100]
#version :thumb_square do
# process :resize_to_fill => [100,100]
#version :full do
# process :resize_to_fit => [550, 550]
def re_size(string_size)
if self.file.nil?
return self
begun_at = Time.now
string_size.gsub!(/#/, '!')
uploader = Class.new(self.class)
uploader.version_names = [string_size]
img = uploader.new(model, mounted_as)
cached = File.join(CarrierWave.root, img.url)
unless File.exist?(cached)
img.send(:original_filename=, self.file.original_filename)
size = string_size.split(/x|!/).map(&:to_i)
resizer = case string_size
when /[!]/ then :resize_to_fit
# add more like when />/ then ...
else :resize_to_fill
img.send(resizer, *size)
FileUtils.mv(img.file.file, cached)
def extension_white_list
%w[jpg jpeg gif png]
def filename
Digest::MD5.hexdigest(original_filename) << File.extname(original_filename) if original_filename
def cache_dir
def default_url
The problem with this version is that apparently when calling re_size("100x100").url, the url gets generated and returned before the actual resized image is created resulting in a page with broken links which displays good on any subsequent refresh.
Anyone achieved better results willing to share? :)
Please don't tell me to switch to Dragonfly. I'm using Carrierwave and i really like it. Also it seamlessly integrates with RailsAdmin which is part of my projects too.
Why don't you just generate a different version of the image, such as a thumbnail? In your image_uploader.rb
# Create different versions of your uploaded files:
include CarrierWave::RMagick
version :thumb do
process :resize_to_limit => [100, 100]
Then in your view just call
<%= image_tag nameofimage.image_url(:thumb).to_s %>
You could create multiple versions of our original image without resizing the original image. The processing is done by RMagick which you'll need to install.
RMagick requires you to have ImageMagick, so you'll need to install that as well. These can be a little tricky to get installed and working but well worth it. Plus the stackoverflow community has provided a lot of help with this issue.
Error installing Rmagick on Mountain Lion
rmagick gem install "Can't find Magick-config"
I'm using CarrierWave and Cloudinary to upload multiple pictures to my blogposts. I upload them from my browser.
This happens with the use of a file field in the post form.
<%=file_field_tag "images[]", type: :file, multiple: true %>
When the form is being submitted, a picture instance is created for each one of the images and the image is being uploaded to Cloudinary.
def create
#post = Post.new(post_params)
if #post.save
if params[:images]
params[:images].each do |image|
#post.pictures.create(image: image)
The ImageUploader I use is almost default (exept for including the cloudinary plugin)
class ImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
include Cloudinary::CarrierWave
storage :file
def store_dir
Now, the image is being saved to my server, and the image is being uploaded to cloudinary. But somehow the public_id's never match. Does anyone understand why not? Is there a new public_id created when I call Cloudinary::Uploader.upload(image)?
After checking the project that Tal Lev-Ami (thanks a lot for this!) refered me to, I figured out that the problem with my ImageUploader was the line
storage :file
After commenting out this line, everything worked perfectly (and I don't have to manually upload my images). If anyone understands why this line was causing the problem, be my guest to post it here for future reference.
There is no need to manually upload the image to Cloudinary. When using the CarrierWave uploader, the image will get automatically uploaded to Cloudinary and public_id updated in the model.
Here is a simple raw Rails model with single url attribute.
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :url, presence: true
def watermark
remote_photo = MiniMagick::Image.open(url).write("#{Rails.public_path}/photos/photo-#{id}.jpg")
photo = MiniMagick::Image.open("#{Rails.public_path}/photos/photo-#{id}.jpg")
marked_photo = photo.composite(mark, 'jpg') do |c|
c.gravity 'SouthEast'
c.geometry '+15'
def marked_path
def mark(mark = 'mark.jpg')
#mark ||= MiniMagick::Image.open("#{Rails.public_path}/#{mark}")
The #watermark method puts a mark image to the bottom right of the photo and writes the file into public/photos/photo-marked-#{id}.jpg. It works perfectly on my local machine, however on Heroku the returned images that are ~600x800px become 10x15px.
Ok, the problem was in the way I've specified the geometry attribute value. In case of c.geometry '+15' ImageMagick takes the 15 as a width and resizes the image preserving the aspect ratio. In order to keep the original size and apply a horizontal offset the value should look like 'x+15', which is for widthxheight+offset.
All of the above is about the version 6.5.7 of ImageMagick, which is the one installed on Heroku. The initial '+15' works fine in the latest version.
Thanks to #mschoening, who helped me out with this.
I am using carrierwave (0.9.0) with fog (1.18.0), mini_magick (3.6.0), and Rackspace CloudFiles. I want to composite images.
I have two models: Products and Emails. In the products uploader I am trying to create a process that loops through all the emails and composites the product image on top of each email.background_image. I also want to control the name of this image so that is:
I have included my process and method below. Test result in a file being uploaded to cloudfiles named "email_123.png" and the original image. The name doesn't currently include the email's name and images are not compositing, I just receive the original back. Anything obvious I am missing here? Thanks!
version :email do
process :email_composite
def email_composite
Email.all.each do |email|
email_image = email.secondary.url
email_name = email.name
merge(email_name, email_image)
def merge(email_name, email_image)
manipulate! do |img|
#product = Product.find(model.id)
email_image = ::MiniMagick::Image.open(email_image)
img = email_image.composite(img, "jpg") do |c|
c.gravity "Center"
# img = yield(img) if block_given?
img = img.name "#{email_name}_#{#product.product_number}.png"
First I wanted to thank you for your thorough answer, the amount of effort involved is obvious and appreciated.
I had a few more questions when trying to implement this solution.
Inside the #compose method you have:
email_image = ::MiniMagick::Image.open(email_image)
Should this be:
email_image = ::MiniMagick::Image.open(email_image_url)
I assume this from seeing the define_method call included below ( which was awesome by the way - I didn't know you could do that):
define_method(:email_image_url) { email.secondary.url }
After getting Undefined method "versions_for" I switched the #versions_for method as I will always want all email to have a secondary version.
versions_for before
def self.versions_for emails
email.find_each { |e| version_for_email(e) }
versions_for after changes
def self.versions_for
Email.all.find_each { |e| version_for_email(e) }
This change allowed me get rid of the error.
The end result of all of this is that everything appears as if it works, I can upload imagery without error, but now I have no resulting image for the emails versions. I still get my other versions like thumb etc. Any idea what could cause this? Again thanks for all the help you have provided thus far.
Calling manipulate! multiple times within the same version applies the changes in its block to the same image; what you want is to create many versions, one corresponding to each Email. This is tricky because CarrierWave really wants you to have a small set of statically defined versions in your code; it actually builds a new, anonymous Uploader class to handle each version.
We can trick it to build versions dynamically, but it's pretty ugly. Also, we have to be careful to not keep references to stale uploader classes around, or we'll accumulate classes endlessly and eventually run out of memory!
# in ProductUploader:
# CarrierWave stores its version classes in two places:
# 1. In a #versions hash, stored within the class; and
# 2. As a constant in your uploader, with a name based on its #object_id.
# We have to clean out both of them to be sure old versions get garbage
# collected!
def self.reset_versions!
versions.keys.select { |k| k =~ /^email_/ }.each do |k|
u = versions.delete(k)[:uploader]
remove_const("Uploader#{u.object_id}".gsub('-', '_'))
def self.version_name_for email
# Dynamically generate the +version+ that corresponds to the image composed
# with the image from +email+.
def self.version_for_email email
version(version_name_for(email)) do
process :compose
# Use +define_method+ here so that +email+ in the block refers to the
# argument "email" from the outer scope.
define_method(:email_image_url) { email.secondary.url }
# Use the same trick to override the filename for this version.
define_method(:filename) { "#{email_name}_#{model.product_number}.png" }
# Compose +email_image+ on top of the product image.
def compose
manipulate! do |img|
email_image = ::MiniMagick::Image.open(email_image_url)
# Do the actual composition.
img = email_image.composite(img, "jpg") do |c|
c.gravity "Center"
# Clear out any preexisting versions and generate new ones based on the
# contents of +emails+.
def self.versions_for emails
email.find_each { |e| version_for_email(e) }
# After you call Product.versions_for(emails), you can use this to fetch
# the version for a specific email:
def version_for_email email
To use this, be sure to call Product.versions_for(Email.all) (possibly in a before_filter), Then, you can access the version for a specific email with #p.product.version_for(email):
# in your controller:
def action
# Recreate a +version+ for each email.
# If you don't want to overlay *every* email's image, you can also pass a
# subset here.
# Upload a file and its versions to Cloud Files...
#p = Product.find(params[:id])
#p.product = File.open(Rails.root.join('clouds.jpg'), 'r')
In your views, you can use url or any other helpers as usual:
# in a view:
<% Email.all.find_each do |email| %>
<%= image_tag #p.product.version_for_email(email).url %>
<% end %>
I'm trying to create a version on my carrierwave uploader that checks to see whether it's parent model has some data on how to resize and crop the image, if not do a default resize to fill. I've been trying to reference the model as demonstrated here: https://github.com/carrierwaveuploader/carrierwave
If I run the version code like this:
version :title do
if model.dimensions_hash["title"]
process :image_crop => [model.dimensions_hash["title"], 960, 384]
process :resize_to_fill => [960, 384]
I get this error:
NameError: undefined local variable or method `model' for #<Class:0x007f9eae7cfed0>
from /Users/RyanKing/Sites/test/app/uploaders/page_image_uploader.rb:45:in `block in <class:PageImageUploader>'
Line 45 being process :image_crop => [model.dimensions_hash["title"], 960, 384
If the if statement returns true why does the line 45 return an error? Am I referencing the model incorrectly?
I found a similar problem here but wasn't able to adapt it to my situation. Passing a parameter to the uploader / accessing a model's attribute from within the uploader / letting the user pick the thumbnail size
Well you are right model method wont be available because version is a
class method and whereas model is instance method of uploader
but there are way to get them
if you check the link that I have attached in the mail the all that is define inside block are class_eval so taking that into account you can modify your code like this
version :title do
process :image_crop => [960, 384],:if => :has_title?
process :resize_to_fill => [960, 384] ,:if => :has_not_title?
def has_title?
def has_not_title?
Hope this help
I'm using paperclip for uploading images in S3.
But I've noted that this upload is very slow. I think because before complete the submit the file has to pass by my server, be processed and be sent to the S3 server.
Is there a method for accelerate this?
You did not post any code so I'm going to make a few assumptions here:
in your project you have an Album and Image model
An Album has_many :images
You already have
paperclip and
set up correctly with buckets and all else
You are uploading many images at once
In order to upload many images, your form will look something like this:
<%= form_for #album, html: { multipart: true } do |f| %>
<%= f.file_field :files, accept: 'image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif', multiple: true %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
Your controller will look something like this
class AlbumsController < ApplicationController
def update
#album = Album.find params[:id]
#album.update album_params
redirect_to #album, notice: 'Images saved'
def album_params
params.require(:album).permit files: []
In order to manipulate images using an album you'll need
class Album < ApplicationRecord
has_many :images, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :images, allow_destroy: true
def files=(array = [])
array.each do |f|
images.create file: f
Your Image file will look like this
class Image < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :album
has_attached_file :file, styles: { thumbnail: '500x500#' }, default_url: '/default.jpg'
validates_attachment_content_type :file, content_type: /\Aimage\/.*\Z/
This is just the important stuff. With this setup, an upload of 22 images with a total of 12MB takes the :files= method 41.1806895 seconds to execute on average on my local server. To check how long a method takes to run, use:
def files=(array = [])
start = Time.now
array.each do |f|
images.create file: f
p "ELAPSED TIME: #{Time.now - start}"
You ask for a faster upload of many images. There are a few ways to do this. Using
won't work because you can't pass complex data like images to a job.
Use delayed_paperclip instead. It moves image styles creation (like thumbnail: '500x500#') into background jobs.
source 'https://rubygems.org'
ruby '2.3.0'
gem 'delayed_paperclip'
Image file
class Image < ApplicationRecord
process_in_background :file
It speeds up the :files= method. The same upload as before (22 images, 12MB) with this setup took 23.13998 seconds on my machine. That's 1.77963 times faster than before.
Another way of speeding things up is by using Threads. Remove delayed_paperclip from the Gemfile and the process_in_background :file line. Update your :files= method:
def files=(array = [])
threads = []
array.each do |f|
threads << Thread.new do
images.create file: f
You might try this, but get some weird error and only see that 4 images saved. You must also use Mutex. Also, you must not use :join on the threads because if you join, the method will wait until the threads are done running.
def files=(array = [])
semaphore = Mutex.new
array.each do |f|
Thread.new do
semaphore.synchronize do
images.create file: f
With this simple change to the method and no added gems, the same upload as before runs in 0.017628 seconds. That is 1,313 times faster than delayed_paperclip. It's also 2,336 times faster than the regular setup.
What happens if you use delayed_paperclip AND Threads?
Don't change the :files= method. Just turn delayed_paperclip back on in your Gemfile and add back the process_in_background :file line.
With this setup on my machine, the method runs in 0.001277 seconds on average. That's
13.8 times faster than Threads
18,120.6 times faster than delayed_paperclip
32,248.0 times faster than regular setup
Remember, this is on my machine and I have not tested this in production. I am also on wifi, not ethernet. All these things can change the results but I think the numbers speak for themselves.
Upload images faster. Done.
UPDATE: Don't use delayed_paperclip. It can cause a busy database, and some images might not get saved. I've tested it. I think just using threads is fast enough. Remove the process_in_background line from the Image file. Also, here's what my files= method looks like:
def files=(array = [])
Thread.new do
array.each { |f| images.create file: f }
Note: Since we push the image saving to a background task and then redirect. The page that loads will not have images on them yet. The user has to
to update the page. One way around this is to use
Polling is when JavaScript checks for any changes every 5 seconds or so and makes changes if any to the page.
Another option is to use
Web Sockets.
Now that we have Rails 5, we can use ActionCable. Every time an image gets created, we broadcast an update for the album. If the user is on that page for that album, they will see updates happen as soon as they happen on the database without having the user refresh or the browser make a request every 5 seconds on an infinite loop.
Cool stuff.
Do you want to improve the appearance of the upload being faster or actually make the upload faster?
If it's the former you can put your image handling logic into a background task using something like delayed_job. This way when a user clicks the button they'll immediately go to their next page while you process the image (you can show a "processing in progress" image placeholder until the task is finished).
If it's the latter then it's entirely down to your server and internet connection. Where are you hosting?
How about uploading direct to S3?
Not sure if paperclip does this out of the box, but you could make it.
Use delayed jobs, this is a good example here
Or you can use flash upload.
If you end up going the route of uploading directly to S3 which offloads the work from your Rails server, please check out my sample projects:
Sample project using Rails 3, Flash and MooTools-based FancyUploader to upload directly to S3: https://github.com/iwasrobbed/Rails3-S3-Uploader-FancyUploader
Sample project using Rails 3, Flash/Silverlight/GoogleGears/BrowserPlus and jQuery-based Plupload to upload directly to S3: https://github.com/iwasrobbed/Rails3-S3-Uploader-Plupload
By the way, you can do post-processing with Paperclip using something like this blog post describes:
As cwninja recommends, we upload direct to s3 so as to get rid of this extra upload. We use a modified version of the plugin described in this blog post:
Ours is modified to handle multiple file uploads (rewrote the the flex object
Not sure how well this plays with paperclip, we use attachment_fu, but it wasn't so bad to get it to work with that.