Multiple Heroku apps on a single domain - ruby-on-rails

I'm pretty sure the answer to this is "not possible", but I thought I would check one last time:
I'm migrating some Rails apps to Heroku. The way they are organized now, URL-wise, is: -- is served by app1 -- is served by app2
Everything I've read so far says this isn't possible on Heroku: that each application must have its own subdomain (e.g.,
My client does not want to change the URL structure (and actually there may be some argument for that; I've read several sources that say that paths vs. subdomains is better for SEO).
Am I correct that this is not possible on Heroku?

This IS possible with Heroku and Rails using Rack Reverse Proxy. I'm currently doing it to run a Wordpress blog and knowledge base at /blog and /kb respectively. For SEO purposes I did not want them on a subdomain.
Rails configuration
Add to Gemfile:
gem "rack-reverse-proxy", :require => "rack/reverse_proxy"
Now we want /blog and /blog/ to be directed to the Wordpress instance from the Rails app.
Add this to your right before you run the app:
use Rack::ReverseProxy do
opts = {:preserve_host => true})
In config/routes.rb add a route:
match "/blog" => redirect("/blog/"), via: :all
Original Ref:

I’m probably late to the party, but it is possible. Short version of how we did it at Pilot:
We have an additional instance running HAProxy. It’s responsible for routing requests to corresponding Heroku apps based on their URL. ✌️

Your best bet is to turn your Rails apps into Rails engines:
And then mount each engine with the URLs you describe.
Of course, this is probably going to be tricky if your apps are very large and complex.


How to Use Resque Web alongside a Sinatra app

I’ve got a Sinatra web app. I’m using Resque and Resque Scheduler, and now I’m looking into adding Resque Web to (hopefully) see what my Resque queue looks like. Now here’s my problem: the official Resque Web is a Rails app. I don’t know how to use a Rails app inside of Sinatra, or if it’s even possible.
So my question: What’s the best way to implement Resque Web into my Sinatra app? Can I use the rails app inside of Sinatra? I saw one person say that you should have a separate part of your app running Rails, but that seems really nasty. Is there a better way to do it?
I've not used the ResqueWeb, but Rails and Sinatra are both Rack compliant frameworks, so they should be able to run each other or alongside.
## my-amazing-app.rb
use MySlightlyLessAmazingRailsApp
# rest of Sinatra stuff…
map "/" do
# easiest to mount Sinatra apps this way if using the modular style
run MyAmazingSinatraApp
map "/resque" do
run MySlightlyLessAmazingRailsApp
I don't know how you'd do this with Rails, perhaps try this link or perhaps this:
RailsApp::Application.routes.draw do
mount MyAmazingApp, :at => "/more-amazed"
# rest of the rails routes
Here’s what I was looking for:
Resque-web can be stand alone, run from the command line. So I’m just starting it up with a shell command whenever I spin up an instance of my server. Not exactly what I was looking for, but it does the trick!
Thanks for the suggestions, all.

Rails - how to redirect from to

I would like to redirect all requests, that coming to to the variant without www.
How to do this in Rails & what is the best way to do that?
There are two options for this. If you want to do it within rails the following gem might be useful
However, such tasks are generally configured from the app server. Please look at this question previously posted on stack overflow
301 redirect in Passenger (Ruby on Rails) from root domain to www sub domain?
It does the complement of what you seek to do, however it should get you on track. Thanks!
I think it's best to keep the logic for that completely our of your Rails app and rather take care of it in the server configuration.
gem 'rack-www' works nicely for this.

Is it possible to have Rails mask as

I'd like to install a Wordpress blog that is associated with my domain. I am running a Ruby on Rails app on that domain so I know the easiest thing to do is set up a subdomain for the blog. However, I'd like to keep everything under the same roof, as it were.
How would I go about using Rails/Rack to serve when going to My first thought was to perform some kind of mask or scrape the other domain and present the HTML as coming from /blog.
The app is running on Heroku, and I'm pretty sure how I would take care of this one an Apache server with .htaccess file (similar to what Wordpress does with permalinks), but I'm not sure how to accomplish this with the tools I have on hand.
You could use rack-rewrite to redirect requests to to

Need to link WP Blog with Rails App on Heroku

I have a client who wants to migrate his Rails app to Heroku. However the client also has a blog associated with his domain that runs on WordPress. Currently, the WordPress blog is running happily alongside the Rails app, but once we migrate to Heroku, that clearly won't be possible.
The url for the app is like, and the url for the blog is like http://mydomain/blog.
I realize that the best long-term solution is to redo the blog in a Rails format like Toto or Jekyll. But in the short term, what is the best way to continue hosting the WP blog where it is (or somewhere) but use Heroku to run the app? The client doesn't want the blog to be on a subdomain, but to remain at mydomain/blog for SEO reasons and also since there is traffic to the blog. I have two ideas:
Use rack_rewrite or refraction (or just a regular old 301 and Apache mod_rewrite) on the old (non-Heroku) server to redirect the main url from the old site to Heroku. In this case, I can just leave the Wordpress blog running happily where it is. I think?? Is there a reason to choose one of those options (rack_rewrite, refraction, or mod_rewrite) over the others if I do it this way?
Switch the DNS info to point to the Heroku site, and then use a 301 redirect from the blog to the old site. But then I'll have to get the old (non-Heroku) site on a subdomain and use some kind of rewrite rules anyway so it looks like it isn't a subdomain.
Are either of these approaches preferable, or is there another way to do it that's easier that I'm missing?
The only tenable long term/scalable solution would be to host the blog permanently on a sub-domain or different domain and add a redirect from to the new location (ie:
You would need a single server running a front-end like Apache/nginx on to serve up mixed back-ends like Rails and Wordpress and that is not possible on Heroku.
Sadly, this is where you need to dig in as a consultant and be stern with your client about the technical limitations.
Why does you client want to migrate to Heroku? Is there a larger goal behind that you could accomplish with different hosting where you control the front-end and can mix in different back ends?
Another solution is to set heroku to, and Wordpress to You put your Wordpress-landing page in the root , and blog on /blog. When the user click "login" or "signup" on the landing-page, they're linked to the heroku-app.
This will be optimal in a SEO-perspective, but require some DNS-knowledge.
Winfield's answer is not correct. You can run a reverse proxy on your rack server (via Heroku) to direct to the blog, wherever it may be.
After you install the gem and set up your app according to the docs, your ./ file will have something like this:
use Rack::ReverseProxy do
opts = {:preserve_host => true})

How do I serve multiple rails apps on one domain (and sub)?

This is kind of weird but I'd like to serve multiple websites on the same domain. If possible, we want to avoid subdomains to keep urls simple for our users - no need for them to know it's two separate apps. This is purely for keeping the code bases separate. Any ideas?
For example:
Rails App 1 (Refinery CMS) serves:
Rails App 2 (our real App) serves:
We use ruby 1.9.2, ruby on rails, refinery cms, apache and passenger.
If you're using Passenger, check out the Deploying to a sub URI portion of the manual - it's quite simple to set up an app on a sub-URI. You may need to set config.action_controller.relative_url_root in your app configuration, as well.
Edit: I misread the question; not one app per URI, but one app serving some (but not all) endpoints. This is actually moderately easy to do with some basic rewrites, as well.
Deploy your Rails app to, let's say, /railsapp (but without setting relative_url_root). Now, in .htaccess:
RewriteRule ^account/(.*)$ railsapp/account/$1 [L]
This will internally remap /account/* to /railsapp/account/*, so as long as you set up a rewrite per path your Rails app handles, it should work fine.
Subdomains make it easier (thus why most sites have, but you could probably use rewrite rules with name based virtual host routing. How exactly to do that I'm not sure. More of a Apache rewrite question for SuperUser.
A word of warning if you are using SSL you might have issues arise.
You could set it up to first hit one app where you expect most URLs would work and if it 404s you could instruct it to try the other app next, though this will be slower than routing per route but it will work without having to hardcode a route for every page that is created on say, Refinery CMS.
Currently I'm also working on a same kind of CMS. In my case also I need multiple sub domains, like
here is what I did
in rails 3 (if you are on rails3) you can get the sub domain by using request object. (If you are on rails 2.x you can use sub domain_fu plugin)
In my case I have used a before filter to get the sub domain, after that I load the site according to the sub domain
For development use the following public domain ""
this was very useful for me
let users have their domains forwarded to your subdomain (with masking)
ex : -->
hope this helps
