Saving an array of new entities via breeze context "saveChanges" - breeze

If I have an entity that contains a 1:n collection of another entity then what is the correct way to save the collection?
I've got to this (code not finalised/checked yet):
return datacontext.savechanges([parentEntity]).then(function() {
for (var i=0;i < childArray.length;i++) {
var newChildEntity;
return datacontext.makeNewChildEntity(newChildEntity).then(function() {
//set other newChildEntity properties
return datacontext.savechanges([newChildEntity]).then(function() {
//set finished flag and exit function...
"datacontext" is an async module with various exposed methods including creating a new childEntity.
Whereas I haven't tested this yet, it kind of logically works for me, but am I right to be looping around in the createEntity/modifyEntity/saveEntity loop for each new child object I want to add to the collection of childEntities? Is this the only way to do it or is there a way of doing all childEntities in one hit?
The "parentID" is an identity field - store generated so I have to wait for the intitial parent save to finish before I can use the returned ID.
Edited to add: I don't think I need to have a "then" on the end of the async newChildEntity save, do I? I need it to be async still so it can go off and loop through multiple childEntities quickly as the dependent bit is the id from the parent record that's already generated. All the child records share the same parentID so I can set off multiple saves without waiting for the saveChanges method to respond, right?

Breeze's EntityManager.saveChanges can save any number of entities in a single call, which is substantially more performant than trying to call saveChanges once per entity.
Also, I'm not sure why your makeNewChildEntity needs to be asynchronous, Breeze's EntityManager.createEntity itself is synchronous, so I think that all you need to do is something like this.
return datacontext.savechanges([parentEntity]).then(function() {
var listOfEntities = [parentEntity];
for (var i=0;i < childArray.length;i++) {
// synchronous makeNewChildEntity
var newChildEntity = datacontext.makeNewChildEntity();
//set other newChildEntity properties
// alternatively use datacontext.savechanges(listOfEntities).then(...)
return datacontext.savechanges().then(function() {
//set finished flag and exit function...


I need to add a collection value to database . Which is the efficient way to do it?

Do I need to pass a class objects to the Model method and process it one at a time?
public async Task<int> SaveCollectionValues(Foo foo)
MySqlParameter prmID = new MySqlParameter("pID", MySqlDbType.Int32);
prmID.Value = foo.ID;
2. Shall I pass the Collection value to the Model method and use foreach to iterate through the collection
public async Task<int> SaveCollectionValues(FooCollection foo)
foreach(Foo obj in foo)
MySqlParameter prmID = new MySqlParameter("pID", MySqlDbType.Int32);
prmID.Value = foo.ID;
I just need to know which of the above mentioned method would be efficient to use?
Efficient is a bit relative here since you didn't specify which database. Bulk insert might change from one to another DB. SQL Server, for instance, uses BCP, while MySQL has a way to disable some internals while sending many insert/update commands.
Apart from that, if you're submitting a single collection at once and that should be handled as a single transaction, than the best option, from both code organization and SQL optimization, is to use both connection sharing and a single transaction object, as follows:
public void DoSomething(FooCollection collection)
using(var db = GetMyDatabase())
var transaction = db.BeginTransaction();
foreach(var foo in collection)
if (!DoSomething(foo, db, transaction))
{ transaction.Rollback(); break; }
public bool DoSomething(Foo foo, IDbConnection db, IDbTransaction transaction)
// create your command (use a helper?)
// set your command connection to db
// execute your command (don't forget to pass the transaction object)
// return true if it's ok (eg: ExecuteNonQuery > 0)
// return false it it's not ok
return false;
// this might not work 100% fine for you.
// I'm not logging nor re-throwing the exception, I'm just getting rid of it.
// The idea is to return false because it was not ok.
// You can also return the exception through "out" parameters.
This way you have a clean code: one method that handles the entire collection and one that handles each value.
Also, although you're submitting each value, you're using a single transaction. Besides of a single commit (better performance), if one fails, the entire collection fails, leaving no garbage behind.
If you don't really need all that transaction stuff, just don't create the transaction and remove it from the second method. Keep a single connection since that will avoid resources overuse and connection overhead.
Also, as a general rule, I like to say: "Never open too many connections at once, specially when you can open a single one. Never forget to close and dispose a connection unless you're using connection poolling and know exactly how that works".

How do I set a property on a breeze entity client-side?

I've tried drilling down into the object and looking at the docs but haven't found anything. I've created an entity and I need to assign some properties manually. I see _backingStore and entityAspect on the object... and I know the property names but don't know how to set them via the breeze entity.
In case it matters, I'm creating a new object and then copying properties over from another object to facilitate cloning.
function createDocument() {
var manager = datacontext.manager;
var ds = datacontext.serviceName;
if (!manager.metadataStore.hasMetadataFor(ds)) {
manager.fetchMetadata(ds).then(function () {
return manager.createEntity("Document");
else {
return manager.createEntity("Document");
function cloneDocument(doc) {
var clonedDocument = createDocument();
// Copy Properties Here - how?
Not knowing what your properties might be, here are two scenarios -
function cloneDocument(doc) {
var clonedDocument = createDocument();
There are a few things to note here - I am assuming you are using Knockout and needing to set the properties. If you are not using Knockout then you can remove the parans and use equals -
clonedDocument.docId = doc.docId;
I believe this is true for if you are not using Knockout (vanilla js) and if you are using Angular, but I have not used Breeze with Angular yet so bear with me.
And here's another way that works regardless of model library (Angular or KO)
function cloneDocument(doc) {
var manager = doc.entityAspect.entityManager; // get it from the source
// Check this out! I'm using an object initializer!
var clonedDocument = manager.createEntity("Document", {
description: doc.description,
baz: doc.baz
return clonedDocument;
But beware of this:
clonedDocument.docId = doc.docId; // Probably won't work!
Two entities of the same type in the same manager cannot have the same key.
Extra credit: write a utility that copies the properties of one entity to another without copying entityAspect or the key (the id) and optionally clones the entities of a dependent navigation (e.g., the order line items of an order).

Server side Validations and security in breeze.js

I’m trying save some entities using breeze.js. Breeze is working fine and it saves all the changes as required. However, I have trouble validating and ensuring authorization is the server side. From what I’ve gather so far I guess the only way to do this is via examining the JObject passed into save bundles and constructing corresponding objects on the server side. I have to do this (instead of relying Breeze.SaveChanges as I have some logic on the server side). How do I do this? And how do I construct the Breeze.WebApi. SaveResult?
Idea of any other way of solving this problem is also very welcome 
This should be done by implementing a custom EFContextProvider.
The code below implements a custom EFContextProvider for the Northwind database and was taken directly from the documentation on the website .
public class NorthwindContextProvider: EFContextProvider<NorthwindIBContext> {
public NorthwindContextProvider() : base() { }
protected override bool BeforeSaveEntity(EntityInfo entityInfo) {
// return false if we don’t want the entity saved.
// prohibit any additions of entities of type 'Role'
if (entityInfo.Entity.GetType() == typeof(Role)
&& entityInfo.EntityState == EntityState.Added) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
protected override Dictionary<Type, List<EntityInfo>> BeforeSaveEntities(Dictionary<Type, List<EntityInfo>> saveMap) {
// return a map of those entities we want saved.
return saveMap;
#jaq316 is correct: a custom EFContextProvider is the place to intercept changes coming from the client. It is the place to both authorize and validate them . The documentation has more details. The essence of it is that you scrutinize the proposed changes within your overrides of the BeforeSaveEntity and BeforeSaveEntities virtual methods; alternatively you can attach handlers to the BeforeSaveEntityDelegate and BeforeSaveEntitiesDelegate.
So here is my thought on this one, since I am not using a ContextProvider at all. I am utilizing a SQL back-end and Ninject to inject a repository dependency into each controller I have. I have more items than the demo for "Todos" and want separate controllers out there and repositories as well. If I created the ContextProvider as shown by the breeze docs I would have one ContextProvider file with all the entities in it. This would be huge. If I separated them into separate contexts I would duplicating code in all the overrides.
Here is my Save Changes method in ContactFormController.cs :
public SaveResult SaveChanges(JObject saveBundle)
var sr = new SaveResult() { KeyMappings = new List<KeyMapping>(), Entities = new List<object>()};
dynamic entity = saveBundle["entities"][0];
ContactForm form = entity.ToObject<ContactForm>();
EntityState state = entity.entityAspect.entityState;
switch (state)
case EntityState.Added:
KeyMapping mapping = new KeyMapping(){EntityTypeName = typeof(ContactForm).ToString(), TempValue = form.Id };
var validationErrors = _contactFormService.ProcessContactForm(ref form).Cast<object>().ToList();
//if we succeed then update the mappings
if (validationErrors.Count == 0)
//setup the new mappings
mapping.RealValue = form.Id;
//link the entity
sr.Errors = validationErrors;
return sr;
I dynamically change the endpoints before saves on the client side so that each controller in my webapi has a SaveChanges() method. I then call into the appropriate repository to process the backend functions as needed. This way I can run mock code or actual SQL changes depending on the repo injected.
If their are errors on the Processing of the form then we cast our custom List list to a List and assign it to the Errors property of the SaveResult. If there are no errors we send back the new key mappings to be updated on the client.
Ideally I want to reduce all the code in this controller and perhaps abstract it out to a utility method so there is less repeat in every controller. I like this method because then I can create normal repositories and not have them depend on a ContextProvider. Breeze independent at that point.

InvalidOperationException when using updatemodel with EF4.3.1

When I update my model I get an error on a child relation which I also try to update.
My model, say Order has a releationship with OrderItem. In my view I have the details of the order together with an editortemplate for the orderitems. When I update the data the link to Order is null but the orderid is filled, so it should be able to link it, TryUpdateModel returns true, the save however fails with:
InvalidOperationException: The operation failed: The relationship could not be changed because one or more of the foreign-key properties is non-nullable. When a change is made to a relationship, the related foreign-key property is set to a null value. If the foreign-key does not support null values, a new relationship must be defined, the foreign-key property must be assigned another non-null value, or the unrelated object must be deleted.]
My update method:
public ActionResult ChangeOrder(Order model)
var order = this.orderRepository.GetOrder(model.OrderId);
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var success = this.TryUpdateModel(order);
return this.View(order);
I tried all solutions I saw on SO and other sources, none succeeded.
I use .Net MVC 3, EF 4.3.1 together with DBContext.
There are a number of code smells here, which I'll try to be elegant with when correcting :)
I can only assume that "Order" is your EF entity? If so, I would highly recommend keeping it separate from the view by creating a view model for your form and copying the data in to it. Your view model should really only contain properties that your form will be using or manipulating.
I also presume orderRepository.GetOrder() is a data layer call that retrieves an order from a data store?
You are also declaring potentially unused variables. "var order =" will be loaded even if your model is invalid, and "var success =" is never used.
TryUpdateModel and UpdateModel aren't very robust for real-world programming. I'm not entirely convinced they should be there at all, if I'm honest. I generally use a more abstracted approach, such as the service / factory pattern. It's more work, but gives you a lot more control.
In your case, I would recommend the following pattern. There's minimal abstraction, but it still gives you more control than using TryUpdateModel / UpdateModel:
public ActionResult ChangeOrder(OrderViewModel model) {
if(ModelState.IsValid) {
// Retrieve original order
var order = orderRepository.GetOrder(model.OrderId);
// Update primitive properties
order.Property1 = model.Property1;
order.Property2 = model.Property2;
order.Property3 = model.Property3;
order.Property4 = model.Property4;
// Update collections manually
order.Collection1 = model.Collection1.Select(x => new Collection1Item {
Prop1 = x.Prop1,
Prop2 = x.Prop2
try {
// Save to repository
} catch (Exception ex) {
ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message);
return View(model);
return RedirectToAction("SuccessAction");
return View(model);
Not ideal, but it should serve you a bit better...
I refer you to this post, which is similar.
I assume that the user can perform the following actions in your view:
Modify order (header) data
Delete an existing order item
Modify order item data
Add a new order item
To do a correct update of the changed object graph (order + list of order items) you need to deal with all four cases. TryUpdateModel won't be able to perform a correct update of the object graph in the database.
I write the following code directly using a context. You can abstract the use of the context away into your repository. Make sure that you use the same context instance in every repository that is involved in the following code.
public ActionResult ChangeOrder(Order model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// load the order from DB INCLUDING the current order items in the DB
var orderInDB = context.Orders.Include(o => o.OrderItems)
.Single(o => o.OrderId == model.OrderId);
// (1) Update modified order header properties
// (2) Delete the order items from the DB
// that have been removed in the view
foreach (var item in orderInDB.OrderItems.ToList())
if (!model.OrderItems.Any(oi => oi.OrderItemId == item.OrderItemId))
// Omitting this call "Remove from context/DB" causes
// the exception you are having
foreach (var item in model.OrderItems)
var orderItem = orderInDB.OrderItems
.SingleOrDefault(oi => oi.OrderItemId == item.OrderItemId);
if (orderItem != null)
// (3) Existing order item: Update modified item properties
// (4) New order item: Add it
return RedirectToAction("Index"); // or some other view
return View(model);

Method not called when using yield return

I'm having a little trouble with a method in which I use yield return this doesn't work...
public IEnumerable<MyClass> SomeMethod(int aParam)
foreach(DataRow row in GetClassesFromDB(aParam).Rows)
yield return new MyClass((int)row["Id"], (string)row["SomeString"]);
The above code never runs, when the call is made to this method it just steps over it.
However if I change to...
public IEnumerable<MyClass> SomeMethod(int aParam)
IList<MyClass> classes = new List<MyClass>();
foreach(DataRow row in GetClassesFromDB(aParam).Rows)
classes.Add(new MyClass((int)rows["Id"], (string)row["SomeString"]);
return classes;
It works just fine.
I don't understand why the first method never runs, could you help me in understanding what is happening here?
The "yield" version is only "run" when the caller actually starts to enumerate the returned collection.
If, for instance, you only get the collection:
var results = SomeObject.SomeMethod (5);
and don't do anything with it, the SomeMethod will not execute.
Only when you start enumerating the results collection, it will hit.
foreach (MyClass c in results)
/* Now it strikes */
yield return methods are actually converted into state machine classes that retrieve information lazily - only when you actually ask for it. That means that in order to actually pull data, you have to iterate over the result of your method.
// Gives you an iterator object that hasn't done anything yet
IEnumerable<MyClass> list = SomeMethod();
// Enumerate over the object
foreach (var item in list ) {
// Only here will the data be retrieved.
// The method will stop on yield return every time the foreach loops.
The reason it runs in the second case is because there's no yield block, and thus the entire method runs in one go.
In this specific case, it's unlikely that you'll have any advantage to use an iterator block over a regular one because your GetClassesFromDb() isn't one either. This means that it will retrieve all the data at the same time first time it runs. Iterator blocks are best used when you can access items one at a time, because that way you can stop if you don't need them anymore.
I had to learn in a near disastrous way how cool/dangerous yield is when I decided to make our company's parser read incoming data lazily. Fortunately only one of the handful of our implementing functions actually used the yield keyword. Took a few days to realize it was quietly not doing any work at all.
The yield keyword it will be as lazy as it possibly can, including skipping over the method altogether if you don't put it to work with something like .ToList() or .FirstOrDefault() or .Any()
Below are two variations, one using the keyword and one returning a straight-up list. One won't even bother to execute, while the other will, even though they seem the same.
public class WhatDoesYieldDo
public List<string> YieldTestResults;
public List<string> ListTestResults;
public void TestMethod1()
public IEnumerable<string> YieldTest()
YieldTestResults = new List<string>();
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
yield return i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
public IEnumerable<string> ListTest()
ListTestResults = new List<string>();
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
return ListTestResults;
Moral of the story: Make sure that if have a method that returns IEnumerable and you use yield in that method, you have something that will iterate over the results, or the method won't execute at all.
