Cannot display using foreach_in_collection - foreach

I am trying to use foreach_in_collection to display a collection the code I am using is:
foreach_in_collection itr $outputs {
puts [get_object_name[$itr]]
Here outputs is a collection which has values like out1, out2 etc. When I run this code I am getting an error like unknown command '_sel843'. I know to display he contents I have to convert it to list by using get_object_name. But it is not working. Please help.

get_object_name is an internal procedure which accept an element of a collection.
You should use this value directly, instead of evaluating it.
The correct code is:
foreach_in_collection itr $outputs { puts [get_object_name $itr] }


How to execute Report given the results of a previously executed Report in ABAP

My problem is the following:
I have one report called Y5000112.
My colleagues always execute it manually once with selection screen variant V1 and then execute it a second time with variant V2 adding the results of the first execution to the selection.
Those results in this case are PERNR.
My goal:
Automate this - execute that query twice with one click and automatically fill the PERNR selection of the second execution with the PERNR results of the first execution.
I found out how to trigger a report execution and after that another one, how to set it to a certain variant and got this far - [EDIT] after the first answer I got a bit further but I still have no idea how to loop through my results and put them into the next Report submit:
DATA: t_list TYPE TABLE OF abaplist.
* lt_seltab TYPE TABLE OF rsparams,
* ls_selline LIKE LINE OF lt_seltab.
SUBMIT Y5000114
listobject = t_list
not_found = 1
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
WRITE 'Unable to get list from memory'.
* I want to fill ls_seltab here with all pernr (table pa0020) but I haven't got a clue how to do this
* LOOP AT t_list.
* WRITE /t_list.
SUBMIT Y5000114
I'm not very familiar with ABAP so if I didn't provide enough Information just let me know in the comments and I'll try to find out whatever you need to know in order to solve this.
Here's my imaginary JS-Code that can express very generally what I'm trying to accomplish.
function submitAndReturnExport(Reportname,VariantName,OptionalPernrSelection)
{...return resultObject;}
var t_list = submitAndReturnExport("Y5000114","MA OPLAN TEST");
var pernrArr = [];
for (var i in t_list)
submitAndReturnExport("Y5000114","MA OPLAN TEST2",pernrArr);
It's not that easy as it supposed to, so there won't be any one-line snippet. There is no standard way of getting results from report. Try EXPORTING LIST TO MEMORY clause, but consider that the report may need to be adapted:
SUBMIT [report_name]
The result of the above statement should be read from memory and adapted for output:
call function 'LIST_FROM_MEMORY'
listobject = t_list
not_found = 1
others = 2.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
message 'Unable to get list from memory' type 'E'.
call function 'WRITE_LIST'
listobject = t_list
if sy-subrc <> 0.
message 'Unable to write list' type 'E'.
Another (and more efficient approach, IMHO) is to gain access to resulting grid via class cl_salv_bs_runtime_info. See the example here
P.S. Executing the same report with different parameters which are mutually-dependent (output pars of 1st iteration = input pars for the 2nd) is definitely a bad design, and those manipulations should be done internally. As for me one'd better rethink the whole architecture of the report.

How to show String new lines on gsp grails file?

I've stored a string in the database. When I save and retrieve the string and the result I'm getting is as following:
This is my new object
Testing multiple lines
-- Test 1
-- Test 2
-- Test 3
That is what I get from a println command when I call the save and index methods.
But when I show it on screen. It's being shown like:
This is my object Testing multiple lines -- Test 1 -- Test 2 -- Test 3
Already tried to show it like the following:
But still the same thing.
Do I need to replace \n to or something like that? Is there any easier way to show it properly?
Common problems have a variety of solutions
1> could be you that you replace \n with <br>
so either in your controller/service or if you like in gsp:
2> display the content in a read-only textarea
<g:textArea name="something" readonly="true">
3> Use the <pre> tag
4> Use css white-space
<div class="space">
//css code:
.space {
Also make a note if you have a strict configuration for the storage of such fields that when you submit it via a form, there are additional elements I didn't delve into what it actually was, it may have actually be the return carriages or \r, anyhow explained in comments below. About the good rule to set a setter that trims the element each time it is received. i.e.:
Class Advice {
String advice
static constraints = {
advice(nullable:false, minSize:1, maxSize:255)
* In this scenario with a a maxSize value, ensure you
* set your own setter to trim any hidden \r
* that may be posted back as part of the form request
* by end user. Trust me I got to know the hard way.
void setAdvice(String adv) {
${raw(adviceInstance.advice?.encodeAsHTML().replace("\n", "<br>"))}
This is how i solve the problem.
Firstly make sure the string contains \n to denote line break.
For example :
String test = "This is first line. \n This is second line";
Then in gsp page use:
${raw(test?.replace("\n", "<br>"))}
The output will be as:
This is first line.
This is second line.

Array.size() returned wrong values (Grails)

I'm developing an app using Grails. I want to get length of array.
I got a wrong value. Here is my code,
def Medias = params.medias
println params.medias // I got [37, 40]
println params.medias.size() // I got 7 but it should be 2
What I did wrong ?
Thanks for help.
What is params.medias (where is it being set)?
If Grials is treating it as a string, then using size() will return the length of the string, rather than an array.
println params.medias.length
also return 7?
You can check what Grails thinks an object is by using the assert keyword.
If it is indeed a string, you can try the following code to convert it into an array:
def mediasArray =
println mediasArray.size()
The downside of this is that Eval presents the possibility of unwanted code execution if the params.medias is provided by an end user, or can be maliciously modified outside of your compiled code.
A good snippet on the "evil (or lack thereof) of eval" is here if you're interested (not mine):
I think 7 is result of length of the string : "[37,40]"
Seems your media variable is an array not a collection
Try : params.medias.length
Thanks to everyone. I've found my mistake
First of all, I sent an array from client and my params.medias returned null,so I converted it to string but it is a wrong way.
Finally, I sent and array from client as array and in the grails, I got a params by
List medias = params.list('medias')

How can i get a value of read only mode text box using webdriver...I tried with gettext but it is not working

Can any one help on this
How can i get a value of read only mode text box using webdriver...I tried with gettext but it is not working....
i gave a code as below
String Streetnumbercopare = driver.findElement("ctl00_ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ContentPlaceHolderInNestedMP_uclRiskInfo_txtStreetNumber")).getText();
if (StreetNumberTextValue.equals(Streetnumbercopare)) {
System.out.println("Streetnumber matches --- Pass");
}else {
System.out.println("Street number doesn't match --- Fail");
I hade the same problem in python(using pytest)
If you also using python:
it works for me
Try driver.findElement("ctl00_ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ContentPlaceHolderInNestedMP_uclRiskInfo_txtStreetNumber")).getAttribute("value")
You might have HTML like here: input tag example

Lua arguments passed to function in table are nil

I'm trying to get a handle on how OOP is done in Lua, and I thought I had a simple way to do it but it isn't working and I'm just not seeing the reason. Here's what I'm trying:
Person = { };
function Person:newPerson(inName)
p = { };
p.myName = inName;
function p:sayHello()
print ("Hello, my name is " .. self.myName);
return p;
Frank = Person.newPerson("Frank");
FYI, I'm working with the Corona SDK, although I am assuming that doesn't make a difference (except that's where print() comes from I believe). In any case, the part that's killing me is that inName is nil as reported by print(inName)... therefore, myName is obviously set to nil so calls to sayHello() fail (although they work fine if I hardcode a value for myName, which leads me to think the basic structure I'm trying is sound, but I've got to be missing something simple). It looks, as far as I can tell, like the value of inName is not being set when newPerson() is called, but I can't for the life of me figure out why; I don't see why it's not just like any other function call.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Remember that this:
function Person:newPerson(inName)
Is equivalent to this:
function Person.newPerson(self, inName)
Therefore, when you do this:
You are passing one parameter to a function that expects two. You probably don't want newPerson to be created with :.
Frank = Person:newPerson("Frank");
