Rails datetime_select posting my current time in UTC - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to compare what the user selects for a start date and end date to the current time to prevent the user from selecting a time in the past. It works except you have to pick a time, in my case, 4 hours ahead in order for it to pass the validation.
datetime_select(:start_date, ampm: true)
if self.start_date < DateTime.now || self.end_date < DateTime.now
errors.add(:date, 'can not be in the past.')
self.start_date is returning my current time but in utc which is wrong. DateTime.now is returning my current time but with an offset of -0400 which is correct.
My current time is 2013-10-03 09:00:00.000000000 -04:00
self.start_date is 2013-10-03 09:00:00.000000000 Z
DateTime.now is 2013-10-03 09:00:00.000000000 -04:00
Why is this happening and what would be the best way to fix it?

you can do something like this
around_filter :set_time_zone
def set_time_zone
old_time_zone = Time.zone
Time.zone = current_user.time_zone if logged_in?
Time.zone = old_time_zone
you can also do this
adding following to application.rb works
config.time_zone = 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'
config.active_record.default_timezone = 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'

I ended up fixing it by converting the start_date to a string and back to time. It was weird that I needed :local, as the documentation on to_time says it is the default, but it only works when it is present.
def not_past_date
current_time = DateTime.now
start_date_selected = self.start_date.to_s.to_time(:local)
end_date_selected = self.start_date.to_s.to_time(:local)
if start_date_selected < current_time || end_date_selected < current_time
errors.add(:date, 'can not be in the past.')


How to manage different time_zones in ruby on rails

Attributes of users are start_time,end_time and time_zone.
I am saving only time not date and user time_zone
start_time => "09:00"
end_time => "02:00"
time_zone => "Samoa"
User is only called b/w given start_time and end_time according to given time_zone. How I check this?
My research , I found this
in_time_zone('Eastern Time (US & Canada)')
I want to check that user is available or not according to its start_time and end_time based on time_zone
server_tz = Time.zone # zone on server
server_now = server_tz.now # time on server right now
Time.use_zone(time_zone) do # ⇐ user’s time zone, 'Samoa'
server_start, server_end = %i|start_time end_time|.map do |t|
# ⇓ parse in user time zone and convert to server tz
Time.zone.parse("#{Date.today} #{t}").in_time_zone(server_tz)
# ⇓ use case-triple-equal to check if time is in between
(server_start..server_end) === server_now

Filter for Time Zone ignored in controller and view

I defined a method in my ApplicationController that looks like such:
def use_time_zone(&block)
Time.use_zone('Pacific Time (US & Canada)', &block)
I then used,
around_filter: use_time_zone
to ensure that the method was applied to all times across the entire application. Despite my method and filter when I print
<%= Time.now %> <%= Date.today %>
in any view it prints the time value in the improper time zone. I read recently in the API documentation that around_filter: has been deprecated, if this is true what is now used in its place?
You can define Time zone in config of your application
config.time_zone = 'Pacific Time (US & Canada)'
# or
# config.active_record.default_timezone = 'Pacific Time (US & Canada)'

Rails: controller won't update model correctly

I apologize in advance, this is going to be a long question.
Short version:
I have a Meeting model that has a date, start_time, and end_time. These are time objects, which of course are a pain for users to input, so I'm using virtual attributes to accept strings which are parsed by Chronic before save.
I have a plain vanilla rails controller that receives these virtual attributes from the form and passes them along to the model. Here is the controller:
def create
#meeting = #member.meetings.build(params[:meeting])
if #meeting.save
redirect_to member_meetings_path(#member), :notice => "Meeting Added"
render :new
def update
#meeting = #member.meetings.find(params[:id])
if #meeting.update_attributes(params[:meeting])
redirect_to member_meetings_path(#member), :notice => "Meeting Updated"
render :new
I've verified that the controller receives the correct parameters from the form, for instance params[:meeting][:date_string] is set as expected.
On create, the date gets set correctly, but the times are assigned to the year 2000, set in UTC, and won't display in local time on the front end.
On update, the date won't update. The times update but stay in UTC for 2000-01-01.
Longer Version
What makes this super bizarre to me is I have decent test coverage indicating all of this works at the model layer.
Here is the model:
require 'chronic'
class Meeting < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :location, :description, :contact_id, :member_id, :time_zone,
:date, :start_time, :end_time, :date_string, :start_time_string, :end_time_string
belongs_to :member
belongs_to :contact
before_save :parse_time
# Time IO Formatting
attr_writer :date_string, :start_time_string, :end_time_string
# Display time as string, year optional
def date_string(year=true)
if date
str = "%B %e"
str += ", %Y" if year
date.strftime(str).gsub(' ',' ')
# Display time as string, AM/PM optional
def start_time_string(meridian=true)
if start_time
str = "%l:%M"
str += " %p" if meridian
# Display time as string, AM/PM optional
def end_time_string(meridian=true)
if end_time
str = "%l:%M"
str += " %p" if meridian
# Display Date and Time for Front-End
def time
date.year == Date.today.year ? y = false : y = true
start_time.meridian != end_time.meridian ? m = true : m = false
[date_string(y),'; ',start_time_string(m),' - ',end_time_string].join
# Time Input Processing, called in `before_save`
def parse_time
self.date ||= #date_string ? Chronic.parse(#date_string).to_date : Date.today
self.start_time = Chronic.parse #start_time_string, :now => self.date
self.end_time = Chronic.parse #end_time_string, :now => self.date
def set_time_zone
if time_zone
Time.zone = time_zone
elsif member && member.time_zone
Time.zone = member.time_zone
Chronic.time_class = Time.zone
Here is the spec. Note that to test the parse_time callback in isolation I'm calling #meeting.send(:parse_time) in these tests whenever I'm not actually creating or updating a record.
require "minitest_helper"
describe Meeting do
before do
#meeting = Meeting.new
describe "accepting dates in natural language" do
it "should recognize months and days" do
#meeting.date_string = 'December 17'
#meeting.date.must_equal Date.new(Time.now.year,12,17)
it "should assume a start time is today" do
#meeting.start_time_string = '1pm'
#meeting.start_time.must_equal Time.zone.local(Date.today.year,Date.today.month,Date.today.day, 13,0,0)
it "should assume an end time is today" do
#meeting.end_time_string = '3:30'
#meeting.end_time.must_equal Time.zone.local(Date.today.year,Date.today.month,Date.today.day, 15,30,0)
it "should set start time to the given date" do
#meeting.date = Date.new(Time.now.year,12,1)
#meeting.start_time_string = '4:30 pm'
#meeting.start_time.must_equal Time.zone.local(Time.now.year,12,1,16,30)
it "should set end time to the given date" do
#meeting.date = Date.new(Time.now.year,12,1)
#meeting.end_time_string = '6pm'
#meeting.end_time.must_equal Time.zone.local(Time.now.year,12,1,18,0)
describe "displaying time" do
before do
#meeting.date = Date.new(Date.today.year,12,1)
#meeting.start_time = Time.new(Date.today.year,12,1,16,30)
#meeting.end_time = Time.new(Date.today.year,12,1,18,0)
it "should print a friendly time" do
#meeting.time.must_equal "December 1; 4:30 - 6:00 PM"
describe "displaying if nil" do
it "should handle nil date" do
#meeting.date_string.must_equal ""
it "should handle nil start_time" do
#meeting.start_time_string.must_equal ""
it "should handle nil end_time" do
#meeting.end_time_string.must_equal ""
describe "time zones" do
before do
time_zone: 'Central Time (US & Canada)',
date_string: "December 1, #{Time.now.year}",
start_time_string: "4:30 PM",
end_time_string: "6:00 PM"
it "should set meeting start times in the given time zone" do
Time.zone = 'Central Time (US & Canada)'
#meeting.start_time.must_equal Time.zone.local(Time.now.year,12,1,16,30)
it "should set the correct UTC offset" do
#meeting.start_time.utc_offset.must_equal -(6*60*60)
after do
describe "updating" do
before do
#m = Meeting.create(
time_zone: 'Central Time (US & Canada)',
date_string: "December 1, #{Time.now.year}",
start_time_string: "4:30 PM",
end_time_string: "6:00 PM"
#m.update_attributes start_time_string: '2pm', end_time_string: '3pm'
Time.zone = 'Central Time (US & Canada)'
it "should update start time via mass assignment" do
#m.start_time.must_equal Time.zone.local(Time.now.year,12,1,14,00)
it "should update end time via mass assignment" do
#m.end_time.must_equal Time.zone.local(Time.now.year,12,1,15,00)
after do
I have even specifically mixed in creating and updating records via mass assignment in later test methods to ensure that those work as expected. All those tests pass.
I appreciate any insight into the following:
Why doesn't the date update in the controller#update action?
Why aren't times getting the year from the date that is set? This works in the model and in specs, but not when submitted via form through the controller.
Why don't times get set to the time zone that is passed in from the form? Again, these specs pass, what is wrong on the controller?
Why won't times display in their time zone on the front end?
Thanks for the help, I feel like I must be losing the forest for the trees on this one as I've been going at it for hours.
Thanks to the help of AJcodez, I saw some of the issues:
Was assigning date wrong, thanks AJ! Now using:
if #date_string.present?
self.date = Chronic.parse(#date_string).to_date
elsif self.date.nil?
self.date = Date.today
I was using Chronic correctly, my mistake was at the database layer! I set the fields in the database to time instead of datetime, which ruins everything. Lesson to anyone reading this: never ever use time as a database field (unless you understand exactly what it does and why you're using it instead of datetime).
Same problem as above, changing the fields to datetime fixed the problem.
The problem here has to do with accessing time in the model vs. the view. If I move these time formatting methods into a helper so they're called in the current request scope they will work correctly.
Thanks AJ! Your suggestions got me past my blind spot.
Well here goes..
1 . Why doesn't the date update in the controller#update action?
I see two potential issues. Looks like you're not parsing the dates again. Try this:
def update
#meeting = #member.meetings.find(params[:id])
#meeting.assign_attributes params[:meeting]
#meeting.send :parse_time
if #meeting.save
assign_attributes sets but doesnt save new values: http://apidock.com/rails/ActiveRecord/AttributeAssignment/assign_attributes
Also, in your parse_time method, you use this assignment: self.date ||= which will always set self.date back to itself if it is assigned. In other words you can't update the date unless its falsey.
2 . Why aren't times getting the year from the date that is set? This works in the model and in specs, but not when submitted via form through the controller.
No idea, looks like you are using Chronic#parse correctly.
3 . Why don't times get set to the time zone that is passed in from the form? Again, these specs pass, what is wrong on the controller?
Try debugging time_zone and make sure it is returning whats in params[:meeting][:time_zone]. Again it looks correct by Chronic.
Side note: if you pass an invalid string to Time#zone= it will blow up with an error. For instance Time.zone = 'utc' is all bad.
4 . Why won't times display in their time zone on the front end?
See Time#in_time_zone http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/Time.html#method-i-in_time_zone and just explicitly name your time zone every time.
Not sure if you're already doing this, but try to explicitly save Times in UTC on the database, and then display them in local time.

Invalid argument to TimeZone?

I'm trying to make my users Time zone be the current Time zone of my application so everything they interact will be by it. I run into an ArgumentError for my method inside of my ApplicationController though.
before_filter :set_user_time_zone
def set_user_time_zone
if signed_in?
Time.zone = Time.now.in_time_zone(current_user.time_zone)
Notes: current_user is a Devise Helper and my User model as a :time_zone column.
Than the error:
invalid argument to TimeZone[]: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 13:16:20 JST +09:00
I don't know where to go from here. Any ideas on how to correct this?
class Price
attr_accessible :date
def self.today
where(:date => Date.today)
If my method does:
def set_user_time_zone
if signed_in?
Time.zone = current_user.time_zone
The problem I have my times are like this:
Time.now = US EAST- 2012-08-22 21:17:03 -0400
Time.zone = TOKYO - (GMT+09:00) Tokyo
Time.zone.now 2012-08-23 10:17:03 +0900
Which means all of my Date methods go by
Time.now = US EAST- 2012-08-22 21:17:03 -0400
when it should be
Time.zone.now 2012-08-23 10:17:03 +0900
How can I get it to the latter?
Time.now.in_time_zone(current_user.time_zone) returns instance of TimeWithZone class, but
Time#zone= expects to get something that can be converted to TimeZone.
Assuming you store TimeZone identifiers in your :time_zone column (“Eastern Time (US & Canada)”, "Hawaii", etc.) you can simply do
Time.zone = current_user.time_zone
Time#zone= method accepts only these params:
A Rails TimeZone object.
An identifier for a Rails TimeZone object (e.g., “Eastern Time (US &
Canada)”, -5.hours).
A TZInfo::Timezone object.
An identifier for a TZInfo::Timezone object (e.g.,
So you should pass something from this list

Rails time zone not overrides as well

I have a noisy problems with UTC on my Rails project.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :set_timezone
def set_timezone
Time.zone = current_user.time_zone if current_user
Cool. I overrided the time zone.
And now, server' time zone is +3. User's time zone is +5. I hope that any requests to Time should get the User's time zone, but this code returns not expected values:
render :text => Time.zone.to_s + "<br/>" +
Time.now.to_s + "<br/>" +
(GMT+05:00) Tashkent
Thu Oct 20 19:41:11 +0300 2011
2011-10-20 21:41:11 +0500
Where does from +0300 offset comes??
To get the current time in the currently set timezone you can use
Your server' time zone is +3 and
Time.now.to_s is returning this
saha! Sorry, but I have not a 15 points of reputation to give you the level-up)).
Anyway thanks for your help.
I wrote a TimeUtil helper, an uses it for time correction. This is my current pseudo-code:
class RacesController < ApplicationController
def create
#race = Race.new(params[:race])
#race.correct_time_before_save #can be before_save
class Race < ActiveRecord::Base
def correct_time_before_save
date = self.attributes["race_date"]
time = self.attributes["race_time"]
datetime = Time.local(date.year, date.month, date.day, time.hour, time.min, time.sec)
datetime_corrected = TimeUtil::override_offset(datetime)
self.race_date = datetime_corrected.to_date
self.race_time = datetime_corrected.to_time
# TimeUtil is uses for time correction. It should be very clear, please read description before using.
# It's for time correction, when server's and user's time zones are different.
# Example: User lives in Madrid where UTC +1 hour, Server had deployed in New York, UTC -5 hours.
# When user say: I want this race to be started in 10:00.
# Server received this request, and say: Okay man, I can do it!
# User expects to race that should be started in 10:00 (UTC +1hour) = 09:00 UTC+0
# Server will start the race in 10:00 (UTC -5 hour) = 15:00 UTC+0
# This module brings the workaround. All that you need is to make a preprocess for all incoming Time data from users.
# Check the methods descriptions for specific info.
# The Time formula is:
# UTC + offset = local_time
# or
# UTC = local_time - offset
module TimeUtil
# It returns the UTC+0 DateTime object, that computed from incoming parameter "datetime_arg".
# The offset data in "datetime_arg" is ignored - it replaces with Time.zone offset.
# Time.zone offset initialized in ApplicationController::set_timezone before-filter method.
def self.override_offset datetime_arg
Time.zone.parse(datetime_arg.strftime("%D %T")).utc
ActiveRecord getters adapted to user's time zones too. Time is stored in database (mysql) in "utc+0" format, and we want to get this time in current user's timezone format:
class Race < ActiveRecord::Base
def race_date
date = self.attributes["race_date"]
time = self.attributes["race_time"]
datetime = Time.utc(date.year, date.month, date.day, time.hour, time.min, time.sec).in_time_zone
def race_time
date = self.attributes["race_date"]
time = self.attributes["race_time"]
datetime = Time.utc(date.year, date.month, date.day, time.hour, time.min, time.sec).in_time_zone
