switching from Programmatically to StoryBoard (in XCode) as fast as possible - ios

I had moved from a company that was developing iOS applications using Programmatically branch of coding to a new one witch use StoryBoard style.
im not familiar with StoryBoards or XIB neither !!!
im not able to understand the code handover witch i received in the last two days, i want to learn StoryBoard as soon as possible,
i tried to search the web for some good tutorials but i didn't find much.
i had read so far:
Tutorial from Apple
Another from raywenderlich
and Another from appcoda
Please advice, thanks in advance

The Big Nerd Ranch "iOS Programming" book has a chapter on Storyboards that I at least found useful. It's a little dated (next edition coming soon) but still mostly relevant.


Push a side view controller

I am a bit new in iOS programming. I want to add view controllers in side view when click on the menu button as many apps already have. I searched in net and found 2 APIs one is PPReavealSideViewController and other is SWReavelSideController. but i don't know how to use. I downloaded the Sample project of PPReavealSideViewController but it is showing many errors. please help me I have many questions in my mind..
Which one is better to use PPReavealSideViewController or SWReavelSideController?
Is there any other way to achieve my target??
I am uplaoding a image, please help me
I would suggest to use step-by-step tutorial:
PPReavealSideViewController or SWReavelSideController are good but always nice to do it yourself

Sliding image with fixed Logo in swift [duplicate]

I'm trying to create a tutorial for my application with Page Control. I'm not entirely sure how to go about creating this tutorial view, and was hoping somebody could provide some advice or point me to a tutorial. I've been researching for several days now but haven't come across any relevant solutions...
I'm essentially wondering what UI Elements this uses? A page control + UINagivationController or UIViewController?
Here is a step by step tutorial for what you want to do:
The above tutorial shows how to create a UIPageViewController using Interface Builder. The tutorial was rewritten to make it compatible with iOS 7 and Xcode 5 and to use Storyboard. You can find the updated tutorial at this link: http://www.appcoda.com/uipageviewcontroller-storyboard-tutorial/
If you're open to using third party libraries there are several options:

Master detail view using a UITableView in the detail section (iPad)

I'm all new to iOS coding, and wanted a small project to learn the language.
My wife asked me to make an app she could use for her work.
I have been looking into the Master/Detail template on iOS and this is something I want to continue with.
Searched the web and looked at a lot of tutorials and comments in this forum, but I have not been able to find anything on how to use this template the way I would like it.
When I click the master section it should then in the detail section load a UITableView with all the properties for selected Item. (A bit like the Settings app on the iPad). If I then select and item in the detail section is should load a new view where I can change the selected property.
If anyone would could give a hint on this, it would be really appreciated.
Try starting with the default master/detail template built into xcode. You can set it for iphone, ipad or universal (both). I am working my way through a similar question.
Good luck and keep asking good questions here ... the developers here are really great.

Storyboards only for iOS apps

I was little surprised when I was reading Apple Documentation from this Link
Which tells that
A user interface file for an iOS app has the filename extension storyboard. A user interface file for a Mac app has the filename extension xib.
I have used xib's in most of my projects and I still do the same which sometimes makes me little comfortable. Does this statement tells whether we should use only Storyboards in future ? Please share your suggestions
I work with some guys that still are uncomfortable with xibs in the way you may be with storyboards. They like using what they are comfortable with, and they maintain older code bases.
I believe Apple has found that people develop cleaner apps more quickly with storyboards, and are pushing folks in that direction. I don't see the removal of xibs any time in the foreseeable future, any more than I see people restricted from completely being able to to programatically create the entire app. You still have the option of using storyboards or not, and if not, its certainly easy to use xib's.
I was really hesitant about the storyboards, so my latest new project I decided to just dive in 100% on storyboards, and I was stunned at how happy I am with them and with segues. The communication between storyboards, the prototype cells in UITableViews and the visual linking of the ViewControllers really helped me.

iOS Storyboards Should I use them or not? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
When to use Storyboard and when to use XIBs
(9 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I am new to iOS development (No apps created yet), but I ask for advice from my friend that has really high rated apps on the market. He said not to use storyboards.
As much as I want to take his advice, they seem really helpful.
Is this something that can cause problems for my app in the future?
Is there any reason I may want to not use storyboards?
Coming from an Android background, I don't see why I should use them.
I tend to avoid storyboards for anything apart from perhaps a quick prototype. If you know you have a very simple app which isn't going to get complicated, and you're the only developer, storyboards might be ok.
Here are a few blog posts that detail some of the pain points when using storyboards:
Both of the above are a bit dated, but I believe the pertinent points still hold true.
Note that in theory you need to use a storyboard(s) to get static tables, which can be useful. To get this benefit, you could put only the static tables in storyboard files (note: you can have multiple storyboard files in an app) and use xibs or just code for the rest of the UI.
I'd recommend against using either storyboards or Interface Builder.
You'll learn Objective-C faster if you spend more time using it. Switching between IB and code, you'll have two things to learn. The context switching will still slow you down later on.
Nibs and storyboards are big XML files that don't play well with source control; if you're working on one at the same time as someone else, you will get merge conflicts.
You can't see everything that's going on at once in IB, so it's hard to track down things like layout problems.
You can't search or replace in IB the way you can in code
Nibs and storyboards put your view logic in your controllers. Whether that's a problem for you depends on how much of an MVC purist you are.
If you want to port your apps to/from Android, IB will make it much harder.
This all comes from experience. I started out running a small software team developing iOS apps using IB (storyboard wasn't out yet) and within a year it had caused so many problems that I'd had to forbid its use. Our productivity went way up when we stopped using it.
I think it's not important to use it or not,the most important is how your application is?(quality, beautiful, fast...).
StoryBoard is great for beginner to shorten design time and understand.
But when to become professional developer, you will love to draw your interface by coding because typing more faster than graphic.
I don't think this question is really answerable. There are pros and cons of any technical decision and this one is no different.
Visual, so you get a much better idea of what your app will look like more quickly
Less code
Autolayout can be easier
It's not all-or-nothing. You can build the "base" in Storyboards and finish it off in code
A big hairball of an XML file makes merge conflicts pretty nasty
Less flexibility than code (no inheritance, etc.)
If you have lots of screens in your app, using a single storyboard can get pretty difficult unless you have a vast screen!
It depends only on you. If you developing your application alone, storyboards are very useful. If you work in a team, it's better yo use .xibs because there is less problems with merging them with svn in comparison to storyboards
Very broad question. There are times when storyboards are great and other times when they are a hassle. Depends on the requirements and compatibility needs of your app.
See this answer for a great explanation of when to use storyboards and when to use XIBs:
When to use Storyboard and when to use XIBs
