EntityFramework database vs model - asp.net-mvc

I understand the fact that generating a model based on the DataBaseFirst method woill produce a collection of entitites on the ORM that are essentially mapped to the DB tables.
It is my understanding, that if you need properties from other entities or just dropdownlist fields, you can make a ViewModel and use that class as your model.
I have an AppDev course that I just finished and the author wrote something that if I understand it correctly, he is referring to change the ORM entities to fit what your ViewModels would look like, hence, no need for ViewModels. However, if you do this, and regenerate the ORM from the database, those new entities that you placed as "ViewModels" would be gone. If you changed the ORM to update the database, then your database structure in SQL Server would be "undone".
Please inform me if my understanding is correct that I simply need to use a ViewModel in a separate folder to gather specific classes and or properties in a superclass or a single class with the properties that I just need and use that as my model....
Here is the excerpt from the author:
EntityFramework is initially a one to one mapping of classes to tables, but you can create a model that better represents the entities in your application no matter how the data is stored in relational tables.

What I think the author may have been hinting at is the concept of complex models. Let's say, for instance, that in your Database you have a Customer Table and an Address Table. A one to one mapping would create 2 model items, one Customer class and one Address class. Using complex model mapping, you could instead create a single Customer class which contained the columns from both the Customer Table and the Address table. Thus, instead of Customer.Address.Street1 you could refer simply to Customer.Street1. This is only one of many cases where you could represent a conceptual model in code differently than the resulting data in storage. Check out the excellent blog series Inheritance with EF CodeFirst for examples of different mapping strategies, like Table Per Hierarchy (TPH), Table Per Type (TPT), Table Per Concrete Class (TPC). Note that even though these examples are CodeFirst, they still apply to Entity Framework even if the initial models are generated from a Database.
In general, if you use DatabaseFirst and then never modify the resulting entities, you will always have a class in code for each table in the database. However, the power of Enity Framework is that it allows you to more efficiently work with your entities by allowing these hybrid mappings, thus freeing you to think about your code without the extra burden of your classes having to abide by rigid SQL expectations.
When the Database-First or Model-First entities are generated, they are purposely generated as partial classes. You can create your own partials which extend the classes that are generated from Entity Framework without modifying the existing class files. If the models are re-generated, your partial classes will still be intact. Granted, using partials means that you have the Entity Framework default behaviors as well as your extended behaviors, but this isn't usually a huge issue.
Another option is that you can modify the TT files which Entity Framework uses to generate your models, ensuring that your models are always regenerated in the same state.
Ultimately, the main idea is that just because the default behavior of Entity Framework is to map the database to classes 1:1, there are other options and you are never forced into something that isn't efficient for your project.


How to create model quickly&elegantly with Linq To Sql in asp.net mvc?

Ok straight to the issue. I can get object mapping to tables easily with Linq To Sql. For instance: class Product, class Order, class Order_Detail from Northwind. IMO, these 3 object have already met model's meet. But i can't put some useful attr([Required] [HttpPost]) on properties of them(except modifying design.cs, which is not recommended).Do i have to create ProductModels OrderModels with the same properties myself, and maybe some additional DAL-like classes to turn the linq2sql objects to models??
Even if i put design.cs and my models in the same namespace, how can i make two partial classes have the same properties??
Yes, you should create DTO's for each Linq to SQL model, it is not considered a good practice to pass Linq2Sql objects through your layers.
Optionally, look into to using Entity Framework Code First. It is stupid simple to use and you can add validation attributes directly to your POCOs, which are enforced on the data persistence side as well as the presentation side in MVC.
here's a good EF codefirst primer : http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2010/07/16/code-first-development-with-entity-framework-4.aspx

Asp.net MVC Architecture

I'm coming to the end of my first MVC project, and I'm not overly happy with how I constructed my Model objects and I'm looking for some ideas on how to improve them.
I use repositories for each DB table with Get, Save, Delete etc methods.
The repositories use Linq2Sql for the DB access.
I do mapping from the Linq2Sql objects to MVC Model objects, in the main, these are very much 1 to 1 mappings.
My problem is, I don't think my MVC model objects were granular enough, and I am probably passing more data back and forth than needed.
For example, I have a User table. An admin can edit a users details as can the user themselves, so I reckon I should really have a "AdminUserModel" and "UserModel" objects, where "AdminUserModel" has a greater set of values (IsEnabled for example).
So my bigger question is really, what kind of architectures are people using out there in the wild, in order to map many similar, related Model objects down through the layers to the DB?
Any sample architecture solutions anyone can suggest beyond NerdDinner?
thanks in advance!
In the case of your user model, you should use inheritence in stead of 2 seperated models. In this way you can use the code that was created for user in the ones that inherite from it.
the type of model you use depends completely on what you want to do with it. A good thing might be to take a look at patterns and try to get the patterns working that are needed for your situation...
I usually take implement inheritance in my models.
I usually have a base class of entity, which will have id, datecreated, valid and any other fields that are shared between entities (publishStatus, locked etc).
If needs be you can create other base classes inheriting from entity: person entity, product entity etc.
this way you can have a generic repository base, constrained to Entity or IEntity, i find that most entities CRUD functions dont need much more behaviour than that provided by the generic base (perhaps you will need to add a few additional get methods for some types)
In your case, AdminUser could inherit from User

Model design in ASP.NET MVC

I am constanstly having problems with model design in MVC. Mostly all of my projects require some entities that are to be created, edited and deleted. Most of these entities have some common properties like creation date, modified date, author, modified by and in some cases even more descriptive properties are common. Because of that I have one single DB table to store them. For instance, Documents table and we store Invoices, Quotations and other business documents in it. I am using Entity Framework v4 for ORM, where we eventually end up with the Document entity.
How do I modify this entity or do I create a separate DocumentViewModel class for it to support multiple document types with common properties (so some form of inheritance or interface implementation should be implemented)? Besides identifying different document types I also need to have some types to have different Data Annotation rules (attributes).
For instance, Document table has PayDate column. Document type Invoice requires PayDate to be provided but document type Quotation does not.
This is the one single problem I am facing over and over with MVC and so far I've been handling it different every time but cannot decide how to properly handle it to achieve the maximum application maintainability and ease of development.
Have you considered making Documents entity abstract?
From the DB side, you will have Documents table containing just the fields shared by all Invoices/Quoations/etc. This field will have an IDENTITY PK - e.g DocId.
In the other tables, additional meta-data specific to that document can be stored, and the PK is a (non-IDENTITY) field DocId, which is also a FK to the Documents table.
On the EF side, Documents becomes an abstract entity, and the other entities inherit from this entity. This allows a nice OO paradigm to exist, and makes your code more robust.
We are currently using this scheme (EF4/SQL Server).
Your scenario sounds very similar to ours - consider using Abstract Classes.
Thought i'd add a bit more info to how i've actually implemented this scenario, to put you on the right track.
As the comments to your Q state, we have little knowledge of your domain, therefore it's hard to make informed opinions. Personally, i chose to make my entity abstract, because certain functionality required a "mixed-bag" of items to be returned in one hit. There are other ways to do this of course (such as a stored procedure), but this allows a nice fluent interface between my UI (which is MVC by the way) and my service layer.
Works like this - here's how i get a single Post:
// var is strongly-typed to a "Post"
var somePost = repository.FindSingle(10);
Here's how i get a mixed-bag of Posts:
// var is strongly-typed to a "ICollection<Post>".
// "Title" is a property on my "Post" abstract POCO
var mixedBagOfPosts = repository.FindAll<Post>(p => p.Title = "Some Title");
Here's how i get a collection of "Reviews" (child of Post):
// var is strongly-typed to a "ICollection<Review>"
// "Rating" is a property on my "Review" POCO (derived from Post)
var reviews = repository.FindAll<Review>(r => r.Rating == 5.00);
The kicker is my repository is implemented with generics, and the type parameter ensures type-safety:
ICollection<T> FindAll<T>(Expression<Func<T,bool>> predicate) where T : Post
And it's implemented like this:
return myContext.Posts.OfType<T>.Where(predicate).ToList();
The OfType causes an inner join to the T (which is the child table), so only those records are returned.
Of course, i also have a service layer mediating between my UI and repository, but this should get you on the right track.
Also, you don't have to go with the whole Expression-predicate thing, i like this because it minimizes the number of methods on my interface, and gives full querying power to my controllers, whilst ensuring the queries are deferred to the point of the service layer, but not further.
If you don't like this, you could of course have regular parameters (string title, etc).
As i said, this architecture suited my domain requirements, so it may not necessarily suit yours, but hopefully it gives you some insight.
You can put a table in your EF model many times and just rename them to the entities you need. Just delete the columns you dont need from those.
For example, put in a Documents entity... now rename it to Invoice. Now add another one, and name it Quotation... on the Quotation, click on PayDate and hit the delete key. You can customize these all you want! You can do the same with other ORMs, just takes a little more work. With NHibernate you would manually create the Models, then map them to the same table, but only map what you need.

Changing entity name/poco class name from table name while creating model from the database

I want to create a entity model from the existing database but all the table names contain "_"/underscore in the database so while creating poco classes i want remove underscore from name of the entities/poco classes. Is there a way to change the naming convention while the entities are created in the entity framework during the creation of model from database
You have two options,
There is a little bit of a learning curve but it involves using T4 templates to do the code generation yourself. Basically you would just strip out the _ in the conceptual model. guide to customizing entity classes
Easier, and a little more painful is to just import your model and then use the model explorer and rename each entity. You will only have to do this once, it will save the mapping from conceptual to physical. A walk through can be found here (search for "Changing an entity name")

What is Ruby on Rails ORM in layman's terms? Please explain

I am having trouble understanding ORM in Ruby on Rails. From what I understand there is a 1:1 relationship between tables/columns and objects/attributes. So every record is an object.
Also what exactly is a Model? I know it maps to a table.
What I'm really after is a deeper understanding of the above. Thank you in advance for your help
I'm a Web developer going from PHP to Ruby on Rails.
"From what I understand there is a 1:1 relationship between tables/columns and objects/attributes. So every record is an object."
That is not exactly correct, unless you use the term "object" very loosely. Tables are modelled by classes, while table records are modeled by instances of those classes.
Let's say you have a clients table, with columns id (autonum) and name (varchar). Let's say that it has only one record, id=1 and a name="Ford". Then:
The DB table clients will map to the model class Client.
The record will map to a model instance, meaning that you have to create the object and assign it to a variable in order to work with the record. The most common way would be to do ford = Client.find(1)
The two columns of the table will map to methods on the ford variable. You can do ford.id and you will get 1. You can do ford.name and you will get the string "Ford". You can also change the name of the client by doing ford.name = "Chevrolet", and then commit the changes on the database by doing ford.save.
"Also what exactly is a Model? I know it maps to a table"
Models are just classes with lots of very useful methods for manipulating your database. Here are some examples:
Validations: Besides the typical db-driven validations ("this field can't be null") you can implement much complex validations in ruby ("this field must be a valid email" is the most typical one). Validations are run just before you invoke "save" on a model instance.
Relationships: The foreign keys can also be mapped onto models. For example, if you had a brands table (with its corresponding Brand model) associated via a foreign key to your ford client, you could do ford.brands and you would get an array of objects representing all the records on the brands table that have a client_id = 1.
Queries: Models allow you to create queries in ruby, and translate them to SQL themselves. Most people like this feature.
These are just some examples. Active record provides much more functionalities such as translations, scoping in queries, or support for single table inheritance.
Last but not least, you can add your own methods to these classes.
Models are a great way of not writing "spaguetti code", since you are kind of forced to separate your code by functionality.
Models handle database interaction, and business logic
Views handle html rendering and user interaction
Controllers connect Models with Views
ORM in Rails is an implementation of the Active Record pattern from Martin Fowler's Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture book. Accordingly, the Rails ORM framework is named ActiveRecord.
The basic idea is that a database table is wrapped into a class and an instance of an object corresponds to a single row in that table. So creating a new instance adds a row to the table, updating the object updates the row etc. The wrapper class implements properties for each column in the table. In Rails' ActiveRecord, these properties are made available automatically using Ruby metaprogramming based on the database schema. You can override these properties if required if you need to introduce additional logic. You can also add so-called virtual attributes, which have no corresponding column in the underlying database table.
Rails is a Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework, so a Rails model is the M in MVC. As well as being the ActiveRecord wrapper class described above it contains business logic, including validation logic implemented by ActiveRecord's Validation module.
Further Reading
Rails Database Migrations guide
Rails Active Record Validations and Callbacks guide
Active Record Associations guide
Active Record Query Interface guide
Active Record API documentation
Models: Domain objects such like User, Account or Status. Models are not necessarily supported by a database backend, as for example Status can be just a simple statically-typed enumeration.
Provides dynamic methods for quering database tables. A database table is defined as a class which inherits ActiveRecord class (pseudo-PHP example):
class User extends ActiveRecord {}
//find a record by name, and returns an instance of `User`
$record = User::find_by_name("Imran");
echo $record->name; //prints "Imran"
//there are a lot more dynamic methods for quering
New records are created by creating new instances of ActiveRecord-inherited classes:
class Account extends ActiveRecord {}
$account = new Account();
$account->name = "Bank Account";
There are two pieces here: the ORM and Rails's MVC pattern. ORM is short for "object-relational mapping", and it does pretty much what it says: it maps tables in your database to objects you can work with.
MVC is short for "model-view-controller", the pattern that describes how Rails turns your domain behavior and object representations into useful pages. The MVC pattern breaks down into three chunks:
Models contain a definition of what an object in your domain represents, and how it is related to other models. It also describes how fields and relationships represented in the object map to backing stores (such as a database). Note that, per se, there's nothing about a model which prescribes that you have to use a particular ORM (or even an ORM at all).
Controllers specify how models should interact with each other to produce useful results in response to a user request.
Views take the results created by controllers and render them in the desired way. (By the time you get to your view, you should mostly know what's being rendered, and there should be very little behavior happening.)
The definition from Wikipedia:
Object-relational mapping (ORM, O/RM,
and O/R mapping) in computer software
is a programming technique for
converting data between incompatible
type systems in relational databases
and object-oriented programming
languages. This creates, in effect, a
"virtual object database" that can be
used from within the programming
From a PHP view it will be in the following way(via example)
Connect to the database and get some row from posts table.
Turn that row to an object with attributes like those in the table columns.
If the posts has comments in comments table, you can also do post.comments and you get the comments also as an array of objects as well.
You can define relationships between tables like saying: Posts has_many Comments, a Comment belongs to a post and so.
So basically you are not working with database rows, instead you turn those rows and their relationships to objects with composition or inheritance relationships.
In layman's terms.
A Rails Model is proxy to a table in the database. These models happens to be Ruby classes.
The objects of these classes are proxies to rows in the table of which this model is a proxy.
Finally the attributes of these objects are proxies to the column data for that particular row.
Above is actually the Rails ActiveRecord ORM.
1:1 is not quite correct, since there is object-relation impedance mismatch.
