Use of Virtual Memory - memory

What happens if a page is present in Virtual Memory, but not in main memory?
How is it executed?
Is the program loaded into the Main Memory from the virtual Memory? If it is loaded to Main Memory from Virtual Memory, that that would be an IO operation since it is on disk.Then what is the use of Virtual Memory , if anyways we have to make an IO operation to execute it.
And when use program generates logical address , and MMU maps it to physical address , and if that address is not present in Main Memory , then does OS check in Virtual Memory??
Thanks in advance

Let me start by saying that this is a very simplified explanation, not the definite guide to virtual memory;
Virtual memory basically gives your process the illusion that it's the only thing running in the memory space of the computer. When the process accesses a virtual memory page, the MMU translates it into a physical memory access. If the physical memory page does not yet exist (or isn't in physical memory), the process is suspended and the operating system is notified and can add the page to memory (for example by fetching it from disk) before resuming the process again.
One reason for virtual memory is that the process doesn't have to worry too much how much memory it uses and doesn't have to change if you for example expand physical memory on the machine, it can just work as if it had all the memory it can address and have the operating system solve how the actual memory is used.
The reason it doesn't (usually) slow the computer to a crawl is that many processes don't use big parts of their memory at all times, if a memory page isn't accessed in an hour, the physical memory can be put to much better use during that hour than to be kept active. Of course, the more memory your processes actively use continuously, the slower your process will appear to run.


How OS handles memory leaks

I searched quite a lot for the question but was unable to find my exact query although it seems general enough that might have been asked and answered somewhere.
I wanted to know what happens after a process causes a memory leak and terminates. In my opinion it's not big deal because of virtual memory. After all physical pages can be still allocated to other/new process even if it was causing memory leak earlier (after old process caused memory leak)
But I also read somewhere that due to memory leaks you need to restart your system, and I dont seem to understand why???
Recommended reading : Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
On common OSes (e.g. Linux, Windows, MacOSX, Android) each process has its own virtual address space (and the heap memory, e.g. used for malloc or mmap, is inside that virtual address space), and when the process terminates, its entire virtual address space is destroyed.
So memory leaks don't survive the process itself.
There could be subtle corner cases (e.g. leaks on using shm_overview(7) or shmget(2)).
Read (for Linux) proc(5), try cat /proc/self/maps, and see also this. Learn to use valgrind and the Address Sanitizer.
Read also about Garbage Collection. It is quite relevant.
In modern operating systems the address space is divided into a user space and an system space. The system space is the same for all processes.
When you kill a process, that destroys the user space for the process. If an application has a memory leak, killing the process remedies the leak.
However,the operating system can also allocate memory in the system space. When there is a memory leak in the operating system's allocation of system space memory, killing processes does not free it up.
That is the type of memory leak that forces you to reboot the system.

Paged memory vs Pinned memory in memory copy [duplicate]

I observe substantial speedups in data transfer when I use pinned memory for CUDA data transfers. On linux, the underlying system call for achieving this is mlock. From the man page of mlock, it states that locking the page prevents it from being swapped out:
mlock() locks pages in the address range starting at addr and continuing for len bytes. All pages that contain a part of the specified address range are guaranteed to be resident in RAM when the call returns successfully;
In my tests, I had a fews gigs of free memory on my system so there was never any risk that the memory pages could've been swapped out yet I still observed the speedup. Can anyone explain what's really going on here?, any insight or info is much appreciated.
CUDA Driver checks, if the memory range is locked or not and then it will use a different codepath. Locked memory is stored in the physical memory (RAM), so device can fetch it w/o help from CPU (DMA, aka Async copy; device only need list of physical pages). Not-locked memory can generate a page fault on access, and it is stored not only in memory (e.g. it can be in swap), so driver need to access every page of non-locked memory, copy it into pinned buffer and pass it to DMA (Syncronious, page-by-page copy).
As described here
host memory used by the asynchronous mem copy call needs to be page locked through cudaMallocHost or cudaHostAlloc.
I can also recommend to check cudaMemcpyAsync and cudaHostAlloc manuals at HostAlloc says that cuda driver can detect pinned memory:
The driver tracks the virtual memory ranges allocated with this(cudaHostAlloc) function and automatically accelerates calls to functions such as cudaMemcpy().
CUDA use DMA to transfer pinned memory to GPU. Pageable host memory cannot be used with DMA because they may reside on the disk.
If the memory is not pinned (i.e. page-locked), it's first copied to a page-locked "staging" buffer and then copied to GPU through DMA.
So using the pinned memory you save the time to copy from pageable host memory to page-locked host memory.
If the memory pages had not been accessed yet, they were probably never swapped in to begin with. In particular, newly allocated pages will be virtual copies of the universal "zero page" and don't have a physical instantiation until they're written to. New maps of files on disk will likewise remain purely on disk until they're read or written.
A verbose note on copying non-locked pages to locked pages.
It could be extremely expensive if non-locked pages are swapped out by OS on a busy system with limited CPU RAM. Then page fault will be triggered to load pages into CPU RAM through expensive disk IO operations.
Pinning pages can also cause virtual memory thrashing on a system where CPU RAM is precious. If thrashing happens, the throughput of CPU can be degraded a lot.

why cannot access to contiguous memory addresses in physical memory

According to Microsoft documentation in the following link :
A program can use a contiguous range of virtual addresses to access a
large memory buffer that is not contiguous in physical memory.
So there's a question,that why in physical memory cannot have contiguous memory for a process?
Also there's another question due to the documentation, the following picture which demonstrates virtual memory for user and system space:
The system virtual address space is unique in the whole of the memory but there's a virtual address space for each process ?
At first when a process is loaded into memory, the OS can optimize to load process pages contiguously to physical memory.The process pages in memory cant always be contiguous due to swapping in and out, because there are other processes and things in memory that occupy space,so if later when some process pages becomes less used it is swapped back to hard drive, and when it is needed again it is not guaranteed to be loaded to the same spot before swapping out because there can be another process page laying there. You should read about virtual memory to gain good understanding of all of this.
You'r Questionn is simple!you have asked why we can have large memory buffer in virtual memory but not in physical one! thats because we are limited to the hardware!if we were able to access as much as buffer we want on our physical memory,industries had to make like 1024GB memories for our satisfaction! but we are using 8GB memory and we are satisfy...!virtual memories exist to satisfy our needs and make hardwares much more efficient!
hope it helps <3

Does virtual memory always provide a larger address space to a process?

From what I understand, a process is allocated real memory space, i.e., RAM. This is fixed so if the process needs more memory, it gets it from virtual memory.
So what the virtual memory does is just swaps pages into/out of the processes memory space as required, however, the processes REAL memory space remains constant.
My question is, is it possible for virtual memory to physically change the real memory space of the process in order to give it more memory?
At the risk of oversimplification, a process is allocated a page table (for simplicity, assuming a single level page page). The page table has a number of entries. each entry represent at a potential page in memory. The maximum size of the page table is limited by the address space of the processor. However, the operating system may restrict the page page size smaller than this.
(Assuming each executable starts a new process) The application loader will set up the address space to an initial state that includes all the static data, executable code, pre-allocated modifiable data, and an initial state.
There is no physical memory at this point.
As the program start up, it will reference pages in virtual memory that have no physical memory (page fault). The operating system will then assign physical memory pages to the virtual pages. At startup there will be many page faults.
As the application runs it can allocate more virtual memory up to the limits of the page table size.
As the application runs, the operating system can remap physical memory to virtual memory. The same virtual address can have multiple physical addresses while the program runs.
So this is an incorrect assumption.
From what I understand, a process is allocated real memory space, i.e., RAM. This is fixed so if the process needs more memory, it gets it from virtual memory.
This is not correct:
So what the virtual memory does is just swaps pages into/out of the processes memory space as required, however, the processes REAL memory space remains constant.
Yes to this:
My question is, is it possible for virtual memory to physically change the real memory space of the process in order to give it more memory?

Virtual memory without secondary storage

Can you have virtual memory without a secondary storage ( hard disk ) ?
In a pure sense, yes you can: Virtual Memory
What makes memory virtual is the fact that all memory accesses by the process are intercepted at the CPU level and a hardware Memory Management Unit is used to manage a mapping of the process address space onto the physical memory, no matter where that storage is presently really located.
You can have computing systems with virtual memory that have no backing storage (which is what people call it when you can move pages of memory out to disk for later retrieval).
In this case, the virtual memory system is used to allow the OS to intercept and prevent illegal memory references, but not in order to increase the working-set size of processes beyond the amount of installed physical memory.
