Custom Map Styles Google Map / MapKit - ios

I want to achieve a Map design like the image below
I have achieved the design using MapBox though, its quite simple to get it done from it.
I have found Google Map can be easily customized from here
But I can't find a way to implement it in iOS SDK for GoogleMaps.
I highly want to use GoogleMaps, is there any way that I can achieve the map design above ?
Any help is appreciated..

Styled maps is currently not supported in the latest release of google maps SDK for iOS (v 1.5.0) but the ticket for this feature has been filed, so please go and star it to indicate your interest in this feature:


React-Native Google Maps search result

I want to show a search query results map in react-native,
for example:,+Stati+Uniti/#40.7522488,-74.0240238,13z/data=!3m1!4b1?hl=it
I have checked at several components:
I successfully installed cocoa dependencies and set up the Google APIs.
What i am looking for is an Around Me feature with Google Maps results
The best solution, for me was to use the AirBandB React Native Maps component. It provides every feature you need to work with google maps (and not only google maps).
This is a beautiful Video Tutorial serie about it, it's really clear and work great.

MapBox Map integration

I am new to map box and I want to have a customised map for my application, I have gone through all the guides of mapBox provided online but they seems to be a bit confusing , I have two things over there,
Create a map using MapBox studio
Integrate a map in your ios application
I just want to know that if I create a map using MapBox studio can I use the same map for my application, plus will the default mapKit API will also work in the same project.
Will the delegate functions of mapKit API works for the mapBox and most importantly, how I can do all the things I am not able to find a example code.
If anyone can provide me with the some example code in which they have integrated a map using mapBox will be really helpful.
Thanks in advance.
It is possible for you to use Mapbox GL to use and integrate in your app. and the delegates for Mapbox GL are provided in their sites and their API will also work for sure, so don't worry give it a try, to have a reference about the example on MapboxGL go to this sites
Mapbox GL example
official site

Integrate GoogleMaps with Mapbox iOS sdk

I'm using MapBox for a iPad app and we want to use various image sources for the map imagery.
Is there a way to get google map tiles and show them in MapBox?
We could construct the url's to get the tiles directly but google will block you if you do this, because we wouldn't be using the official API.
Is there any other option to solve this problem?
It is technically possible, but Google's terms of service don't allow display of their tiles outside of their own software frameworks.

how i can create boundingbox area using mapbox api

hi i m new in iphone development some can help me to cache some area using mapbox framework
here is the guideline for this
You want to use the RMTileCacheBackgroundDelegate protocol for this. Just specify a bounding box and region on your
and it will start working.
question is how to use protocol and how to create bounding box
Thanks for help.
I provided that answer via the MapBox support forums. You will need to learn Cocoa from Apple's developer documentation. Learn what protocols are or else you will not be able to create iOS applications. Pasting a code example here when you have tried nothing will not help.

Integrating a google map into rails

Has anyone got any suggestions on where to start with building a google map into a rails app? I would like users to be able to add a marker by clicking the map, and have spent a few days looking for a suitable tutorial or plugin (beyond ym4r), to little avail...any help would be much appreciated as I am finding the Google Maps API rather difficult to get into! I've also come across the railskit for google maps - does anyone have any experience in using it?
Just fyi, I made which is a useful wrapper with several options.
I probably wouldn't use YM4R. We tried it and found that it doesn't add much value because it just wraps the API. I would recommend working with Google Maps directly from JavaScript. Google Maps API documentation is pretty good, and there are quite a few examples on the web.
There is an example of a click handler on the map here, and adding a marker is just a matter of doing
map.addOverlay(new GMarker(latlng));
