why jQuery Mobile not recommended for enterprise applications - jquery-mobile

In many of the SO questions related to jQuery Mobile vs other frameworks like Sencha,the former does not get recommended for enterprise centric applications.What are the specific reasons why jQuery mobile is not recommended?

For several reasons, the first would be speed. Sencha is a highly optimized framework compared to jQuery and the resulting code base is more efficient. You can get jQuery to a decent speed but it requires much more optimisation on your part. JQuery you use a combination of HTML & JavaScript whereas With Sencha it is mostly just JavaScript hence the speed difference.
A second reason would be scalability, for large enterprise applications Sencha is much better and more modular, if your application is large and you need to extend it Sencha's MVC framework allows you to build add-on parts easily by adding new views, models and stores. JQuery does not have a decent MVC framework.
The Sencha framework also provides a modern and simple way of connecting to data services...such as the new Windows Azure connection tools etc. jQuery this is possible but not as fully featured.
Hope that helps,


Is the polymer (2.0) is good choice for large scale MVC web application User interface?

I'm thinking to design a Grails web application UI using the Polymer library, as it provides custom templates, data binding and helps to reuse web components on any page. Also it is pure HTML, so server side processing should be reduced, as compared to JSP or GSP pages.
So, my question is, will it be a good approach for a large application and also performance, browser compatibility and code management etc.?
Everything that means to organize and reuse your code is great for large and complex web apps/projects, and you can achieve that with web components (in this case, with Polymer).
Its performance is good as it provides features like HTML imports, which avoids duplicate requests to the server (and you can also use libraries like Polymer Bundle or Vulcanize to package your assets in production).
Polymer features are supported natively in Google Chrome and Opera, and partially in Firefox, Safari and IE/Edge. You can have a full browser support with polyfills (webcomponents.js).
And code management with Polymer is great as it encapsulates element's styles and templates. In conclusion, Polymer and web components provides great tools and features to work in a large project and they have a great community behind.

Phonegap and the universe of frameworks?

my concern is to find a well fitting framework for developing a cross mobile platform app via phonegap. I am using JQMobile for the User interface.
I want to build my Application well structured and modular. That means i want to keep it very well capsulated.
I know Backbone.js , Underscore.js , handlebar.js , Mustache.js.... and many more.
I am wondering what could be the best method of structuring my apps architecture?! Moreover: Are there big dependencies which result from using those frameworks?
Which framework is giving me the BEST expandability and performance Boosts?
Iam asking because i hope someone can give me a hint. That would save much time.
EDIT: USEFUL Information for readers.
My final decision is based on "http://coenraets.org/blog/phonegap-tutorial/". This is a Tutorial about developing a Phonegap Application. Christophe Coenraets is a Technical Evangelist from Adobe. He gives many advices how to develop Phonegap applications with good performance. The link directs you to a really nice Tutorial for Routing between Views, Css Scrolling with Phonegap and many architectural information more. There is also a 60 minute presentation about Performance / Architecture and more similiar stuff. I am using handlebars.js for HTML templating, fastclick.js to simulate "touch" for "click" for more performance and Twitter Bootstrap CSS Framework for the responsive Design.
Anyway thx for your answers!
First lets make something clear. Whatever you use, you will not gain performance boost. Even worse, there's a good chance your performances will be lower.
But what you will get is usability and readability + more functional code than it is the case with pure jQuery + jQuery Mobile.
The most commonly used combination is jQuery Mobile + Backbone + Require.js. From my experience, it is also the best one. Unfortunately, in the end, I think you will be disappointed. While this is an excellent combination, jQuery Mobile applications are usually slugish on Phonegap. So think about it.
I have several other articles discussing similar topic so take a look:
Switching from Jquery Mobile to AppFramework
Which mobile development open source Framework should I use?

Flex Mobile Project vs. Action script Mobile Project

I am new to development and would like to develop an android application. I have previously built an application with Adobe Flash Builder 4.6 with Flex Mobile Project. I just recently noticed in 4.7 there is an option for Action Script Mobile Project.
Can someone please explain to me the difference between the two and the pros and cons to utilizing either or?
Creating a Flex mobile project is easier (use Flex 4.6 with design mode to rapidly prototype, 4.7 to develop) and visually let's you drag and drop
You can use data binding and other convieniant built in tools
Like anything else, there's good and bad about using the Flex mobile project as oppose to a complete ActionScript based solution. Mainly, it's a lot easier to customize your preloadeder, your splash screen and other features similar to tht like customizing how your application handles screen. Below is a couple pros and cons of using the Flex mobile version instead of ActionScript.
Slower performance
Can't use Adobe Scout, it's an awesome tool for real time benchmarking and profiling. Using the built in one is ok but it doesn't give you theamazing information that Scout provides.
My advice: if you're savvy enough to do everything in ActionScript, then definitely create an ActionScript project, your users will love you for it. Plus, it's not that much harder and it lets you have a myriad of additional control over your components. Also, you don't have to deal with the overhead that comes with data binding ( it generates event listeners, get and set methods and you can create much more efficient ones on your own). There are a number of other things that benefit you by creating an ActionScript version like refactoring and better subversion but those are more of incentives than anything else.
If you plan on making use of the declarative mark-up, built in UI components, and data binding which the Flex framework provides then you should probably start with a Flex Mobile Project. The downside to this approach is that the additional scaffolding of the Flex framework will incur a slight performance hit and will increase the over-all file size of your project.
On the other hand, if performance is critical and you don't need the declarative markup, built in UI components, or data binding provided by the Flex framework, then you should start with a pure ActionScript mobile project. Really simple applications, games, or applications with highly customised UIs would be examples of projects for which a pure ActionScript approach might be more suitable.
FYI, you can use Adobe Scout on Flex apps. Apache Flex now supports advanced Telemetry.
You can also add advanced telemetry to any SWF with the SWF Scout Enabler.

Which is more customizable between jQuery Mobile and Sencha Touch in terms of UI?

I am an iOS developer with decent experience, After a lot of decsion making, we have coome to a conclusion of using phoneGap for our next project which is suppose to be a multi platform app.
Now the question is what to use with PhoneGap, Sencha and jQuery Mobile?
I visited old posts at SO,Quora and a lot of blogs and came to a conclusion that, jQuery Mobile is good to start and learn but Sencha is much more powerful in terms of controls,MVC on client and extensibility.
I have used jquery,jquery plugins and ExtJS in the past and I am fine with either of their mobile counterparts .
So coming to the point, Our application will be designed by a designer who will not know what we will be using to make the app.
he will give us wireframes of the application and slices for images to put on buttons,tab bars etc.
This is how our standard iOS design process works.
So which of the two frameworks will suit this kind of development style where I will be able to replicate the UI given by the designer.
Coming from iOS, Sencha Touch might be a little closer to what you're used to. Having had a little iOS experience, I feel like ST has a much closer layout system. jQuery Mobile would be best if the implementor is used to building things for the browser.
I think both are equally customizable. Having that said ST provides more built in components and hooks whereas jqm wants you to do more on your own. Both frameworks differ extremely in their approach. Jqm uses a declarative designer friendly approach whereas ST uses an OOP programmer friendly approach.

How robust is the Project Silk type architecture for data heavy LOB apps?

Project Silk looks good for social networking applications where there are streams of frequently updated data that need to appear in a dashboard style presentation.
I would like to ask if such an architecture also is appropriate for typical LOB apps that are data-heavy. Currently, we use WPF or Silverlight for rich client presentation (tabs of master/detail forms, Office Ribbon styles, drag and drop, grids, charts). Project Silk seems to open up another option for such apps.
A few questions I have:
Are the technologies used in this stack mature enough for consideration for enterprise use?
Is the breadth of current and upcoming JQuery UI widgets enough to cover these needs?
Will this architecture be performant running in interpreted mode on a browser instead of fully utilizing CPU power as native apps do?
Are the technologies used in this stack mature enough for consideration for enterprise use?
jQuery, asp.net mvc 3, html 5, css 3 are mature and works ok for enterprise use.
There are some differences depending on the browser used. This is a big issue.
Is the breadth of current and upcoming JQuery UI widgets enough to cover these needs?
Silverlight/wpf is much more "stable". The UI box model is excellent.
Silverlight/wpf is also more "solid" as it is compiled and can be fully tested.
Will this architecture be performant running in interpreted mode on a browser instead of fully utilizing CPU power as native apps do?
It will be performant, but not as performant as a native app or a silverlight/wpf app which is compiled on the customer's computer.
