Grails war deployement on WSAS - grails

I generate a war using grails war, but when I deploy it to Websphere I have errors, what features I need to add so I can run my war under WSAS, here are the errors →
Note: The web page show me this error → Context Root Not Found

According log there is no problem and application has started successfully.
Check your Virtual Hosts settings.
There is good article about grails application deployment.


how to access grails application on Tomcat

I'm trying to deploy a simple grails application on my test-server which is tomcat. I've built the WAR with grails war command so I've got a war file named: simplgrailsapp-0.1.war
When I deploy this to tomcat I'm getting a lot of errors which I'm going to resolve one-by-one. But the URL for the app from tomcat manager (mytestserver:8080/manager) is http://mytestserver:8080/simplegrailsapp-0.1/ which doesn't seem correct. Because when I run the app locally the url is: localhost:8080/simplegrailsapp
I've also tried to access the app by http://mytestserver:8080/simplegrailsapp but that doesn't work either.
How can I fix this?
By default, when you deploy a WAR to tomcat it will fall under the context of the name of the WAR file. So in your case, the context becomes simplegrailsapp-0.1. You can:
rename your war file to whatever you want the context to be before you deploy it
define a Context for the application in Tomcat
If you go with defining a context this can be added to the WAR file by creating a META-INF folder in the web-app folder of your project and creating the context.xml file there.

Grails Deploy XAMPP Tomcat

I was about to test my grails application using the XAMPP Tomcat server for checking.
I followed the instruction set here regarding how to deploy the .war file into the web-app folder of the Tomcat.
The project did deploy within the workspace of Tomcat but when I tried to start the project and restarted Tomcat I get this error message:
FAIL - Application at context path /[Project Name] could not be started
I also tried using the command grails> tomcat deploy, I get this error message on the console:
Error Error executing script Tomcat: : Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://localhost:8080/manager/deploy?path=%2F[Project Name] (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)
My question is what is the proper way of deploying Grails application with the following Tomcat specifications:
Tomcat Version: Apache Tomcat/7.0.21
JVM Version: 1.6.0_31-b05
To create the war file:
grails prod war
Check the target folder for a war with your app name and version.
Then move the file to webapps folder of Tomcat. If Tomcat is configured to auto deploy, you will see the content of your war file extracted inside webapps.
Finally just open localhost:8080/yourapp/

EJB calls from grails to glassfish

I need to use EJB remote calls from my grails application. For this in previouse Servlet application I used client glassfish jar(gf-client.jar) and is's worked.
How I can include gf-client.jar into build path in grails app for call EJB methodth?
thank you.
the answer was to copy all libraries of GlassFish application server to client mashine (directory with gf-client.jar and 2 levels up, check dependencies in gf-client.jar) and add only gf-client.jar to classpath of application. Ather dependencies will loaded automatically, when gf-client will loaded.
note 1: in my case for grails application witch I deploying to tomcat servlet container write full path to gf-client.jar to shared.loader section of file in conf dir, and restart tomcat.
note 2: for GlassFish v3.1 and up, replace gf-client.jar with gf-client-module.jar
Put gf-client.jar into the lib directory of your grails app. Any jar files in the lib directory of your grails app will automatically be included when you run your application as well as be packaged in generated war files.

grails BIRT plugin deployment problem in linux

I integrate the BIRT plugin in my application. in the development environment (windows) it works fine. but my deployment is on a Linux server. i getting the application startup error about the engine initialization - i trying to configure the path in a config properties file but it is still not working - do you have the experience in this deployment i'll be happy for you help.
Try to put the file in /home/your_User/.grails/1.3.7/download
and run:
install-plugin birt_plugin
It's very important to run all these steps with root privileges......

Error in Grails

Anyone knows how to fix this ?
It works fine on my env (Me being the developer) and doesn't work on my colleagues machine who unzips the whole
Welcome to Grails null -
Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0
Grails home is set to: C:\abc\products\grails-1.1
Base Directory: C:\abc\products\foo\bar
Running script C:\abc\products\grails-1.1\scripts\RunApp.groovy
Environment set to development
Application expects grails version [1.1], but GRAILS_HOME is version [null] - us
e the correct Grails version or run 'grails upgrade' if this Grails version is n
ewer than the version your application expects.
Some clarifications
1) There has been no Grails version change , either on my machine or my colleagues machine. In fact some of them are installing for the first time
2) Under C:\Documents and Settings\myfriend.grails I can see a folder called 'null'
I tried removing this folder - but it gets created he runs my application
3) The way I am giving him the release is- I unzip the whole folder and he unzips it
SO there are three steps
A_ grails create-app to create the APp
B_ Unzip my folder to replace the generated folder
C_ Grails run-app
Things are fine after the step A- but degenerate after Step C
It appears that his Grails installation is corrupted or not set up correctly. I would have him reinstall a fresh copy of Grails - and try again.
The error that you are getting is telling us that the application that you are trying to run is identified as version 1.1 and I assume that this is correct. The fact that Grails is not able to identify what version is installed makes me point to a corrupted or mis-configured Grails installation
If he types 'grails' at the command line what does he see?
I found the problem.
This was because I had added a file-
And since the file was there- it was expecting it to have certain properties defined in it
Once I renamed it to something else- it started to work
