launchimage module 2.1: Validation failed for module 'launchimage' with error: ipad -;
after upgrading to launchimage module 2.1 I just get error 'Validation failed for module 'launchimage' with error: ipad'
any ideas what this error is about?
the old docs were really good, providing a very clear spec:
the new docs for version 2.1 are totally opaque:
n.b. apologies for posting this to SO - its basically a support request

I believe this error indicates that you haven't filled out the public lauchimage module in its entirety like this.
If you are packaging the app as universal I think you'll need to have all the fields filled out as Trigger then prepares your ipa for all platforms(iPad and iPhone).

I found its easiest to just ignore the docs, create a demo project and use the toolkit app to generate example config - prevents toolkit app from overwriting existing app config.
have to say I'd way prefer to work from the documentation and edit json config files directly rather than spend my time going through tedious point-and-click config..


React-Native-Vision-Camera Exception when reading a QR-Code

I'm using react-native-vision-camera to build a QR-Code-Scanner for my app. I followed this guide by dynamsoft:
In the beginning everything worked fine but now I'm always getting an Exception when reading QR-Codes with my camera. Even with the provided example project in the post it's not working properly anymore.
The detected result I get always has asterisks in it like this: [Attention(exceptionCode:-20111)] *ttp*//**ca*h*st*9*02/*entalobje*ts*book**98420*d*6b**-4***-9e***6*d796*0c*55
I already tried reinstalling the library and everything but I can't get it to work.
vision-camera-dynamsoft-barcode-reader has an internal dependency on DynamsoftBarcodeReader SDK and it needs an active license, which I found out in their other examples. In all their examples, public license are used which has an expiration date.
Due to this reason, I made a switch to vision-camera-code-scanner. This was already suggested in Community Plugin List of VisionCamera.
Hope this helps!

Angular 2 app not loading with Cordova on iOS

I am facing serious problems while developing an Angular 2 app and building it for iOS with Cordova. It kind of works when building and running it for Android (still there are some problems with routes on startup), but I can not get it running on iOS.
The app is developed with Angular 2.0.0-rc.1 and angular-cli.
Whenever I build the app with xcode for iOS, the app is stucked on Angular 2 loading - i guess it is a problem with the bootstrapping process, but I am not sure.
In console, I can see that it fails to load the component css files, like this error shows:
[Error] EXCEPTION: Failed to load file:///var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/F325C057-2287-463A-ABF6-DB68944C63D9/
(anonyme Funktion)
invoke (zone.js:323)
invoke (zone.js:322)
run (zone.js:216)
(anonyme Funktion) (zone.js:571)
invokeTask (zone.js:356)
invokeTask (zone.js:355)
runTask (zone.js:256)
drainMicroTaskQueue (zone.js:474)
invoke (zone.js:426)
The path is correct, it just can not proceed to load the files. In my iindex.html, I can see that the Container is empty, thus the Angular 2 stuff is not loaded there.
I have set the base href in index as following:
<base href=".">
If you need further information or code, please ask.
Have anyone faced the same issue and can help me here? I am really clueless what to do now, I have no idea why the file loading fails here.
Any help would be highly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
The solution is very simple, just use
<base href="./">
in index.html file. It will work
had the same problem with Cordova / Ionic on iOS. It was caused by an empty file.
I had a component without template markup, but only with SCSS for the :host-selector.
It seems like Safari doesn't recognize any empty files via XHR and encounters a 404-like error, which breaks the application. To fix that, I removed all empty files from my components. After that it did work for me on iOS-emulator and native iPhone 6.
I am not sure whether it is related with base url for you problem.
In the normal, we will build and package the app with angular-cli into www dir. And after that, you should not see separate css files anymore. Because all css files will be packed in one file, based on your webpack setting.

Xamarin Android Multi Dex app with a custom application class that runs on pre-Lollipop

There are a quite a few posts scattered around about this but my question is:
Has anyone managed to successfully build a MultiDex enabled app that utilizes a custom Application class that will run on pre - Lollipop devices?
For people who wanted to learn more about it keep reading.
The issues is that when creating a MultiDex app that uses a custom application class (I'd guess the vast majority of apps over the 65k limit would be in this category), that class does not end up in the first dex file which causes devices without built in MultiDex support to crash with the error
[AndroidRuntime] java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate application md5a3fc106bb082f0a6c07b5025b0a464e3.MyApplication: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "md5a3fc106bb082f0a6c07b5025b0a464e3.MyApplication" on path
I've tried all of the listed solutions, including from Xamarin support in order to get to this to work.
There are numerous articles about it:
What I've done:
I have created a custom MultiDexMainDexList file by using a modified version of the mainDexClasses.bat file (as per the articles).
I then modified the command that Xamarin throws at it to use the full path names as Xamarin just tries to use "obj\Debug"
mainDexClasses_fixed.bat --output C:\Users\bradl_000\Documents\blocke79\App\App\obj\Debug\multidex.keep "'C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\MonoAndroid\v6.0\';'C:\androidsdk\extras\android\support\multidex\library\libs\android-support-multidex.jar';'C:\Users\bradl_000\Documents\blocke79\App\App\obj\Debug__library_projects__\Aniways.AndroidBinding\library_project_imports\aniways-V2.3.08.jar'" (have trimmed this massive list for reading)
This produces a MultiDexMainDexList file with all of the classes in my project. which I then add this to my project with the new build action of "MultiDexMainDexList" (only available in Alpha channel v6).
This gets rid of the error regarding the application class but instead throws a new error regarding not being able to find the PackageManager class.
I then started thinking that I should trim down the entire list of classes in the MultiDexMainDexList file and keep only the ones that I think my custom application class needs to load. No matter what I've done to this list I still get the error regarding the PackageManager. The package manager class is included and I have tried playing with the order of the classes in case that made a difference.
Has anyone traveled the same path with more success than me? Is it even possible?

Read config settings from PhoneGap app

Apparently I'm terrible at Googling. All I want to do is have the ability to read my web service URL from a config file in my PhoneGap app. Also, be able to modify that value during the build process. Is this named alot different in Xcode? I think I need to save this value in the plist file. If that's the case, then I can just set a user-setting in my build configuration stuff to have it change depending on which build type, Dev/Release.
If that's true, how do I access this from PhoneGap?
I'm guessing this question will get closed, but where else do I go for help...
plist file for cordova project already depreciate since v2.2. Cordova v2.3 start using config.xml.
Target > Edit Scheme
You could probably use hooks to accomplish everything that you are trying to do without changing around the config.xml file, but I'm not entirely sure this is supported with Phonegap (it is with Cordova.)
Check out the official help page to use the /hooks/ folder to modify anything during the build process:
This blog post also seems pretty useful: it talks about changing things based on the environment and I'm sure it'd be easy to extend that to changing based on dev/release.
You could store the link to your web service probably as a config variable. I'm trying to figure out how you can add a config variable and will report back if I get it. In the mean time you could probably just have something like a server.txt file that you change with hooks.

MergExtDropBox Livecode Can't find handler

Trying to use MergExtDropBox for the first time in Livecode for iOS. I've copied the external into the Copy Files pane but I'm getting a "Can't Find Handler" error when I try to run mergDropboxSetup.
It's most likely that there's some issue with the way you have added the external to your app. Take a look at this video where I explain how to do that
Based on the comments I'm not sure this is the most likely issue. I'm wondering if you are executing the command on desktop instead of iOS? If that's the problem then you will need to wrap your code in something like this:
if the platform is "iPhone" then
mergDropboxSetup ...
end if
