Rails create multiple instances if title is null? - ruby-on-rails

Right now I have a create action in one of my controllers which will update a submission if it finds one in the system with the same title as the one being created. However, if the title is null I'd like it to create new instance anyway.
The piece of code looks like this:
#submissions = Submission.where(title: ajax_title)
So if it finds a instance of the Submission model with the same title as the one being created, it'll just update the current one instead of creating a new instance. However, I'd like to go ahead and create new instances if the user didn't input a title, regardless of if there are any other Submissions in the system with a null title.
How do I do this?

Make a judgement about whether the query result is blank or not:
#submissions = Submission.where(title: ajax_title)
#submission = Submission.create if #submissions.blank?

You'll want to just add another line that only creates a new submission if the title is blank:
#submissions = Submission.where(title: ajax_title)
#new_submission = Submission.create if ajax_title.blank?


Add Quantity Selected to Cart Instead of Just Updating

I have an index page with items and a quantity select form.
The form works for create (a.k.a. first click). The problem is, if I click it again, it's just updating the cart instead of adding that quantity to the line_item. If this was my only problem I would be able to solve it myself.
The real problem is that I have another form that updates right before checkout. It looks like this:
I want this to be the master quantity control, so whatever goes in that form is what the quantity will be for update. But for the first images, I want that quantity to add to the quantity of the #line_item, so I can't just make a method that just adds the new and old quantities together, which is what I started doing until I realized I wouldn't be able to do that.
Do I need to make a new action in the controller?
What would be the work around for this?
Looking at your question
The problem is, if I click it again, it's just updating the cart instead of adding that quantity to the line_item
The problem is your submit button Add to Cart which takes it to the create action of your cart and hence creating a new item inside your cart
Do I need to make a new action in the controller?
My answer would be yes. You need to make a new action with post route request(to find that item) and then update its quantity inside that action.
What would be the work around for this?
If you look at your button or rather i should say form for creating a new item then it's the path or url part in your form which takes it to your method inside your controller. If you change its url then it will take it to your custom method.
All you need is some js magic to dynamically change the url or your form after a user has clicked on your Add to Cart button. Something like:
You will also have to supply your items id by this form by adding a hidden field or something and then find that item inside controller method with that id to update its quantity.
Note: You need to call this js after your form is submitted and a new item is already created else it can trouble you.

product through orders logic

I have a rails app where a user can both create products and purchase products through orders.
There is a field called usermode in my usertable that sets the user to either a store_owner or customer.
IF usermode = 'Store_Owner'
I want my products index to show the products that are created by the current_user if
IF usermode = 'Customer'
I want my products index to show the products purchased by a user through orders>line items>products
I am new to rails and not sure whether I need to put this logic in the model, create separate controllers, or do some kind of if statement inside my existing product controller index. I think it should go in the controller index.
How can I achieve this?
According to my opinion,
I would put the same logic in same controller. In both case (Store_Owner or Customer) you are showing the same datatype (Products). The only change b/w these two case is that your data is different. ROR is about DRY. So I think there is no need to create new view template for this. However some believe that each action in controller must represent single functionality (to reduce the clutter in controller). That means less conditional statements in controller. So you have this two choices:
I think the first one is better approach
Create single view file. write a method in model like following
def self.product_data_of(user) # The self indicate class methods
# check with if else that user is Store_Owner or Customer
# return appropriate data
Call this method from controller like this(I have assumed the class name is Product)
#products = Product.product_data_of(current_user)
And you can use this #products variable in view file.
Create single view file write two different methods in controller but render the same view file. In this case no need to create new method in model. But still I would prefer the previous approach.
The general way is
1) View: The logic related to how we will show will be here
2) Model: The logic related to What data or changes on data will be here.
3) controller: The logic related to the flow like fetch data from model and decide which page to render/redirect
The solution was to do something like this in my product controller:
if current_user.usermode =="Store_Owner" then
#dashboards = current_user.dashboards.active.order(:title)
elsif current_user.usermode =="Customer" then
#dashboards = Dashboard.joins(line_items: :order).where('orders.user_id' => current_user.id).all.uniq

Rails : How does "new" action called "create" action?

I am following this tutorial http://guides.rubyonrails.org/v3.2.13/getting_started.html to build my rails app in version 3.2.13 . If you go to the section 6.9 you will find controller and view for creating new posts . Here I do not get how #post variable is passed from new action to create action and where is create function called ? Also , I faced the same problem while working on edit and update actions . Please guide me through this .
It's not passed to create action, it's instantiated again with params you pass from the form displayed with new action.
create action is called with POST request to the path specified in config/routes.rb, leading to specific controller and action.
#post is not passed from new to create the params hash is passed into the create method #post is then set using the new method of the model not the controller. create calls new and then save and returns the object. new returns the object without saving and then save returns the validity of the object. That is why the create method in the controller calls new and then has a conditional statement for save. It is basically saying initialize this object then if it is a valid object do one thing if it is not do another. The create action is not called because of this check.
#this will return true if valid or false if invalid
#this will always return the Post object which conditionally is true in Ruby
#To use the create in a conditional statement it would be
Post.create(params[:post]).valid? || Post.create(param[:post]).save
The last line is unnecessarily redundant and thus why the example uses new followed by save.
create method for a Model is more succinct but probably best to use when you know the object is valid.
Hope this gives you a better understanding but if you are still confused please let me know and I will try to explain further.

How to call to another controller passing all the params in Grails (to update the associated table in the same form)

I'm working with the domain class Alojamiento, and its generated controller and views. The next code works:
I have included in the form of a view another form:
<g:render template="../caracteristicas/form" bean="${params.caracteristicasInstance}" />
Now, the edit action of the controller has:
def alojamientoInstance = Alojamiento.get(id)
def caracteristicasInstance = alojamientoInstance.caracteristicas
[caracteristicasInstance: caracteristicasInstance,
And to the update action of the controller:
def caracteristicasInstance = Caracteristicas.get(id)
caracteristicasInstance.properties = params
caracteristicasInstance.save(flush: true)
As I said, the above code works, but it is not protected against errors, so I'm trying to use the update action of CaracteristicasController (I'm following this approach: http://stuff4j.blogspot.com.es/2011/04/calling-controller-method-from-another.html). The next code does NOT work, but I think it explain itself what I'm trying:
CaracteristicasController caracteristicasController = new CaracteristicasController()
CaracteristicasController.properties = params
CaracteristicasController.params.doNotRedirect = 'true' // See: http://stuff4j.blogspot.com.es/2011/04/calling-controller-method-from-another.html
By the way, the error of Grails is: "Cannot set read-only property: properties"
I think I didn't explain something well. I have in _form.gsp 3 embedded _form.gsp (I said in my question 1 to simplify). So when I edit _form.gsp, the others must be updated too. I want to call the update action of the "child" controllers to update the forms, but not move to them. I want to keep being in the "parent" controller so when everything updates, the show.gsp of the "parent" will appear. Do I explain it better now?
Why don't you redirect or chain with all need params?

Unable to save domain objects until CRUD scaffold is used

I'm having the strangest problem with a controller in a Grails project. I am trying to do a simple update of a domain object. Here is a simplified version of the controller
def updateRecord = {
def foundHVT = Process.get(params.hvt)
foundHVT.summaryBy = params.summaryBy
foundHVT.catalogBy = params.catalogBy
foundHVT.editBy = params.editBy
foundHVT.produceBy = params.produceBy
foundHVT.correctedBy = params.correctedBy
// a bunch more of these
foundHVT.save(flush: true);
redirect (action:resource, id: params.hvt)
If I run the a new instance of the application of and use this controller to update an object, it doesn't work, the object doesn't save. It will look fine within the controller. I can, for example, re-query the object and the changes are there, post save.
Now here's where it gets weird. If i use the preset scaffold edit controller and update/save an domain object -- and then switch back to this "updateRecord" controller it works FINE until i shut down the server it is working on?!?
I realize I am missing something very basic, but I can't find what it is. Any guidance would be most graciously appreciated.
As HVGOTCODES noted Grails Clean seems to have fixed whatever weirdness was going on with this controller.
try putting a "def scaffold=true" in your controller if it does not already have the normal entry points.
Probably scaffolding save fills some field that you don't.
Possible problems:
Do check save() result and render foundHVT.errors the way Grails does. Add failOnError: true parameter to save() or just check foundHVT.hasErrors(). Look at foundHVT.errors.allErrors for validation problems.
Why not foundHVT.properties = params?
What is there is no foundHVT?
