Passing url paramaters - url

Any idea about how can I send parameters in url query and get values of these parameters in next page
In first template I wrote this code
<a href ='r_rss/openOneNews?url={rss_link}'>{rss_title}</a>
Q:How can I get url parameter value in ExpressionEngine and use something like this in following page:
<iframe src = 'url' />

See this answer - you want to use Mo' Variables to get the query string, which will then convert to a variable tag:
<iframe src = '{get:url}' />
Ahmed - please don't cross-post your question:


why is g:link ignoring request params?

In my Grails app, I have a URL mapped directly to a view in UrlMappings.groovy
"/geolocation"(view: "/geolocation/index")
I'm trying to generate a link to this view that includes request parameters with:
<g:link elementId="btnSrcDest" uri="/geolocation" class="mapInfo"
params="[mapType: 'foo']">
Click me
But this generates the following HTML
<a class="mapInfo" id="btnSrcDest" href="/myApp/geolocation">
Click me
Whereas I was expecting this:
<a class="mapInfo" id="btnSrcDest" href="/myApp/geolocation?mapType=foo">
Click me
Why is the params attribute of g:link being ignored?
If you use a uri attribute then that is assumed to be the complete (webapp-relative) link and no further processing will happen. You could try making it a named URL mapping instead
name geo:"/geolocation" {
view = "/geolocation/index"
and then use
<g:link elementId="btnSrcDest" mapping="geo" class="mapInfo"
params="[mapType: 'foo']">

HTML code that generate custom url with user given value

Hi i am want an html code that replace XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX value from my url with my user given value and generate a new url
Below is My URL &picture= XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX%3Flvh%3D1& source= &name=Posted by Karthik%C2%AD&caption=Kaur & comment%C2%AD&description=%C2% For Fun
Best is that you use php:
$location= "
method=stream.publish&redirect_uri=https://www. &picture=".
"%3Flvh%3D1& source=
100004099541771&type=1&theater &name=Posted by
Karthik%C2%AD&caption=Kaur & comment%C2%AD&description=%C2%";

ColdFusion: get url parameter by name

I want to get in ColdFusion 10 an URL parameter from CGI.QUERY_STRING by its name. How to do it without looping?
Any values passed in to a page via the query string are available in the URL scope.
Assume you have a query string that looks like you would access the variables by referencing them as such
<cfset myVal1 = url.val1 />
<cfset myVal2 = url.val2 />
Or, in cfscript
myVal1 = url.val1;
myVal2 = url.val2;
To see all the values passed in via query string, you can also dump out the URL scope.
<cfdump var="#url#" />
or, in cfscript
writeDump( url );

Yii url route with parameters

At the moment i have a glossar controller with an actionAnzeige()-method.
For this action i need GET-paramter named item.
Now i could use this url:
But i want to use this:
I've added this route to the rules:
and now i can generate the url i want to use:
<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl('glossar/anzeigen', array('item' => $glossarItem->Url)); ?>
But if i visit the created url, i get a 404 error.
You can use this, which accepts characters or numbers:
You have to use w+ instead of d+ since item takes letters instead of digits

how to get the parameters passed by URL in my Action?

In my jsp page I got a link like that :
<a href="<%=f.getMovieTitle()%>">
Everything works fine in the page, but I want to get the value of mtitle in my Action page
I can't get it with request.getparameter()
thx for ur help
You could try:
try following code:
String mtitle = request.getParameter("mtitle");
