loading .rdl file to a simple asp.net project - asp.net-mvc

i want a sample tutorial for loading a .rdl report file that is created using report builder3.0 to a asp.net web page.The tutorials in web available take all way through SSRS and BIDS but i want simple MVC project with report builder 3.0 which are independet of each other.Please provide links for learning the basics for .rdl creation and on how to use then in a MVC project.I intend to use VS2008 and report builder3.0


Updated ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework) MVC5 Project Template

The project that visual studio 2019 creates for an ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework) MVC5 comes with Bootstrap 3.x and many other outdated components. Not to mention unneeded things like modernizr.
If you update Bootstrap, you know need to modify the ScriptBundle in BundleConfig to get the application to start, and then modify the CSS to get the premade web pages to render properly.
Also, the folder structure is not the best.
Is there a project template out there that has all essential components updated, and a clean-up NuGet and folder structure?
I tried using Rider but they do not have a built-in template.
I went t the .Net Foundation GitHub and did not find any: https://github.com/dotnet?q=.NET+framework&type=&language=c%23&sort=
I also search GitHubub and did not see any: https://github.com/search?q=ASP.NET+Web+Application+%28.NET+Framework%29+project+template
I am looking for a project template that has the basic structure to create a Clean Architecture in .NET Framework and not .NET Core
I know it's legacy, but unfortunately, I need it for a university class (University courses take a while to get updated, and in this case, they claim that there are sufficient companies out there using ASP.NET MVC 5 to Merrit them teaching it) But yes, No one should be using this to start a new project they intend to put into a real-life production scenario.
Thank you

Integrate Syncfusion with ASP.NET MVC 4.0

I am using Syncfusion with ASP.NET MVC 4.0 with C#.
I have all the code ready but just need to implement in My code. I have create the demo code with MVC 5 and now I have to implement it in MVC 4 so what is the process and what are the necessary files I need to include by manually or by nuget?
I tried to implement but in CSHTML I don't know why EJ() is not able to use.
Any help will be appreciate..!!!
To configure and install Syncfusion assemblies in your application using Nuget packages, refer to the below documentation link:
To manually integrate into existing application, refer to the below documentation link:

how to add asp.net mvc templates for monodevelop

I'm on archlinux using mono 4.0.4 and monodevelop 5.9.
By following the Getting started guide I noticed there are some scaffolding options missing, I see some nuget packages for scaffolding but installing them didn't do much.
SO has these two questions :
How to get the MVC 3 or 4 template in MonoDevelop?
Developing ASP.NET MVC using MonoDevelop on MAC
The latter is for Mac and both of them are outdated As I'm talking about asp.net mvc 5 here.
searching didn't reveal anything apart from the Nuget packages I added and I can't see any addins in the add-in manager for this(prefer not to use beta or alpha addins).
So what to do to get these ?
I know I can get them with yoeman but I like to use monodevelop, if yoeman can be integrated with monodevelop So I can see options like "model with view and controller" scaffolding(that is a CRUD ready application) then I'll do it.
I am assuming you are talking about the templates that are available in an ASP.NET MVC application when you select Add View or Add Controller. If this is not the case then please update your question with more information.
The templates listed when adding a new view or controller to an ASP.NET MVC project are taken from t4 template files (.tt) in the following folders:
You can add extra .tt files into this folder and they will be displayed in the Add View and Add Controller dialog.
Out of the box MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio only has a few t4 templates available so you would need to either write your own or find some from elsewhere. SharpDevelop has more T4 templates or MVC which could probably be used but may require some modification.

Debugging a nuget of an entire web installed into an empty web app

We are in the middle of development for a core ASP.NET MVC web project and a customer plugin in the form of an MvcContrib plugin web project -- a web project injected into the core web as an area. The plugin is a soft reference in the core project, so it can be developed completely separately and dropped in.
I am trying to generate a way to debug/code the plugin, so that the multiple custom plugins can be developed independent of the core web.
The developers should only have to worry about coding and testing the plugin code. Also, I don't want them to change the core code in this custom plugin project -- that should be done in the core anyway.
I created the core web as a NuGet package and included all the necessary files so I could include it in a web.
My thinking was that I could create an empty web, install my core web, and the developers could have an F5-driven debugging environment.
I tested by creating a blank Mvc project, installed my core package and included one of my plugins. I changed the namespace of this empty web app to the namespace of the core web, thinking that Visual Studio debugging would properly attach and my core assembly.
Simple VS debugging in the empty app does not work -- I receive an HTTP Exception, most likely due to my routes not being registered. I also see that my log4net is not creating its logs folder, so I know the assembly's app start is not being called.
So I see that VS is not attaching to and calling my core assembly.
Can I use this empty web as a host project for my nuget installed web and debug? If so, what configuration am I missing?
If not, how can I include the core web in each customer plugin project in such a way that I can drop my DLL into the bin and debug it?
Visual Studio 2010
The way we are doing things that works pretty well is to use a combination of Web Activator and Razor Generator (available as a Visual Studio extension). In order to access the views within the core web application, the consuming client application needs to know about them, either because they are all included as file references inside the Nuget package (messy) or because they are compiled into the core web dll. You can do that using Razor Generator. Once installed via Nuget you would need to change the Custom Tool property for each .cshtml file to RazorGenerator, which will create a .generated.cs file for each view. This will allow your sample client to use the layout and views from the core web application.
David Ebbo has some useful blog posts on Razor Generator
Couple that with Web Activator to create a PostActivationStartMethod that runs your initialisation code (such as initialising Log4Net) and you should be good to go. We've had this running in 2 scenarios - consuming the framework package via Nuget and adding a project reference directly. Debugging was not working for the Nuget package consuming route but we don't include the pdb files in the Nuget package. We can debug when adding a project reference directly though.

Tools for auto-generating ASP.NET MVC CRUD UI?

Does anyone know of any tools for generating ASP.NET MVC CRUD User Interfaces (E.g. the controllers and views for Admin tools), given:
A set of model objects.
A set of repositories for retrieving those objects.
There is a project on codeplex called MVCCrud this will automate repository and controller. Also optionally supports JqGrid (searching, sorting etc). It isnt included in the project but its very simple to add some T4 templates to generate the desired view.
If you just want normal crud functionality this is very very quick. Only downside is the only repository is Linq2Sql, but you can easily add your own using their interface it is prity simple to extend or use parts of.
The Crud Template which are shipped with ASP.NET MVC are based on T4 which is a code generation tool which ships with Visual Studio. This means you can take the templates and customize them based on your taste and make your own...
take a look at Scott Hanselman's ninja tips and tricks video's he goes into details here:
Serenity Platform
Serenity is an open source project aiming to reduce boiler-plate code in your development project.
It comes with a T4 based code generator that will produce services and UI for your tables.
