CDFs on an iPad? - ipad

My math professor wants to be able to generate interactive graphs (i.e. the kind you can generate with a CDF) on an iPad. Users should effectively be able to do everything they can do on a computer using the CDF player on an iPad, using whatever the web browser can do. I was thinking something along the lines of a canvas element, but does anyone know if there's a native client for the iPad? If not, is there some way of compiling Mathematica graphics code into something Safari or Chrome could understand?

I believe the best (only?) reliable current information comes from the Wolfram CDF FAQ:
Is CDF Player available for iPad?
The iPad is an important part of our CDF strategy. Contact us for more
details about when CDF support for this platform becomes available.

This took longer than expected, but this is now available:


A-Frame: FOSS Options for widely supported, markerless AR?

A-Frame's immersive-ar functionality will work on some Android devices I've tested with, but I haven't had success with iOS.
It is possible to use an A-Frame scene for markerless AR on iOS using a commercial external library. Example: this demo from Zapworks using their A-Frame SDK.
The tracking seems to be no where near as good as A-Frame's hit test demo (, but it does seem to work on virtually any device and browser I've tried, and it is good enough for the intended purpose.
I would be more than happy to fallback to lower quality AR mode in order to have AR at all in devices that don't support immersive-ar in browser. I have not been able to find an A-Frame compatible solution for using only free/open source components for doing this, only commercial products like Zapworks and 8th Wall.
Is there a free / open source plugin for A-Frame that allows a scene to be rendered with markerless AR across a very broad range of devices, similar to Zapworks?
I ended up rolling my own solution which wasn't complete, but good enough for the project. Strictly speaking, there's three problems to overcome with getting a markerless AR experience on mobile without relying on WebXR:
Webcam display
Webcam display is fairly trivial to implement in HTML5 without any libraries.
Orientation is already handled nicely by A-FRAME's "magic window" functionality, including on iOS.
Position was tricky and I wasn't able to solve it. I attempted to use the FULLTILT library's accelerometer functions, and even using the readings with gravity filtered out I wasn't able to get a high enough level of accuracy. (It happened that this particular project did not need it)

Roll overs in interactive pdfs for iPad—nothing is working

I'm having a problem with making roll overs work in an interactive pdf for iPad and mobile devices. I've spent hours looking for a resolution, but have found nothing for this specific issue...
What I have is sections in the document where the viewer can answer questions via check boxes. The check boxes work fine. However the check boxes for the incorrect answers trigger, on roll over, a 'pop-up' window that will nudge them to the correct answer. I have tried doing this through InDesign at the design stage and through Acrobat. Right now the functionality is primarily through Acrobat (seems to be closer to the end goal).
I'm not sure if it's as simple as a setting or what? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. More specific information can be given if needed. Thanks!
You have to look at the "documentation" for the various PDF viewers for iOS, and see what they support.
Opposed to the Windows and OSX platforms, Adobe Reader for iOS (and Android) is mediocre at best, when it comes to JavaScript support (which is most likely the base for the rollovers). For iOS, the leader of the pack is PDFExpert by Readdle. With some luck, this PDF viewer may support what you want to accomplish.

Direct2D versus Direct3D for digital video rendering

I need to render video from multiple IP cameras into several controls within the client application.
On top of the video, I should be able to add some OSD such as timestamp and camera name.
What I'm trying to do has nothing to do with 3D since we're talking about digital video with some text on it.
Which API is more suitable for this purpose? Direct3D or Direct2D?
Performance should also be a consideration here.
It used to be that Direct2D was a poor choice for Windows Phone (if you care about that system) because it wasn't supported, but Win Phone 8.1 has it now, so less of an issue.
My experience with D2D was that it offered fast, high quality 2D rendering, and I would say it is a good choice.
You might want to take a look at this article on Code Project. That looks appropriate for your purposes.
If you are certain you only need MS system support, then you're all set.
Another way to go would be a cross platform system like nanovg, which offers nice 2D rendering and would work on a Mac. Of course, you'd need to figure out how to do the video part on non windows systems.
Regarding D3D, you could certainly do it that way, but my guess would be it would make some things trickier to do. Don't forget you can combine the two as well...

Html5 for iOS game development

I have been hearing of the advent of html5 for iOS development. I know nothing about web dev technologies and am wondering, can this really be used for iOS game development? Just hearing html makes me think this will be used for web related apps, not things like graphically dynamic 2d games, but being unfamiliar, I'm hoping to get some insight from the experts here. Is html5 going to be useful at all for games, or should I basically expect to be sticking with the likes of cocos2d for iphone?
The short answer is "Yes, you can develop full speed, interactive games with HTML5". Check out "Private Joe", "Biolab Disaster" and "FUBAR" in the Apple app store. All were created with HTML5, Javascript, and a few javascript libraries (ImpactJS and Box2D).
One thing you'll see as you explore this is the repeated caveat that "web games aren't fast enough", also "Web games can't use the device's goodies - like GPS, vibration, etc."
These statements represent "common thought" and are not really true anymore. Companies like PhoneGap and appMobi have tools that make it possible to do anything in HTML/JS that can be done in native apps. Browsers keep getting faster, and smartphone processors also keep getting faster. Qualcomm's new chipset even has GPU acceleration for future smartphones.
As an added bonus from coding your app in HTML5, you will have the choice of whether to compile it app into a native app and post to one of the app stores (using appmobi or phonegap), or to offer it yourself as a web app (saving the Apple censorship and 30% tax).
Viva HTML5!
The real benefit to using HTML 5 for game development is that it's a write once, deploy everywhere strategy, meaning you can write the same code and have it work on iOS, Android, Windows, MacOS, Linux, etc, as long as it has a browser.
The HTML5 canvas element supports both 2d and 3d (on some platforms), so you can use it for complex games as well.
This will, however, run in a browser, so the only way to sell it in an app store is to wrap it in a UIWebView container or the like.
Also, there are games written in Canvas (just google it, also google 'chrome experiments' to find cool 3d stuff in HTML5).
I wrote this HTML5 Tetris implementation:
It is designed to be equally playable on a PC and on touch devices supporting Javascript touch events.
One of the important things to get right in a mobile game is the control scheme and it took some thinking to come up with the swipe/tap control scheme used for Tetris here. But it turns out quite playable (in fact, just as playable if not more so than all of the tetris like iOS apps I have tried, and there are... quite a few of them) and is proof that it is possible to build a perfectly playable game with HTML5 technology.
Check out HTML5 Canvas. Lots of Web games are based on this tag. Here are some samples :-
There are two great things about investing your time in learning HTML5 and its counterparts:
For one, every application that you write will theoretically be able to run on many platforms. iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux, etc, all have HTML5 capabilities. You'll also be investing your time in a language that is still being developed, so you'll already know the ins-and-outs of it as more features are added, and you'll have mastered it when the final product finally goes mainstream.
The capabilities and power of HTML5 are only expanding, so the experience with the language should only improve with time ;)

How can I differentiate between smart phones and others?

I'm looking to revamp our mobile site with something simple for phones below the ambiguous smart phone category and something a little more interesting for the phones above this category. I'm not interested in WAP/WML for this project. I'm building a ASP.Net 4 MCV 2 app and using MBDF
What I'd like to know is how best to define this differentiation when using MBDF? Screen size, Javascript, SpportsTouchScreen etc. are all in MBDF along with others but I'm not sure where to draw the line and where the data is most accurate for the broad number of devices.
What do those of you out there developing for this spread of hardware & software split on?
P.S. I've done my research on xHTML MP1.0 - 1.2 and the best practises for implementation to ensure broad coverage but I don't want to restrict the newer phones out there to what the base line can see.
I personally use simple mobile browser dedection script and limit max screen width to 240px. I also use simple AJAX and JavaScript calls too.
Above setup works fine for 90% of my visitors but my sites aren't business critical sites.
You can try but .net api is not as good as PHP one
So after a bit of testing myself I think I'm going to stick with testing if they support JavaScript and Touch using the MBDF. This line in the sand isn't perfect but it seems like the best out there to me.
Here is a neat little tutorial on Browser Detection using JavaScript
Browser Detection
