How to get Bootstrap button-like checkbox initially checked? - ruby-on-rails

I have a problem with the following code in the view:
<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">
<%= f.label :private, class: "btn btn-default" do %>
<%= f.check_box :private %> Private
<% end %>
Technically it works, but when the private field is initially true (i.e. checked) the button looks as if it was unchecked. Perhaps it is due the fact that check_box helper generates two inputs, one of which is hidden.
Could someone show an example implementation of Bootstrap checkboxes in the Rails view?

It turned out that Bootstrap scripts just do not update the state on page load. So I solved it with this JavaScript code snippet:
$("[data-toggle='buttons'] .btn").each(function(i, el) {
var $button = $(el);
var checked = $button.find("input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked");
if (checked) {
} else {

Here is a working checkbox from one of my projects generated using Simple Form:
<%= f.input :cost, label: "Cost to access resource" %>
Which generates:
<div class="form-group boolean optional archive_resource_cost">
<input name="archive_resource[cost]" type="hidden" value="0" />
<label class="boolean optional checkbox" for="archive_resource_cost">
<input checked="checked" class="boolean optional" id="archive_resource_cost" name="archive_resource[cost]" type="checkbox" value="1" />
Cost to access resource
Is your :private model attribute definitely boolean?


Customize collection radio buttons simple form

I customised my collection radio buttons of my form, everything work when the value is a simple strings choice but i dont success to save the select value when its this type of field
Original field
<%= f.collection_radio_buttons(:negociateur, Nego.where(user: current_user), :first_name, :first_name) %>
What i tried to do
<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">
<% #negos.where(user: current_user).each do |n| %>
<label class="btn btn-danger" style="margin-right: 10px;">
<input id="bien_negociateur_true" name="bien[negociateur]" type="radio" autocomplete="off" value= '<% n.first_name %>' /* the problem is here */ /> <%= n.first_name %>
<% end %>

Add Image Tag to Checkbox Input Field with Rails 4 and Simple Form

Using Rails 4, Simple_Form and Bootstrap 3, I am trying to get my output HTML look like this to work with some front end styling:
<div class="checkbox">
<input value="0" type="hidden" name="member[remember_me]">
<label class="boolean optional" for="member_remember_me">
<input type="checkbox" value="">
<i class="input-helper"></i>
Keep me signed in
In my form, I have this:
<%= f.input :remember_me, class: 'checkbox inline', type: 'checkbox', as: :boolean if devise_mapping.rememberable? %>
And I cannot figure out how to get the image tag to show up inside the input field. What I get when the form is generated is this (missing the image tag):
<div class="checkbox">
<input value="0" type="hidden" name="member[remember_me]">
<label class="boolean optional" for="member_remember_me">
<input class="boolean optional" type="checkbox" value="1" name="member[remember_me]" id="member_remember_me">Remember me
I've tried this block that I thought should do it, but alas, no:
<%= f.input :remember_me, class: 'checkbox inline', type: 'checkbox', as: :boolean if devise_mapping.rememberable? do %>
<i class="input-helper"></i>
<% end %>
Any suggestions? Do I need to write a custom wrapper to get the image tag to show?
One option to put content inside any rails tag is to use
in place of the text, or using raw().

Test with Capybara cannot find a checkbox created using Simple Form association

I have a form created using Simple Form, as such
<%= simple_form_for #organisation do |f| %>
<div class="form-inputs">
<%= f.association :causes, as: :check_boxes %>
<div class="form-actions">
<%= f.button :submit %>
<% end %>
The page works fine when I use a browser, but when I try to check this with Capybara, such as:
And have tried many variations of this e.g.
find(:xpath , '//*[#id="organisation_cause_ids_1"]').set(true)
These always give an error:
Failure/Error: check('organisation_cause_ids_1')
Unable to find checkbox "organisation_cause_ids_1"
The HTML generated by Simple Form is:
<div class="input check_boxes optional organisation_causes">
<label class="check_boxes optional">Causes</label>
<span class="checkbox">
<label for="organisation_cause_ids_1" name="organisation[cause_ids]">
<input class="check_boxes optional" id="organisation_cause_ids_1" name="organisation[cause_ids][]" type="checkbox" value="1" />Cause A</label>
<span class="checkbox">
<label for="organisation_cause_ids_2" name="organisation[cause_ids]">
<input class="check_boxes optional" id="organisation_cause_ids_2" name="organisation[cause_ids][]" type="checkbox" value="2" />Hunger</label>
Edit: The problem was due to the lazy loading of the 'Causes' I created with the factories. They weren't being created so the page had no checkboxes.
Try with this
or maybe with this
find(:css, ".check_boxes[value='1']").set(true)

Dynamic changes in rails form (simpleform)

I'm trying to make a simple form with this general structure:
o accept o decline
when the radio button accept is checked and submit pressed, I want it to change the state of my model (called Offer here).
BUT when the button decline is checked, the form needs to change to something like this:
o accept x decline
Please enter reason here: [text box]
Having entered a (mandatory) reason for declining and pressing submit, will change the state of the model Offer too, but differently.
I'm currently having problems getting the form to display the way I want. I'm using SimpleForm and tried something like this:
<%= simple_form_for #offer do |f| %>
<%= f.input accepts, as: :radio_buttons %>
<%= f.input :r_comment, as: :text, :label => 'Please enter reason here:' , :input_html => { :rows => 2, } %>
<%= f.button :submit %>
<% end %>
This of course doesn't work, because there is no "accepts" method or variable defined for offers (and it shouldn't be!). As for dynamically showing the input text box, I don't even have the slightest clue.
I'd be glad for any help you might offer,
UPDATE: HTML generated by simple_form
<div class="control-group radio_buttons optional">
<label class="radio_buttons optional control-label">Accept?</label>
<div class="controls">
<label class="radio">
<input class="radio_buttons optional" id="offer_accepts_decline" name="offer[accepts]" type="radio" value="Decline" />
<label class="radio">
<input class="radio_buttons optional" id="offer_accepts_accept" name="offer[accepts]" type="radio" value="Accept" />
UPDATE: HTML generated for comment box
<div class="control-group text optional">
<label class="text optional control-label" for="offer_r_comment">Reason for rejection:</label>
<div class="controls">
<textarea class="text optional" cols="40" id="offer_r_comment" name="offer[r_comment]" rows="2">
i'm not a fan of formtastic or simple_form but looking at the documentation, you should be able to do the following
# offer.rb
attr_accessor :accepts
# view
<%= f.input :accepts, as: :radio_buttons, collection: ['Decline', 'Accept'] %>
# js which can be placed inline or in the assets. let's use coffee
# you should also limit the selector below to include the class or the id of the
# radio buttons. I'm also not familiar with the html generated by simple form so
# the selectors to show and hide should also be changed.
$ ->
$(':radio').change ->
if $(this).prop('checked')
if $(this).val() == 'Accept'
UPDATE: non coffee version. you can place this inside a script tag and just throw in the view.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(':radio').change(function() {
if ($(this).prop('checked'))
if ($(this).val() == 'Accept')

Rails simple form problem - How to put hidden input field last?

How do I change the order of the input element that simple form generate?
Because the hidden checkbox does block for clicking the label.
My simple_form code:
<%= f.check_box :company_is_true %>
The form simple form generate:
<input type="hidden" value="0" name="search[company_is_true]">
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="search[company_is_true]" id="search_company_is_true">
That I want to generate, that works when clicking on label:
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="search[company_is_true]" id="search_company_is_true">
<input type="hidden" value="0" name="search[company_is_true]">
I don't know how to add a comment to the list of comments, but in response to:
The user should be able to click on the label to check and uncheck the checkbox – Rails
beginner 1 hour ago
It's not the checkbox that prevents the user from clicking on that label, it's the lack of the for="" in
<%= f.check_box :company_is_true %>
Either use <%= f.label %> as agmcleod mentioned, or add a for="" to the label:
<label for="search_company_is_true">
<%= f.check_box :company_is_true %>
In a traditional html form, it should be structured something like this:
<label for="name">Name: </label>
<input type="text" name="name" />
The for attribute connects it to a field with either a name attribute or id attribute with that value you use in for. To do this in rails, use the following:
<%= f.label :company_is_true, 'Company' %>
<%= f.check_box :company_is_true %>
