Youtube - embed with high quality - ruby-on-rails

I have created an introduction video for my application to youtube and I can't embed it in my application home page (try to play the video without changing quality settings) in high quality by default. Video is useless in lower than 720p since it displays navigation through my app.
Any ideas?

To get 720p (if available), add &vq=hd720 to the end of your video url.<VIDEO_CODE>/?vq=hd720
Similarly, &vq=hd1080 will force 1080p (if available).


Reduce video bitrate swift

Im using uiimagepicker for the user to pick a video from photo library.
After setting video quality to low in image picker settings, a 5 minute or even a 2 min recorded video is still too big for upload. Is there anyway to compress the video size further. My guess is that i need to reduce the bitrate.
I am of course using assets to manage the file

How to convert image to video with DRM (FairPlay)

I want to hide some private content on screenshots. Since Apple provide us only userDidTakeScreenshotNotification, the only way to achieve this is to convert image to video with DRM. According to these thread:
If your application uses FairPlay Streaming (FPS) your video content
will automatically not be captured by the iOS 11 screen recording
feature or QuickTime Player on macOS. The portion of your application
that is playing the content will be blacked out.
I found commercial implementation of these idea in ScreenShieldKit, but it costs money.
The main question:
How it's possible to convert image or label to FairPlay Streaming (FPS) video in offline mode?

Itunesconnect App Preview Video

I have tried many times to upload App Preview video.
But each time I failed.
Please recommend me best tool to convert my video to availble and how to.
You must use Safari to upload your video.
I use QuickTime Player to record the screen of my app.
In QuickTime Player you can record in portrait and landscape, but you cannot rotate your screen during the record.
Open QuickTime Player > File > New Movie Recording (then select your device for camera and microfone).
Sample of record screen:
Apple App Preview Video Guidelines
As you can imagine, Apple wants to generate a similar Look & Feel for all videos. Therefore they released some guidelines, which you should mind when creating a preview video.
15-30 seconds length
Maximum file size of 500 mb
.mov, .m4v, .mp4 format
Only use screen capture
No (very less) copy – due to the reason that you can’t internationalize your video and only upload it once in one language
Don’t overlay animated hands, you can use touch hotspots if really necessary
For games: Show more gameplay scenes than cutscenes
You can use voice over – but mind the internationalization part – Apple recommends to only use a very limited and professional voice over if you have to
Your preview video should only contain content for which you have the full rights (don’t show you app streaming content from an iTunes Playlist or a YouTube video)
App Preview Video Format
Now the most important part – which format or size should your video have. As you have already read in my screenshot size article it can be quite frustrating creating a lot screenshots in different sizes.
Apple recommends you to use the following app preview resolutions (this is already a summary, that you have to create the least amount of different video versions):
iPhone 5+ iPhone 6 Plus: 1920 x 1080
iPhone 6: 1334 x 750
iPad: 1200 x 900

Embedded Youtube: How to get high quality on iOS 7 ipad

I have an embedded youtube video on a web page. On the desktop it works fine. However, on an ipad (running iOS7) the video quality is rather poor, probably 480p. Inside the iframe it looks fine, but when you make the video full screen it is very noticeable. I have tried using hd=1&vq=hd720 in the querystring and using cueVideoById with a suggested quality of 'hd720' but neither worked. Are there any work arounds either to get higher resolution on the ipad when embedded youtube videos are made fullscreen, or to force higher resolution for embedded youtube videos on the ipad?
I found a workaround that works, although it is hardly elegant.
Basically, I create the iframe with a dimensions large enough to get 720p quality. (Such as making the iframe 720x440 pixels.) And then, I use CSS transforms to scale the iframe back down to the size I want. The CSS looks something like:
-webkit-transform-origin: left top;
-webkit-transform: scale(0.5);
Where 0.5 could be replaced with whatever scale you had to increase the size of the iframe by.
The main downside to this from the user's perspective is that the video controls are scaled down. However, in full screen mode the controls are the normal size, and the user can pinch out to full screen, so for my team at least the trade-off in increased video quality was worth it.

Compress iOS video using Phonegap

Is there any tips, suggestions, or available plugins for Phonegap that might be available to Capture a video using Phonegap's capture feature, then programmatically compress or reduce the quality of the video such that it can be uploaded to a server?
The video file sizes can become rather large with videos longer than 5 minutes. I would strongly prefer not to have save the video to the iPhone.
Currently it is not possible. You might have a look at this plugin, but up to Cordova 3.5 it is not possible to compress a video, and you can set its duration only on iOS
