What does Mandrill do with attachments in test mode? - mandrill

I am porting a client's website away from using the servers sendmail to using Mandrill. Creating a test API key is great for testing the code/process on a dev version of the site, but is there a way I can test that the attachments are working within this test mode?

You can see your attachments in your API Logs (cover the last 100 API calls) in test mode

As far as I experienced last week, there's no option to preview an attachment in test mode. Actually I wasn't able to do it even with production keys which is quite surprising if I'm not missing something.
All I can see in the API logs is the email, but at least for me, there is no option to preview the attachment.


Handling webhook calls in ASP.NET MVC application, implementation and testing

I have inherited this old ASP.Net MVC application and now I have to integrate a new Payment Service Provider. This PSP returns the responses to all payment requests via a POST message. The fields of the response are sent as hidden fields. The URL of the webhook must be provided in the request. After reading different SO posts along the same lines, I kinda know, in principle, what I would have to do. The PSP has a test & integration environment so I can send test request from my development environment. The problem I am facing is how to read the response. The URL for the webhook must be public, so me, running my development environment on my localhost, won't help. I can use webhook.site to get the responses, but I would like to get them in my application, so I check that my code behaves correctly and can handle properly the POST message containing all the hidden fields. Did anyone manage to find a possible solution for this problem?
You mention that you want to test if you code behave correctly, I also see tag asp.net mvc in the post. For this requirement I can suggest you to go with azure. Azure have remote debugging feature which can easily help you test your code.
If you don't want to go with Azure, you can use ngrok software to make your localhost url public. This way you can trigger your code and debug it locally like remote debugging in azure.
There is one more way to test this thing very well. Just log the whole body of webhook (in logs or DB) and later execute it yourself through postman. This might doesn't let your webhook endpoint know the result at same time.

Net::SMTPAuthenticationError ruby on heroku with gmail works but fails again

I have problems sending mail from a ruby production app on heroku by a gmail smtp account.
Here i found the solution
When i apply the solution all works wel, but after a while the problems comes back.
Do i have to set something in my google account to make it permanent ?
I think it has to do with the fact that i am using a free heroku account.
The servers stops after a while an perhaps has to login in gmail when it starts up again.
There's no way to make it permanent because Gmail doesn't want its service to be used to send out automated e-mails(*).
There are some providers that will make it much easier for you:
https://sendgrid.com/pricing/ has a free plan (up to 100 emails/day)
https://postmarkapp.com/pricing gives you 10k emails for 10$)
or take your pick, because the market seem to be pretty saturated: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=e-mail+delivery+service&ia=web
(*) What I suspect they do (though I could not find info about it) is that they can see if "same e-mails" are sent within short intervals.
You might try your luck (if it makes sens, when for example it's a toy project) to alter each e-mail contents to make it seem like different e-mail each time. But it will be just easier to go with free option in any other providers that actually want you to use it in your app.

Website screen capture on Linux server

I have a webpage written in AngularJS that needs to be turned into an image and sent as an email once a week to clients. The webpage is on S3 and my backend server is written partly in Rails and partly in Node. Any ideas how to do this?
You can use something like PhantomJS (or based on Phantom CasperJS) - this is library like Selenium, headless browser. Possible to create screenshots with different device resolution and User-Agent. http://phantomjs.org/screen-capture.html

Rails: test mailgun on localhost

I have a Rails app running on Heroku that uses Mailgun to process incoming emails. I haven't been able to figure how I can debug my email processing locally (on localhost) instead of having to push everything up to heroku every time I make a change. (this is just a test app - I'm the only one using it)
Is it possible to work with Mailgun locally? If so, how do I go about it?
Thank you in advance
Mailgun gives you the option to store a message for later retrieval. If you configure it that way, you'll be able to fetch messages from development for processing without having to set up a publicly-accessible webhook for Mailgun to hit.
But I'm assuming you have production configured with an HTTP endpoint, and it's no fun to do things differently between environments. There are a few tools that will let you set up a public endpoint that routes to localhost:
ngrok, which I've used to good effect to test Twilio. You can set up a permanent subdomain so you don't have to constantly change your Mailgun configuration.
UltraHook, which I haven't personally used, but looks the same.
Localtunnel which looks easiest to start up, but like you get a different host at every boot.
If you have a permanent publicly-accessible server, you can also maintain your own tunnel.
mailgun provides a sandbox that you can use for localhost the only downside to this is that you have to add the test email to valid recipient.
using this gem might be another possible solution:
https://github.com/ryanb/letter_opener/ or https://github.com/fgrehm/letter_opener_web for more advanced features
follow installation from repo
mail will open in new tab

Stress test Rails app with mailers

I have a Rails 3.1 app deployed to Heroku. This app makes heavy use of mailers. I'm looking for a way to run a sort of integration-stress test. In other words, I would like to automate integration tests that cover from user action to email receipt (not simply delivery), and I want to use these test to stress-test the app. As Heroku runs everything in production mode, I'm can't run this server-side.
(I'm happy enough to script the actual user interaction, though I'm interested in suggestions. What's really tripping me up is actual email receipt. What would I use to monitor incoming emails? I'd like to not use a separate tool, and I'd prefer not to check that emails were received after testing, as I would like my stress test to also calculate elapsed time between user interaction and email receipt, etc.)
I don't think you can avoid using a separate tool if you actually want to check the messages were received at the end point. I wrote a blog post on a number of options for receiving emails.
Since you're running things locally and don't nessesarily need to be performant it might actually be enough for your tool to connect via pop3 or imap and download the email to check it was delivered.
