Rails calling API causes uninitialized constant error in Heroku - ruby-on-rails

I am using the RMeetup gem to pull data from meetup.com. In development mode, I can feature this code in my controller, model or helper with no issues:
RMeetup::Client.api_key = "matt's key"
RMeetup::Client.fetch(:groups, :lat => #user.latitude, :lon => #user.longitude")
But when I try to deploy, Heroku tells me:
app[web.1]: NameError (uninitialized constant RMeetup::Client):
I'm a novice on Rails, and I don't know how to fix this problem. I've tried creating a new RMeetup model to maybe better house this information and fix the issue, but Rails tells me:
The name 'RMeetup' is either already used in your application or reserved by Ruby on Rails. Please choose an alternative and run this generator again.
The RMeetup gem is not located exclusively in the dev section of my gemfile. Complicating the matter, I don't actually save any of the data I receive from Meetup.com until a user fills out a form. So I don't have a natural place to build a model off the results from RMeetup fetch operations. I currently do it in a helper or controller.
So why does my local dev have no problem with "RMeetup::Client" but Heroku does, and how can I fix it?
As requested, here is also the Gemfile:
source 'https://rubygems.org'
ruby '2.0.0'
gem 'rails', '4.0.0'
gem 'bcrypt-ruby', '3.0.1'
gem 'pg', '0.15.1'
gem 'geocoder'
gem 'rmagick'
gem 'carrierwave'
gem 'rMeetup'
group :development, :test do
gem 'rspec-rails', '2.13.1'
gem 'puma'
group :test do
gem 'selenium-webdriver', '2.0.0'
gem 'capybara', '2.1.0'
gem 'sass-rails', '4.0.0'
gem 'uglifier'
gem 'coffee-rails', '4.0.0'
gem 'jquery-rails', '2.2.1'
gem 'turbolinks', '1.1.1'
gem 'jbuilder', '1.0.2'
group :doc do
gem 'sdoc', '0.3.20', require: false
group :production do
gem 'rails_12factor', '0.0.2'

gem 'rMeetup', require: 'rmeetup'
in your Gemfile


rails and ruby gems up-to-date version

This is my gem gem file as you can see I use outdated version of rails and may be ruby and may be something else. This happened because I Followed Michel's Hart tutorial and took this gems from there.
source 'https://rubygems.org'
ruby '2.0.0'
gem 'rails', '4.0.2'
gem 'bootstrap-sass', ''
gem 'sprockets', '2.11.0'
gem 'bcrypt-ruby', '3.1.2'
gem 'faker', '1.1.2'
gem 'will_paginate', '3.0.4'
gem 'bootstrap-will_paginate', '0.0.9'
gem 'ffaker'
gem 'carrierwave', '~> 0.9'
gem "font-awesome-rails"
gem 'sprockets-rails'
gem 'rest-client'
gem 'blogo'
group :development, :test do
gem 'sqlite3', '1.3.8'
gem 'rspec-rails', '2.13.1'
group :test do
gem 'selenium-webdriver', '2.35.1'
gem 'capybara', '2.1.0'
gem 'factory_girl_rails', '4.2.1'
gem 'sass-rails', '4.0.1'
gem 'uglifier', '2.1.1'
gem 'coffee-rails', '4.0.1'
gem 'jquery-rails', '3.0.4'
gem 'turbolinks', '1.1.1'
gem 'jbuilder', '1.0.2'
group :doc do
gem 'sdoc', '0.3.20', require: false
group :production do
gem 'pg', '0.15.1'
gem 'rails_12factor', '0.0.2'
gem 'heroku-deflater'
On Feb 24, 2016, Ruby 2.0.0 security maintenance will reach its
end-of-life. When this happens, Ruby 2.0.0 will no longer receive
security updates. We recommend that you upgrade your app to a
supported Ruby version, e.g. 2.2.4, to ensure that your application is
running in a secure environment.
So which version of the ruby and rails do you suggest to put into my gemfile?
I would put the most current stable rails and ruby versions.
at this point that would be ruby '2.3' and rails '4.2'
At the time of writing most current ruby supported on heroku is 2.3.0.
To run rails on 2.3 without warnings about some cyclic dependencies you need rails 4.2+, but note that some things changed from 4.0 to 4.2 and you may have to do a migration, see guide on that

All Heroku Commands Are Broken due to Ruby Version

Everytime I run a heroku command I receive this error:
Your Ruby version is 1.9.3, but your Gemfile specified 2.1.2
This has been happening since I pushed several changes (adding sidekiq and making changes to my clock.rb file, also: a new model I need to migrate the db for)
Does anyone know why this might be happening? It only started after I added ruby '2.1.2' to the gemfile. But before that I was getting this funky segmentation fault error.
Here's my gemfile:
source 'https://rubygems.org'
ruby '2.1.2'
gem 'rails', '4.1.1'
gem 'pg'
gem 'sass-rails', '~> 4.0.3'
gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.3.0'
gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 4.0.0'
gem 'jquery-rails'
gem 'jbuilder', '~> 2.0'
gem 'sdoc', '~> 0.4.0', group: :doc
gem 'clockwork'
gem 'httparty'
gem 'omniauth-facebook'
gem 'parse-ruby-client'
gem 'parse_resource', '~> 1.8.0'
gem 'stripe', :git => 'https://github.com/stripe/stripe-ruby'
gem 'sidekiq'
gem 'foundation-rails'
group :development, :test do
gem 'pry-rails'
gem 'rspec-rails'
gem 'factory_girl_rails'
gem 'shoulda-matchers'
gem 'valid_attribute'
gem 'capybara'
gem 'dotenv-rails'
gem 'better_errors'
gem 'binding_of_caller'
group :production do
gem 'rails_12factor'
gem 'thin'
It's seems to related bundler issue. Go through here https://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv/issues/400 same sort of issue also here get fixed with :
# Rakefile
task :freedom do
Bundler.with_clean_env { sh "heroku" }
Hope this help you!
I had two applications using Ruby. In your terminal, change to the directory of the application, then check the Ruby version you are using. Update it appropriately.

Could not find generator rspec:install. Rails4.0.5 ruby2.0.0

I cant install rspec.
rails generate rspec:install
Could not find generator rspec:install.
ruby '2.0.0'
gem 'rails', '4.0.5'
group :development, :test do
gem 'sqlite3', '1.3.8'
gem 'rspec-rails', '2.13.1'
group :test do
gem 'selenium-webdriver', '2.35.1'
gem 'capybara', '2.1.0'
gem 'sass-rails', '4.0.2'
gem 'uglifier', '2.1.1'
gem 'coffee-rails', '4.0.1'
gem 'jquery-rails', '3.0.4'
gem 'turbolinks', '1.1.1'
gem 'jbuilder', '1.0.2'
group :doc do
gem 'sdoc', '0.3.20', require: false
group :production do
gem 'pg', '0.15.1'
gem 'rails_12factor', '0.0.2'
This is my Gemfile.
And, this tutorial is this one.
I replicated your gemfile and ran the command. It works for me just so long as the bundle installation finished correctly.
To make sure yours is installing correctly, you might try adding this line to your gemfile so that it can pull all the correct versions.
source 'https://rubygems.org'
Also, you may need to run your bundle install as the following if the postgres implementation gems give you trouble as they sometimes do. The tutorial you're working on uploads to heroku and doesn't require those gems on your development environment:
bundle install --without production
After everything has installed successfully, "rails generate rspec:install" should work.

Gemfile includes incorrect environment

When I do $ bundle install, it attempts to get gems only meant for production, despite me being on development.
I double checked that I'm on development: echo $RAILS_ENV # outputs "development"
Here is a copy of my gem file. If I remove :staging in the last block, then my bundle installs correctly and ignores this group. Why would adding :staging cause my app to include these gems?
source 'https://rubygems.org'
ruby '2.0.0'
gem 'rails', '4.0.0'
gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~>'
gem 'bcrypt-ruby', '3.0.1'
# generates names, email addresses, and other placeholders for factories.
gem 'faker'
gem 'will_paginate', '3.0.4'
gem 'bootstrap-will_paginate', '0.0.9'
gem 'aws-sdk', '1.11.1'
gem 'd3-rails', '~>3.3.7'
# used for file ajax uploads
gem 'remotipart', '~> 1.2'
# used for making server side variables accessible in JS
gem "iconv", "~> 1.0.4"
gem "roo", "~> 1.13.2"
gem 'underscore-rails'
gem 'gon', '4.1.0'
# gem "introjs-rails"
# High voltage for static pages
gem 'high_voltage', '~> 2.0.0'
gem "koala", "~> 1.8.0rc1"
gem 'acts_as_list'
gem "bugsnag"
gem 'devise'
# EC2 server is passenger
gem 'passenger'
# easily create seeds
gem 'seed_dump'
#add crossfilter for exploring high dimensional datasets and dcjs for charts
gem 'crossfilter-rails'
# gem 'dcjs-rails'
gem 'activeadmin', github: 'gregbell/active_admin'
# Monitor site speed.
gem 'newrelic_rpm'
group :development, :test do
gem 'sqlite3', '1.3.8'
# rspec-rails includes RSpec itself in a wrapper to make it play nicely with Rails.
gem 'rspec-rails'
# replaces Rails' default fixtures for feeding test data to the test suite with much more preferable factories
gem 'factory_girl_rails'
# watches your application and tests and runs specs for you automatically when it detects changes.
gem 'guard-rspec'
group :test do
# runs a browser
gem 'selenium-webdriver'
# makes it easy to programatically simulate your users' interactions with your application
gem 'capybara'
# Shows growl notifications (os x only)
gem 'growl'
# opens your default web browser upon failed integration specs to show you what your application is rendering.
gem 'launchy' # tims tutorial
# helps clear out db after using selenium in tests
gem 'database_cleaner' # tims tutorial
gem 'sass-rails', '4.0.1'
gem 'uglifier', '2.1.1'
gem 'coffee-rails', '4.0.1'
gem 'jquery-rails', '3.0.4'
# fuck turbolinks.
# gem 'turbolinks', '1.1.1'
gem 'jbuilder', '1.0.2'
# added for resizing panes on d3fiddle pages
gem 'jquery-ui-rails'
# added for code highlighting on d3fiddle pages
gem 'codemirror-rails'
group :doc do
gem 'sdoc', '0.3.20', require: false
group :production, :staging do
gem 'pg', '0.15.1'
gem 'rails_12factor', '0.0.2'
Use bundle install --without staging production.You can find more information about bundle here.
It is because of Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env) present in config/application.rb that bundle does not install gems present in test and production by default.

Bundle Install on dev giving an error that a production gem is missing

Why is my gemfile not skipping over "production" gems?
I just installed Rails on Mac OS X Mavericks (possibly an irrelevant detail). When I do bundle install, it gives me an error about missing pg gem. However this is only listed in my production environment, so shouldn't it be skipped? Commenting out my gem pg makes bundle install successful.
Extra context:
I just installed Rails on Mac OS X Mavericks. When I try to open my project, it seems to think I'm in "production" and tries to use my "pg" gem for Postgres. If I try to use rails s or rails console, I get the error that I haven't installed "pg" which should only be used in production for my DB.
I followed this tutorial: http://railsapps.github.io/installrubyonrails-mac.html
My gemfile:
source 'https://rubygems.org'
ruby '2.0.0'
gem 'rails', '4.0.0'
gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~>'
gem 'bcrypt-ruby', '3.0.1'
# generates names, email addresses, and other placeholders for factories.
gem 'faker'
gem 'will_paginate', '3.0.4'
gem 'bootstrap-will_paginate', '0.0.9'
gem 'aws-sdk', '1.11.1'
gem 'd3-rails', '~>3.3.7'
# used for file ajax uploads
gem 'remotipart', '~> 1.2'
# used for making server side variables accessible in JS
gem 'gon', '4.1.1'
gem "introjs-rails"
# High voltage for static pages
gem 'high_voltage', '~> 2.0.0'
gem "koala", "~> 1.8.0rc1"
gem 'acts_as_list'
group :development, :test do
gem 'sqlite3', '1.3.8'
# rspec-rails includes RSpec itself in a wrapper to make it play nicely with Rails.
gem 'rspec-rails'
# replaces Rails' default fixtures for feeding test data to the test suite with much more preferable factories
gem 'factory_girl_rails'
# watches your application and tests and runs specs for you automatically when it detects changes.
gem 'guard-rspec'
gem 'spork-rails', '4.0.0'
gem 'guard-spork', '1.5.0'
gem 'childprocess', '0.3.6'
group :test do
gem 'selenium-webdriver'
# makes it easy to programatically simulate your users' interactions with your application
gem 'capybara'
gem 'factory_girl_rails'
gem 'guard-rspec' # tims tutorial
# opens your default web browser upon failed integration specs to show you what your application is rendering.
gem 'launchy' # tims tutorial
# helps clear out db after using selenium in tests
gem 'database_cleaner' # tims tutorial
gem 'sass-rails', '4.0.1'
gem 'uglifier', '2.1.1'
gem 'coffee-rails', '4.0.1'
gem 'jquery-rails', '3.0.4'
gem 'turbolinks', '1.1.1'
gem 'jbuilder', '1.0.2'
# added for resizing panes on d3fiddle pages
gem 'jquery-ui-rails'
# added for code highlighting on d3fiddle pages
gem 'codemirror-rails'
group :doc do
gem 'sdoc', '0.3.20', require: false
group :production do
gem 'pg', '0.15.1'
gem 'rails_12factor', '0.0.2'
# See https://github.com/sstephenson/execjs#readme for more supported runtimes
# gem 'therubyracer', platforms: :ruby
# Use ActiveModel has_secure_password
# gem 'bcrypt-ruby', '~> 3.0.0'
# Use unicorn as the app server
# gem 'unicorn'
# Use Capistrano for deployment
# gem 'capistrano', group: :development
# Use debugger
# gem 'debugger', group: [:development, :test]
gem 'omniauth-facebook', '1.4.0'
By default, Bundler includes all groups. You have to explicitly exclude any groups you don't want like so:
bundle install --without production
After the first time, Bundler will remember your previous setting, so the production group will be excluded next time you run bundle install.
