drupal 7, paths and urls are not working properly - url

I'm developing a website based on drupal on my localhost. I have a problem with urls.
for a url like this :
I must output image src this way :
<img src="<?php print $directory; ?>/image/header/headerR.png"/>
but when the above url is changed to this
I must output image src this way :
<img src="../<?php print $directory; ?>/image/header/headerR.png"/>
I mean it must refer to the parent. my website has contextual filter which can be inserted
after library/ .is there any general solution for handling such thing?

If you are printing an image directly to html you must use a non relative path to move to other dirs. You must always start the image path with /, so the image is relative to the domain, in this case, localhost. Example
<img src="/<?=$whatever; ?>" />
Also try building the image in the Drupal way. See these functions:
Use any of them, as you need.
Hope that helps.

use only relative path and put theme related images into your theme folder
lets say that your theme is named YOURTHEME
when you do <img src="/image/header/headerR.png"/>
it should load image from http://localhost:81/sites/all/themes/YOURTHEME/iamge/header/headerR.png
but if you need to load images from different than theme directory you will need to use CDN module https://drupal.org/project/CDN
you will be also able to load images easily from other server, its usefull when working on local DEV and getting images from production server


Rails: How to access images in Javascript?

i'm pretty new to Rails and have a little question:
How can i access images in Javascript? SCSS, ERB, ... have methods like "image_path", but i didn't find something similar for Javascript.
I need it to specify the image URLs for the firefly plugin:
$.firefly({images : ['???/1.jpg', '???/2.jpg'],total : 40});
if your image in /app/assets/images/ you can simply use
Similarly in css, you can use
You can follow same thing when using in javascript.
$.firefly({images : ['/assets/1.jpg', '/assets/2.jpg'],total : 40});
Note: The above methods will cause problem when your rails app is in sub-directory. In that case use relative path. Asset pre-compilation will compile all assets in public/assets directory. so your structure may be like:
so from style.css, you can use relative path like ../images/1.png
When I needed to do this, I inserted the whatever image was required on the page under a div#class and set that class as hidden in my css. Then, in javascript, I could access the image from that div.
May not be ideal solution, but couldn't think of anything else because of asset pipeline.
Also, try accessing image from ./assets/image_name.jpg

Get Grails to generate relative path in its relative URL

I have a web application that can be accessed either directly as http://host.foo.loc:8080/foo/ or via a secure reverse proxy as http://www.company.com/apps/foo/
By default, Grails will generate relative URLs with relative paths, for example:
<g:form action="bar">
will produce:
<form action="/foo/bar" method="post" >
This will be OK locally but the reverse proxy will not accept http://www.company.com/foo/bar (it's missing /apps/)
If I do:
<g:form action="bar" base=".">
it's fine. But I don't really want to specify it on each and every tag that generates a link.
The best way to deal with this would be to get Grails to generate relative paths in its relative URLs. Alternatively, I could live with setting a global "baseUrl" to "." but I don't know how to do that either.
Any idea ?
[edit] In fact, setting the "base" to "." doesn't work. The first page "/foo/controller/action" will generate the link as "./controller/nextaction" which the browser will translate as "/foo/controller/controller/action" => 404. I guess this is why they're using absolute paths: they're not paths.
I've never been able to make this kind of scenario work, so I always keep the proxied and unproxied context paths the same, i.e. I would put the app at http://host.foo.loc:8080/apps/foo. You can have a multi-level context path like this in Tomcat by naming the WAR file apps#foo.war.
Add grails.app.context = "/foo/bar" to your Config.groovy.

load images from javascript

In my Grails app, I have a dir web-app/images/carousel/slides that contains files such as:
My app is using the resources Grails plugin, and the main images are loaded in a GSP using one of it's tags:
<r:img file="carousel/slides/foo.png"/>
which generates:
<img src="/myapp/static/images/carousel/slides/foo.png">
I attempt to load the thumbnail images from JavaScript by constucting a path such as /myapp/static/images/carousel/slides/foo.thumbnail.png. But when I attempt to display one of these images, I get a 404.
Similarly, if enter the following path in the browser's address bar
the image displays correctly, but if I enter
I get a 404. Why are my thumbnail images not available at the same path at runtime, given that they're in the same source directory? I suspect the answer has something to do with the fact that the main images are loaded using the resources framework whereas I attempt to load the thumbnails from JavaScript.
You mostly answered your own question: if you don't reference the images using resources in some way, then they don't get processed.
Your best bet is to create a resources module that contains a list of all the images. The add this resource to the page.
// grails-app/conf/CarouselResource.groovy
modules = {
carousel {
resource url:'/images/carousel/foo.jpg'
resource url:'/images/carousel/foo.thumbnail.jpg'
then in your GSP
<r:require module="carousel"/>
Now, the module description is a DSL, so you might be able to use some sort of file loop to automatically add all the files, but I'm not 100% sure how. You also might try something like '/images/carousel/**', but the docs don't say if that would work or not.
Also, I should mention, if you use any of the caching-based resources plugins, this won't help. You will then need to manually call r.img() and set it within your JavaScript, something like this (if it works):
var images = [
This is because the URLs generated using, for example, cached-resources, are often hashes of the file content to allow for long-term caching. They usually are only indirectly related to the original filename.
Update based on comment below:
To load a common JS remotely, but include the images, you could do something like this. Realize, I don't know your carousel code, and you will almost certainly have to modify the carousel library to handle these changes.
window.carouselImages = [
image: '${r.external(url:'images/carousel/image1.jpg'}.encodeAsJavaScript();}',
thumbnail: '${r.external(url:'images/carousel/image1.thumbnail.jpg'}.encodeAsJavaScript();}'
<r:resource url="js/carousel.js"/>
Then in carousel.js you reference window.carouselImages to get your array of images. It also should be possible it flip the order, and use some method within carousel.js to add images, like this:
carousel.addImage('${r.external(url:'images/carousel/image1.jpg'}.encodeAsJavaScript();}', '${r.external(url:'images/carousel/image1.thumbnail.jpg'}.encodeAsJavaScript();}');
You can improve this by looping over the file list instead of encoding each image explicitly (and example was given in the JIRA I posted below).
Finally, if you aren't going to use any of the caching or file manipulation plugins (so the files always end up at the same URL), you could just simply loop over the files from within the controller or a service method, calling r.img() on each one. This would ensure that they are copied to the static directory. The return value from r.img() can be ignored.
You can use HTML5's data-* Attribute
<element data-*="somevalue">
Here is an example if your image is located at /grails-app/assets/images:
In page (i.e. index.gsp) you have to add the following:
And from the javascript all you have to do is:
var calImg = document.getElementById('calendar-icon').getAttribute('data-calendaricon');
Pretty straightforward, moreover it is a clean approach :)

Advantage of <h:graphicImage> over <img>

What are the advantages of using <h:graphiImage> over normal <img> (in terms of performance e.g. parse/render time, possible http caching if any?, etc.) for JSF2?
You don't get server-side attributes on <img> elements.
There is no safe and easy way to set an absolute path for the src attribute. This is important because you may well be referencing the same image from multiple pages that reside in different directories. Would you want the hassle of maintaining their relative location? Sure, you can use <img src="#{resource['images:myImage.png']}"/> to get a safe absolute path. Wouldn't it just be easier to use <h:graphicImage name="myImage.png" library="images"/>?
What's this about a "safe" absolute path?
You could leave your images outside the usual resources folder and specify them in an absolute path like this, for example: <img src="/myApp-web/faces/images/myImage.png"/> and that would work. But then what happens when you want to deploy your app? Do you want your URLs to be like http://www.mysite.com/faces/myPage.xhtml? Of course not. You want to set the context root to the server root. But you don't want the hassle of changing all your img tags for a production deployment, nor do you want some hack that involves getting the base URL from an application-scoped bean and hoping you remember to change a property for production deployment. So you're better off, at the very least, using <img src="#{resource['images:myImage.png']}"/> or the much easier to remember <h:graphicImage name="myImage.png" library="images"/>.

URLRewriter.net fails relative paths when using more than one substring in URL

I have installed the URLRewriter on my server, and it works fine, but I have a rather big problem.
Relative links in hyperlinks, CSS-links, images etc. doesn't work when I have URLs with more than one substring.
E.g. (sorry, no http:// in front, as I do not have enough reputation):
website.com/Leje-og-udlejning-arbejdskraft leads to the path website.com/Workers.aspx and works just fine.
website.com/Leje-og-udlejning-arbejdskraft/Midtjylland leads to website.com/Workers.aspx?Region=Midtjylland using this line in the Web.config:
<rewrite url="~/Leje-og-udlejning-arbejdskraft/(.+)" to="~/Workers.aspx?Region=$1"/>
It rewrites just fine, but my relative links doesn't work anymore. CSS, Images, links and so on thinks my root is now http://website.com/Leje-og-udlejning-arbejdskraft, which of course doesn't exist.
Can't this be fixed?
All my links are correctly set using the ~/, like this:
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink3" CssClass="black_text" NavigateUrl="~/Forgot-Password"
runat="server">I have forgotten my password</asp:HyperLink>
For now, my solution was to add the following in my head-tag:
<base href="http://website.com/">
However, I hope you have some better suggestions, as I constantly move the project between localhost and online server, and have to correct it each time.
