How to get the length of an array? - x++

How to get the length of a string array like
str 30 name[];//dynamic array
I used the following for getting the length,but it showing the error as "the variable is not of the type CLASS."
int len=name.get_length();

It sounds like you might be happier using the Array collection class.
static void TestArray(Args _args)
Array strArray = new Array(Types::String);
strArray.value(1, 'abc');
strArray.value(2, 'def');
info(strfmt("%1", strArray.lastIndex()));

You need the dimOf function. Take a look to the reference:

Sorry, there is no build-in function to return the string array size. Since you are in full control what you put in the array, there need not be any!
The built-in function dimof returns the allocated size of the array, which is only of practical value for a fixed size array like str 30 name[20], where dimof(name) returns 20.
A clean way to remain in control, is to use a setter function:
static void TestArray(Args _args)
str 30 name[];
int n = 0;
int i;
void nameSet(int _i, str 30 _name)
n = max(n,_i);
name[_i] = _name;
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
There is no upper bound index limit, so accessing name[7] is perfectly valid and in this case returns a blank value. This may be used to your advantage, if you always use all holes and never stores a blank:
static void TestArray(Args _args)
str 30 name[];
int i;
name[1] = 'abc';
name[2] = 'def';
for (i = 1; name[i]; i++)
Beware that accessing a higher index (in this case higher than 2) may in fact increase the allocated size of the array.


c++ std::multi_map iterating equal_range problem

I'm currently debugging some code and am confused as to how the following is possible:
void DoSomething(int cell, const std::multimap<int, const Foo*>& map) {
auto range = map.equal_range(cell);
if (range.first != map.end()) {
int iterated = 0;
for (auto iter = range.first; iter != range.second; ++iter) {
assert(iterated > 0);
based on my understanding of std::multimap this assertion should in any case always pass, yet it fails sometimes with iterated = 0.
Under what circumstances can this be possible?
Ok I figured it out.
I was under the wrong assumption that equal_range() would return end() as the first iterator if the multimap does not contain the requested key, but that's not correct.
If the multimap does not contain any elements for a certain key, it does not return map.end() for the first iterator, but instead it returns an iterator to the first element with a key Not Less than the requested key. So, if the multimap doesn't contain the key requested, if (range.first != map.end()) will still pass, since both the first as well as the second iterator will both point to the element with the next larger key, but then there will be no iteration.

How to return two specific types from a generic method?

T getValue<T>(int i) {
if (T == String) return '$i'; // Error
return i; // Error
void main() {
var s = getValue<String>(1);
var i = getValue<int>(1);
I want getValue to return string if T is String and int otherwise. How to do that?
You can't restrict the type parameter to just int or String, so it will have to accept more than that (at least their least common supertype, Object, so basically any type).
It's not a particularly helpful way to code. It's possible, but not recommended:
T getValue<T>(int i) {
if (i is T) return i;
return "$i" as T;
This will return the int if T allows it (so T being any of int, or a super type of int, which is num, Object, dynamic or void, or any number of Comparable<X> wrappings around any any of those supertypes), and otherwise try to return a string. That will fail with a type error unless T is String (since we've already ruled out all supertypes of String).
You can still call it as getValue<bool>(42) and watch it fail, so the type argument doesn't help with correctness.
It's not particularly effective. I'd rather do:
dynamic getValue(int i, {bool toString = false}) {
if (toString) return "$i";
return i;
and call it as:
String x = getValue(42, toString: true); // Add `as String` if you disable downcasts.
int y = getValue(42); // And `as int` here.
The type parameter is really just making things harder. You are going to cast or type-check the result anyway, so might as well do it at the call point, rather than introduce type variables that aren't actually preventing misuse anyway.
(I'd probably just do two different functions, but I assume that there is a reason for wanting one function).
As I mentioned in the comments, I don't see any way that you could use your generic as the return type of your getValue function. Even assuming the return under the if statement worked, there is nothing that can be done about trying to return int i when List is passed as the type. You'll be trying to return an int as a List.
If you change it to dynamic, your code will work fine as it's just using the generic as another parameter.
dynamic getValue<T>(int i) {
if (T == String) return '$i';
return i;
void main() {
var s = getValue<String>(1);
var i = getValue<int>(1);

Swift String from imported unsigned char 2D array

I am using a 3rd party C library in my iOS application, which I am in the process of converting from Objective-C to Swift. I hit an obstacle when attempting to read one of the structs returned by the C library in Swift.
The struct looks similar to this:
typedef unsigned int LibUint;
typedef unsigned char LibUint8;
typedef struct RequestConfiguration_ {
LibUint8 names[30][128];
LibUint numberNames;
LibUint currentName;
} RequestConfiguration;
Which is imported into Swift as a Tuple containing 30 Tuples of 128 LibUint8 values. After a long time of trial and error using nested withUnsafePointer calls, I eventually began searching for solutions to iterating a Tuple in Swift.
What I ended up using is the following functions:
* Perform iterator on every children of the type using reflection
func iterateChildren<T>(reflectable: T, #noescape iterator: (String?, Any) -> Void) {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: reflectable)
for i in mirror.children {
iterator(i.label, i.value)
* Returns a String containing the characters within the Tuple
func libUint8TupleToString<T>(tuple: T) -> String {
var result = [CChar]()
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: tuple)
for child in mirror.children {
let char = CChar(child.value as! LibUint8)
// Null reached, skip the rest.
if char == 0 {
// Always null terminate; faster than checking if last is null.
return String.fromCString(result) ?? ""
* Returns an array of Strings by decoding characters within the Tuple
func libUint8StringsInTuple<T>(tuple: T, length: Int = 0) -> [String] {
var idx = 0
var strings = [String]()
iterateChildren(tuple) { (label, value) in
guard length > 0 && idx < length else { return }
let str = libUint8TupleToString(value)
return strings
func handleConfiguration(config: RequestConfiguration) {
// Declaration types are added for clarity
let names: [String] = libUint8StringsInTuple(config.names, config.numberNames)
let currentName: String = names[config.currentName]
My solution uses reflection to iterate the first Tuple, and reflection to iterate the second, because I was getting incorrect strings when using withUnsafePointer for the nested Tuples, which I assume is due to signage. Surely there must be a way to read the C strings in the array, using an UnsafePointer alike withUsafePointer(&struct.cstring) { String.fromCString(UnsafePointer($0)) }.
To be clear, I'm looking for the fastest way to read these C strings in Swift, even if that involves using Reflection.
Here is a possible solution:
func handleConfiguration(var config: RequestConfiguration) {
let numStrings = Int(config.numberNames)
let lenStrings = sizeofValue(config.names.0)
let names = (0 ..< numStrings).map { idx in
withUnsafePointer(&config.names) {
String.fromCString(UnsafePointer<CChar>($0) + idx * lenStrings) ?? ""
let currentName = names[Int(config.currentName)]
print(names, currentName)
It uses the fact that
LibUint8 names[30][128];
are 30*128 contiguous bytes in memory. withUnsafePointer(&config.names)
calls the closure with $0 as a pointer to the start of that
memory location, and
UnsafePointer<CChar>($0) + idx * lenStrings
is a pointer to the start of the idx-th subarray. The above code requires
that each subarray contains a NUL-terminated UTF-8 string.
The solution suggested by Martin R looks good to me and, as far as I can see from my limited testing, does work. However, as Martin pointed out, it requires that the strings be NUL-terminated UTF-8. Here are two more possible approaches. These follow the principle of handling the complexity of C data structures in C instead of dealing with it in Swift. Which of these approaches you choose depends on what specifically you are doing with RequestConfiguration in your app. If you are not comfortable programming in C, then a pure Swift approach, like the one suggested by Martin, might be a better choice.
For the purposes of this discussion, we will assume that the 3rd party C library has the following function for retrieving RequestConfiguration:
const RequestConfiguration * getConfig();
Approach 1: Make the RequestConfiguration object available to your Swift code, but extract names from it using the following C helper function:
const unsigned char * getNameFromConfig(const RequestConfiguration * rc, unsigned int nameIdx)
return rc->names[nameIdx];
Both this function's signature and the RequestConfiguration type must be available to the Swift code via the bridging header. You can then do something like this in Swift:
var cfg : UnsafePointer<RequestConfiguration> = getConfig()
if let s = String.fromCString(UnsafePointer<CChar>(getNameFromConfig(cfg, cfg.memory.currentName)))
This approach is nice if you need the RequestConfiguration object available to Swift in order to check the number of names in multiple places, for example.
Approach 2: You just need to be able to get the name at a given position. In this case the RequestConfiguration type does not even need to be visible to Swift. You can write a helper C function like this:
const unsigned char * getNameFromConfig1(unsigned int idx)
const RequestConfiguration * p = getConfig();
return p->names[idx];
and use it in Swift as follows:
if let s = String.fromCString(UnsafePointer<CChar>(getNameFromConfig1(2)))
This will print the name at position 2 (counting from 0). Of course, with this approach you might also want to have C helpers that return the count of names as well as the current name index.
Again, with these 2 approaches it is assumed the strings are NUL-terminated UTF-8. There are other approaches possible, these are just examples.
Also please note that the above assumes that you access RequestConfiguration as read-only. If you also want to modify it and make the changes visible to the 3rd party library C code, then it's a different ballgame.

Invalid rank specifier

I am trying to create a dungeon crawler with a tile-based map. However, I get an error when creating the array of tiles. (Right now, Tile is a class with nothing but an empty constructor.)
class Map
Tile[][] Tiles;
static const int DefaultWidth = 640, DefaultHeight = 480;
Random rnd;
public Map(int? Width, int? Height, int? seed)
Tiles = new Tile[((Width == null) ? DefaultWidth : (int)Width)]
//This line gives the error "invalid rank specifier: expected ',' or ']'" after the first bracket
[((Height == null) ? DefaultHeight : (int)Height)];
void Generate()
Why am I getting this error?
In C#, the right way to instantiate a 2D array is to use a comma instead:
int[,] array = new [3,2];
You can still make arrays such as int[][], but you'll need to use a for loop to create every individual array inside it (which can be of different lengths), and this is known as a jagged array. I would recommend, however, to use the comma syntax as it is idiomatic in C# and is the expected way to do things.

Fastest way to check Map for duplicate values?

Given a Map, assignment, what is the fastest way to check if it contains any duplicate values in Dart? I am currently using a Set formed from the Map's values and checking its length against the original Map, which works of course, but I'm wondering if there's an especially performant alternative.
Set d = new Set.from(assignment.values);
if (d.length < assignment.length) {
return false; // indicates has duplicates in this context
Tried #mezoni's solution modified for my program, but it actually ran a bit slower than my original version. It probably has more to do with constant times than anything else.
List values = new List.from(assignment.values);
Set set = new Set();
for (var i = 0; i < assignment.length; i++) {
if (!set.add(values[i])) {
return false;
Complexity wise you won't be able to get anything faster. Creating the Set and filling it with the values of the Map is linear in the number of elements. Clearly you have to run through all the values, so you can't do any better than that.
Maybe you could find a solution with a smaller constant factor, but that's not clear. In particular for larger sets I think the Set solution is pretty efficient.
This is more of a algorithms question than a Dart question. In any case, you have to check every value against the others, giving n-1 + n-2 + ... + n-(n-1) checks, or n^2/2. Programmatically, it's easy to create a set, but you could also generate an array, sort the array, and then iterate once to check for duplicates. That finishes in O(n log n).
Fastets way (if you realy need better performance):
void main() {
// Values from map
var values = [1,2,3,2,1,3,2,1];
var length = values.length;
var set = new Set();
var duplicate = false;
// Only for statistics purpose
var statistics = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if(!set.add(values[i])) {
duplicate = true;
print("Duplicate: $duplicate");
print("Performed in ${statistics} iteration(s) from $length possible");
Duplicate: true
Performed in 4 iteration(s) from 8 possible
The first example can be recommended to use with List values.
But because Map.values not a List but Iterable then it would be more efficient do not convert them to List but use as is.
Here is modified sample for use with Iterable objects.
It will be work faster because in this algorithm not required convert all values to the List object because it not want using of all elements without exception.
Instead it wants use as less as possible access operation on original source. If the source supports lazy operation of the access to values (as Iterable) this will be even better.
void main() {
// Values from map
var values = [1,2,3,2,1,3,2,1];
var assignment = {};
var length = values.length;
var key = 0;
for(var value in values) {
assignment[key++] = value;
var set = new Set();
var duplicate = false;
// Only for statistics purpose
var statistics = 0;
for(var value in assignment.values) {
if(!set.add(value)) {
duplicate = true;
print("Duplicate: $duplicate");
print("Performed in ${statistics} iteration(s) from $length possible");
