iOS: How to define an app as popular app near me on Appstore? - ios

i'm trying to make and app that can be used inside museums and i was wondering ..
how to make the Appstore recommend the app for users near museums ?
i've tried to make a routing geojson file but the validator tells me that i should make the app binary as routing app ..
and i'm not sure that what i want .
i'm using xcode 4.5 and targeting ios 5 to 7
what should i do cause i've tried to google for it but it seems that i'm not using the proper keywords

I think you are confusing the "Apps Popular Near You" feature on the app store with routing apps.
You can't opt into "Popular Near Me" - apps are displayed there automatically based upon analytical data that Apple collect. If you would like your app to be displayed in the list when users are near museums you'll just have to hope your users actually use the app when they're near museums!
The routing geojson you are trying to get to work is for apps to interface with Maps, not the "popular near me" section on the app store.


Are Google Play and Apple Store allows InAppBrowser of ionic to view a website only?

Before create a new account for iOS, android to upload web app to Google play and apple store, I want to ask:
Are they allows developer to upload an application that use InAppBrowser of Ionic to view website through that uploaded app ?
We need this to keep our work up to the latest date of updates for all users without need so many versions for both iOS and android.
So, are there any positive, negative or past experiences related to this topic ?
If you take a look at the review guidelines from Apple, it states that
4.2 Minimum Functionality
Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or “app-like,” it doesn’t belong on the App Store.
I would make the case to package your app as an Ionic app, and use either Ionic Deploy, or Code Push to update the content of your app on the fly. Note: This type of deployment cannot update Cordova dependencies, but it does let you keep your html, css and js files up to date.
In general yes, they allow this, but they might get confused (specially Apple) and ask you to be careful about the links that you open inside your app.
For example, Apple has certain guidelines about apps that buy/sell cryptocurrency. If you put a link to a buy/sell cryptocurrency website and open it inside the inAppBrowser, the app reviewer might "think" your app is for buying/selling cryptocurrencty and you might get rejected as a result.
However, if you put links to normal website, for example CNN, they should be ok with it, as there are many apps that already do this.

iOS - How To Know If I Need A Routing App Coverage File

I tried to submit an app to the Apple App Store on iTunes Connect and I got this error message:
"To configure this app as an iOS routing app, upload a routing app coverage file on the app's Version page in My Apps on iTunes Connect."
My app uses MapKit to show the locations of various monuments in the user's city, and to provide directions on how to get to them. I Googled this error and interestingly most people that have answered it seem to be saying that the file is actually not needed, but I'm not sure if that applies to the features my app offers.
How do I know if I actually need a routing coverage file? And if I do need one, can I make it cover the whole globe (i.e. the app should work anywhere in the world)?
The answer was to turn off MapKit altogether, eg. to uncheck it in the project capabilities tab. MapKit only needs to be turned on for "routing", which is a term I misunderstood. Routing means that other apps, such as Apple/Google maps, can use your app to display directions. I only wanted to show directions within my app, so turning on MapKit was unnecessary.

How to link to app reviews in App Store in iOS 11

Of course I know about the new guidelines and SKStoreReviewController to prompt users for reviews. But this is not about asking for new review but about quickly accessing reviews of different apps.
The Problem:
Previously I used the following format to link from an iOS App directly to the reviews tab of an app in the App Store:
This worked fine, but in iOS 11 it shows just an empty page within the App Store app. The obvious reason is, that in iOS 11 the app pages do not have a Review Tab anymore, but the reviews are located under the app description and screenshots.
So using the following format still brings the user to the apps store page but one has to manually scroll down to the review.
This works of course but one has to scroll down to the reviews manually. Is it still some how possible to directly link to the review section (just like using an anchor on a normal HTML page)?
This link format will work in iOS 11:
It also compatible with iOS 10.3.
The older versions I didn't test.
There is a country/region abbreviation ‘us’ in the URL. But it doesn't matter. It will always open the app store in the current region. No need to change it. Without these two letters, it can’t find your app.
Add &action=write-review to the end of the url.
http link:
itms link:
You'll need a country code and appName for this to work, looks like they can be anything as it's not actually used.
Actually my app (iOS 11) is working with this link :
If you are using iRate library you can override the link :
iRate.sharedInstance().ratingsURL = URL(string: "itms-apps://{appStoreId}?action=write-review")

Don't need the App Store to make apps anymore?

I recently found a site that allowed me to bookmark the site and then use it just like an app. There was no url bar, it was indistinguishable from an app you would download on App Store. Is this a new upgrade or technology ?
This is not new technology, I don't remember how long it's been out, but I'm pretty sure at least since iOS 3. It's called a webclip. You can do quite a bit with a webclip but are still limited to functionality provided by JavaScript, so no accessing the flashlight and certain hardware features (although many are being included in the device JS object). Though it is certainly much easier to implement basic app functionality!
+1 to SnoApps and here's a bit more detail about this older detail.
You can specify a webpage to appear like a regular app icon on the iPhone "home" screen (where all the apps appear).
There's more information here under the "Configuring Web Application" section of this Apple Safari Web Content Guide.

Apple App rejection due to non native buttons and features

While developing a phonegap smartphone application which runs on ios/android and bb v6+, im using a web service call to google maps and using tags for navigating through the application. I received an answer from apple with the following rejection message:
We found the following issues with the user interface of your app:
- Did not include iOS features. For example, it would be appropriate to use native iOS buttons and iOS features.
Additional user interactive features are needed.
My app has 2 buttons, one for searching and one to view the search results, both of which are non-native, html < button > tags.
Is it possible to use the native iOS buttons with a phonegap project, i.e using the search button (magnifying glass with word 'search' underneath), with a plugin?
Is it possible that my app was rejected for using a Google Maps web service call? if that were the case, i imagine the rejection message would be similar to the rejection message seen in this previous post
Any ideas/suggestions/guidelines would be great,
You could implement the NativeControls plugin. Judging by your screenshots a the iOS tab bar should work well with your app.
Not using native controls isn't a problem in itself. However, your app is too close to the appearance of a standard iOS settings page, which means that anything which doesn't exactly match that will feel broken.
