How do I determine where my YouTube video has been embedded? - youtube

Using YouTube Analytics, I have been able to determine that one of our competitors is embedding our videos, apparently passing them off as their own (as recently as Sunday).
I have been trying to discover what specific page the videos are embedded on, not just the domain. Apparently this was a capability of Insight, but I haven't been able to find any recent info that shows how to do this using YT Analytics. I suspect this data in no longer available.
I've been all over their site, and tried some obvious unlinked page guesses (/videos, /youtube, etc) and haven't found them.
Is there a way with the current YouTube system to find the specific URL where my videos are embedded?


How can I play video from YouTube channel in Decentraland?

There is sample code to play video in Decentraland. This link
However, I want to play video from a playlist in YouTube channel. Is there any sample code you can reefer me?
Unfortunately you cannot directly access any Youtube videos due to a CORS policy set on their side. This is not an issue with Decentraland itself, but rather with Youtube and other content providers that have a similar CORS policy.
Youtube and Twitch (for example) have their own javascript players that not only display ads but also gather information about the viewer. Seeing as this is the basis of their income, they do not want people bypassing this and just viewing the video for "free".
You may notice that youtube videos work in CryptoVoxel for some reason. This is due to some trickery that the game is doing, where it is loading in the html/js and placing the video on-top of the game itself. (At least that is what I've heard)
In the meantime I strongly suggest you look into hosting your videos on another platform like Vimeo. You can directly access the video files if you pay for their service. Alternatively, you can host your videos on an Antmedia server through a cloud hosting service like Digital Ocean. Both of these are great options.

How to put a direct download link at my website for My YouTube channel videos

At my website, I am using the thumbnails of the videos listed at my YouTube channel. So the users of my website can click on the thumbnails and video start download automatically from YouTube channel. I tried many softwares and copied their download link and put to my website but after sometime the link didn't worked at all, may be because YouTube change some parameters in the URL.
So is there any way to offer one click direct download from YouTube, or any other like Vimeo, dailymotion,etc. I tried already the vimeo and I am able to get the direct download but the same problem as the url doesn't work after sometime on other ip, so my users are not able to download and they redirect to vimeo website.
I will appreciate if you could help me.
With YouTube it's absolutely not possible via the official API. There are certain third-party scripts in existence that may be able to download videos off YouTube anyways (cf. e.g. this SO question) but be advised that this is against the YouTube terms of service and thus illegal.
With Vimeo it's a little bit different, to my understanding. Video owners can opt to allow users to download their videos, but I think this is only through the player. Vimeo won't provide you with a download link, with this exception.
This is not what these services were designed for anyways. They are social media platforms, not video hosters.

How do YouTube downloaders access the videos?

I did find this answer but it uses YouTube's APIv2, and is now outdated as stated in the answer.
YouTube's terms of use state that you can't use another player or download videos, so it makes sense they've excluded it from the API.
Knowing that, how do online YouTube downloaders, or third party Android apps (that allow to turn the screen off while they keep playing music for example) access those videos?
I'm trying to access a video to stream it inside unity for example (by the way there's a couple of unity assets that do it too), and I'd like to learn how they do it.

How to only find videos that can be played on mobile?

Does YouTube data API still not support this feature?
I have been trying to find a way for more than a few months already, and there doesn't seem to be a reliable way to retrieve a list of video that can be absolutely played without restrictions on a certain device. An answer from a person who's involved in the team would be VERY appreciated.
Youtube API: Search videos playable on mobile devices might be relevant, but I am skeptical whether this approach can be used to solve "The content owner prohibited this video to be played on this platform" type of restrictions.
On Nov, 7, 2015, there is still no way to filter the videos that are playable on a mobile device. More specifically, I want to find the videos that are playable on an embedded iFrame (ex. iOS helper library) using the YouTube data api v3. The available params for a search query are listed here.
You can find various search parameter listed in YouTube API v2.0 – API Query Parameters like license, restriction, paid_content that can help filter videos that are restricted for such specific reason. Also, if you can use YouTube API v3.0 there is one more option videoSyndicated that will restrict a search to only videos that can be played outside

Downloading Videos from YouTube - Terms & Conditions

I am a bit confused about the YouTube API's term & conditions. If I create an app for users to download only their own videos. Is that against the terms and conditions?
I know downloading other people content is definitely prohibited, but is it the same for your own videos? Since user can go to their video manager and download their own videosm this would be only a short-cut?
Anyone knows can/cannot do this? I was thinking of using this library
Any guidance would be appreciated,
Seems like YouTube already allows you to do that, so I'd say it's legal:
Download your videos
You can’t download other people’s YouTube videos, but ...
You can download MP4 files of videos that you’ve uploaded to YouTube in either 720p or 360p, depending on the video size.
See Download videos that you've uploaded.
I don't think so the Terms of Service of Youtube or the Terms of Service of the API allows you to do so:
Excerpt of Youtube ToS (5. K):
you agree not to access Content or any reason other than your personal, non-commercial use solely as intended through and permitted by the normal functionality of the Service, and solely for Streaming. "Streaming" means a contemporaneous digital transmission of the material by YouTube via the Internet to a user operated Internet enabled device in such a manner that the data is intended for real-time viewing and not intended to be downloaded (either permanently or temporarily), copied, stored, or redistributed by the user.
Excerpt of the API ToS (II. 11):
store copies of YouTube audiovisual content;
Both, state in a very clear way that neither the user nor applications built using the API can "store" content, which is a very direct statement that disallows you from giving such an option in your app. Now, whether Youtube does give its users an interface to download their content or not is an argument out of sequence here as Youtube don't need to follow their own ToS, in other words, it's up to them to give their users such an option, but you can't give it to the users of your app.
I suppose you need a special permission from Youtube to give such an option in your app.
Yes. You can definitely download your own videos from YouTube as it is your own content so you have full rights to it as the creator of the videos.
