OpenCV Opencl Compilation error: 'X' is not declared in this scope - opencv

Hi I created a program using OpenCV in windows with visual studio. My program has two cpp files. Both of them include many library files. The main function is in detect.cpp file and the other file is lbp.cpp.
In windows the program runs just fine and can get every library files and header files. But when I tried to compile the program in Linux OpenCV it did not compile and gave me error. The lbp.cpp file cannot find opencl's function and data type. It gives me this error:
‘cl_command_queue’ was not declared in this scope
‘cl_mem’ was not declared in this scope
‘cl_int’ was not declared in this scope
There are many of them. Anyone has an idea how to solve them? I checked other sample filesin opencv OpenCl samples and used the same headers as they used. But my program just does not compile. Please help.


How to use PathCchCanonicalizeEx with C++Builder 10.2?

I have a legacy Windows project using the legacy 32 Bit C++ compiler. For various reasons I need to use the Windows 8+ function PathCchCanonicalizeEx. C++Builder seems to provide the header and some module definition file for that, but I can't find any library to link against:
[ilink32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'PathCchCanonicalizeEx' referenced from C:\[...]\WIN32\DEBUG\TMP\FILE.OBJ
How am I supposed to fix this? Do I need to add a Windows 8.1 SDK? Is the necessary lib simply named differently and I can't find it? Something completely different?
According my tests, one has two options:
I'm developing/testing a some Windows 10 21H2, which provides an implementation for PathCchCanonicalizeEx in some DLL already. So if that source DLL is known, one can use IMPLIB or MKEXP to create an import library manually. I did that and after adding the created library from IMPLIB to my project, the linker errors were instantly gone.
Though, it's not that easy to know where PathCchCanonicalizeEx is placed in. One pretty easily finds the api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll, but that thing is NOT an actual file on the disk and therefore can't be used by IMPLIB or MKEXP. That name is only a virtual concept for the library loader to address the same named API set of modern Windows, the extension .dll doesn't mean it's a file at all.
You can use an API set name in the context of a loader operation such as LoadLibrary or P/Invoke instead of a DLL module name to ensure a correct route to the implementation no matter where the API is actually implemented on the current device. However, when you do this you must append the string .dll at the end of the contract name. This is a requirement of the loader to function properly, and is not considered actually a part of the contract name. Although contract names appear similar to DLL names in this context, they are fundamentally different from DLL module names and do not directly refer to a file on disk.
What you really need to work with is KernelBase.dll, which is even documented by MS.
implib "KernelBase x86.lib" C:\Windows\SysWOW64\KernelBase.dll
implib "KernelBase x86-64.lib" C:\Windows\System32\KernelBase.dll
Module Definition File
The downside of manually creating LIB files is that one needs to maintain those with the project. Things depend on if the target is 32 or 64 Bit, DEBUG or RELEASE, so paths might become a bit complex, one might need to create relative paths for libraries in the project settings using placeholders for the target and stuff like that.
It seems that all of this can be avoided with Module Definition Files, which's purpose is to provide IMPORT and EXPORT statements to either consume exported functions by other DLLs or make that possible for others with own functions. I've successfully resolved my linker problems by simply creating a file named like my app using the extension .def alongside my other project files. That file needs to be added to the project, though.
The following content made the app use the correct function from the correct DLL. Though, what didn't work was using the API set name, which resulted in an error message by the linker.
[ilink32 Error] Invalid command line switch for "ilink32". Parameter "ItemSpec" cannot be null.
[ilink32 Error] Fatal: Error processing .DEF file
The latter is after restarting C++Builder, so I guess the format of the file is simply wrong because of the API set name.

add luasocket to program (bizhawk) shipped with own lua environment

I am trying to get luasocket working in the lua scripting environment of Bizhawk, but so far without luck. I downloaded the vc8 version of luasocket here, made sure I have vc8 installed, and checked the lua version that came with bizhawk: 5.1
But, when I start the script I get the following error:
LuaInterface.LuaScriptException: error loading module 'socket.core' from file './libs/socket\core.dll':
Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden. (the given module was not found)
The lua code:
package.path = package.path..';./libs/lua/?.lua'
package.cpath = package.cpath..';./libs/?.dll'
local socket = require("socket")
The file system structure:
> lua
> socket
ftp.lua http.lua smtp.lua tp.lua url.lua
> socket
> mime
It seems to find the files, because when I had the file structure wrong it gave me actual file-not-found errors.
My best guess is that there is some kind if incompatibility between the lua that is shipped with Bizhawk and the external luasocket library binaries, but I am out of ideas.
This guy's set it up: (dearchive to emuhawk.exe base directory). His example seems to work, but it might not contain everything you need. Like HTTP for example.
Since project is complex and the luasockets examples are awful, here's a one-liner for testing http:
print(require("socket.http").request{ url = "" });
Following his model, I applied the following method: contents of lua dir to root; lua5.1.dll to root. Note that we will not be using the core.dlls from luasockets. This is because BizHawk now has them integrated; and this was necessary to work around a bug with luasockets in bizhawk.
More specifically, we have
/Lua (untouched)
(with files from
I can't say why precisely all of this is necessary, but I think it's miraculous that it works, given that we have a customized lua.
When using lua, if you find a directory structure that works, it's best not to wrestle with it any further.
(may be out of date) As soon as you do something nontrivial you may find bizhawk crashes. It seems this is due to a conflict with luasocket's "protection" system. Inspect http.lua and observe the code at the end which sends a function through socket.protect to wrap it. Remove the socket.protect wrapper and it should solve this problem.
I suspect that it's because of the dependence on lua51.dll. luasocket core.dll library is linked against lua51.dll (most likely; you can ran depends or similar tool to find out for sure), which is probably not present and this prevents socket.core from being loaded.
Even if you find lua51.dll, it's not likely to work if Bizhawk is statically compiled with lua51.dll as this will lead to two interpreters loaded into the same process, which is a recipe for seg faults.
There are three main options, but they all depend on how Bizhawk project is structured:
Bizhawk is compiled against lua51.dll (and this dll is present as a standalone file). In this case you need to make sure that the socket/core.dll you are using is compiled against the same library and it should work (as long as the run-times are the same and lua51.sll is available in PATH).
Bizhawk is statically compiled with lua51.dll. The simplest option is also statically compile luasocket libraries into the executable.
If option 2 is not available, then you need to use a proxy library and export Lua symbols from the Bizhawk executable as described in this SO answer:
If none of this helps you to solve the problem, you'll need to get depends for your Windows platform and run it in the "profiling" mode, which will tell you the exact error that happens when that DLL is loaded.

Not Able To Compile Neon Code on Xcode: "bad instruction"

I have a code base which under Xcode get the error "bad instruction" for every NEON instruction I call. It basically seems like NEON is not detected.
I am attempting to build a static library, I went to New Project, selected Cocoa Touch Static Library, then added my existing files.
Everything I'm reading indicates that NEON should be already enabled. I removed all references to armv6, and am targeting iOS 5.1
Also the code in question is all contained as routines defined in ".s" files -- pure assembly. I am not using the intrinsic method calls.
this is the error which I get whenever I try to run the code:
unknown directive .fpu neon
Command /Applications/
XcodeDefault.xctoolchain /usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1
also when I delete .fpu neon command from my code, it compiles and I get the .o file but then it fails to link as I still am not able to use the programs defined in the code file.
Try the answer on my similar question
Sort answer, in my case, was I was porting assembly from another compiler. A few points:
Xcode requires all lower case instructions
The pseudo-ops are different (try
you must start your assembly function names with "_", because that's how the linker finds them (in C, call "foo()", but in ASM name your function "_foo")

I don't know how to add path to .dll for Cuda

I am completely new to CUDA and C. My eventual goal is to adapt a FORTRAN program for CUDA. For now, I am having trouble getting a simple "Hello world" program to run.
I have been able to compile using nvcc --machine32 which creates an executable. However when I try to run the .exe, I get a System Error message stating:
The program can't start because cudart32_32_9.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem
I imagine I haven't added the path to this file (which I can find in "C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA GPU Computing SDK 4.2\C\common\bin\"); but I don't know how to add the path. Any help would be appreciated.
You can go several routes. Either just make a copy of the DLL and put it in the same directory as your executable.
Or you can add the path you mentioned in the PATH environment variable of Windows. Then it should be able to find the DLL.

OpenCV 2.3 in Embarcadero C++ Builder

When compiling a OpenCV 2.3 project in Builder I get multiple errors starting with "_fm_atan2l is not a member of 'std'" and continuing with other math related errors in that form. I also get "Multiple declaration of '_Ctraits::_Isnan(double)' and other similar errors. This happens after I simply include the OpenCV header files and thus seems unrelated to anything I have done in the application itself.
The only file I have included so far is "cv.h" in OpenCV's include directory. Am I doing it wrong already or is there maybe something else I have to set up first?
You can download simple project combining 2.3.2 and c++ builder xe2 from my site:
There are fixed headers for builder, and lib converter in archive.
There are also .lib files in archive, but it'll be better if you make them by yourself from original .lib files contained in your opencv distribution using LibConverter.exe utility.
And there is some strange thing: some dll files need to be renamed to something like .dl or .d. Compiled program will prompt you about it.
you can correct OCV atan2 issue with bcc32, including fastmath in std namespace (for more info see: [^]).... but more other issues are there after ...
Until now I'm unable to build OCV 2.3.1 with CBuilder XE2 :(
