Whenever CRON tab doesn't work on Amazon EC2 - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to set up CRON jobs on Amazon EC2 with using the Whenever gem.
In the schedule.rb is following:
set :output, "/home/my_deploy_name/my_deploy_name/current/log/cron_log.log"
every 2.minutes do
puts "It's working !!!"
and in the deploy.rb this:
set :whenever_command, "bundle exec whenever"
require "whenever/capistrano"
after 'deploy:create_symlink', 'whenever:update_crontab'
after 'deploy:rollback', 'whenever:update_crontab'
When I deploy this code to EC2 and check crontab -l, the output is:
no crontab for ubuntu
When I run crontab -e, the file is not edited.
What is wrong here? What the CRON job doesn't run on EC2 every 2 minutes?

Some options to try:
1) Log into the server and run:
bundle exec whenever --update-crontab
and check your crontab.
2) You don't need to set the before and after callbacks. The capistrano recipe does that for you:
Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist).load do
# Write the new cron jobs near the end.
before "deploy:finalize_update", "whenever:update_crontab"
# If anything goes wrong, undo.
after "deploy:rollback", "whenever:update_crontab"


Ruby on Rails crontab task is scheduled but not running

I am using the whenever gem to create the rake task, i am expecting to get a line output "Teaching Thabo how to schedule tasks" on my terminal every 2 minutes, i am new to Rails, here is the code for my rake task file which i have named request_invoice.rake
namespace :request_invoice do
desc "Teaching Thabo how to schedule tasks"
task test_tasking: :environment do
puts "Learning the tasking in rails..."
And the whenever gem created a schedule.rb file in the config of my project, i have the following code in the file
every 2.minutes do
rake 'request_invoice:test_tasking'
I have ran the whenever command on the terminal, it gives the following:
0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46,48,50,5 2,54,56,58 /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /home/sable/GMS/grading- management-solution && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake request_invoice:test_tasking --silent'
## [message] Above is your schedule file converted to cron syntax; your crontab file was not updated.
## [message] Run `whenever --help' for more options.
Did you run the:
whenever --update-crontab
command? According to the gem's page, this is required for your crontab file to be updated.
First, you need to check whether you have added tasks to crontab or not using:
crontab -e
If you do not see your task, then add it using:
whenever -i
You can track your cron jobs by setting a log file. Just add the following to the top of config/schedule.rb:
set :output, "log/cron_log.log"
Now, you should be able to check your cron logs (if tail is available to you then do the following from the root of your application path):
tail -f log/cron_log.log

How to start clock task using passenger & nginx on production

I deploy my project using passenger & nginx & Amazon EC2.
How can i run clock task on server. I used Clockwork gem.
This is my clock task (lib/clock.rb) :
# require boot & environment for a Rails app
require_relative "../config/boot"
require_relative "../config/environment"
require 'clockwork'
module Clockwork
handler do |job|
puts "Running #{job}"
every 10.minutes, 'send detail' do
Locally i can run bundle exec clockwork lib/clock.rb and it's working. It send detail on every 10 seconds.
On heroku i add bundle exec clockwork lib/clock.rb to Procfile like (NOTE: extra charge will be applied for clock) :
clock: bundle exec clockwork lib/clock.rb
Works on heroku also.
But how can i run this clock file with passenger and nginx and Amazon EC2 server on production startup ?
Any extra information required then tell me i will provide.
I access server via SSH.
I change gem to whenever gem and it doing job well.
Add to gem file :
gem 'whenever', :require => false
Then run wheneverize .
Then add task to config/schedule.rb fiile :
every 10.minutes do
runner "User.periodically_send_student_detail", :output => 'cron.log'
Then update your crontab in ubuntu server using this command :
$ whenever --update-crontab --set environment='production'
and that's it. It's done.
You can check cronjob using this command crontab -e OR crontab -l

crontab didn't run on ubuntu 14.04

I had a problem about set crontab Ubuntu 14.04 on DigitalOcean VPS.
Here are my steps:
First, create new crontab: crontab -e
Second, i set this command:
This is my crontab which i set it run at 10:26AM everyday:
26 10 * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /var/www/my_app/current && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake check:user >> log/cron_log.log'
Third, i checked crontab as crontab -l
Finally, i restart crontab as sudo service cron restart
But it didn't run anyway (i waited for 10:24 until 10:30), and i copied this command and ran it in my console, it worked very well.
So, i didn't understand why it didn't run same as crontab. Hope everybody can explain or give me some advises. Thank you very much.
EDIT: I tried to use gem whenever but it didn't run.
set :environment, "production"
env :PATH, ENV['PATH']
set :output, {:error => "log/cron_error_log.log", :standard => "log/cron_log.log"}
# Learn more: http://github.com/javan/whenever
every :day, at: '10:26am' do
rake "check:user"
And i updated my crontab use whenever as whenever -w
But it don't work.
#Coderhs: I tried run this command bundle exec whenever --update-crontab RAILS_ENV=production, but it didn't work :(.
This is list my crontab when i use command crontab -l:
# Begin Whenever generated tasks for: RAILS_ENV=production
26 10 * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /var/www/my_app/releases/20150710024713 && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake user:check --silent >> log/cron_log.log 2>> log/cron_error_log.log'
# End Whenever generated tasks for: RAILS_ENV=production
It still didn't run.
The problem was solved. Because in my local TIME was different with SERVER TIME.
So, i had just set SERVER TIME same as my LOCAL TIME. Thank you everybody supported me.
Like previously mentioned, I would use whenever gem.
Make sure you run whenever -w again after each capistrano deploy so its looking for the correct release directory.
Make sure you run whenever -w as the same user that your application is running as. Don't use root unless your app is running as root, which it shouldn't be.
Also, you should have your log dir set as a shared directory in Capistrano deploy config. Something like this in config/deploy.rb :
set :linked_dirs, fetch(:linked_dirs, []).push('log', 'tmp/pids', 'tmp/cache', 'tmp/sockets', 'vendor/bundle', 'public/system', 'pids', 'public/uploads', 'public/temp')
Also run the 'date' command in your terminal and see what the time there is. It might not be your local time, so the cron could work but at a totally different time than when you are expecting.
The issue is probably because the user which runs the cron, can't access the ruby command 'bundle'. You will have to use the full bath to the bundle executable file in the crontab.
The better solution for this problem would be to use the whenever gem https://github.com/javan/whenever
It would manage all the stuff related to crontab, to avoid issues like this.
schedule.rb for whenever
set :environment, "production"
set :output, {:error => "log/cron_error_log.log", :standard => "log/cron_log.log"}
env :PATH, ENV['PATH']
# Learn more: github.com/javan/whenever
every :day, at: '10:26am' do
rake "check:user"
don't forget to run.
bundle exec whenever --update-crontab RAILS_ENV=production
after you set the shedule.rb

Ruby on Rails, Capistrano, Whenever: Cron jobs not getting executed at production server

Ruby on rails + Capistrano + Whenever gem
I executed whenever --update-crontab but still cron job is not getting executed at production server. There are no logs in the log file. Though everything works well at development where capistrano is not required.
set :output, "../dev/log/cron.log"
every 1.minute do
runner "SOME_TASK"
set :whenever_identifier, ->{ "#{fetch(:application)}_#{fetch(:stage)}" }
require "whenever/capistrano"
What's the issue? How to debug?
I've had similar issues when deploying our apps.
If you check the log files of crontab you'll see that it does execute but its being executed in the wrong context.
For example:
You think this code should execute but it doesn't:
every 1.minute do
runner "bundle exec rake db:seed"
Instead you should supply the absolute path tot the executable. Cron doesn't know in what kind of context it should be run, it just executes.
We use rbenv in our deployment and we use shims of gems. So I just supplied cron with the absolute path to the executable.
This code does run:
every 1.minute do
runner "/usr/bin/shims/bundle exec rake db:seed"

Cron job not working in Whenever gem

I have an application that contains a bunch of tasks, and every day I want to run a cron job that creates a DayTask for each Task in the database. A Task has_many DayTasks and these daytasks are what users will be checking off every day. I'm using the whenever gem but it doesn't seem to be running at all. Any ideas?
every 1.day, :at => "12:01am" do
runner "Task.generate_tasks_for_day"
def generate_tasks_for_day
Task.all.each do |task|
task.day_tasks.create(:target_date => Date.today)
result of running the 'whenever command'
1 0 * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /home/grant/rails_projects/GoalTwist && script/rails runner -e production '\''Task.generate_tasks_for_day'\'''
Note: I've been changing the times in config/schedule.rb every time I want to test run it.
Finally I have solved how to run the gem Whenever.
It's working good on production, but not in development mode (I think that to working good in dev mode you must do some tricks).
Then, these are the processes to do:
install the gem
write your scheduler.rb file
push to the remote server
login to the remote server (for example with ssh)
see if whenever is good uploaded by running in terminal: whenever
update whenever crontab by running: whenever --update-crontab
restart the server crontab (for example in Ubuntu server): sudo service cron restart
check if crontab is good implemented on the server: crontab -l
That's it!
Personally, I prefer to set up my crons directly from the server:
Edit the crontab: crontab -e
Append my cron (e.g. every day at 5:00 AM - can be little different for not-Linux-based server):
0 5 * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /path_to_my_app/current && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake my_cron_rake'
Check if good implemented: crontab -l
You have to actually register the job with the crontab by running:
whenever --update-crontab
Also if you're trying to get jobs running locally, add
:environment => "development" to your task
runner "MyTask.some_action", :environment => "development"
Try to execute the whenever generated command directly from terminal or add the following line
to your crontab.
if whenever command gives you -bash: whenever: command not found, try bundle exec whenever
