I use UIPopoverController to popup an view in iPad iOS7 like this:
if (!self.popover) {
UIViewController *popupVC = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
[popupVC.view addSubview:thePopupView];
popupVC.preferredContentSize = CGSizeMake(240, 140);
self.popover = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:popupVC];
self.popover.delegate = self;
[self.popover presentPopoverFromBarButtonItem:barButton permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny animated:YES];
But when popover active, it make screen darker while this effect not affect other views in iOS6.
How to overcome this issue? Thanks!
If you mean the dimming view that is inserted under the popover, there is only one workaround - use a custom popoverBackgroundViewClass.
It's complicated, but not as complicated as you might think.
Another method is to traverse the popover view stack and remove the dimming view manually, as shown here in a UIPopoverController subclass:
#property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL showsDimmingView;
- (void)presentPopoverFromBarButtonItem:(UIBarButtonItem *)item
[super presentPopoverFromBarButtonItem:item
if (!_showsDimmingView) {
[self removeDimmingView:[[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.subviews lastObject]];
- (void)presentPopoverFromRect:(CGRect)rect
inView:(UIView *)view
[super presentPopoverFromRect:rect
if (!_showsDimmingView) {
[self removeDimmingView:[[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.subviews lastObject]];
- (void)removeDimmingView:(UIView *)subview
for (UIView *sv in subview.subviews) {
if (sv.alpha == 0.15f && [sv isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(#"_UIPopoverViewBackgroundComponentView")]) {
sv.alpha = 0.f;
const CGFloat *components = CGColorGetComponents(sv.backgroundColor.CGColor);
if (sv.backgroundColor && (components[1] == 0.15f || sv.alpha == 0.15f)) {
[sv removeFromSuperview];
[self removeDimmingView:sv];
In my app I've to create a custom alert view like the following:
So I followed this tutorial to create a custom alert view. I finished it but I'm getting issue in the following method:
- (void)addOrRemoveButtonWithTag:(int)tag andActionToPerform:(BOOL)shouldRemove {
NSMutableArray *items = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
[items addObject:self.buttonOk];
[items addObject:self.buttonClose];
int buttonIndex = (tag == 1);
if (shouldRemove) {
[items removeObjectAtIndex:buttonIndex];
} else {
if (tag == 1) {
[items insertObject:self.buttonOk atIndex:buttonIndex];
} else {
[items insertObject:self.buttonClose atIndex:buttonIndex];
I edited it than the tutorial because I don't need a UIToolBar for buttons. When I run the app it says me that I can't insert a nil object in an NSMutableArray, but I don't understand what's wrong, I hope you can help me to fix this issue.
Here's all the class code I developed:
#import "CustomAlertViewController.h"
#interface CustomAlertViewController ()
- (IBAction)buttonOk:(UIButton *)sender;
- (IBAction)buttonCancel:(UIButton *)sender;
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *buttonClose;
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *buttonOk;
#property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIView *viewAlert;
-(void)addOrRemoveButtonWithTag:(int)tag andActionToPerform:(BOOL)shouldRemove;
#implementation CustomAlertViewController
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
[self.viewAlert setFrame:CGRectMake(self.labelAlertView.frame.origin.x,
[self.buttonOk setTag:1];
[self.buttonClose setTag:0];
return self;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view from its nib.
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
- (void)showCustomAlertInView:(UIView *)targetView withMessage:(NSString *)message {
CGFloat statusBarOffset;
if (![[UIApplication sharedApplication] isStatusBarHidden]) {
CGSize statusBarSize = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarFrame].size;
if (statusBarSize.width < statusBarSize.height) {
statusBarOffset = statusBarSize.width;
} else {
statusBarOffset = statusBarSize.height;
} else {
statusBarOffset = 0.0;
CGFloat width, height, offsetX, offsetY;
if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation] == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft ||
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation] == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight) {
width = targetView.frame.size.width;
height = targetView.frame.size.height;
offsetX = 0.0;
offsetY = -statusBarOffset;
[self.view setFrame:CGRectMake(targetView.frame.origin.x, targetView.frame.origin.y, width, height)];
[self.view setFrame:CGRectOffset(self.view.frame, offsetX, offsetY)];
[targetView addSubview:self.view];
[self.viewAlert setFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, -self.viewAlert.frame.size.height, self.viewAlert.frame.size.width, self.viewAlert.frame.size.height)];
[UIView beginAnimations:#"" context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:ANIMATION_DURATION];
[UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseOut];
[self.viewAlert setFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, self.viewAlert.frame.size.width, self.viewAlert.frame.size.height)];
[UIView commitAnimations];
[self.labelAlertView setText:#"CIAO"];
- (void)removeCustomAlertFromView {
[UIView beginAnimations:#"" context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:ANIMATION_DURATION];
[UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseOut];
[self.viewAlert setFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, -self.viewAlert.frame.size.height, self.viewAlert.frame.size.width, self.viewAlert.frame.size.height)];
[UIView commitAnimations];
[self.view performSelector:#selector(removeFromSuperview) withObject:nil afterDelay:ANIMATION_DURATION];
- (void)removeCustomAlertFromViewInstantly {
[self.view removeFromSuperview];
- (BOOL)isOkayButtonRemoved {
if (self.buttonOk == nil) {
return YES;
} else {
return NO;
- (BOOL)isCancelButtonRemoved {
if (self.buttonClose == nil) {
return YES;
} else {
return NO;
- (void)removeOkayButton:(BOOL)shouldRemove {
if ([self isOkayButtonRemoved] != shouldRemove) {
[self addOrRemoveButtonWithTag:1 andActionToPerform:shouldRemove];
- (void)removeCancelButton:(BOOL)shouldRemove {
if ([self isCancelButtonRemoved] != shouldRemove) {
[self addOrRemoveButtonWithTag:0 andActionToPerform:shouldRemove];
- (void)addOrRemoveButtonWithTag:(int)tag andActionToPerform:(BOOL)shouldRemove {
NSMutableArray *items = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
[items addObject:self.buttonOk];
[items addObject:self.buttonClose];
int buttonIndex = (tag == 1);
if (shouldRemove) {
[items removeObjectAtIndex:buttonIndex];
} else {
if (tag == 1) {
[items insertObject:self.buttonOk atIndex:buttonIndex];
} else {
[items insertObject:self.buttonClose atIndex:buttonIndex];
- (IBAction)buttonOk:(UIButton *)sender {
[self.delegate customAlertOk];
- (IBAction)buttonCancel:(UIButton *)sender {
[self.delegate customAlertCancel];
Code in which I use the CustomAlertView:
#import "PromotionsViewController.h"
#import "CustomAlertViewController.h"
#interface PromotionsViewController () <CustomAlertViewControllerDelegate> {
BOOL isDeletingItem;
#property(nonatomic,strong) CustomAlertViewController *customAlert;
- (IBAction)buttonBack:(UIButton *)sender;
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *buttonAlert;
- (IBAction)buttonAlert:(UIButton *)sender;
#implementation PromotionsViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
[self.buttonAlert setTitle:self.promotionSelected forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[self.customAlert setDelegate:self];
isDeletingItem = NO;
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
- (IBAction)buttonBack:(UIButton *)sender {
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
- (IBAction)buttonAlert:(UIButton *)sender {
self.customAlert = [[CustomAlertViewController alloc]init];
[self.customAlert removeOkayButton:NO];
[self.customAlert removeCancelButton:NO];
NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"La tua offerta %# del 20%% è stata convertita in punti IoSi x10", self.promotionSelected];
[self.customAlert showCustomAlertInView:self.view withMessage:message];
isDeletingItem = YES;
- (void)customAlertOk {
if (isDeletingItem) {
[self.customAlert removeCustomAlertFromViewInstantly];
} else {
[self.customAlert removeCustomAlertFromView];
- (void)customAlertCancel {
[self.customAlert removeCustomAlertFromView];
if (isDeletingItem) {
isDeletingItem = NO;
Maybe you're calling addOrRemoveButtonWithTag:andActionToPerform: at a time where your UI is not fully created, since UI elements are created asynchronously. So if you call this method, right after custom alert view instanciation, you'll get your crash because the buttons in the view are not created.
To solve this issue, you need to call addOrRemoveButtonWithTag:andActionToPerform: only once your custom alert has been added to the view hierarchy.
With the example code you gave in edit 2, you call these lines :
- (IBAction)buttonAlert:(UIButton *)sender {
self.customAlert = [[CustomAlertViewController alloc]init];
[self.customAlert removeOkayButton:NO];
[self.customAlert removeCancelButton:NO];
but when you have just instantiated CustomAlertViewController, its 2 buttons are not yet created, so I suggest you add 2 properties hasOkButton and hasCancelButton and a new constructor to your custom class like this one :
- (instancetype) initWithOk:(BOOL)OkButton AndCancel:(BOOL) CancelButton
if(self = [super init])
hasOkButton = OkButton;
hasCancelButton = CancelButton;
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
// At this time, the custom UI buttons will be created in the UI view hierarchy
[self removeOkayButton: hasOkButton];
[self removeOkayButton: hasCancelButton];
And in the caller you can use the following to display a custom alert View:
- (IBAction)buttonAlert:(UIButton *)sender {
self.customAlert = [[CustomAlertViewController alloc] initWithOk:NO AndCancel:NO];
// ...
I tried your solution in a real project, I made it work by using these lines int the caller :
- (IBAction)buttonAlert:(UIButton *)sender {
self.customAlert = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"customAlertView"];
self.customAlert.hasOK = NO;
self.customAlert.hasCancel = YES;
NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"La tua offerta %# del 20%% è stata convertita in punti IoSi x10", self.promotionSelected];
[self.customAlert showCustomAlertInView:self.view withMessage:message];
isDeletingItem = YES;
In the CustomAlertViewController declare 2 visible properties hasOK and hasCancel in.h.
And modify your .m by adding method :
[self removeOkayButton:self.hasOK];
[self removeCancelButton:self.hasCancel];
Be sure to modify your storyboard (if eligible) to have the "customAlertView" defined this way :
Don't forget also to bind your UIButton to the controller this can be a mistake too in your implementation :
Hope this will help you :)
I found on the web a tutorial to create custom alert view by using code, if you are interested you can go to this tutorial. I used it for my issue and it worked great! You have to fix a few things, because it uses deprecated command but it's easy to fix it.
If you are interested just take a look about this tutorial. I think you can integrate it in your app and after you can easily use for other stuff if it's necessary. I hope that my answer will help someone.
Currently I am wanting to create a slide animation when the user selects on a segmented button of a UISegmentedControl instantiated on top of a navigationbar. Currently I have a UISegmentedControl with 6 buttons the user is allowed to press and select to go to different views.
Everything works accordingly but I am having an issue with implementing the slide transition, if it is even possible.
I am able to implement a slide transition between UITabBar views using this method:
- (BOOL)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController shouldSelectViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
int controllerIndex = [[tabBarController viewControllers] indexOfObject:viewController];
if(controllerIndex == self.selectedIndex || self.isAnimating){
return NO;
// Get the views.
UIView * fromView = tabBarController.selectedViewController.view;
UIView * toView = [viewController view];
// Get the size of the view area.
CGRect viewSize = fromView.frame;
BOOL scrollRight = controllerIndex > tabBarController.selectedIndex;
// Add the to view to the tab bar view.
[fromView.superview addSubview:toView];
// Position it off screen.
toView.frame = CGRectMake((scrollRight ? 320 : -320), viewSize.origin.y, 320, viewSize.size.height);
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.2 animations: ^{
// Animate the views on and off the screen. This will appear to slide.
fromView.frame =CGRectMake((scrollRight ? -320 : 320), viewSize.origin.y, 320, viewSize.size.height);
toView.frame =CGRectMake(0, viewSize.origin.y, 320, viewSize.size.height);
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
if (finished) {
// Remove the old view from the tabbar view.
[fromView removeFromSuperview];
tabBarController.selectedIndex = controllerIndex;
return NO;
Not so sure if the same rules apply for a UISegmentedControl of several viewcontrollers. Is this possible to do? I figure it should be but anyone have any ideas on how to get started?
Heres the code I use within my segmentedcontroller...
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
/* This bunch of code creates the segmentedControllerButtons in the nav bar */
self.segmentedViewControllers = [self segmentedViewControllerContent];
NSArray * segmentTitles = #[#"Plant", #"Net", #"Wiz", #"Date", #"Clone", #"GF/E"];
self.segmentedControl = [[UISegmentedControl alloc]initWithItems:segmentTitles];
self.segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex = 0;
self.segmentedControl.segmentedControlStyle = UISegmentedControlStyleBar;
[self.segmentedControl addTarget:self action:#selector(didChangeSegmentControl:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];
self.navigationItem.titleView = self.segmentedControl;
self.navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor = [UIColor blackColor];
self.segmentedControl.tintColor = [UIColor redColor];
[self didChangeSegmentControl:self.segmentedControl]; // kick everything off
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
- (NSArray *)segmentedViewControllerContent {
CDDConfigPlantViewController *plant = [[CDDConfigPlantViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"CDDConfigPlantViewController" bundle:nil];
plant->ipAddress = ipAddress;
plant->encode = encodedInfo;
CDDConfigNetworkViewController *network = [[CDDConfigNetworkViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"CDDConfigNetworkViewController" bundle:nil];
network->ipAddress = ipAddress;
network->encode = encodedInfo;
CDDConfigAcquisitionWizardViewController *acquisition_wizard = [[CDDConfigAcquisitionWizardViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"CDDConfigAcquisitionWizardViewController" bundle:nil];
acquisition_wizard->ipAddress = ipAddress;
acquisition_wizard->encode = encodedInfo;
CDDConfigDateTimeViewController *date_time = [[CDDConfigDateTimeViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"CDDConfigDateTimeViewController" bundle:nil];
date_time->ipAddress = ipAddress;
date_time->encode = encodedInfo;
CDDConfigCDDCloneViewController *cdd_clone = [[CDDConfigCDDCloneViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"CDDConfigCDDCloneViewController" bundle:nil];
cdd_clone->ipAddress = ipAddress;
cdd_clone->encode = encodedInfo;
CDDConfigGroundfaultEnergyViewController *groundfault_energy = [[CDDConfigGroundfaultEnergyViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"CDDConfigGroundfaultEnergyViewController" bundle:nil];
groundfault_energy->ipAddress = ipAddress;
groundfault_energy->encode = encodedInfo;
NSArray * controllers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:plant, network, acquisition_wizard, date_time, cdd_clone, groundfault_energy, nil];
return controllers;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Segment control
- (void)didChangeSegmentControl:(UISegmentedControl *)control {
if (self.activeViewController) {
[self.activeViewController viewWillDisappear:NO];
[self.activeViewController.view removeFromSuperview];
[self.activeViewController viewDidDisappear:NO];
self.activeViewController = [self.segmentedViewControllers objectAtIndex:control.selectedSegmentIndex];
[self.activeViewController viewWillAppear:YES];
[self.view addSubview:self.activeViewController.view];
[self.activeViewController viewDidAppear:YES];
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
[self.activeViewController viewWillAppear:animated];
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
[self.activeViewController viewDidAppear:animated];
- (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillDisappear:animated];
[self.activeViewController viewWillDisappear:animated];
- (void)viewDidDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidDisappear:animated];
[self.activeViewController viewDidDisappear:animated];
Is it UIView you want to animate or UIViewControllers.
If UIView the animateWithDuration: animations: completion: works
if UIViewControllers presentViewController: animated: completion: is the way to go
I want to have a persistent button in the bottom right corner of my app. During all view transitions, the button should remain static. I'm having trouble deciding what view to add the button to. I know the button ought to be stored in the AppDelegate, but I don't know what other view it would be sense to add it to except the window. One downside of adding it to the window is that when there's an app running in the background (ie Phone), the added status bar padding will push down the window. In general, adding it to the window seems to be a hacky solution -- any thoughts?
Yes, adding it to the UIWindow would be extremely hacky and finicky.
If you're using Storyboards and iOS 5.0 onwards, you should be able to use container views and do something like this:
Here's another picture showing the, rather simplistic, structure of the first View Controller:
The view controller on the left has a container, and then a view which holds the button on top of it. The container indicates that the navigation controller (directly to the right) should appear within itself, that relationship is shown by the =([])=> arrow (formally known as an embed segue). Finally the navigation controller defines its root view controller to the one on the right.
In summary, the first view controller pancakes-in the container view with the button on top, so everything that happens inside has to have the button on top.
Using childViewControllers
aka. The "I hate Storyboards and puppies" mode
Using a similar structure to the Storyboard version, you could create the base view controller with its button, and then, add the view that will become then new "root" of the application, underneath.
To make it clear, let's call the one view controller that holds the button the FakeRootViewController, and the view controller that will be, for all practical purposes, the root of the application: RootViewController. All subsequent view controllers won't even know that there's the FakeRootViewController above everyone else.
// The "real" root
#import "RootViewController.h"
// Call once after the view has been set up (either through nib or coded).
- (void)setupRootViewController
// Instantiate what will become the new root
RootViewController *root = [[RootViewController alloc] <#initWith...#>];
// Create the Navigation Controller
UINavigationController *nav = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:root];
// Add its view beneath all ours (including the button we made)
[self addChildViewController:nav];
[self.view insertSubview:nav.view atIndex:0];
[nav didMoveToParentViewController:self];
#import "FakeRootViewController.h"
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
FakeRootViewController *fakeRoot = [[FakeRootViewController alloc] <#initWith...#>];
self.window.rootViewController = fakeRoot;
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
return YES;
That way, you can have all the benefits of inserting the button on the window, without all the guilt and "Should I really be a programmer?" that it causes.
Potentially you could have 1 main "root" view controller, and all you other view controllers could be child view controllers, with their views as child views. Then they would have their content, and the button would be in the "root" view controller. But this seems just as sketchy and hacky as putting it in the window, and probably less convenient.
I use this button:
#interface UIPopUpButton : UIImageView <UIPopoverControllerDelegate, UIActionSheetDelegate>
UIPopoverController* popoverController;
Class popoverClass;
- (id) initWithPoint: (CGPoint) point;
- (void) touchesBegan: (NSSet*) touches
withEvent: (UIEvent*) event;
+ (id) buttonAtPoint: (CGPoint) point;
+ (id) buttonAtOriginalPoint;
+ (void) unhighlight;
+ (void) bringButtonToFront;
#property (nonatomic, retain) UIPopoverController* popoverController;
#property (nonatomic, assign) Class popoverClass;
#import "UIPopUpButton.h"
#implementation UIPopUpButton
static UIPopUpButton* button = nil;
static CGPoint originalPoint;
#synthesize popoverClass;
#synthesize popoverController;
+ (id) buttonAtPoint: (CGPoint) point
if (button == nil)
button = [[UIPopUpButton alloc] initWithPoint: point];
originalPoint = point;
button.popoverClass = [UIPopoverController class];
button.frame = CGRectMake(point.x, point.y, button.frame.size.width, button.frame.size.height);
return button;
+ (id) buttonAtOriginalPoint
return [self buttonAtPoint: originalPoint];
+ (void) unhighlight
button.highlighted = NO;
+ (void) bringButtonToFront
[[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow addSubview: [self buttonAtOriginalPoint]];
- (id) initWithPoint: (CGPoint) point
UIImage* image1 = [UIImage imageNamed: #"topbutton.png"];
UIImage* image2 = [UIImage imageNamed: #"topbutton.png"];
if ((self = [super initWithImage: image1
highlightedImage: image2]))
self.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
self.frame = CGRectMake(point.x, point.y, self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height);
self.multipleTouchEnabled = NO;
return self;
- (BOOL) isAppCurrStatus
return ([DevToolsClientController sharedInstance].statusOfRootViewController == FrontEndApplication);
- (void) touchesBegan: (NSSet*) touches withEvent: (UIEvent*) event
UITouch* touch = [touches anyObject];
if(touch.view == self)
if (self.popoverController == nil)
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone)
UIActionSheet* actionSheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle: #"Please choice operation:"
delegate: self
cancelButtonTitle: nil
destructiveButtonTitle: nil
otherButtonTitles: nil];
[actionSheet addButtonWithTitle: #"Cancel"];
actionSheet.cancelButtonIndex = 0;
[actionSheet addButtonWithTitle: #"Button 1"];
actionSheet.actionSheetStyle = UIActionSheetStyleDefault;
[actionSheet setTag: 0];
[actionSheet setDelegate: self];
[actionSheet showInView: [self superview]];
[actionSheet release];
[actions release];
PopoverMenuController* contentViewController = [[PopoverMenuController alloc] init];
self.popoverController = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController: contentViewController];
popoverController.delegate = self;
[popoverController presentPopoverFromRect: CGRectMake(10.0f, 10.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f)
inView: self
permittedArrowDirections: UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny
animated: YES];
contentViewController.popoverController = self.popoverController;
[contentViewController reloadData];
[self.popoverController dismissPopoverAnimated:YES];
self.popoverController = nil;
[super touchesBegan: touches withEvent: event];
#pragma mark UIActionSheetDelegate implementation
-(void) actionSheet: (UIActionSheet*) actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex: (NSInteger) buttonIndex
NSNumber* indexAction = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt: buttonIndex - 1];
- (void) runAction: (NSNumber*) indexAction
[DevToolsPopoverMenuController runAction: [indexAction integerValue]];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark UIPopoverControllerDelegate implementation
- (void) popoverControllerDidDismissPopover: (UIPopoverController*) thePopoverController
if (self.popoverController != nil)
self.popoverController = nil;
- (BOOL) popoverControllerShouldDismissPopover: (UIPopoverController*) thePopoverController
//The popover is automatically dismissed if you click outside it, unless you return NO here
return YES;
[UIPopUpButton bringButtonToFront];
My button is always on top.
Try subclassing the UIViewController class and make your own one with the button
Create a singleton object that holds the button so all view controllers can reference it and add it to their subview or add it to the window directly.
#property (nonatomic) UIButton *yourButton;
#synthesize yourButton = _yourButton;
self = [super init];
_yourButton = [UIButton new];
//Other settings you want for your button
return self;
static SomeClass *sharedSomeClass;
if (!sharedSomeClass)
sharedSomeClass = [[super allocWithZone:nil]init];
return sharedSomeClass;
return [self sharedSomeClass];
If you like you can access the window directly like this:
UIWindow *mainwindow = [[[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate]window];
import SomeClass.h into your view controllers, and access the button from anywhere
#import "SomeClass.h"
SomeClass *someClass = [SomeClass sharedSomeclass];
UIButton *localButton = someClass.yourButton;
I want my whole project to run in portrait mode only and only the view that's for viewing the photo's can turn on landscape same as if using the facebook (we view photo's they turn landscape also but other view's remains in portrait) i want to know that how it's done as i have a table view that has images that i get from the DB from the server and every particular data contains different number's of photo's so now i want that after the user select's the photo's they should open up fully and can be viewed in landscape and in portrait as well i did tried
I am working with ios6
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotate
return NO;
implementing in all the view's so that they can remain in portrait but still they turn in landscape how should i restrict it and please can any one tell me that in one of my class i have images in table view(loaded from the DB) and i have another class that open's up the selected photo from the table
My PhotoView.m class
- (void) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
NSDictionary *dic = [photos objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
NSLog(#" *** url is %#",[dic objectForKey:#"url"]);
[self.delegate showPhotoAtUrl:[dic objectForKey:#"url"]];
My PhotoViewController.h class
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface PhotoViewController : UIViewController <UIScrollViewDelegate>
NSString *url;
UIButton *doneButton;
#property (nonatomic, retain) UIImageView *imageView;
- (id) initWithPhotoUrl:(NSString *)photoUrl;
and PhotoViewController.m class
#import "PhotoViewController.h"
#interface PhotoViewController ()
#implementation PhotoViewController
#synthesize imageView;
- (id) initWithPhotoUrl:(NSString *)photoUrl
self = [super init];
if(self) {
url = [photoUrl retain];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[url release];
self.imageView = nil;
[doneButton release];
[super dealloc];
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];
UIActivityIndicatorView *spinner = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhiteLarge];
spinner.tag = 1;
spinner.center = self.view.center;
[spinner startAnimating];
[self.view addSubview:spinner];
[spinner release];
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(loadPhotoData) withObject:nil];
doneButton = [[UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect] retain];
[doneButton addTarget:self action:#selector(doneTouched) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
[doneButton setTitle:#"done" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[doneButton setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
doneButton.frame = CGRectMake(2, 2, 60, 30);
[self.view addSubview:doneButton];
- (void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
self.title = #"";
self.navigationController.navigationBarHidden = YES;
- (void) doneTouched
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
- (void) loadComplete:(NSData *)imageData
if(!imageData) return;
UIActivityIndicatorView *spinner = (UIActivityIndicatorView *)[self.view viewWithTag:1];
if(spinner) {
[spinner stopAnimating];
[spinner removeFromSuperview];
UIImage *img = [UIImage imageWithData:imageData];
float scale = MIN(self.view.frame.size.width/img.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height/img.size.height);
self.imageView = [[[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:img] autorelease];
self.imageView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, self.imageView.image.size.width*scale, self.imageView.image.size.height*scale);
UIScrollView *scrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
self.imageView.center = scrollView.center;
scrollView.delegate = self;
scrollView.contentSize = self.imageView.frame.size;
scrollView.minimumZoomScale = 1;
scrollView.maximumZoomScale = 2;
[scrollView addSubview:self.imageView];
[self.view addSubview:scrollView];
[scrollView release];
[self.view bringSubviewToFront:doneButton];
- (UIView *) viewForZoomingInScrollView:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
return self.imageView;
- (void) loadPhotoData
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url]];
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(loadComplete:) withObject:imageData waitUntilDone:NO];
[pool drain];
and in the main class i have have this method that calls the PhotoViewController to load the selected photo
- (void) showPhotoAtUrl:(NSString *)url
PhotoViewController *vc = [[PhotoViewController alloc] initWithPhotoUrl:url];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:vc animated:YES];
[vc release];
Now my problem is how should i get the images after getting selected from the table to be open up in the same type of the view that open's up in FB app (open's the selected photo in portrait/landscape compatible view) i am only able to get one photo in my PhotoViewController class can any one tell me how can i add all the photo's to the PhotoViewController class so that i get the effect that i want ?... Any code help will be very helpful .. Thanks in Advance for contributing your time
In Short i have two things to do :
I have to restrict my project to only portrait mode leaving only the photo's view to have landscape/portrait compatibility.
I am currently having the photo's in my table view that i want on selection to open up in the same style(landscape/portrait compatibile) as FB or other app's do while viewing the photo's.
These only work on iOS 6.0
return YES;
return (UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight | UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft);
- (UIInterfaceOrientation)preferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation
return UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight;
The method will return which orientation mode to use first.
Below are supportedInterfaceOrientations:
For iOS > 4.0
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation {
return UIInterfaceOrientationIsLandscape(interfaceOrientation);
Other ViewControllers will have
-(BOOL)shouldAutorotate { return NO; }
return NO;
I've implemented a custom story board segue which is working fine under iOS 6 but nothing happens in the simulator under iOS 5.1.
The problem is that the popoverController is always nil under iOS 5.1?!
#implementation PopoverFromRectSegue
-(id)initWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
source:(UIViewController *)source
destination:(UIViewController *)destination {
if(self = [super initWithIdentifier:identifier
destination:destination]) {
return self;
- (void)perform {
UIPopoverController *popCtrl = ((UIStoryboardPopoverSegue *)self).popoverController;
id controller = [self sourceViewController];
if ([controller isKindOfClass:[UIViewController class]] && [controller respondsToSelector:#selector(popoverRect)]) {
[popCtrl presentPopoverFromRect:[[controller performSelector:#selector(popoverRect)] CGRectValue] inView:[controller view] permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny animated:YES];
Any help/hint is appreciated.
Just made new sample project. It seems that under iOS5.1 the popoverController is not set
for custom UIStoryBoardSegues.
What else can I do.
The normal popover requires an anchor but a prototype tableView cells is not accepted (failure during compile) and I couldn't find a way to modify the rect the popover is presented from.
Here's my workaround.
#interface PopoverFromRectSegue : UIStoryboardPopoverSegue
#property (strong, nonatomic) UIPopoverController *popoverCtrl;
#import "PopoverFromRectSegue.h"
#implementation PopoverFromRectSegue
- (void)perform
UIPopoverController *popCtrl = ((UIStoryboardPopoverSegue *)self).popoverController;
// under iOS 5.1 the popoverController iVar is not set
// so we have to use our own one
if (nil == popCtrl) {
popCtrl = self.popoverCtrl;
id controller = [self sourceViewController];
if ([controller isKindOfClass:[UIViewController class]] && [controller respondsToSelector:#selector(popoverRect)]) {
[popCtrl presentPopoverFromRect:[[controller performSelector:#selector(popoverRect)] CGRectValue] inView:[controller view] permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny animated:YES];
In my prepareForSegue method I do the following.
if (isPad) {
self.popoverCtrl = [(UIStoryboardPopoverSegue *)segue popoverController];
if (nil == _popoverCtrl) {
self.popoverCtrl = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:[segue destinationViewController]];
((PopoverFromRectSegue *)segue).popoverCtrl = _popoverCtrl;
self.popoverRect = [NSValue valueWithCGRect:[self.myTableView rectForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath]];