How can i load config file but not autoload in zf2 - zend-framework2

I have some config file,they don't need use in everywhere,so i don't want it autoload,can you tell me how to load config file in controller and it can be get in serviceLocator,don't tell me to use zend\config\config, thanks。

First off, it's not advised to ask a question and then directly say that you don't want someone to tell you about XY. What if XY would be the only way?
You could always do something like
$onlyNowConfig = require_once('./config/onlyNowConfig.php');
The current working directory of PHP is the root of your application, as it's set in your public/index.php via the chdir() function.
Other than that, there's no real harm to include the configuration inside your module.config.php. The ModuleManager will check for the existance of the getConfig() function inside your Module class. If it's existant, the Configuration will be loaded. Typically every module has a config that will be loaded. And there's no real speed (dis)advantage of outsourcing 100-200 configuration lines into a separate file. The additional I/O you'd do by only including it on those few actions you need it would actually be higher than the very little time it takes longer to merge the configuration (probably like 1ms total vs. 2-3ms I/O).
I'd advise to just include it in your module.config.php and you'd have it available everywhere via the ServiceLocator, otherwise just include/require the one config file that you need, wherever you are. The include/require parameter would never change, as the working directory of PHP will not change, no matter in what file you are (as long as you don't set it anew via chdir() - which would be highly not recommended).


Organize GraphQL files in directories in Rails

Upon running rails g graphql:install, a set of useful base type files are created in /app/graphql/types for us to extend when defining our own types. When running any of the generators, it creates these files in the same folder also. I set about creating sub directories thinking I could add some sense to this giant catch-all directory, but couldn't get things to load properly.
Since there is a base file for each type (base_enum.rb, base_object.rb, etc.), I created a folder for extensions of each of these types (enum_types, object_types, etc.). This broke auto loading though and I had to explicitly import these files to be able to use these custom types. So, at the top of query_type.rb, mutation_type.rb and app/graphql/mutations/base_mutation.rb I added the following:
['enum_typs', 'input_object_types', 'interface_types', 'object_types', 'scalar_types', 'union_types'].each do |dir|
Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/#{dir}/*.rb"].each {|file| require file }
This allowed things to run, but any change would break auto loading so I would have to restart the server on each change. I started reading through this article about auto loading on the rails site, but it was quite honestly a little over my head. Though it led me to believe I had to either find the correct names for my folders or namespace the objects defined in my type definition files properly to be able to do this.
Is there a sane way to organize these files in sub-directories which doesn't break auto loading? Do most projects just have a flat folder structure for these files?
Thank you!

How to create and load a configuration file in dxl

I have a script which saves some files at a given location. It works fine but when I send this code to someone else, he has to change the paths in the code. It's not comfortable for someone who does not know what is in that code and for me to explain every time where and how the code should be changed.
I want to get this path in a variable which will be taken from the configuration file. So it will be easier for everyone to change just this config file and nothing in my code. But I have never done this before and could not find any information on how I can do this in the internet.
PS: I do not have any code and I ask about an ultimate solution but it is really difficult to find something good in the internet about dxl, especially since I'm new with that. Maybe someone of you already does that or has an idea how it could be done?
DXL has a perm to read the complete context of a file into a variable: string readFile (string) (or Buffer readFile (string))
you can split the output by \n and then use regular expressions to find all lines that match the pattern
(i.e. key = value - where comment lines start with ; or #)
But in DOORS I prefer using DOORS modules as configuration modules. Object Heading can be the key, Object Text can be the value.
Hardcode the full name of the configuration module into your DXL file and the user can modify the behaviour of the application.
The advantage over a file is that you need not make assumptions on where the config file is to be stored on the file system.
It really depends on your situation. You are going to need to be a little more specific about what you mean by "they need to change the paths in the code". What are these paths to? Are they DOORS module paths, are they paths to local/network files, or are the something else entirely?
Like user3329561 said, you COULD use a DOORS module as a configuration file. I wouldn't recommend it though, simply because that is not what DOORS modules were designed for. DOORS is fully capable of reading system files in one line at a time as well as all at once, but I can't recommend that option either until I know what types of paths you want to load and why.
I suspect that there is a better solution for your problem that will present itself once more information is provided.
I had the same problem, I needed to specify the path of my configuration file used in my dxl script.
I solved this issue passing the directory path as a parameter to DOORS.exe as follow:
"...\DOORS\9.3\bin\doors.exe" -dxl "string myVar = \"Hello Word\"
then in my dxl script, the variable myVar is a global variable.

Including an external application in ZF2

I'm trying to use phpBB3 (forum app) along with ZF2. For that, I have to include a file from the phpBB3. In theory this is as simple as:
$user->session_begin(); //$user is defined in common.php file
In common.php a lot of globals are defined, and after that are required some files which are using those globals.
In ZF2 simply including the common.php would not work, because the scope of the globals will not span over the required files, so I tried a little trick:
//in Application/Forum/Service
public function callForumAPI(){
$zf_dir = getcwd();
Neither in this case the scope of the global variables didn't span over the required files, so all the globals where NULL in those files.
How could I solve this issue?
I consider 2 main problems:
1. Loading resources
I dont know if you changed the code of phpBB3, since if you dont, your problem is other.
Phpbb3, as many systems, doesnt let you access directly to any file, you have to go through index.php. As you can see in common.php
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
IN_PHPBB is defined in index.php, so you can simply use
Also, common.php and other files, makes use of $phpbb_root_path, that is defined in index.php.
So, at least, when you are going to include common.php you need
$zf_dir = getcwd();
define('IN_PHPBB', true);
$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './';
probably there are some other things you have to take care about.
2. Variable scopes
Also, consider than in PHP, like in almost every language, a variable declared inside a function, is considered local, and will be undefined outside that function. So for sure, if you do that inside callForumAPI(), you wont have any variable outside, and moreover, depending on where you are doing that could be actually inside a function, no matter you can notice it or not, since ZF2 is a framenwork with a complex, non-obvius architecture.
So, what i recomend, as soon as you load the file, is to use the ZF2 service manager to store all the variables and object than you would use in your application. This is a good measure even if you didnt need it,since this way you can have everything integrated as much as possible, it is important to minimize and localize access to phpbb3, since it is not meant to be a library, maintenance could be tricky, so if everyhing is in the same file, and then you create your own internal api through the service manager, it will more encapsulated and nicer. I assume you already know how to do this, if you dont, just let me know.
try this, and tell me if its enough or we need more research

Getting FXAA to work

I am new to HLSL and in all of the tutorials I found there always seems to be a #include "Fxaa3_11.fxh" in each of them. I include this file and then it also makes a reference to another header file #include "Fxaa3_11.h" and as it goes I also include this file into my content pipeline and still gives me an error X1507: failed to open source file:... whichever way I go.
Is there any way to make a clean, single FXAA.fx file without enabling all this mess of external files?
If you want to compile your shader on the fly , you can use this function
Most important part when using includes is to provide a CompilerIncludeHandler ,include resolves are not automatically done for you (which is a good thing).
You override the open method, then read the include path from the parameters and return the content as a string.
If you just want to have if processed in content manager, Easiest way is probably just to copy paste the content of those header files in the main shader file (where the include is), and delete the include statement. Bit ugly but pretty simple.

Need to load contents of XML file into a constant variable, when to do this?

I want to load a xml file into a collection, and I will need to access this on each and every page request.
I only need to load it once, where/what point should I do this?
You can create an initializer to load the xml file and put into a constant.
The most straight-forward way would be to set it up as an initializer. Create a new file in #{Rails.root}/config/initializers called load_xml_file.rb (or something a little more descriptive)
Then, within that, you could do something along the lines of:
SETTINGS_FROM_XML_FILE = method_to_read_xml
This will be executed once when your app is loaded. You'll also be able to access SETTINGS_FROM_XML_FILE anywhere in your application.
The only caveat is that if the file changes, you'll need to re-start the application, or come up with a more sophisticated way of loading the details you need.
