JQM simpledialog2 dynamically change button name in button / input mode - jquery-mobile

I found this solution to create the values of headerText and buttonPrompt with an js function but is it even possible to use the function to create the button names like 'delete'?
mode: 'button',
headerText: jsFunction(),
headerClose: true,
buttons : {
'Delete': {
click: function () {
I need to change the names for localizing my dialogs. Can't use inlining modes because i need click functions. Even in inline mode the inline functions for 'headerText' are not working..

Thank you, think i've found the best solution for this issue..
For the 'buttons' element i've set an id like
id: 'my_button_id'
then traversed trough the dom to change the button value like this:


Jquery UI tooltip - multiple tooltips

I'm using jquery UI for my tooltips. I would like to have more than one on the same page and have them open and close on click. I found a solution for having them open on click:
(taken from this link -> jQueryUI tooltip Widget to show tooltip on Click)
What I need help with is having multiple tooltips on one page.
I tried altering the code slightly to make it work, but its just opening them all
$('#tooltip_1').click(function() {
var $this = $(this);
$(".tooltip").html(function() {
left: $this.position() + '20px',
top: $this.position() + '50px'
$('#tooltip_2').click(function() {
var $this = $(this);
$(".tooltip").html(function() {
left: $this.position() + '20px',
top: $this.position() + '50px'
The example code you've posted actually has nothing to do with jQueryUI Tooltips, I'll give a clean example instead.
You can use the open() and close() functions to show and hide tooltips programmatically. If you also need to stop the default tooltip functionality (as in, showing them on mouseover events) the easy way to do that is to use the disabled option.
Since you didn't specify if this should be click-once-show-all or not, here's a fiddle doing it for all: http://jsfiddle.net/wuL9M/ and here's a fiddle doing it individually: http://jsfiddle.net/qnYRy/
Note this line:
$(".tooltip").off("mouseleave focusout");
It disables the default closing behaviour while the tooltip is open.
If you want to partially preserve only some of the default tooltip functionality, you can use a custom flag (instead of the disabled option), or you can attach extra event handlers to tooltipopen and tooltipclose. It's all pretty well documented here.
ADD: You can use the content option to customise the tooltip with any (potentially non-static) data. eg: http://jsfiddle.net/qnYRy/1/ You can change it after initialisation with the option function:
$("#myTooltip").tooltip("option", "content", "My updated tooltip data");
$("#myTooltip").tooltip("option", "content", function() { return "My updated tooltip data"; });
For obvious reasons this would require you to set the content for each tooltip separately. Also note that it will ignore any html title attribute you may have.

onChange event for custom select menu jquery mobile [duplicate]

I have a set of dynamically generated dropdown boxes on my page. basically I clone them using jQuery. now I want to capture the value selected on each dropdown on change event.
I tried something like this which did not work.
$('._someDropDown').live('change', function(e) {
var v = $(this);
alert($(this + ':selected').val());
How do I get it done?
To get the text of the selected option
$("#your_select :selected").text();
To get the value of the selected option
This is what you need :)
$('._someDropDown').live('change', function(e) {
For new jQuery use on
$(document).on('change', '._someDropDown', function(e) {
$("#citiesList").change(function() {
alert($("#citiesList option:selected").text());
alert($("#citiesList option:selected").val());
citiesList is id of select tag
Check it Out-->
For getting text
For getting value
You can try:
To get the value of a drop-down (select) element, just use val().
$('._someDropDown').live('change', function(e) {
If you want to the text of the selected option, using this:
$('._someDropDown').live('change', function(e) {
alert($('[value=' + $(this).val() + ']', this).text());
try this...
$("#yourdropdownid option:selected").val();
This is actually more efficient and has better readability in my opinion if you want to access your select with this or another variable
In fact if I remember correctly phpStorm will attempt to auto correct the other method.
In case you want the index of the current selected value.
$selIndex = $("select#myselectid").prop('selectedIndex'));
The options discussed above won't work because they are not part of the CSS specification (it is jQuery extension). Having spent 2-3 days digging around for information, I found that the only way to select the Text of the selected option from the drop down is:
{ $("select", id:"Some_ID").find("option[selected='selected']")}
Refer to additional notes below:
Because :selected is a jQuery extension and not part of the CSS specification, queries using :selected cannot take advantage of the performance boost provided by the native DOM querySelectorAll() method. To achieve the best performance when using :selected to select elements, first select the elements using a pure CSS selector, then use .filter(":selected"). (copied from: http://api.jquery.com/selected-selector/)
You can also use :checked
$("#myselect option:checked").val(); //to get value
or as said in other answers simply
$("#myselect").val(); //to get value
$("#myselect option:checked").text(); //to get text

Is there any way to control the layout of the close button on a jQuery Mobile custom select menu?

I have a custom select menu (multiple) defined as follows:
<select name="DanceStyles" id="DanceStyles" multiple="multiple" data-native-menu="false">
Everything works fine except that I want to move the header's button icon over to the right AND display the Close text. (I have found some mobile users have a problem either realising what the X icon is for or they have trouble clicking it, so I want it on the right with the word 'Close' making too big to miss.) There don't seem to be any options for doing that on the select since its options apply to the select bar itself.
I have tried intercepting the create event and in there, finding the button anchor and adding a create handler for that, doing something like this (I have tried several variations, as you can see by the commenting out):
$('#search').live('pagecreate', function (event) {
create: function (event, ui) {
create: function (event, ui) {
var $btn = $(this);
$btn.attr('class', $btn.attr('class').replace('ui-btn-left', 'ui-btn-right'));
$btn.attr('class', $btn.attr('class').replace('ui-btn-icon-notext', 'ui-btn-icon-left'));
// $(this).button({ iconpos: 'right' });
// $btn.attr('class', $btn.attr('class').replace('ui-btn-icon-notext', 'ui-btn-icon-left'));
// // $btn.attr('data-iconpos', 'left');
So I have tried resetting the button options and calling refresh (didn't work), and changing the CSS. Neither worked and I got weird formatting issues with the close icon having a line break.
Anyone know the right way to do this?
I got this to work cleanly after looking at the source code for the selectmenu plugin. It is not in fact using a button; the anchor tag is the source for the buttonMarkup plugin, which has already been created (natch) before the Create event fires.
This means that the markup has already been created. My first attempt (see my question) where I try to mangle the existing markup is too messy. It is cleaner and more reliable to remove the buttonMarkup and recreate it with my desired options. Note that the '#search' selector is the id of the JQ page-div, and '#DanceStyles' is the id of my native select element. I could see the latter being used for the id of the menu, which is why I select it first and navigate back up and down to the anchor; I couldn't see any other reliable way to get to the anchor.
$('#search').live('pagecreate', function (event) {
create: function (event, ui) {
.attr('class', 'ui-btn-right')
.attr("data-" + $.mobile.ns + "iconpos", '')
.attr("data-" + $.mobile.ns + "icon", '')
.attr("title", 'Done')
.buttonMarkup({ iconpos: 'left', icon: 'arrow-l' });
The buttonMarkup plugin uses the A element's text and class values when creating itself but the other data- attributes result from the previous buttonMarkup and have to be removed, as does the inner html that the buttonMarkup creates (child span, etc). The title attribute was not recreated, for some reason, so I set it myself.
PS If anyone knows of a better way to achieve this (buttonMarkup('remove')? for example), please let us know.
the way i achieved it was changing a bit of the jquery mobile code so that the close button always came to the right, without an icon and with the text, "Close"
not the best way i agree. but works..
I got a similar case, and I did some dirty hack about this :P
$("#DanceStyles-button").click(function() {
$("#DanceStyles-dialog a[role=button]").removeClass("ui-icon-delete").addClass("ui-icon-check");
$("#DanceStyles-dialog .ui-title").html("<span style='float:left;margin-left:25px' id='done'>Done</span>Dance Styles");
$("#DanceStyles-dialog .ui-title #done").click(function() {
} );

How to disable jquery ui combobox?

I use standard code taken from this page and try to disable combobox:
$( "#cbCountry" ).combobox({ disabled: true });
But it is still enabled. What is wrong here?
Easy modification to combobox library to use:
In your combobox.js file add:
in _create: function() add local variable "a" (after var input, a ...).
Change input = $("<input>") to input = this.input = $("<input>").
Change a = $("<a>") to a = this.a = $("<a>").
Insert after destroy:
disable: function() {
enable: function() {
I had to disable the combo box on click of button in my web application. Thanks to the people who have commented here. I was able to figure how to disable and enable the combo box as and when required. The code is as follows.
The below code is for disabling the combo box
$("#MyComboboxId").parent().find("input.ui-autocomplete-input").autocomplete("option", "disabled", true).prop("disabled",true);
The above JavaScript code finds the HTML elements for the ID and rest is explained in the above posts.
The below code is for enabling the combo box
$("#MyComboboxId").parent().find("input.ui-autocomplete-input").autocomplete("option", "disabled", false).prop("disabled",false);
That code is for initializing a disabled combobox. If you want to disable an existing combobox, use this:
$("#cbCountry").combobox("option", "disabled", true);
Combobox is a separate jQuery UI widget, and it seems it does not implement these options. I was able to disable it by finding the text field and button inside the widget, and disabling those:
$("#cbCountry").closest(".ui-widget").find("input, button" ).prop("disabled", true)

Setting dialog overlay Jquery

I want to set the overlay of a jQuery dialog to an image, and can't seem to manage the task.
I have other dialogs on the pages that I want to no have the background images, so setting the css for the overlay background won't work as a blanket solution.
I have tried a lot of different methods, and I believe there is a timing issue with the appliction of the jQuery command to set the overlay with css and the actual dialog div's and css getting added to the DOM.
Here is what I have tried so far.
$(".ui-widget-overlay").css({'background-image': 'url("http://www.mydomain.com/images/ftp-page-bg.gif")','opacity':'1'})
autoOpen: false,
width: 400,
modal: true,
closeOnEscape: false,
draggable: false,
resizable: false,
open: function(event, ui) {
$(".ui-widget-overlay").css({'background-image': 'url("http://www.mydomain.com/images/ftp-page-bg.gif")','opacity':'1'})
I have also tried using the dialogClass method on the dialog code with no success.
With both the absolute url and the relative, and the url in quotes or with no quotes.
The image exists in the directory.
Anyone have any ideas on how to get jQuery to apply with the correct timing to display the image as the overlay?
The dialog class designation will allow you to set classes for the overal dialog. I was actually looking to just tap into the specific ui-widget-overlay class and over-ride the background image there. I found that trying to override the background using the dialogClass worked for overriding the background of the dialog, not the overlay background.
When the dialog is added to the DOM, jQuery loads it's div's right before the body tag.
I found a solution, being that in the open method for the dialog, I used
to add a class
.artFTP{background-image: url(../../images/ftp-page-bg.gif); opacity:1;}
and made sure it was the last class in the file that would overwrite the overlay background image.
I hope this helps someone.
Thanks and +1 to jjross, your answer got me to jump back into the jQuery docs.
If anyone has a better solution, please post. I would be happy to see it. I think there might be a way to use CSS to accomplish the task, but (for the life of me) couldn't figure it out.
You should be able to add the class to the div in your HTML code prior to jquery being called on it. In my testing, this automatically added that class to the dialog when it was created.
In the new class, you should be able to specify a background image.
For example:
<div id="dialog" class="thisClass" title="Edit Case Status">
<div>some stuff</div>
causes the dialog to be created with the
"thisClass" class.
as an alternative option, it looks like the dialog has a "dialogClass" method. It will let you add your own class to the dialog (in that class, you can define the background). From the docs:
The specified class name(s) will be added to the dialog, for additional theming.
Code examples
Initialize a dialog with the dialogClass option specified.
$( ".selector" ).dialog({ dialogClass: 'alert' });
Get or set the dialogClass option, after init.
var dialogClass = $( ".selector" ).dialog( "option", "dialogClass" );
$( ".selector" ).dialog( "option", "dialogClass", 'alert' );
I encountered the same problem and found In this case your question. I didn't find any solution that could satisfy me, so I did something on my own.
First, let me introduce my problem.
I have a page, where I have two kinds of dialogs. Dialogs with video and dialogs with message (like alert, confirmation, error etc.). As we know, we can set a different class for a dialog, but we can't set class for different overlay. So question was, how to set a different behavior for different overlays?
So I dig, I dig deeper than Dwarves in Moria into jQuery ui code itself. I found out, that actualy there is an unique overlay for each dialog. And it is created in "private" function _createOverlay which is not accessible. In fact, I found function via jquery ui namespace as $.ui.dialog.prototype._createOverlay. So I was able to make a small extension with logic based on class:
(function() {
// memorize old function
var originFn = $.ui.dialog.prototype._createOverlay;
// make new function
$.ui.dialog.prototype._createOverlay = function() {
originFn.call(this); // call old one
// write your own extension code there
if (this.options["dialogClass"] === "video-dialog") {
var overlay = this.overlay; // memorize overlay (it is in old function call as this.overlay)
var that = this; // just cause bind is event
// my own extenstion, when you click anywhere on overlay, dialog is closed + I change css
overlay.bind('click', function() {
that.close(); // it is same like element.dialog('close');
"background": "none",
"background-image": "url(\'files/main-page/profile1.png\')" // this didnt work for you, but works for me... maybe I have newer version of jQuery.UI
// anyway, once you have overlay as variable, Im sure you will be able to change its css
I hope this will help others :)
