Area of interest and Hough Line Detection for distorted lines accuracy - opencv

I am trying to do segmentation of book spines stacked both horizontal and vertically. I have came across a problem when the picture is too big.
Only part of the image can be seen in the whole window, meaning it does not process the original image it is suppose to process:
The image it processed
The image it should process instead
I cannot even view the whole image which is suppose to be processed. Hence, I tried to minimise the window just for this picture using=>
cv::resize(image, image, cv::Size2i(image.cols/6, image.rows/6) ); // resize to 1/6 of the image
which lead to another problem, when the picture is small, it become too small that the straight lines cannot even be detected.
Hence, I tried =>
cv::resize(image, image, cv::Size2i(750, 400) );
this lead to another problem. While the image above is above to display the whole window, for smaller pictures, my houghline detection becomes more unstable.
Do anybody have an idea on how to solve this sizing problem? And also how to improve my Hough Line detection which is pretty unstable now to separate the books? I wish to draw a line in between the stack of books.
Hope to hear from you guys soon. Thanks!!!

It looks like you're resizing the image before you perform the Hough Transform, I think what you want to do it afterwards. This allows you to get enough resolution in your picture to get decent lines detected, and you can still view it on your monitor.
Secondly you want to improve detecting the separation between the books. My advice would be to perform a bit of pre-processing to the image. There are plenty of methods to do this. Mean Shift Segmentation to separate the picture by colours is one for example.
Filtering the results of the transform is another approach. Only keeping lines passing through dark areas - since it is more likely to be dark between the books - is one such way. There are plenty more methods.
Also don't forget to tweak the parameters of the Hough Transform to see what works best with your test set. It may reveal some interesting results!
Good luck!

IMO first you have to improve edge detected output.It consists of very less edges.You can use cvCanny or cvSobel for the same.Also use Probabilistic Hough lines, that will give better results.You can tweak into the parameters of cvHoughLines such as threshold, minLinLength, maxLineGap as in the fig the lines are coming too close.
Please check the details here:


How to remove 'wood grain' (noise) background from image?

I have been stuck on attempting to remove the background from a borehole log image for a week or so (new to image processing). I want to eventually develop a code which can automatically detect the horizontal sinusoidal features in the image (attached). I think for this I can use a Hough transform. However, all of the algorithms I have used (Hough transform, edge detections, thresholding) do not work because of the background of the image which has this 'wood grain' appearance. I also tried recreating a mask through finding the image gradient, but because the color values of the features I want (horizontal sinusiodal shapes) are so similar to the background I want to remove I am having a difficult time. The ultimate goal is to take two images taken at different times (before and after a scientific experiment) and to subtract them to see where the sinusoidal patterns differ. If I can get rid of this background that should be easier.
I so far have worked the image to better quality through taking the FFT and applying a high-pass filter. This at least homogenizes the image and leaves me with the attached result. However, I am not having much luck to remove this vertical 'wood grain'. Does anyone have a thought about how it could be done? This is driving me a little crazy.
Thank you so much!

OpenCV - Detect rough, hand-drawn circles with obstructions

I've been trying to extract hand-drawn circles from a document for a while now but every attempt I make doesn't have the level of consistency I need.
Process Album
The problem I keep coming up against is when 2 "circles" are too close they become a single contour, ruining my attempt to detect if a contour is curved. I'm sure there must be a better way to extract these circles, but their imperfection and inconsistency are really stumping me.
I've tried many other ways to single out the curves, the most accurate of which being:
Rather than use dilation to bridge the gap between the segmented contours, find the endpoints and attempt to continue the curve until it hits another contour.
Problem: I can't effectively find the turning points of the contour, otherwise this would be my preferable method
I apologize if this question is deemed "too specific", but I feel like Computer Vision stuff like this can always be applied elsewhere.
Thanks ahead of time for any and all help, I'm about at the end of my rope here.
EDIT: I've just realized the album wasn't working correctly, I think it should be fixed now though.
It looks like a very challenging problem so it is very likely that the things I am going to write wouldn't work very well in practice.
In order to ease the problem, I would probably try to remove as much of other stuff from the image as possible.
If the template of the document is always the same, it might be worth trying to remove horizontal and vertical lines along with grayed areas. For example, given the empty template, substract it from the document that you are processing. Probably, it might be possible to get rid of the text also. This would result in an image with only parts of hand drawn circles.
On such image, detecting circles or ellipses with hough transform might give some results (although shapes might be far from circles or ellipses).

Finding data entry points in a blank, scanned application form

I am a relative newcomer to image processing and this is the problem I'm facing - Say I have the image of an application form, like this:
Now I would like to detect the locations of all the locations where data is to be entered. In this case, it would be the rectangles divided into a number of boxes like so(not all fields marked):
I can live with the photograph box also being detected. I've tried running the squares.cpp sample in the OpenCV sources, which does not quite get me what I want. I also tried the modified version here - the results were worse(my use case is definitely very different from the OP's in that question).
Also, Hough transforming to get the lines is not really working with/without blur-threshold as the noise in scanned image is contributing to extraneous lines, and also, thresholding is taking away parts of the combs(the small squares), and hence the line detection is not up to the mark.
Note that this form is not a scanned copy of a printed form, but the real input might very well be a noisy, scanned image of a printed form.
While I'm definitely sure that this is possible(at least with some tolerance allowed) and I'm trying to get at the solution, it would be really helpful if I get insights and ideas from other people who might have tried something like this/enjoy hacking on CV problems. Also, it would be really nice if the answers explain why a particular operation was done (e.g., dilation to try and fill up any holes left by thresholding, etc)
Are the forms consistent in any way? Are the "such boxes" the same size on all forms? If you can rely on a consistent size, like the character boxes in the form above, you could use template matching.
Otherwise, the problem seems to be: find any/all rectangles on the image (with a post processing step to filter out any that have a significant amount of markings within, or to merge neighboring rectangles).
The more you can take advantage of the consistencies between the forms, the easier the problem will be. Use any context you can get.
Using the gradients (computed by using a Sobel kernel in both the x and the y direction) you can weed out a lot of the noise.
Using both you can find the direction of the gradients (equation can be found here: Let's say we define a discriminating feature of a box to be a vertical or horizontal gradient. If the pixel's gradient has an orientation that's either straight horizontal or straight vertical, keep it, set all else to white.
To make this more robust to noise, you can use a sliding window (3x3) in which you compute the median orientation. If the median (or mean) orientation of the window is vertical or horizontal, keep the current (middle of the window) pixel, otherwise set it to white.
You can use OpenCV for the gradient computation, and possibly the orientation/phase calculation, but you'll probably need to write the code it do the actual sliding window code. I'm not intimately familiar with OpenCV

Auto-Detecting blurry regions of an image

I am working on images that are partially blur on some sections. These are noises that should be taken care of, but here is the problem:
Are there methods to detect whether an image is blur or partially blur at some sections of an image? For instance, take a look at sample image below:
You can see in the image that there are 3 sections that are visually blur: bottom-left, near center region and top-right. Now, is it possible to detect that any portion of an image is blur programming-wise or mathematically?
As lain_b pointed out, with an image like this you can use an edge detector and look for an absence of edges. I tried it on your image and it seems to work pretty well. First I used the kernel
Which is a simple edge detector. Its result was
Then I used a threshold to get
Then I closed the image and opened it to get
This is obviously not a finished version, the top right portion did not recognize well at all. Perhaps you could improve it by blurring before performing thresholding, or by choosing better values for the threshold and the radii of the opening and closing operations. A lot of the decisions you will need to make depend on the constraints you can put on your problem. I think this technique will work for you though.
If you are looking for blur detection of arbitrary images you are going to have to investigate a wide variety of techniques. Things are much easier if you can make assumptions about your set of input images. Without any assumptions I don't know what will work best for you. Here is some reading on the topic
Image Blur Metrics
Reserach paper on using the Harr wavelet transform
Similar SO Question and look at the question that question links to
Blur detection is a very active research field, there is no one answer. You will just need to try all the methods you can find (these were found by googling detect blur in image).
This paper may be of some help. It does blur estimation (mostly for out of focus, but I think it also does blur) to recreate a similarly blurred object in the image.
I think you should be able to use it to detect the blurred areas, and how blurred they are. It should be especially relevent to your problem as it is designed to work with real-world images.

Recommended pattern recognition technique for chess board

I'm trying to do an application which, among other things, is able to recognize chess positions on a computer screen from screenshots. I have very limited experience with image processing techniques and don't wish to invest a great amount of time in studying this, as this is just a pet project of mine.
Can anyone recommend me one or more image processing techniques that would yield me a good result?
The conditions are:
The image is always crispy clean, no noise, poor light conditions etc (since it's a screenshot)
I'm expecting a very low impact on computer performance while doing 1 image / second
I've thought of two modes to start the process:
Feed the piece shapes to the program (so that it knows what a queen, king etc. looks like)
just feed the program an initial image which contains the startup position, from which the program can (after it recognizes the position of the board) pick each chess piece
The process should be relatively easy to understand, as I don't have a very good grasp of image processing techniques (yet)
I'm not interested in using any specific technology, so technology-agnostic documentation would be ideal (C/C++, C#, Java examples would also be fine).
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope to get some good answers.
It' an interesting problem, but you need to specify a lot more than in your original question in order to find an acceptable answer.
On the input images: "screenshots" is quote vague a category. Can you assume that the chessboard will always be entirely in view? Will you have multiple views of the same board? Can you assume that no pieces will be partially or completely occluded in all views?
On the imaged objects and the capture system: will the same chessboard and pieces be used, under very similar illumination? Will the same lens/camera/digitization pipeline be used?
Salut Andrei,
I have done a coin counting algorithm from a picture so the process should be helpful.
The algorithm is called Generalized Hough transform
Make the picture black and white, it is easier that way
Take the image from 1 piece and "slide it over the screenshot"
For each cell you calculate the nr of common pixel in the 2 images
Where you have the largest number there you have the piece
Hope this helps.
Yeah go with Salut Andrei,
Convert the picture into greyscale
Slice into 64 squares and store in array
Using Mat lab can identify the pieces easily
Color can be obtained from Calculating the percentage of No. dot pixels(black pixels) pixels /no. of black pixels + no. of white pixels,
If ur value is above threshold then WHITE else BLACK
I'm working on a similar project in c# finding which piece is which isn't the hard part for me. First step is to find a rectangle that shows just the board and cuts everything else out. I first hard-coded it to search for the colors of the squares but would like to make it more robust and reliable regardless of the color scheme. Trying to make it find squares of pixels that match within a certain threshold and extrapolate the board location from that.
