UIBarButtonItems in iOS 7 are slow - ios

I build the app I am working on for iOS 7 and ran it on an iPad 2. I noticed it was markedly slower than when build for iOS 6. I did some investigating and found that the main point of slowness was in setting the UINavigationBar's UIBarButtonItems. This seemed weird as I hadn't noticed this in other applications but since I use UIAppearance to customise the buttons in this app i thought that might have something to do with it. So I commented the UIAppearance code out and the app was back to normal. I still wish to use the custom appearance though so I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this or has some insight into it.
I should add that the app works fine in the simulator.


Ionic3 - iOS - Slide Menu Styling Issues

I am having an issue with my app's sliding menu (segment) buttons. Two of the three buttons text are filled blocks, and I did not make any recent style changes to the app, let alone the app.scss file.
I am only seeing this on iOS devices (using an iPad mini and iPhone XS), not on ionic serve and Xcode simulators.
Is there a way to figure out the cause of this styling issue, or at least replicate the bug on either the Xcode simulators or ionic serve. I tried development and production builds, no difference.
My only guess is maybe something dealing with the new changes made with iOS Mojave as it made changes to the iOS app structure.
I am using a work-around by changing the font color to something close to the original.
#777 to #777776
There has to be a reason it is doing this with just #777 or #fff.

Modal ViewController Appearing Black in Xcode 9 Beta 4 on Multiple iOS Versions

I'm writing my app using Xcode 9 beta 4 and I'm randomly getting a black screen whenever my modal pops up. I've tried various ways to fix it and I was wondering if any of you have suggestions. Right now I just use the basic '[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"toVC" sender:nil];' and I've got the segue and such setup properly. The biggest issue is that it's seemingly random! As in sometimes the view loads perfectly fine and sometimes it just loads black.
The black image
I have absolutely zero idea why this is happening. I've tested on the iOS 10.0 simulator and the iOS 11.0 beta 4 simulator and it happens in both places. If any of you have any insight as to why this is happening then please let me know.
Release notes:
Simulator devices will show as all black on some hardware. (32436030)
defaults write com.apple.CoreSimulator.IndigoFramebufferServices FramebufferRendererHint 1
to force use of Metal. If that doesn't work, try 2 (force use of OpenCL).
from Apple Dev Forums

Objects showing in iPhone Sim but not iPad sim

Full disclosure: I'm very new to iOS development.
Using Xcode Version 7.2.1, Swift programming language, targeting 9.0
I have a very simple app. Universal. When running in simulator mode it works fine for any iphone chosen in the simulator. Everything shows up where it's supposed to etc.
When running it in iPad simulators, any of them, the only thing showing up is the navigation bar. All objects that are supposed to show up on the screen, are gone.
When debugging, the objects seem to get created alright.
Maybe there's something to be done in AppDelegate?
As I imagine this is a really noob problem I again like to emphasise that I'm grateful for any suggestions you may have.

Keyboard animation issue on iOS 7 devices

I was working with Xcode 4.6 with iOS 6 SDK for building our iOS app. Recently we migrated to Xcode 5 which comes with iOS 7 built-in. After migrating to iOS 7 SDK, lot of weird things are happening e.g. status bar issue, keyboard animation mess up and UIImagePickerController status bar issue.
I am not finding any solution for the weird keyboard animation issue. When I tap the username text field in my login screen, entire view is going up till the text field and its not scrollable also. Its totally screwed up. Please note that mine is a hybrid application built using cordova library. So, all the UI elements are designed in HTML5. Below are two screenshots for the key board issue.
Please suggest me how to fix this… Thanks in advance….
That seems to be a problem in web view's on iOS7. We have the same problem.
It seems fixed in iOS 7.1.

Why does simply looking at my Storyboard in XCode 5 ruin my app?

I have an app built in XCode 4 against iOS6. If I open that workspace in XCode 5, clean and build my project, and run it in the simulator, it works (looks a bit different and needs some work, but it works). If I the simply navigate to my Storyboard and do absolutely nothing else, running the app in the simulator again results in my Photo Slideshow showing up black rather than showing pictures properly. A diff reveals it made some changes to the story board file when I looked at it. Rolling back the changes pertaining to my slideshow only is not effective. Rolling back all the changes works until I look at the Storyboard again.
It's obviously capable of working properly - why does it have to ruin everything just because I look at the Storyboard? Now I have to rebuild this part of the app, which is painful because I didn't build this part of the app to start with. This is not great for maintainability.
OK I have been messing with this all day.
In a nut shell keep or install Xcode 4.6 to deploy iOS 6.1 and before apps.
So for Xcode 5 messing stuff up, yes it's not working as expected.
I would expect to set the target
And have it look like an ios 6.1 app but it does not it looks ok in the viewer but both on the simulator and a iPad it looks bad. I have already filed a bug report.
ALSO if you have Autolayout checked in your 4.6 project and then try to look at it in Xcode 5.0 be prepared to kill Xcode as it tries to move everything around. In my case many table views got stuck in an endless loop and finally got a warning that tables can not exceed 10,000 :)
