Differentiation of a buffer with Delphi - delphi

I receive a buffer of data periodically that contains a number of values that are a fixed distance in time apart. I need to differentiate them. It is soo long since I did calculus at school ....
What I have come up with is this:
function DifferentiateBuffer(
ABuffer: TDoubleDynArray; AVPS: integer): TDoubleDynArray;
i: integer;
dt, dy: double;
if (AVPS = 0) then exit;
// calc the delta time
dt := 1 / AVPS;
// run through the whole buffer
for i := 0 to high(ABuffer) do begin
if (i = 0) then
if (IsNan(FLastDiffValue) = false) then
dy := ABuffer[0] - FLastDiffValue
dy := ABuffer[0]
dy := Abuffer[i] - ABuffer[i -1];
result[i] := dy / dt
// remember the last value for next time
FLastDiffValue := ABuffer[high(ABuffer)];
AVPS is values per second. A typical value for this would be between 10 and 100.
The length of the buffers would typically be 500 to 1000 values.
I call the buffer time after time with new data which is continuous with the previous block of data, hence keeping the last value of the block for next time. That last value is set to NAN in a constructor.
Is what I have done correct? ie, will it differentiate the values properly?
I also need to integrate similar data ... what is that likely to look like?

I cannot find any faults in that.
The first value returned, on the first call will be (ABuffer[0] - 0.0) / dt which is based on the assumption that the signal starts with a zero. I presume that is what you intend.
Now, rather than asking the Stack Overflow community to check your code, you can do much better yourself. You should test the code to prove it is accurate. Test it using a unit testing framework, for example DUnitX. Feed the function values for which you can predict the output. For example, feed it values from y = x2, or y = sin(x).
The other great benefit of writing tests is that they can be executed again and again. As you develop your code you run the risk of introducing faults. The code might be correct today, but who knows whether it will still be correct after the modification you make tomorrow. If you have a strong test in place, you can defend against faults introduced during maintenance.
One comment on style is that you should not ever test = false or = true. The if statement operates on boolean expressions and so comparing against a boolean value is always rather pointless. I would write your test like this:
if not IsNan(FLastDiffValue) then
dy := ABuffer[0] - FLastDiffValue
dy := ABuffer[0]
or like this:
if IsNan(FLastDiffValue) then
dy := ABuffer[0]
dy := ABuffer[0] - FLastDiffValue


Get idle time of windows and/or application (time since last mouse move or key stroke)

I want to perform background tasks (Updates, Backups, Calculations, ...) at a time when nobody is using my application.
Therefore, I want to determine the time since the last keystroke and/or mouse move in my application. If there is no user activity for more than a specific time, the chance is high not to disturb a user. Multithreading is not an option for me.
I want to avoid touching every single OnMouseDown-/OnKeyPress-Event of every component in my application because this doesn't make any sense.
How can I get
a) The time since last input in Windows
b) The time since last input in my application
This solution works for problem
a) The time since last input in Windows
Every mouse move or keyboard input resets the time to zero.
function GetTimeSinceLastUserInputInWindows(): TTimeSpan;
lastInput: TLastInputInfo;
currentTickCount: DWORD;
millisecondsPassed: Double;
lastInput := Default(TLastInputInfo);
lastInput.cbSize := SizeOf(TLastInputInfo);
Win32Check( GetLastInputInfo(lastInput) );
currentTickCount := GetTickCount();
if (lastInput.dwTime > currentTickCount) then begin // lastInput was before 49.7 days but by now, 49.7 days have passed
millisecondsPassed :=
(DWORD.MaxValue - lastInput.dwTime)
+ (currentTickCount * 1.0); // cast to float by multiplying to avoid DWORD overflow
Result := TTimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(millisecondsPassed);
end else begin
Result := TTimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(currentTickCount - lastInput.dwTime );

Is the use of "for i := x to y" well defined behaviour, if x > y?

The intuitive answer would be that the loop is never entered. And this seems to be case in all tests I could come up with. I'm still anxious and always test it before entering the loop.
Is this necessary?
No, it is not necessary.
The documentation clearly states :
for counter := initialValue to finalValue do statement
for counter := initialValue downto finalValue do statement
If initialValue is equal to finalValue, statement is executed exactly once. If initialValue is greater than finalValue in a for...to statement, or less than finalValue in a for...downto statement, then statement is never executed.
There is no need for anxiety.
If we want to examine further what happens, let's make a few examples. Consider first :
program Project1;
i : integer;
for i := 2 to 1 do WriteLn(i);
This produces a compiler hint:
[dcc32 Hint] Project1.dpr(6): H2135 FOR or WHILE loop executes zero times - deleted
So the compiler will simply throw away a loop with constants that produce no loop iterations. It does this even with optimizations turned off - no code is produced for the loop at all.
Now let's be a bit more clever :
program Project1;
i, j, k : integer;
j := 2;
k := 1;
for i := j to k do WriteLn(i);
This actually compiles the loop. The output is as below:
Project1.dpr.8: for i := j to k do WriteLn(i);
004060E8 A1A4AB4000 mov eax,[$0040aba4] {$0040aba4 -> j = 2}
004060ED 8B15A8AB4000 mov edx,[$0040aba8] {$0040aba8 -> k = 1}
004060F3 2BD0 sub edx,eax {edx = k - j = -1}
004060F5 7C2E jl $00406125 {was k-j < 0? if yes, jmp to end.}
004060F7 42 inc edx {set up loop}
004060F8 8955EC mov [ebp-$14],edx
004060FB A3A0AB4000 mov [$0040aba0],eax
00406100 A118784000 mov eax,[$00407818] {actual looped section}
00406105 8B15A0AB4000 mov edx,[$0040aba0]
0040610B E8E8D6FFFF call #Write0Long
00406110 E8C3D9FFFF call #WriteLn
00406115 E8EECCFFFF call #_IOTest
0040611A FF05A0AB4000 inc dword ptr [$0040aba0] {update loop var}
00406120 FF4DEC dec dword ptr [ebp-$14]
00406123 75DB jnz $00406100 {loop ^ if not complete}
Project1.dpr.9: end.
00406125 E88EE1FFFF call #Halt0
So, the very first thing a loop does is to check whether it needs to execute at all. If the initial is greater than the final (for a for..to loop) then it skips straight past it entirely. It doesn't even waste the cycles to initialize the loop counter.
There are some edge-cases in which you may be surprised to discover that the code does unexpectedly enter the loop. And still other cases where you may be tempted to pre-check whether to call the loop. But before I get into those details, I want to try impress on you the importance of not pre-checking your loop with an if condition.
Every line of code, no matter how easy to understand draws attention. It's more to read and more to confirm is correct. So if it's not important, or if it's technically redundant: it's best left out.
A for loop is conceptually translated as follows:
Initialise loop index to starting value.
If iteration constraint is valid (e.g. Index <= EndValue in case of forward loop):
Perform iteration (code within loop block/statement)
Perform loop control operations (increment loop index)
Repeat 2
Otherwise continue at first instruction after loop.
The way in which Step 2 is checked, makes an extra if condition before the loop completely redundant.
So if you (or another developer) is later maintaining code with a redundant if condition, they're left to wonder:
Is the line correct?
It seems redundant; is there a special condition it's trying to handle?
If it currently serves no purpose, perhaps it was intended to prevent calling the loop on a different condition?
In simple case, redundant lines of code can create some confusion. In more complex cases, they can result in whole new sections of irrelevant code being developed; that tries to cater for irrelevant scenarios implied by legacy redundant code.
Recommendation: Stamp out redundant code as much as possible. Including redundant pre-checks for "should the loop execute at all".
The most important benefit of stamping out redundant code is that: it correctly draws attention to peculiar cases whenever special handling actually is required.
There are 2 potential pitfalls, and the first is the more dangerous one as it deals with implicit type conversion. So it may not always be easy to detect. The following code was tested on rextester using fpc, but I have verified the same issue on Delphi 2007 / 2009 in the past.
//fpc 2.6.2
program UnexpectedForIteration;
{ Ensure range-checking is off. If it's on, a run-time error
prevents potentially bad side-effects of invalid iterations.}
IntStart, IntEnd, IntIndex: Integer;
UIntStart, UIntEnd, UIntIndex: Cardinal;
IterCount: Integer;
Writeln('Case 1');
IntStart := High(Integer) - 1;
IntEnd := -IntStart;
UIntStart := Cardinal(IntStart);
UIntEnd := Cardinal(IntEnd);
{This gives a clue why the problem occurs.}
Writeln('From: ', IntStart, ' To: ', IntEnd);
Writeln('From: ', UIntStart, ' To: ', UIntEnd, ' (unsigned)');
Writeln('Loop 1');
IterCount := 0;
for IntIndex := IntStart to IntEnd do Inc(IterCount);
Writeln('Loop 2');
IterCount := 0;
{ The loop index variable is a different type to the initial &
final values. So implicit conversion takes place and:
IntEnd **as** unsigned is unexpectedly bigger than IntStart }
for UIntIndex := IntStart to IntEnd do Inc(IterCount);
Writeln(IterCount, ' {Houston we have a problem}');
Writeln('Case 2');
UIntStart := High(Cardinal) - 2;
UIntEnd := 2;
IntStart := Integer(UIntStart);
IntEnd := Integer(UIntEnd);
{This gives a clue why the problem occurs.}
Writeln('From: ', UIntStart, ' To: ', UIntEnd);
Writeln('From: ', IntStart, ' To: ', IntEnd, ' (signed)');
Writeln('Loop 3');
IterCount := 0;
for UIntIndex := UIntStart to UIntEnd do Inc(IterCount);
Writeln('Loop 4');
IterCount := 0;
{ The loop index variable is a different type to the initial &
final values. So implicit conversion takes place and:
UIntStart **as** signed is unexpectedly less than UIntEnd }
for IntIndex := UIntStart to UIntEnd do Inc(IterCount);
Writeln(IterCount, ' {Houston we have a problem}');
The output is as follows:
Case 1
From: 2147483646 To: -2147483646
From: 2147483646 To: 2147483650 (unsigned)
Loop 1
Loop 2
5 {Houston we have a problem}
Case 2
From: 4294967293 To: 2
From: -3 To: 2 (signed)
Loop 3
Loop 4
6 {Houston we have a problem}
In many cases the problem is resolved by ensuring the same types are used for loopIndex, initialValue and finalValue. As this means there won't be an implicit type conversion, and the loop will reliably iterate as the initialValue and finalValue would suggest.
It would be easier if the compiler emits appropriate warnings for implicit type conversion in for loops. Unfortunately fpc didn't; I don't recall whether Delphi 2007/2009 does; and have no idea whether any recent versions do.
However, the preferred approach would be to favour container iteration syntax (pushing responsibility for 'correct' iteration on the enumerators). E.g.: for <element> in <container> do ...;. This should not iterate empty containers provided the enumerator's methods are implemented correctly.
The only time I'd say a pre-check is worth considering is:
when for in is not feasible for some reason
and the loop index needs to be zero-based
and support large unsigned integers (High(Integer) < index < High(Cardinal))
because this leaves no space for a reliable sentinel less than all possible initial values.
Even in this case, consider using an Int64 loop index instead of if (initialValue <= finalValue) then for ....
The second pitfall involves what I would in any case consider to be a design flaw. So the problem can be avoided entirely by rather being aware of this design consideration. It is demonstrated in code that looks as follows:
if Assigned(AnObject) then
for LIndex := 0 to AnObject.Count - 1 do ...;
In this case the if condition may in fact be necessary as a result of dubious design. Certainly, if AnObject hasn't been created, you do not want to access its Count property/method. But the dubious aspect of the design is the fact that you're uncertain whether AnObject exists. Yes, you may have employed a lazy-initialisation pattern. But it doesn't change the fact that in the above code, there's no way to differentiate between: "zero iterations" because AnObject doesn't exist or because AnObject.Count = 0.
I'd like to point out that when code has many redundant if Assigned(AnObject) then (or similar) lines, it leads to one of the problems I described in section 1. Local code caters for 2 possibilities. And by extension, client code also caters for 2 possibilities. And by induction, this problem eventually leaks throughout the code-base.
The solution is to first and foremost limit the cases where existence of AnObject is uncertain.
It's much easier to ensure an empty object with Count = 0 is guaranteed to be created (typically only affecting a small number of places in code).
It's far more work to deal with the ripple effects of a large number of places where the object might not exist yet; yielding 2 possible states and code paths.
If lazy-initialisation is required, try to ensure the code surface where existence is optional is kept as small as possible.

While loop vs Repeat loop delphi

Was looking on Google if there was a major difference betweeen while and repeat..until loops, I didn't find anything useful or what I was looking for.
I noticed that the while loop makes my programs unresponsive, and the repeat works better than while. Is there any specific reason for this, or should one use one another in different scenarios?
Here's my code in a while loop:
m,val : Integer;
i,k : Real;
val := StrToInt(edtShot.Text);
i := sqr(k);
k := sqrt(i+val);
m := 0;
while i <= 0 and k <= 10 do
and here it is with a repeat loop:
m,val : Integer;
i,k : Real;
val := StrToInt(edtShot.Text);
i := sqr(k);
k := sqrt(i+val);
m := 0;
until i > 0 and k > 10;
BTW I know the code above doesn't really make much sense, just an example.
A 'repeat' loop is guaranteed to execute at least once as the terminating condition is checked only after the loop has executed once. A 'while' loop may not even execute once as the condition is checked before the loop is executed.
Other than that, they should take exactly the same amount of time to execute.
This is complete nonsense code, even for the purposes of testing. Both examples seem to neglect to initialize the value k before using it in an assignment statement. This makes the values of i and k essentially random. Since the loops do not modify the values in the loop condition this means one of two things will happen randomly; upon entering the loop, either the loop condition will be satisfied or it will not. This means the loop will run either once for repeat (or not at all for while) or the loop will never terminate and your application will hang. Consider the cases :
m,val : Integer;
i,k : Real;
val := StrToInt(edtShot.Text); // I don't know what this value is
i := sqr(k); // k is random, uninitialized - could be anything
k := sqrt(i+val); // maybe 3.23452E-14...maybe 1.9234e12
m := 0; // Since i is a square, it WILL be positive!
// same for k
while (i <= 0) and (k <= 10) do //need to enclose these to compile!
begin // i will never be <= 0 unless k was
inc(m); // 0 to start - extremely unlikely
The important point is that k (and in fact, all the local variables) has whatever random garbage value was in its memory location when this method was entered. If you do not assign it a value before using it, you are using a random, probably quite large or extremely small value. This makes your program unpredictable. The compiler also should warn you about this! Don't ignore compiler warnings.
Consider now :
until (i > 0) and (k > 10); //need to enclose these to compile!
// i almost certain to be >0, likewise k very
// likely to be > 10
By the same logic as above, both k and i are likely to have values that are very large or very small . Depending on the starting value of k your loops will either repeat forever or not run at all. Since the loop conditions are fundamentally different, one or the other may be more likely to fall under either category. This is why you are observing this behaviour - it has nothing to do with while or repeat loops, it has to do with the fact that you are testing nonsense code with different conditions.

Delphi - Calculate Minimum Maximum and Average in items in a list

I am building a single application to Calculate Min Max and Avg of Values in a List.
It is actually Temperatures. So I think I am Almost correct but there are 2 Errors.
Count, Average, Sum,i, Max, Min, K : Integer;
Temperatures : Array of Integer;
NoItems : Double;
Count := 0;
Sum := 0;
Max := 0;
Min := 0;
Average := 0;
Count := lstTemp.Items.Count;
{Calculate Sum of Values in the list}
for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
Sum := Sum + StrToInt(lstTemp.Items[i]);
{Calculate Min and Max}
for K:=0 to Count-1 do
Temperatures[K] := lstTemp.Items[K];
if (Temperatures[K] > Max) then
Max := Temperatures[K];
if (Temperatures[K] < Min) then
Min := Temperatures[K];
{Calculate Average}
Average := Sum / Count;
edtAvg.Text:=IntToStr(Average); //Display Average
edtAvg.Text:=IntToStr(Min); //Display Minimum Temp.
edtAvg.Text:=IntToStr(Max); //Display Maximum Temp.
So the 2 Errors are
Error: Incompatible types: got "AnsiString" expected "LongInt"
This is for Average := Sum / Count;
Error: Incompatible types: got "Set Of Byte" expected "Double"
This Error is for Temperatures[K] := lstTemp.Items[K];
Any Ideas how to solve this?
Sum and Count are both Integers so I dont know why it shouldnt work!
There is a number of problems. First, when you write
for K:=0 to Count-1 do
Temperatures[K] := lstTemp.Items[K];
if (Temperatures[K] > Max) then
Max := Temperatures[K];
if (Temperatures[K] < Min) then
Min := Temperatures[K];
you actually do
for K:=0 to Count-1 do
Temperatures[K] := lstTemp.Items[K];
if (Temperatures[K] > Max) then
Max := Temperatures[K];
if (Temperatures[K] < Min) then
Min := Temperatures[K];
which is nonsense. You want all these lines to be part of the for loop:
for K:=0 to Count-1 do
Temperatures[K] := lstTemp.Items[K];
if (Temperatures[K] > Max) then
Max := Temperatures[K];
if (Temperatures[K] < Min) then
Min := Temperatures[K];
Second, in order for this algorithm to work, the initial value of Min (Max) needs to be larger (smaller) than the values in the list. This might work for Max := 0, but probably not for Min := 0. You need to set Min to a very large value before you run the loop, obviously. The best value you can use is the highest-possible signed 32-bit integer value, that is, 2^31 - 1, which is the value of the MaxInt constant.
Temperatures[K] := lstTemp.Items[K];
is probably wrong. Temperatures is an array of integers, while lstTemp.Items[K] is a string (at least according to StrToInt(lstTemp.Items[i])), so you need
Temperatures[K] := StrToInt(lstTemp.Items[K]);
Fourth, you declare Average as an integer, but it needs to be a floating-point number (obviously), like real or double.
edtAvg.Text:=IntToStr(Average); //Display Average
edtAvg.Text:=IntToStr(Min); //Display Minimum Temp.
edtAvg.Text:=IntToStr(Max); //Display Maximum Temp.
is not techncally incorrect, but will most likely not do what you want.
Sixth, although not an error, there is no need for you to initialise Count and Average to 0. Finally, you only need a single for loop.
There is (at least in Delphi 2010 - unit Math) one function that will calculate the mean and standard deviation in one step and functions that return the minimum and maximum values in an array. BTW, Mean is the arithmetic average of all the values and is the correct term. (I copied an example that I am working on and modified to your example - it compiles at least):
a = array of double;
Temperatures : a;
Average,stddev3, Max, Min : extended;
// Compiler insists on extended for these properties
Max := Math.MaxValue(Temperatures);
Min := Math.MinValue(Temperatures);
Math.MeanAndStdDev(Temperatures ,Average,stddev3);
For the maximum value in an array use (it takes an array of double and returns double):
function MaxValue(const Data: array of Double): Double;
For the minimum value use the corresponding:
function MinValue(const Data: array of Double): Double;
I agree that average cannot be an integer, but there are 2 similar functions for integer arrays:
function MinIntValue(const Data: array of Integer): Integer; and
function MaxIntValue(const Data: array of Integer): Integer;
0909EM's reply was very well done, but I have a few disagreements. First, I don't believe there's a need to set any sentinel value at all; simply use the first temperature value. Second, if we put a Begin and End around every single line If statement we'd approach COBOL-like levels of English verbosity. As it is, it's a crying shame this simple problem takes so much code. Third, I would not use StrToIntDef. Remember these lines from the Zen Of Python (I don't care if you don't know Python; everyone should memorize it, at least until we get an I Ching of Intersimone):
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
If a user passes incorrect data into the temperature stats procedure, StrToIntDef is going to silently convert these values to zeroes, an unexpected and undesired behavior. The caller is going to get back answers that they assume are ok (because of no errors), yet will have incorrect values (especially the average). It is a far better thing to let the procedure blow up so testing will reveal the incorrect input.
I'd also replace the For loops with For...in. I banged this together:
program temps;
{$R *.res}
System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Generics.Collections, Math;
someTemps : TStringList;
Procedure TempStats(temperatures : TStringList);
temps : TList<Real>;
minTemp, maxTemp, sumTemps : Real;
numTemps : Integer;
tempStr : String;
temp : Real;
avgTemp : Real;
numTemps := temperatures.Count;
If numTemps > 0 then
temps := TList<Real>.Create;
For tempStr in temperatures Do
minTemp := temps[0];
maxTemp := temps[0];
sumTemps := 0;
For temp in temps Do
minTemp := Min(minTemp, temp);
maxTemp := Max(maxTemp, temp);
sumTemps := sumTemps + temp;
avgTemp := sumTemps / numTemps;
WriteLn('No temperatures passed.');
someTemps := TStringList.Create;
someTemps.AddStrings(TArray<String>.Create('72', '93', '84', '76', '82'));
Firstly, Consider using StrToIntDef (String To Integer with a Default value) instead of StrToInt (String to Integer) this will yield the following...
value := StrToIntDef('Abcdef', 0); // value will be zero
value := StrToInt('Abcdef'); // exception
But the question is do you want integers or floating point values for your temperatures? (eg 1 or 1.6?) If you want floating point values, maybe use StrToFloatDef...
Second, I've seen lots of grads that use Delphi make this mistake, try to always use begin and end, it'll help... because it makes it really clear what you are doing inside a if/for/while and what you intend to do outside..
for i := 0 to lstTemp.Items.Count - 1 do
// Sum all the items in the list
Sum := Sum + StrToIntDef(lstTemp.Items[i], 0);
Next up your array is a bit pointless, the SetLength and adding items bit is OK, but its not very functional, when you could just use the items in the list. All you need to do is hang onto the max and min values.
Then your last problem is that Average isn't going to be a whole integer, its going to have a fractional part. Eg. 5 divided by 2 is 2.5, not 2 and not 3. You could use trunc to return just the integer part, or change Average so that its a floating point number...
for K:=0 to lstTemp.Items.Count-1 do
if (StrToIntDef(lstTemp.Items[K], 0) > Max) then
Max := StrToIntDef(lstTemp.Items[K], 0);
if (StrToIntDef(lstTemp.Items[K], 1000) < Min) then // note, really high number
Min := StrToIntDef(lstTemp.Items[K], 1000);
{Calculate Average}
Average := Trunc(Sum / Count); // do you really want to trunc this? I suspect not.
if Min = 1000 then // just incase
Min := 0;
The final problem you will face is that your always setting the text of the same text box...
edtAvg.Text:=IntToStr(Average); //Display Average
edtMin.Text:=IntToStr(Min); //Display Minimum Temp. (I assume this is supposed to be edtMin)
edtMax.Text:=IntToStr(Max); //Display Maximum Temp. (I assume this is supposed to be edtMax)
I suppose the final improvement I'd make is noticing that you only need one for loop...
for K:=0 to lstTemp.Items.Count-1 do
// Sum all the items in the list
Sum := Sum + StrToIntDef(lstTemp.Items[K], 0);
if (StrToIntDef(lstTemp.Items[K], Low(Integer)) > Max) then // A really low value
Max := StrToIntDef(lstTemp.Items[K], Low(Integer));
if (StrToIntDef(lstTemp.Items[K], High(Integer)) < Min) then // A really high value
Min := StrToIntDef(lstTemp.Items[K], High(Integer));
The most important idea on how to solve this is to read your error messages properly. On a previous question you commented: "the error was saying it is an overloaded function or something". That attitude is not going to help you understand the problem. You need to read the error messages properly.
In this question you give the following description of your errors:
So the 2 Errors are Error: Incompatible types: got "AnsiString" expected "LongInt" This is for Average := Sum / Count; Error: Incompatible types: got "Set Of Byte" expected "Double" This Error is for Temperatures[K] := lstTemp.Items[K];
However, the description does not correspond to the errors you should be seeing based on the code provided.
It looks like you didn't read your errors, and just blindly started making changes in the hopes you would accidentally do something right. Because you didn't read the errors, you didn't notice that they changed. So when you came to us looking for help, you provided old errors with new code or vice-versa.
If you had actually read your error messages properly, you might have been able to solve the problem yourself. At the least, you would have been able to ask a better question with a description that actually matched the code.
Average := Sum / Count;
Average, Sum and Count are all declared as Integer. The error message you should be getting is: "Incompatible types: Integer and Extended".
If you read the error message, it should give you a clue to read up on Integer and Extended.
The problem here is that, in maths, division produces a Rational number. And correspondingly the result of a division operation in a program is not an Integer. So you need to declare Average as either Double or Extended.
Temperatures[K] := lstTemp.Items[K];
Temperatures is declared as an array of Integer. You haven't shown the declaration of lstTemp, but based on other code it's one of the standard Delphi Controls that has Items declared as TStrings. So the error message you should be getting is: "Incompatible types: Integer and string".
If you read the error message, it should give you a clue to do the same thing you did 5 lines earlier.
The reason for this error is that Delphi is a "strongly typed" language. The compiler tries to prevent you from making certain kinds of mistakes because it is much better catch them early. Imagine what might happen if one of the values in lstTemp were 'Hello'. That cannot be converted to an Integer; and would cause a "run-time" error in your program.
To fix this problem you need to tell the compiler: "I know the value is a string and could be any string, but I want you to convert it to an Integer". You do this by calling the StrToInt function. NOTE: You will still get a run time error if an invalid string is passed to the function, but by being forced to explicitly do the conversion, you can think about whether you want to do some pre-validation of your input data.
You asked about the errors reported by the compiler. That's just one kind of error you'll face when programming - and usually the easiest to resolve. You'll also encounter logic errors: where your program compiles successfully, but doesn't behave correctly. Andreas's excellent answer has covered those already, so I'll not repeat them.
However, I will give you some valuable advice. Once you've gotten over the hurdle of resolving compiler errors, and are able to do so easily - you need to as quickly as possible:
Get into the habit of testing your code thoroughly.
Learn how to use the integrated debugger.
Learn about its limitations.
Learn other debugging techniques: logging, profiling, pre- and post-condition checking.
Finally, as a response to alcalde's rant about there not being any simple functions to get Min, Max, Sum or Avg: I offer another possible implementation.
Basically the rant was about the fact that he'd far rather write something along the lines of:
if (lstTemp.Count > 0) then
edtMin.Text := lstTemp.Min;
edtMax.Text := lstTemp.Max;
edtAvg.Text := lstTemp.Average;
ShowMessage('List is empty');
Obviously the above code won't compile, but with a little work we can achieve something similar.
He's perfectly right on two counts: (1) that this implementation would be cleaner, much easier to maintain and with less chance of errors. (2) Delphi doesn't provide a way to simply do that.
In fact, if you follow a top-down design approach, this might be your initial pseudo-code. You should be taught about top-down design, if not demand your money back. :)
The whole point behind the top-down-design approach is that you're looking for an ideal implementation. You're not worrying about what is/isn't there. If the current library and tools don't provide a Min function, you can write your own.
You are a programmer, you have the power!
I sometimes like to call this "wishful thinking programming". You're wishing if other things were in place, I could implement the functionality much more easily like "this". Then you go about making your wish come true.
Without further ado, here's the implementation. You will need to use the Math unit.
{ We will call existing functions that take TDoubleArray as input }
TDoubleArray = array of Double;
TStringsHelper = class(TStrings)
{ A useful class to help us convert TStrings into TDoubleArray }
class function Using(AStrings: TStrings): TStringsHelper;
function AsDoubleArray: TDoubleArray;
{ TStringsHelper }
function TStringsHelper.AsDoubleArray: TDoubleArray;
LoopI: Integer;
SetLength(Result, Count);
for LoopI := 0 to Count - 1 do
Result[LoopI] := StrToFloat(Strings[LoopI]);
class function TStringsHelper.Using(AStrings: TStrings): TStringsHelper;
Result := TStringsHelper(AStrings);
LTemperatures: TDoubleArray;
{ This code is almost the same as our "ideal" implementation }
if (lstTemp.Items.Count > 0) then
LTemperatures := TStringsHelper.Using(lstTemp.Items).AsDoubleArray;
edtMin.Text := FloatToStr(MinValue(LTemperatures));
edtMin.Text := FloatToStr(MaxValue(LTemperatures));
edtMin.Text := FloatToStr(Mean(LTemperatures));
ShowMessage('List is empty');
What values are in lstTemp.Items[i]?
I suppose the values are integers (without floating points), because you are using IntToStr.
Average cannot be an integer. Integer is a number (4 bytes) without a floating point. A simple numbers, such as 2,3,50,1500, -100
Assume that Sum = 100, and the Count = 3.
What Average will be?
So, you have to use float variable type, Double for example.
I hope it helps...

Delphi(2006) Loop Help

So What I'm essentially trying to do is have something happen 70% of the time, another few things happen 10% of the time each if that makes sense but my app doesn't seem to do any of the actions I'm guessing I'm misunderstanding the loop syntax or something, anyway if anyone could take a look and maybe give me some advice
per1 := 70;
per2 := 77;
per3 := 84;
per4 := 91;
per5 := 100;
per6 := Random(2) + 1;
RandPer:= Random(100);
RandPer2 := Random(100);
if RandPer2 <= 70 then begin
If RandPer <= per1 then begin
end Else If RandPer <= per2 then begin
end Else begin If RandPer <= per3 then begin
end Else begin If RandPer <= per4 then begin
end Else begin If RandPer <= per5 then begin
You don't have any loop syntax, so that's certainly a possible source of your confusion.
Do not call Randomize multiple times. It reinitializes the random seed each time you do, and that's based on the system clock. If your code runs faster than the clock advances, then your several calls to Randomize will actually reset the random seed to the same value it had before, resulting in repeated Random calls returning the same value.
The help advises you to call Randomize just once at the start of your program. If you are writing a unit or component and you are not in charge of the whole program, then do not call Randomize at all. Instead, document that consumers of your code should call it themselves.
If you are writing a DLL and not using run-time packages, then call Randomize in an initialization function that your DLL exports; consumers of your DLL won't have access to your DLL's copy of the Delphi run-time library.
Also, if you want something to happen 70 percent of the time, then you should check whether your value is strictly less than 70. The possible return values of Random include zero; 70 percent of the results will be between 0 and 69 inclusive. Allowing 70 will actually make the event happen 71 percent of the time.
Finally, your calculations of 10 percent of the time don't make sense to me. You have three events that will happen 7 percent of the time, and one that will happen 9 percent of the time. You can't have four events that each happen 10 percent of the time when you only have 30 percent remaining. Do you mean for each event's frequency to be measured independently of the others? If so, then do not link all your conditional tests together with else; Use completely a separate if statement for each one.
I just modified CharlesF code to do what you need.
Hope CharlesF won't mind.
for i := 0 to NumberOfTimesNeed do
R := Random(100);
case R of
0..69 : Functiontest(1); // this will fire 70% of NumberofTimes
70..79 : Funciotntest(2); // 10 percent
80..89 : Funciotntest(3); // 10 percent
90..94 : Funciotntest(4); // 5 percent
// and so on ...
